View Full Version : Julie Burchill

Soul Reaper
08-13-2005, 07:11 AM
she annoys the fuck out of me. she thinks she's a chav and she's obviously not.

she thinks that chav is just a word for the working class. so my grandma is a chav then, huh?!

she says that anyone who doesn't watch or hates reality tv hates life in general and are against the 'working classes'.

opinions on this faker....

08-13-2005, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Soul Reaper
she says that anyone who doesn't watch or hates reality tv hates life in general and are against the 'working classes'.

In real life, her statement could be rated as "moronic", "retarded" or even "boring-cunt-who-stays-at-home-and-prays-that-she'll-be-cool-one-day".

But since this is the Internet, I'll say: Judgeing by the pic, she's a pig.

Soul Reaper
08-13-2005, 01:22 PM

Shaun Ponsonby
08-13-2005, 01:49 PM
Never heard of her.

But, anyone who says that anyone who doesn't watch or hates Reality TV hates life in general and are against the 'working classes' can go fuck themselves up the ass with a huge cucumber. I hate Reality TV and I AM working fucking class. Just because I don't see the point in sitting in a house watching peole sitting in a house, how does that come across as "I hate everyone"? How can somebody living in Liverpool hate the working class? Until the fucking tories came to power, we were the largest poort in the UK (Europe? Not sure on that).

Who is she?

Soul Reaper
08-13-2005, 01:50 PM
she's doing a programme called 'Realityy TV is good for you' soon