View Full Version : Canadian Defense Minister Backs U.S. Plan

lucky wilbury
09-25-2004, 03:28 PM

Canadian Defense Minister Backs U.S. Plan


OTTAWA (AP) - Canada's possible entry into the U.S. missile-defense program still hinges on talks with the United States, Defense Minister Bill Graham said Thursday.

But he offered an indication of which way Canada is leaning by defending the project and taking a swipe at suggestions it would lead to weapons in space.

"It's an important program in the context of Canada-U.S. relations," he said. "I'm continuing these negotiations with that attitude - we're partners for the defense of North America and I think we must remain partners."

The United States is developing a shield against ballistic missiles to guard against potential threats from countries like North Korea. The first component of the system, a ground-based missile interceptor, was installed in July in Alaska and several more are planned for sites in Alaska and California. U.S. officials want allies like Britain, Canada, Japan and Australia involved in the project, particularly to use satellite tracking stations in those countries.

Canada has not been asked for any money or land to base missile defenses. But it has agreed to share North American Air Defense (NORAD) data to help the plan.

He defended the timing of the project against critics who dub it an elaborate Cold War relic that is outdated in the modern fight against low-budget terrorist operations.

The United States is simply looking ahead and preparing for threats that might emerge someday from hostile nations or terrorists who get their hands on ballistic missiles, Graham said.