View Full Version : The Bce V/s Ford

10-06-2004, 03:44 PM
If there is such a thing as the BCE and they are all knowing and all powerful, Why have they not "neutralized" our good friend Ford for exposing them?

10-06-2004, 04:02 PM
because he has a tin foil hat on and they can't control his brain anymore, dumbass

10-06-2004, 04:06 PM
Cmon ODS, you can do better than that.

10-06-2004, 04:07 PM
I thought that's why Carl Rove is sending operatives over here? :confused:

10-06-2004, 06:34 PM
FORD is actually a BCE operative, folks... Yes, it's true, but it's yet another way we, er, I mean THEY, control the message. Diversion, distraction, FUD, you name it, THEY have all the means to control EVERY message.

Wonder why no one believes in UFOs? Because the BCE is behind the discrediting campaign to make eye witnesses out to be lunatics, as well as floating misinformation and other hoaxes to various news outlets and to dupe the unsuspecting public. Look... if you want the public to discount the veracity of statements the likes of which Ford proclaims daily, what's the best way to do it? Put an operative like Ford in place to "uncover all the facts" and "go public" with his rants and raves, but in such a way that he undermines the very truth of what he says, through outlandish conspiracy theories, spewing vitriol for the BCE, etc. He's the BCE's greatest weapon... the more he shouts the truth from the mountaintops, the less people take him seriously...

Sadly, because of the BCE, he's saddled with a Cassandra complex... he speaks the truth, yet is cursed in that no one will believe him...

Sieg Oil!


Guitar Shark
10-06-2004, 07:35 PM
LOL, brilliant. :D

10-06-2004, 07:41 PM
Whatever Icon's drinking, I hope he writes about it in the Beercyclopedia thread :gulp:

Sieg Oil!

FORD, Chairman
Local BCE chapter #666