View Full Version : P.C. Scholars Removing Christ from A.D., B.C.

04-25-2005, 06:59 AM
In certain precincts of a world encouraged to embrace differences, Christ is out.

The terms "B.C." and "A.D." increasingly are shunned by certain scholars.

Story Continues Below

Educators and historians say schools from North America to Australia have been changing the terms "Before Christ," or B.C., to "Before Common Era," or B.C.E., and "anno Domini" (Latin for "in the year of the Lord") to "Common Era." In short, they're referred to as B.C.E. and C.E.

The life of Christ still divides the epochs, but the change has stoked the ire of Christians and religious leaders who see it as an attack on a social and political order that has been in place for centuries.

For more than a century, Hebrew lessons have used B.C.E. and C.E., with C.E. sometimes referring to Christian Era.

This raises the question: Can old and new coexist in harmony, or must one give way to the other to reflect changing times and attitudes?

The terms B.C. and A.D. have clear Catholic roots. Dionysius Exiguus, an abbot in Rome, devised them as a way to determine the date for Easter for Pope St. John I. The terms were continued under the Gregorian Calendar, created in 1582 under Pope Gregory XIII.

Although most calendars are based on an epoch or person, B.C. and A.D. have always presented a particular problem for historians: There is no year zero; there's a 33-year gap, reflecting the life of Christ, dividing the epochs. Critics say that's additional reason to replace the Christian-based terms.

"When Jews or Muslims have to put Christ in the middle of our calendar ... that's difficult for us," said Steven M. Brown, dean of the William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City.

The new terms were introduced by academics in the 1990s in public elementary and high school classrooms.

In New York, the terms are entering public classrooms through textbooks and worksheets, but B.C.E. and C.E. are not part of the state's official curriculum, and there is no plan to debate the issue, said state Education Department spokesman Jonathan Burman.

"The standard textbooks primarily used in New York use the terms A.D. and B.C.," Mr. Burman said. Schools, however, may choose to use the new terms, although B.C. and A.D. will continue to be used in the state Regents exams, many of which are required for high school graduation.

Candace de Russy, a national writer on education and Catholic issues and a trustee for the State University of New York, doesn't accept the notion of fence-straddling.

"The use of B.C.E. and C.E. is not mere verbal tweaking; rather it is integral to the leftist language police -- a concerted attack on the religious foundation of our social and political order," she said.

For centuries, B.C. and A.D. were used in public schools and universities, and in historical and most theological research. Some historians and college instructors started using the new forms as a less Christ-centric alternative.

"I think it's pretty common now," said Gary B. Nash, director of the National Center for History in the Schools. "Once you take a global approach, it makes sense not to make a dating system applicable only to a relative few."

But not everyone takes that pluralistic view.

"I find it distressing; I don't like it," said Gilbert Sewall, director of the American Textbook Council, which finds politics intruding on instruction. He said changing terms accepted for centuries because of a current social movement could threaten other long-held principles.

Mr. Nash said most major textbook companies have adopted the new terms, which are part of the national world history standards. But even those standards have been called into question.

In a 2000 national resolution, the Southern Baptist Convention condemned the new terms as "the result of the secularization, anti-supernaturalism, religious pluralism, and political correctness pervasive in our society." "Is that some sort of the political correctness?" said Tim Callahan, of the Professional Association of Georgia Educators, an independent group with 60,000 educator members. "It sounds pretty silly to me."

© 2005 Associated Press

04-25-2005, 11:37 AM

Well then you know who's behind that ;)

04-25-2005, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by DrMaddVibe
In certain precincts of a world encouraged to embrace differences, Christ is out.

The terms "B.C." and "A.D." increasingly are shunned by certain scholars.

This has been pretty much the standard usage for the last 30 years or so. I don't think there's any great conspiracy behind it, just a recognition that the majority of the planet doesn't give a rats ass about the arbitrary date that the Catholic church set as the birthday of baby G.

04-25-2005, 11:53 AM
Too bad the Romans didn´t remove Christ from the face of the Earth a lot earlier than they did!

Jesus Christ
04-25-2005, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by kentuckyklira
Too bad the Romans didn´t remove Christ from the face of the Earth a lot earlier than they did!

When was the last time it rained frogs in Germany, My son? :mad:

04-25-2005, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by kentuckyklira
Too bad the Romans didn´t remove Christ from the face of the Earth a lot earlier than they did!

