View Full Version : Islamic Terrorism Timeline

08-19-2006, 07:12 PM
Prophet Of Doom Website (http://www.prophetofdoom.net/article.aspx?g=41111)


What you are about to read is very controversial - not because the evidence is in dispute, but because it isn’t. Seventy percent of those reading this introduction won’t go on to consider what I have discovered because the facts regarding terrorism are contrary to their perceptions. Conservative Christians are intolerant of those who expose the failings of their country and government - a subject which is inescapable when dealing with the root cause of terror. Liberal Secularists are intolerant of those who are judgmental, especially if they hold a religion other than Christianity accountable for its atrocities. So if you fall into either of these camps, goodbye.

Facts which conflict with accepted societal notions - especially economic, political, and religions ones - are rejected by most people, even if they are irrefutable. We all have a lens through which we view the world, one crafted and shaped by religion, politics, race, or secular associations. Most folks are myopic, only seeing what is right before them. They aren’t concerned about the big picture because they lack perspective. And these conditions restrict and cloud the lens that is required to tie a broad array of facts together and form a clear and focused image.

Those steeped in America’s national religion, socialist secular humanism, will disregard all of the facts and write off this treatise as intolerant, hateful, unenlightened and bigoted. It is easier for them to demean the messenger than it is for them to deal with the message. Such people have been taught to be irrational, so this will come naturally. If you fall into this group, you will find nothing of value in this report. It’s not so much that your lens has been narrowed, but that it can no longer focus. You have lost the ability to be judgmental and with it, discernment.

If you are political, an NPR Democrat or a Limbaugh Republican, someone who shapes the facts to harmonize with their liberal or conservative agenda, chances are you will scan this material and then discredit it by impugning my motives. While you are able to focus your lens, it is occluded, blocking the passage of light which irritates a jaundiced eye. There are no heroes in this review and there is no reason for optimism. Truth is neither liberal nor conservative. Neither Democrat nor Republican hold the high moral ground when it comes to "the war on terrorism."

Political parties make a game of perceptions, creating an artificial perspective that they tout as reality. However, in this case, the evidence can’t be spun - there is too much of it and it all leads to the same place. The facts demean both political parties, proving that no one in politics or the media can be trusted. Therefore, liberals will write me off as a right wing, fundamentalist religious whacko while conservatives will claim that I’m an ungrateful, unpatriotic, anti-American liberal. Unable to deal with facts which prove everyone’s chosen party and favorite candidates are lying, the politicized will put the evidence in a box, apply a label, and close the lid.

The third filter precluding rational thought is conventional religion. This lens is the most convoluted. Religious people believe what they are told. They are conditioned not to question God, authority, or tradition. If you are religious, chances are you are comforted by illusions, ones that are in irreconcilable conflict with the divine revelation that forms the basis of your faith.

For example, while Yahweh’s Scripture tells us to be intolerant, to expose and condemn lies, we find the most vociferous, albeit ignorant, support for Islam in Catholicism, Evangelical Christianity, and in Socialist Secular Humanism. If you are a victim of these religious scams, I dare say that your lens is probably too misshapen to accept what lies before you. You will be particularly put off by my judgmental nature, uncompromising attitude, and sarcastic tone.

I’m not so much being defensive here as I am trying to cull the audience. Life is short; why waste people’s time. Only a tiny fraction of those who stumbled upon this review will be able to effectively process what it reveals. We live in a world that wants its ears tickled and that has become allergic to the truth.

What’s more, understanding doesn’t come easily. You have to want to know the truth sufficiently to be willing to invest the time needed to learn it. Understanding requires a foundation of fact. And wisdom requires the ability to connect those facts together so that they form a picture.

The Islamic Terror Timeline is several hundred pages long, and yet reading this review without first coming to understand Islam, and the religion’s direct connection to terrorism, would be like erecting a house before establishing the foundation. Said another way, the best way to understand today, is to view it from the perspective of yesterday. Once one knows where man has been, it’s easy to predict where he is going and why he is headed there.

The evidence - the only evidence - proves beyond any doubt that Muslims are terrorists because Muhammad, Islam’s lone prophet and Allah’s singular voice, was a ruthless and dedicated terrorist. Islamic militants, called insurgents today, are good Muslims, not bad ones. The jihadists haven’t corrupted Islam, hijacked their religion, nor interpreted it incorrectly, and therefore they aren’t radicals. Islam isn’t a peaceful religion; it is a declaration of war against all mankind. While bad Muslims can be moderate and peaceful, they have no influence because the Qur’an tells good Muslims to kill them.

