View Full Version : "Why We Fight"

07-18-2006, 08:28 PM
If anyone hasn't seen this documentary you really should watch it. Even retired CIA is talking about the plan Wolfuloshit/Cheney/Rumsfeld wrote in 92 to make America an Imperial Society. They are scared and after seeing this so am I. These three people are trying to negate the Constitution to make this country the "new" Rome.
I'm so thankful I got out of the military when I did cause I think we are about to make an unmeasureably stupid decision with this fucking monkey in office. I've been out for less than a week and I already feel liberated cause I can call him a fucking monkey and not have to fear anything cause I now have that right again.
It seems to me everyone is ignoring "Ike's" warning about the military complex getting out of hand and eventually becoming our own undoing.

07-18-2006, 08:43 PM
I agree that we ahould have heeded Ike's warning about the "military industrial complex", but I just can't understand why he, with an inside track to the BCE themselves, couldn't do more to bring them down. They weren't as all powerful in 1961 as they are now. For one, they certainly didn't own the media then.

Anyway, congratulations on your liberation from the Commander in Chimp!

07-18-2006, 08:52 PM
Thank you! I'm guessing he didn't try to do more because he was alone. How long after him leaving office was Kennedy assassinated for trying to make a difference?
I'm through with taking orders from someone I can't trust nor respect. When Halliburton contacted me I politely said "NO!" It would be the same chain of command and I ain't workin for those criminals ever again.
I'm afraid to say the name of the company I have an interview with later this week cause you just never know who is reading your posts. That interview could just easily disappear.

07-18-2006, 09:06 PM
So i see your op of the current administration...

I see you don't like the US becoming the new rome

I see you have felt liberated by calling the president a monkey..

I see you have job interview...

I see your paranoid about internet C I A operative squelching your
job interview...

I cannot see Why We Fight....?

Why! Mister, -First Hand Knowlege-, 2 weeks out of the Army ..Why?

07-18-2006, 09:10 PM
We fight because war generates income.
War is a business venture.

07-18-2006, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Cathedral
We fight because war generates income.
War is a business venture.

Yeah, as our "foreign aid" flows to Iraq, and gas skyrockets to $3.15 a gallon... And numerous funded projects are shortchanged in the U.S.

You actually have to produce stuff for war to generate income...

07-18-2006, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by Nickdfresh
Yeah, as our "foreign aid" flows to Iraq, and gas skyrockets to $3.15 a gallon... And numerous funded projects are shortchanged in the U.S.

You actually have to produce stuff for war to generate income...

They produce rubble that needs to be re-built, and you know who profits from that re-building.

All you pointed out is that we are the one's paying the bill and getting none of that back in return.

07-18-2006, 09:43 PM
You see alot for being blind! "Why We Fight" is the name of the documentary about the Iraq war and why this country is losing it's identity because a select few in government are effectively seizing power without any real opposition. It has retired CIA, retired military officers, congress, think tanks, government contractors etc and came out this year. I rented it and the only army I've ever been a member of is this board. No offense to the soldiers in here. I was in another branch of the military.

07-18-2006, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Cathedral
They produce rubble that needs to be re-built, and you know who profits from that re-building.

All you pointed out is that we are the one's paying the bill and getting none of that back in return.

Corporations that ass-fuck us and contribute little to the overall economy while driving up the cost of construction materials?

07-18-2006, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Cathedral
We fight because war generates income.
War is a business venture.

Or more accurately "a racket" according to General Smedley Butler, whom the BCE fascists actually handpicked as a fascist dictator, when they planned to overthrow FDR in 1935.

Butler was a true patriot and told them where to stick their fascist coup.

So they had to put it on the shelf, but it succeeded in 2000 :(

07-18-2006, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Cathedral
They produce rubble that needs to be re-built, and you know who profits from that re-building.

All you pointed out is that we are the one's paying the bill and getting none of that back in return.

Kinda makes you wonder why all that infrastructure in Lebanon is being blown to shit, doesn't it?

I'll bet Halliburton drafted the contracts already.....

07-18-2006, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by stringfelowhawk
You see alot for being blind! "Why We Fight" is the name of the documentary about the Iraq war and why this country is losing it's identity because a select few in government are effectively seizing power without any real opposition. It has retired CIA, retired military officers, congress, think tanks, government contractors etc and came out this year. I rented it and the only army I've ever been a member of is this board. No offense to the soldiers in here. I was in another branch of the military.

Duh, really?
I know what "Why We Fight" is, moron.

People need to take a sarcasm class, ya know, just so you can recognize it when you see it.

07-18-2006, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Nickdfresh
Corporations that ass-fuck us and contribute little to the overall economy while driving up the cost of construction materials?

Yeah, and remember that the prices are inflated on top of that...and from what i see, the work is shoddy at best if done at all.

They win, we all lose.

07-18-2006, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by FORD
Or more accurately "a racket" according to General Smedley Butler, whom the BCE fascists actually handpicked as a fascist dictator, when they planned to overthrow FDR in 1935.

Butler was a true patriot and told them where to stick their fascist coup.

So they had to put it on the shelf, but it succeeded in 2000 :(

You get my point, i knew you would.

07-18-2006, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by FORD
Kinda makes you wonder why all that infrastructure in Lebanon is being blown to shit, doesn't it?

I'll bet Halliburton drafted the contracts already.....

Yep, the very moment the strikes began it was the first thing i thought of.

07-18-2006, 10:08 PM
That's a bet even Vegas wouldn't take! Especially with this admin at this point in history.

I have a thing where if I rent movies I have to get a classic I haven't seen in a while or a new low budget foreign movie, or a documentary etc. I'm watching "Deadline" now. About the Illinois governor who granted clemency to everyone on Illinois "Death Row" after some college kids proved that three people convicted and sitting on it were innocent and were scheduled to be executed. Interesting shit I must say. The ones I got today were this, "Why We Fight", and "The Big One". All three have been surprisingly good. I watched a couple more good ones a few weeks ago. "Murder On a Sunday Morning" about how two Jacksonville, Fla detectives basically set up a 15 year old kid for killing a tourist at a motel. They literally saw a black kid walking down the street and said, "Hey, let's go talk to him"! That was the extent of their investigation and NO! I'm not leaving anythin out. That was fuckin IT! I was flabbergasted. Both were fired after it was proven he couldn't possibly have committed it and the kids lawyer actually tracked down the real killer after his client was cleared of all charges. It was a great doc. I also saw "Keep The River On Your Right" about a guy who walked into a jungle and lived with cannibals for years before he decided to walk out of the jungle and go home. Thirty or so years after leaving he has a job as a cruise ship area historian and takes groups to meet these people who are no longer practicing cannibalism. Interesting stuff.

07-18-2006, 10:15 PM
That's rich! Calling me names. I could retaliate but I'm in a good mood and feeling charitable so you get a free pass tonight. And with that I move on.

07-18-2006, 10:18 PM
Oh jeez

07-18-2006, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by stringfelowhawk
That's rich! Calling me names. I could retaliate but I'm in a good mood and feeling charitable so you get a free pass tonight. And with that I move on.

Maybe you should re-read the post you replied to mine with.
Something about being blind, you shot first.

Did the word moron hurt your feelings?
Too fucking bad.

But hey, if you have something else to add be my guest. I don't need your charity.