I honestly pray for your soul, bro. You are the most desperately lost soul i think i have ever encountered in my lifetime.

I would really like to know, have you formed your opinion on your own after researching God or have you just been told what to believe all your miserable life?

04-25-2005, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Cathedral
I honestly pray for your soul, bro. You are the most desperately lost soul i think i have ever encountered in my lifetime.

I would really like to know, have you formed your opinion on your own after researching God or have you just been told what to believe all your miserable life?

Nice one man, nice one.

04-25-2005, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by fe_lung
This has been pretty much the standard usage for the last 30 years or so. I don't think there's any great conspiracy behind it, just a recognition that the majority of the planet doesn't give a rats ass about the arbitrary date that the Catholic church set as the birthday of baby G.

But it wasn't the Church who set the calendar as it was. It was the Romans. BC and AD kind of got added to it because the majority of people using the calendar system where Christians and it helped distinguish between the first year 6 and the second year 6.

04-25-2005, 01:51 PM
I hate that Before Common Era shit! I'm not religious, but I don't go fucking mental at the mention of Jesus. I know there are plenty of other religions out there but sorry, the calendar adopted by most everyone is based on Jesus and I don't think it's going to change anytime soon.

Besides how would you answer the question, "What defines the beginning of the common era?" without mentioning "he who we do not speak of?"

04-25-2005, 02:53 PM
Figs...Prince went back to his name. He's no longer that squiggly line design thingy.


04-25-2005, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Jesus Christ
When was the last time it rained frogs in Germany, My son? :mad: Make 'em big enough!

I like Frog´s legs in French garlic sauce!

04-25-2005, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Cathedral
I honestly pray for your soul, bro. You are the most desperately lost soul i think i have ever encountered in my lifetime.

I would really like to know, have you formed your opinion on your own after researching God or have you just been told what to believe all your miserable life? I´ll be on a business trip to New York City from Mai 5th to Mai 9th. We could meet and discuss!

To be honest, I formed my opinion 100% on my own, and my life is far from miserable. I actually enjoy it a lot and this year has been one of the best so far!

Long live Roth and Roll!

04-25-2005, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by McCarrens
Nice one man, nice one. To imagine you guys "honestly praying for my soul" makes me enjoy my beer even more!

Thanks guys!

04-25-2005, 06:30 PM
"Forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Nitro Express
04-25-2005, 11:38 PM
If Christ exists, the growing trend to eliminate his image from everything will be greeted with his second comming in which he will burn up all the non believers with fire and clense the earth.

If Christ does not exist he will become weaker and weaker with every generation until paganism replaces him.

To a true believing Christian, the increase of anti-Christian behavior should make them rock hard. It means the Anti-Christ is organizing his followers and the one world order and Armegedon is coming. One shitty mess that Christ will clean up with major whoop ass.

04-25-2005, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Nitro Express

If Christ does not exist he will become weaker and weaker with every generation until paganism replaces him.

I don't know how to word this exactly...

Do you think that paganism is replacing Jesus? To me, it seems like more just an refusal in belief in anything not scientific.

Dr. Love
04-26-2005, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by kentuckyklira
Too bad the Romans didn´t remove Christ from the face of the Earth a lot earlier than they did!

Too bad the allies didn't remove your bloodline from the face of the Earth in WW2.

04-26-2005, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by Dr. Love
Too bad the allies didn't remove your bloodline from the face of the Earth in WW2. How "Christian" of you!

Why do want to make baby Jesus cry??


Dr. Love
04-26-2005, 08:58 AM
I'm not Christian, dumbass.

04-26-2005, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by Dr. Love
I'm not Christian, dumbass. Then what´s your fucking problem??

04-26-2005, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by kentuckyklira
I´ll be on a business trip to New York City from Mai 5th to Mai 9th. We could meet and discuss!

To be honest, I formed my opinion 100% on my own, and my life is far from miserable. I actually enjoy it a lot and this year has been one of the best so far!

Long live Roth and Roll!

I won't be in New York on those dates but i would like to meet you face to face sometime in the future.
Perhaps Ally could be my surrogate and fill in for me in the meantime. :)

My comment about your life being miserable was not an insult, it is an opinion based on numerous posts you have made to this forum. i find it impossible to get the impression that you aren't somewhat miserable based on your demeanor.
I am glad to know you are having a great year, that is better than most people can say, but i also want to add that without Christ in your life that is sadly all you will ever have.
So many people who don't believe in God or Jesus may prosper in this flesh life, but the moment Jesus returns it will be Payback for some and Payday for those who are obedient to God.