Since what I claim is rationally irrefutable, it means that virtually everyone else is lying - including the president of the United States. With the liberty and prosperity of the entire world at stake, with blood and coin being spilled in great quantities over the "war on terror" - why? How is it that people are so ill-informed about the root cause of terrorism that political, religious, academic, financial, and media leaders get away with such errant proclamations? I’ll let you ponder that question for a moment.

Let’s turn back the clock to April, 1975, to a related subject: the fall of Saigon to the Communists. It forced Americans to recognize that they had been misled. The blood of 55,000 United States troops had been spilled for naught. Even worse, at the time America needed to deal with the funding mechanism fueling its real enemy, Islam, the U.S. became isolationist and demoralized.

Americans learned very little from Vietnam. I say this because the nation’s leaders have blindly repeated the same mistakes in Iraq. In both wars, one lie led to more. Half the populous became flag-waving cheerleaders for a failed cause. The other half became disillusioned protestors and societal dropouts.

Since the "war against terrorism" is inseparable from America’s misadventure in Iraq, we will invest considerable energy in unraveling its myths. What you will discover starting with the April 2003 exhibits in the Terror Timeline will radically change your view of America regardless of where you currently stand politically. But since the timeline commences in 1960, I think it is constructive to compare the ongoing conflict with a concluded one at this time so that you might move forward with a more skeptical attitude.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident used by President Johnson to solicit Congressional approval for the Vietnam War, never occurred. But once it was learned that the attack on an American warship was a fable, and Congress was committed, the war was justified by saying that the establishment of a free and democratic state in South Vietnam would thwart communist designs to take over that part of the world. Actually, it inspired and aided them. In truth, during the Vietnam era, American corporations and politicians were funding the communist regimes in China and the USSR which were equipping the militias that were killing American troops. In Iraq, the same thing is happening by way of an American corporate and political alliance with OPEC oil.

As evidence that history repeats itself, the alleged Iraqi purchase of uranium ore from Niger that was used by President Bush in his State of the Union speech to suggest that Saddam Hussein might be responsible for a "mushroom cloud" billowing over America, was a myth. In fact, this fabled excuse for war was known to be untrue, before, during, and after the time it was used to justify the unjustifiable.

The lie, however, was sufficient to gain Congressional approval for war. Yet when there were no weapons of mass destruction poised to clobber Americans, a new rationalization was required. So the nation was told that by establishing a free and democratic country in Iraq, the U.S. would thwart Islam’s designs to terrorize the world. And yet by turning over the government of Iraq to Islamic clerics, America achieved the opposite result. Under the control of the Shi’ites, Iraq will be a more violent place to live, it will now manufacture more terrorists, and the country under Sharia law will be less free and democratic than it was under the old secular regime. If you need proof, take an honest assessment of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan where Sharia law was imposed, where the Taliban controls everything outside of Kabul, and where heroin production is now the principle crop. Or consider this: over the last 30 years, Saddam Hussein poisoned 3,000 Iraqi civilians while over the past 3 years the Islamicists in control of Iraq have murdered 30,000 Iraqis.

In Vietnam and Iraq, America toppled existing governments, only to see their replacements become ever more corrupt and futile. In both cases, the violence escalated into civil war - ones that devastated the civilian populations the U.S. was allegedly trying to liberate. In both cases, the exit strategy became the training and equipping of the Vietnamese/Iraqis to protect themselves. In both cases over 250,000 native troops were equipped and trained and yet they consistently did more harm than good.

In Iraq, as in Vietnam, American troops were asked to battle an enemy which didn’t wear uniforms. It was impossible to tell friend from foe. And every bomb Americans dropped, and every shot they fired, manufactured a hundred combatants for every one that was killed. In fact, in both places, the Americans became the target of a vicious, low tech, guerilla hit and run campaign that caused tens of thousands of casualties.

I’ll bet you don’t know that mishaps and mistaken identities claimed the lives of 99.94% of the American soldiers who have died in Iraq. Saddam Hussein’s forces, the regime that the coalition went in to fight, claimed the rest. Five Americans were killed by Iraq’s armed forces; Iraqi civilians and accidents claimed 2,951 lives (2,592 American soldiers, 125 American civilians, and 227 coalition members as of August 10, 2006). And while that’s bad, the new Iraq has become a terrorist killing zone where over 30,000 Iraqi civilians have died as the result of terrorism - an average of 30 people per day.

