View Full Version : Nightline

10-29-2004, 12:09 AM
According to Nightline aired 10/28/04, should Junior get re-elected, it is a sure bet Colin Powell will leave the Adminstration as will Richard Armitage and Condi Rice. But Donald Rumsfeld will probably be held over for some inexplicable, fucking asinine reason.

It won't matter anyways because Kerry is going to win. But it is good to have another reason why he should win. Not that I needed anymore reasons.

10-29-2004, 10:25 AM
I still wanna know why Ari Fleisher jumped ship. I think it's because he felt bad that his whole job was to lie to the world.

10-29-2004, 01:43 PM
If anyone bothers to read my "Rumfeld's Bright Shining War" thread, they'll see that a lot of high level Ademinstration officials have jumped ship: Like the Secretery of the Army, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and many other critics that were interviewed fro PBS's Frontline program on Rummy.