View Full Version : Roth Army AA and NA

Lil Rchard Mrly
07-17-2005, 07:38 AM
I've been reading at this board for awhile and just recently registered. I like the honesty at this board. And for me, it would be a sin of ommission if I pretend not to see the words like meth and crack.

I'm no angel and I have smoked lotsa weed. For awhile I thought I would toke til the day I died. But now the desire to has subsided. I smoked in crackhouses along Crenshaw but for me the rush was too short for a stingy cat like me. Now with crystal meth, I got stuck. I'm going on six years now and I want to be rid of it and live a new life.

Meth is manmade and cheaply made. Unlike coke, you can get mass quantity cheap. To be a tweeker is now way to live. You always on the lookout thinking someone is after you. You throw everything you got just to hit the glass pipe. I know crack and tweak are two different monsters but if you wanna just express, feel free too. Just know you're not alone in this problem. Let's support one and other through these trials.

Much love,

Little Richard Marley

07-18-2005, 03:25 PM
Nice thread, douchebag.

What a fucking waste of space.

Golden AWe
07-18-2005, 04:35 PM
oh fakk

not another boring alias like faster pussycunt etc