President Johnson is recorded a year into the Vietnam War, after only 5,000 of what would ultimately be 55,000 American casualties, saying: "I know that there is no way to win this goddamn war but I can’t get out of it either. America will not tolerate a president who retreats in defeat." So he, like George Bush, would allow more Americans to die so that he could save face. There have been nearly 20,000 American casualties in Iraq, and over 2,700 Americans have come home in body bags. How many more boys will die and be mutilated before the nation realizes that Iraq, like Vietnam, was a mistake - a war that cannot, and could never be won. Democracy is based upon choice and choice cannot be compelled. And since "Islam" is Arabic for" submission," there will never be freedom where the religion is in control.

Unthinking Christian conservatives and flag-waving Republicans, plaster their cars with stickers which say "support our troops" while they rally around thoughtless slogans like "don’t cut and run," and "honor those who have died by staying the course." It is what happened in Vietnam. I was part of the problem then. And as a result of people like me, the lives of 55,000 young men and women were squandered because the nation would not stand up and hold its deceitful and self-serving politicians accountable. I’m sorry, I was wrong, but I won’t make the same mistake again. How about you?

Republicans would have you believe that the choice is between retreating in defeat or marching on to victory. But unfortunately, the second option does not exist. No mater when America leaves Iraq the result will be the same: fundamentalist Muslims will be in control. The choice is: defeat at the cost of 2,700 American lives and $350 billion dollars or defeat at a higher price still. It was the choice that existed with regard to Vietnam. You know how that turned out.

Because Americans remained unwilling to acknowledge what the religion of man, socialist secular humanism, does to one’s moral perspective, their sense of right and wrong, American stayed the course in Vietnam until "Peace with Honor" could be achieved. But because Communists, like Muslims, think that deceiving one’s enemy is good, the agreement proved worthless. Within weeks of America’s departure from Vietnam the country was in worse shape than the nation found it.

The same condition will reoccur in Iraq. No matter when the American troops leave, no matter how many are killed, Iraq will be an Islamic state run by clerics influenced by Iran. America has already made Iraq far less peaceful and free than it was before and there is no way to reverse course. There is nothing that can be done to reverse the trend. And I’m not using hindsight to be critical; I publicly predicted this outcome and made these comparisons, six months before America engaged in Iraq. I was not a prophet; I was just informed.

That is not to say that Islamic terrorism cannot be stopped. It can be, but not the way America is going about it - with phantom enemies, guns, and bombs. Four months after 9/11, after having personally met with al-Qaeda, and having studied Islam, I wrote and began to publicize a three-part plan to save Muslims from the religion of submission and non-Muslims from the terror Islam inspires.

Point One: Come to know and rely upon God. Yahweh alone is the source of the enlightenment, discernment, compassion and courage Americans need to confront the most deceitful, destructive, and deadly foe to ever infect the minds of men. Without this foundation, without His perspective, without his judgmental view, there will be no victory over evil. America needs an accurate map and a repaired moral compass. Without these, the nation will continue to shoot itself in the foot.

Point Two: Come to understand and then boldly condemn the enemy: Islam. The terrorists haven’t corrupted their religion, Islam has corrupted them. The religion of submission cannot survive an open and honest discussion of its convoluted and foolish scriptures, its sexually perverted terrorist prophet, or its deceitful and demented god. When Western leaders become unified and resolute in their hostility to Islam’s violent and ungodly beginnings, Muslims will flee the religion because they will be horrified by its endorsement of terrorism, mass murder, slave trading, plunder, kidnapping, and rape.

Point Three: Take control of OPEC crude to stop the manufacture of Islamic terrorists. Since there has never been a viable economy in any Islamic nation, since tyranny is expensive, and since without tyranny there is no indoctrination, by cutting off the crude spigot, every Islamic regime will fall, and with them so will Islamic terrorism. The Islamic fiefdoms are all maintained by the funds they receive directly or indirectly from black ooze.


08-19-2006, 07:56 PM
Elvis, why are you spamming the Frontline?

08-19-2006, 08:08 PM
So, should we nuke all the "sand ******s" Elvis, and then praise Jesus?

I’ll bet you don’t know that mishaps and mistaken identities claimed the lives of 99.94% of the American soldiers who have died in Iraq. Saddam Hussein’s forces, the regime that the coalition went in to fight, claimed the rest. Five Americans were killed by Iraq’s armed forces; Iraqi civilians and accidents claimed 2,951 lives (2,592 American soldiers, 125 American civilians, and 227 coalition members as of August 10, 2006). And while that’s bad, the new Iraq has become a terrorist killing zone where over 30,000 Iraqi civilians have died as the result of terrorism - an average of 30 people per day.