May i ask exactly what you did that allowed you to reach the conclusion that God does not exist?
Did you study the scriptures and come to this conclusion?

So many people have said to me, "I've read the bible and it is only a bunch of stories that contradict each other".
Well, I can tell you that i had that same experience from simply "reading" the book.
The difference came when i decided to prove everything and actually study the book, breaking it down and actually proving what i had read.

If you take the time to do that i can almost guarentee you will walk away thinking differently than you do right now.
But you have to set aside everything you have learned up till now and research the scriptures with an open mind, that of a child.

Hell will be full of church leaders and their followers because they have perpetuated great lies, the most important of those lies being the existance of a thing called the Rapture, which is based on a dream by a mentally ill woman in Scotland in the year 1830.
She was no prophet and the apostle Paul was clear on how and when Jesus Christ will return.

You have the freedom of will to believe what you choose, but i implore you to take a second look at the scripture and do more than just read it.

04-26-2005, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Nitro Express
If Christ exists, the growing trend to eliminate his image from everything will be greeted with his second comming in which he will burn up all the non believers with fire and clense the earth.

If Christ does not exist he will become weaker and weaker with every generation until paganism replaces him.

To a true believing Christian, the increase of anti-Christian behavior should make them rock hard. It means the Anti-Christ is organizing his followers and the one world order and Armegedon is coming. One shitty mess that Christ will clean up with major whoop ass.

Ironically, there are more and more people turning to Christ than ever before in the history of the world.
My concern is that they are joining churches that are teaching a false doctrine, not of God.
Oh they dance in the isles really nice, speak in a language they pretend they don't know they're doing, but they are so far off base that when the Anti-Christ appears at the 6th Trump they will be fooled into thinking he is THE Christ.

One sure fire way to know he is a false God is to look at themselves, if they are still of a flesh body, he isn't Christ.
They will see this man doing magic and they will drop to their knee's in worship because he has come to take them away in a Rapture.

Folks, No Rapture will spare you the tribulation, sorry, but it ain't gonna happen.
Satan is cast to earth at the 6th Trump, Jesus returns at the 7th, you do the math here.
Satan will claim to be God, he'll play with lightning and work awesome magic, but it ain't God.

04-26-2005, 03:35 PM
Amen Brother Cathedral.

I used to believe in the rapture until I wised up. The Bible has always said that Jesus will come on the last day. Not seven years prior to the last day, as those guys like LaHaye will try and tell you.

04-26-2005, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Cathedral

May i ask exactly what you did that allowed you to reach the conclusion that God does not exist?

So many people have said to me, "I've read the bible and it is only a bunch of stories that contradict each other".
Of course you may!

First of all, of course the contradictions in the Bible and the hypocrisy and self-righteousness of today´s average Christian didn´t exactly help.

But then, I was raised without any reference to religion, so I didn´t have to read anything to back any beliefs because I wasn´t raised with any.

The major problem though is, that dozens, if not hundreds of religions and denominations can put together quite a case for their beliefs, with Buddhists certainly doing a hell of a lot of a better job than Christians. Who´s to tell which is right and the one´s who are wrong certainly aren´t being struck by lightning currently.

In due consequence of course, the argument concerning what will happen once you´re dead is moot. After all, with no irrebutable truth around, nobody´s to tell if heaven, nirvana or whatever else awaits us.

All in all I can say, if you really want to know my stance on religion, read what Douglas Adams had to say about it. Then add some Aleister Crowley and philosophy of modern Satanism and you´ve got it.

04-26-2005, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Cathedral
Ironically, there are more and more people turning to Christ than ever before in the history of the world. The same can be said of Islam. Proves nothing, except that people are more and more gullible.

04-26-2005, 03:51 PM
So you are saying that you are a secular humanist then.

04-26-2005, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Warham
So you are saying that you are a secular humanist then. Sort of. Read some of this,


it might help!

There´s more if you want it!

04-26-2005, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by kentuckyklira

All in all I can say, if you really want to know my stance on religion, read what Douglas Adams had to say about it.

Douglas Adams was a great writer, but I can't exactly take seriously a theory where God sneezed the Universe into existence and we're all fearing the Coming Of The Great Hankie.

