View Full Version : Enron:Smartest Guys In The Room

04-09-2006, 09:24 PM
Feels like this is the appropriate forum for this thread. Apologies to those who think not.

Recently watched Enron:The Smartest Guys In The Room on DVD. Had only a general sense of what the scandal was all about, and figured the dvd would be long on accounting and economics (which isn't of particular interest to me), short on human interest.

Was wrong.

The movie primarily focuses on Enron itself. Doesn't spend too much time on GW/Enron connections, although it does establish that W is plain lying when he says he hardly knew 'Kenny Boy'.

Just the scenes alone which explain the manipulation of the CA blackouts as being, from start to finish, an Enron-led scam...I'm not a babe in the woods, but this level of greed and personal selfishness at the expense of millions of 'rank-and-file' Americans is astonishing. Hearing taped excerpts of Enron traders made while the whole situation was unfolding...the glee they took in fucking those people over by consciously shutting down electrical grids to drive the price up...a level of greed and heartlessness that seriously blows my fucking mind.

Am not anti-wealth or anti-business at all, but I do think that at a certain point enough money should be enough and business, above all, should be a tool that provides employment and services to the community. Lay and the Enron senior executives, in the end, screwed their own companies employees over. Enron devolved into a shell-game scam, and had the complicity and active participation of investment banking houses, Wall Street analysts and various government officials to do it.

Anyway, excellent movie that took a subject I wouldn't have ordinarily found interesting and had me riveted. Has an agenda to be sure, but even the most ardent Lay defender can, at BEST, say that this guy was seriously inept.

Scary to think this dude is the type of person/caliber that the Bush Administration considered for a cabinet seat as Sec. Of Energy.