2600 American servicemen died in "Accidents?" Jesus, why don't you just piss on their graves you retarded half-wit?

Dr. Love
08-19-2006, 08:14 PM
I think he should have started by talking about people that have short attention spans won't read the article instead of talking about judgement and social norms and whatever it was.

That way I wouldn't have wasted any of my time and just skipped the whole thing.

08-19-2006, 08:15 PM
That's not what it says...

08-19-2006, 09:26 PM
Why don't you and the two French Canadian skinheads go start a hate site somewhere else. This shit is getting sickening.

08-20-2006, 11:24 AM
All I did was post some words...

08-20-2006, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by ELVIS

Point One: Come to know and rely upon God. Yahweh alone is the source of the enlightenment, discernment, compassion and courage Americans need to confront the most deceitful, destructive, and deadly foe to ever infect the minds of men. Without this foundation, without His perspective, without his judgmental view, there will be no victory over evil. America needs an accurate map and a repaired moral compass. Without these, the nation will continue to shoot itself in the foot.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Well, our "moral compass" has been run by a bunch of white christians for 6 years now, wearing their religion on their sleeves, and look where it's gotten us.

If God is "on our side", he/she sure has a funny way of showing it these days.

God must be a "terrorist-sympathizing liberal" :D

08-20-2006, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by LoungeMachine
Well, our "moral compass" has been run by a bunch of white christians for 6 years now,

What now ??

Please elaborate...

08-20-2006, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by ELVIS
What now ??

Please elaborate...

Chimpy claims that "God" tells him to do everything.

08-20-2006, 12:26 PM
Is that what he said ??

08-20-2006, 01:06 PM
No, it's not what he said.

FORD's relying on a translation of a translation of a translation of what some mideastern guy translated what George W. Bush told him.

08-20-2006, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Warham
No, it's not what he said.

FORD's relying on a translation of a translation of a translation of what some mideastern guy translated what George W. Bush told him.

Uh, and what's the Bible again?

08-20-2006, 02:18 PM
"God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them." --Ha'aretz, 06.25.03

08-20-2006, 02:58 PM
Some inspirational quotes from Dubya regarding religion:

“I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn’t do my job.” - George W. Bush speaking to a group of Old Order Amish in Lancaster PA, July 9, 2004

"Our priorities is our faith." --George W. Bush, Greensboro, N.C., Oct. 10, 2000

"You believe in the Almighty, and I believe in the Almighty. That's why we'll be great partners." —George W. Bush, to Turkish Prime Minister Recap Tayyip Erdogan, Washington, D.C. Dec. 10, 2002

"We hold dear what our Declaration of Independence says, that all have got uninalienable rights, endowed by a Creator." —George W. Bush, to community and religious leaders in Moscow, May 24, 2002

"I don't bring God into my life to — to, you know, kind of be a political person." —George W. Bush, interview with Tom Brokaw aboard Air Force One, April 24, 2003

08-20-2006, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by FORD
Uh, and what's the Bible again?

Ha Ha! Silly neocon dummy!

Warham meet Irony, Irony meet Warham.

08-20-2006, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by FORD
Uh, and what's the Bible again?

The inspired Word of God...

An accurate revelation of what God wants us to know about salvation...

08-20-2006, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by ELVIS
The inspired Word of God...

An accurate revelation of what God wants us to know about salvation...

...With all due respect, this is where Christianity loses me. How can it be totally "accurate" when even Christians agree it was passed down by word-of-mouth for GENERATIONS before it was ever transcribed? ELVIS, if I told you a story, and you had to relay it to FORD by phone, who then had to relay it to WARHAM the same way (verbally), and so forth...by the time it got passed along a few times the story would change...how could this NOT have happened with Biblical passages? And please don't give me the old "God KEPT it from happening that way" rationale...

08-20-2006, 05:22 PM
Maybe he did...

08-20-2006, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by ELVIS
Maybe he did...

And maybe He didn't...

08-20-2006, 08:45 PM
As far as I am concerned, all you really need are the first five books of the New Testament. Those are the instructions that we all could consider a little more often.

I don't mind them having a book to study. There's some good stuff in there.

It's the "Christian Ego" that bothers me. The we're right, you're wrong, end of discussion attitude is just offensive.

08-20-2006, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Nickdfresh

2600 American servicemen died in "Accidents?" Jesus, why don't you just piss on their graves you retarded half-wit?

I stopped reading at that point. Holy shit...I would laugh but it's just more sad than anything else that people can be so stupid.

It would be like laughing at a mentaly disabled kid.

08-20-2006, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by DEMON CUNT
As far as I am concerned, all you really need are the first five books of the New Testament. Those are the instructions that we all could consider a little more often.