BTW, what do you think of the new Hitchikers movie? From what I've heard, they used a great deal of "creative license" with the story :(

04-26-2005, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by FORD
Douglas Adams was a great writer, but I can't exactly take seriously a theory where God sneezed the Universe into existence and we're all fearing the Coming Of The Great Hankie.

BTW, what do you think of the new Hitchikers movie? From what I've heard, they used a great deal of "creative license" with the story :( Haven´t seen the movie yet, but certainly will.

I´m not talking about the Coming Of The Great Hankie BTW. There are quite a few interviews with him on record where he states his stance on religion and why it´s obviously ridiculous.

Dr. Love
04-26-2005, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by kentuckyklira
Then what´s your fucking problem??

What, you don't like having someone push your buttons?

04-26-2005, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Dr. Love
What, you don't like having someone push your buttons? Feel free to push, but I´m used to better!

Betty Bush III
04-26-2005, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by Cathedral

The difference came when i decided to prove everything and actually study the book, breaking it down and actually proving what i had read.

What did you read in scripture that proves Gods existense? Is the concept of God coherent enough to begin with? Buddhists have Nirvana and would probably have a difficult time arriving at a resonalble definition of God from which to start. Armed with scripture, St. Anselm had to establish a premise/ definition of God to lead to his existencen of God conclusion. One has to buy the concept to even begin to prove it.

I don't know how one gets to Gods existence through specific research.
I'm curious to hear the breakdown.

04-26-2005, 10:36 PM
Only through faith.

04-26-2005, 10:56 PM
Buddhism is a philosophy...

Nirvana is a philosophic state...

04-27-2005, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by Betty Bush III
What did you read in scripture that proves Gods existense? Is the concept of God coherent enough to begin with? Buddhists have Nirvana and would probably have a difficult time arriving at a resonalble definition of God from which to start. Armed with scripture, St. Anselm had to establish a premise/ definition of God to lead to his existencen of God conclusion. One has to buy the concept to even begin to prove it.

I don't know how one gets to Gods existence through specific research.
I'm curious to hear the breakdown.

Everything in the scripture proves God's existance, it is his inspired words.
How do I know and what allowes me to believe that God exists?
Personal experience and the spiritual intervention that has allowed me to remain in this flesh age long enough to be posting this post.

I used to be a very dark person, into a lot of really dark things like black mass and summoning the dead. everything about me was different and i was heading down in a spiritual spiral faster than one can imagine....My faith in God was enlightening and it saved my life.
Personally, I saw evil up close and personal, i experienced it first hand and therefore what saved me from myself was God.

But it isn't God's existance that i researched, it was the scripture that is by no means being taught in an accurate light today.
What i meant by proving the scripture was that when i got to something i didn't fully understand i didn't rely on what man has said for centuries, I test the word against itself by by researching it line by line.
The bible is full of figures of speech and you have to know what the definitions of certain words were in that day to grasp it's full meaning and finally understand what is actually written.
The bible, when read and understood in it's proper context is not contradictory, though man and Satan really loves the idea that people think that, cause once you do, he has won and there will suddenly be no pressure on you, life will be grand, there is ironically no need for Satan to attack you anymore because you are already his.

But start seeing the truth, start living by faith and doing that which is pleasing to God and there will be things coming out of the wood work to bring you down.
I have lost more in my lifetime than most people ever achieve, but at this point, i may falter from time to time, but Satan no longer has a hold on me and life has never been better, there has never been such a calm over me such as i have today.

God is a personal thing, an experience that once experienced cannot be denied. But you have as much at stake with God as i do because he is no respector of persons, therefore his judgement is righteous and perfectly fair for all of us.

This post may have you snickering, and right now there is a demon over your shoulder making you think i am crazy, i know because i have been there....But if you begin to study and believe through faith that what God has said and what he has promised to us all through his son, Jesus Christ, you will begin to see the light and the blessings will abound and manifest in your life beyond anything you have ever known.
But don't take my word for it, prove all things for yourself and hold fast that which is good.

God doesn't expect us to blindly follow his word, but if you have no faith in him then there is no need to waste your time because he doesn't know you and you will see exactly what you want to see in the bible.
The word can be made to say and prove whatever you want it to say and prove, millions of churches prove that everyday.
All i can say is to open your heart and be willing to see things as they are as opposed to what the non-believer wants you to see.
One who puts his salvation in the hands of any man is a fool in the eyes of God and lost is exactly where that person will remain.

God Bless, and may you give him a chance to show you his glory as he has for me.

04-27-2005, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by ELVIS
Buddhism is a philosophy...

Nirvana is a philosophic state...

And Budd-man is still resting comfortably in his tomb, isn't he?
He was just a man, like any other, judgement will befall him as well.

History tells the story, it's all up to the individual to seek everlasting life or submit to Satans plan of spiritual destruction.
The Lord Jesus Christ rose from his tomb and went to prepare a place for us, he said it and it will come to pass.
But for those who waver in their faith and works on this earth, Jesus will not know them and it's not his fault that they have turned away from his glory.

It's an awful big decision and there is clearly more support to deny him than there is to accept him.
But everyone better know that your support group will be knowhere around when judgement stands in front of you....It will just be you and your Lord.

Are you ready?

04-27-2005, 11:12 AM
Sounds like you've really been lining yourself up to the truth...

Hang in there brother...


04-27-2005, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by Cathedral
Personally, I saw evil up close and personal, i experienced it first hand and therefore what saved me from myself was God. You should have changed your drug of choice, or your dealer!

04-27-2005, 11:50 AM
Always a putdown.

04-27-2005, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Warham
Always a putdown.

Don't fret it, bro, he can't put me down, it just isn't possible.
Just pray for the boy and continue to serve the Lord!

Elvis, Thanks, and you be sure and do the same, brother.

I'll see y'all in about a month or so, God Bless and Take Care!

04-27-2005, 01:35 PM
God bless, brother.


Betty Bush III
04-27-2005, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Cathedral
Everything in the scripture proves God's existance, it is his inspired words.
How do I know and what allowes me to believe that God exists?
Personal experience and the spiritual intervention that has allowed me to remain in this flesh age long enough to be posting this post.

I used to be a very dark person, into a lot of really dark things like black mass and summoning the dead. everything about me was different and i was heading down in a spiritual spiral faster than one can imagine....My faith in God was enlightening and it saved my life.
Personally, I saw evil up close and personal, i experienced it first hand and therefore what saved me from myself was God.

But it isn't God's existance that i researched, it was the scripture that is by no means being taught in an accurate light today.
What i meant by proving the scripture was that when i got to something i didn't fully understand i didn't rely on what man has said for centuries, I test the word against itself by by researching it line by line.
The bible is full of figures of speech and you have to know what the definitions of certain words were in that day to grasp it's full meaning and finally understand what is actually written.
The bible, when read and understood in it's proper context is not contradictory, though man and Satan really loves the idea that people think that, cause once you do, he has won and there will suddenly be no pressure on you, life will be grand, there is ironically no need for Satan to attack you anymore because you are already his.

But start seeing the truth, start living by faith and doing that which is pleasing to God and there will be things coming out of the wood work to bring you down.
I have lost more in my lifetime than most people ever achieve, but at this point, i may falter from time to time, but Satan no longer has a hold on me and life has never been better, there has never been such a calm over me such as i have today.

God is a personal thing, an experience that once experienced cannot be denied. But you have as much at stake with God as i do because he is no respector of persons, therefore his judgement is righteous and perfectly fair for all of us.

This post may have you snickering, and right now there is a demon over your shoulder making you think i am crazy, i know because i have been there....But if you begin to study and believe through faith that what God has said and what he has promised to us all through his son, Jesus Christ, you will begin to see the light and the blessings will abound and manifest in your life beyond anything you have ever known.
But don't take my word for it, prove all things for yourself and hold fast that which is good.

God doesn't expect us to blindly follow his word, but if you have no faith in him then there is no need to waste your time because he doesn't know you and you will see exactly what you want to see in the bible.
The word can be made to say and prove whatever you want it to say and prove, millions of churches prove that everyday.
All i can say is to open your heart and be willing to see things as they are as opposed to what the non-believer wants you to see.
One who puts his salvation in the hands of any man is a fool in the eyes of God and lost is exactly where that person will remain.

God Bless, and may you give him a chance to show you his glory as he has for me.

I'm in no way snickering at your personal relationship with God. I don't doubt it. I am spiritual. I wanted to get a definition of God from your perspective. Is it literal to the scripture etc..

Nitro Express
06-08-2005, 10:47 PM
Einstien once mentioned if there is a true faith, it will be the one with the most opposition. Ever notice how much anything Christian offends people these days. Shit, 20 years ago, we could care less about the Christian calendar or saying Merry Christmas. Certain loud voices in our society sure want to wipe anything Christian off the face of the earth.