And yet those are the five that have been translated and relayed more than any other, because they were passed down through the generations for 2000 years before Moses wrote them down. Or at least he's credited for doing so. Obviously Moses didn't write all of Deuteronomy since he dies before it ends.

Actually if you want to get down to the Bible's validity as an "instruction manual" just the 10 commandments and the teachings of Christ would do. Kosher dietary laws and all that are optional, although they might be more healthy than people thought. Pork gives me the shits, and I somehow developed an allergy to shellfish, so I might as well be a Jew in that respect, though I'm not gonna give up the occasional cheeseburger.

08-20-2006, 10:06 PM
Dietary instructions were written for your own good, not to keep you out of Hell, or to keep God happy...

08-21-2006, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by FORD
Why don't you and the two French Canadian skinheads go start a hate site somewhere else. This shit is getting sickening.

Listen Seinfeld... this little pathetic smile of yours is getting sickning... yet, we still have to look at it.

Toughen that ragspine of yours because you obviously can't cry your way into chasing everyone you don't agree with (and that make you wet your panties) out of this board!


How childish and coward, to be calling people names and just want them to "go away"!
:cry2:... You're about to be out of tears...

08-21-2006, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by blonddgirl777
Listen Seinfeld... this little pathetic smile of yours is getting sickning... yet, we still have to look at it.

Toughen that ragspine of yours because you obviously can't cry your way into chasing everyone you don't agree with (and that make you wet your panties) out of this board!


How childish and coward, to be calling people names and just want them to "go away"!
:cry2:... You're about to be out of tears...

LOL Why don't you and Dr. Rhythm join the Canadian Land Forces and go to Afghanistan and show what "spine" you have?

Dr. Love
08-21-2006, 09:35 AM
Dr. Rhythm?

08-21-2006, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Dr. Love
Dr. Rhythm?

and his sidekick Nurse Method !!!!!

08-21-2006, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Dr. Love
Dr. Rhythm?

How coward... and soooo predictable!

"Dr. Rhythm" is (or was) my husband's user name on this board.
He hasn't visited these forums (or the site) for a long long time and when he did, he was posting in the music forums...

How stupid and COWARD to bring up someone who is obviously not there to defend himself
(nor does he give a shit about all that)...

Do I go and involve everyone's families; girl friends, wives, mamas, daddy-O's etc...?

How low will you guys get? :rolleyes:

08-21-2006, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by FORD
Uh, and what's the Bible again?

You tell me.

Aren't you a Christian?

08-21-2006, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by DEMON CUNT
Ha Ha! Silly neocon dummy!

Warham meet Irony, Irony meet Warham.

Irony posts over at the DDLR, fool.

Keep up.

08-21-2006, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by FORD
And yet those are the five that have been translated and relayed more than any other, because they were passed down through the generations for 2000 years before Moses wrote them down. Or at least he's credited for doing so. Obviously Moses didn't write all of Deuteronomy since he dies before it ends.

Actually if you want to get down to the Bible's validity as an "instruction manual" just the 10 commandments and the teachings of Christ would do. Kosher dietary laws and all that are optional, although they might be more healthy than people thought. Pork gives me the shits, and I somehow developed an allergy to shellfish, so I might as well be a Jew in that respect, though I'm not gonna give up the occasional cheeseburger.

He said New Testament, the ones you continually praise as the only books of the Bible worth a shit.

08-21-2006, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by blonddgirl777
How low will you guys get? :rolleyes:

Wait until the November elections roll around and they still aren't in control of the government.

You'll see just how low they go. Again.

08-21-2006, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Warham
You tell me.

Aren't you a Christian?

Lately, FORD only seems to use the Bible to strengthen his agenda, or to discount anything conservative...

08-21-2006, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by ELVIS
Lately, FORD only seems to use the Bible to strengthen his agenda, or to discount anything conservative...

So you admit that Jesus is a Liberal then? :cool:

08-21-2006, 04:16 PM
The Bible doesn't strengthen any liberal agenda. The only time liberals try to use Christianity as a platform is around election time, when they try to go after the independent Christian voter.

08-21-2006, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by FORD
So you admit that Jesus is a Liberal then? :cool:

No, virtually everything in the Bible is conservative...

08-21-2006, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by ELVIS
No, virtually everything in the Bible is conservative...


So how was the Grand Canyon yesterday ?


08-21-2006, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by ELVIS
No, virtually everything in the Bible is conservative...

Really now?

A "conservative Jesus" would have walked into the Temple, saw the money changers and said "Hey, great job, as long as I get My cut off the top".

A "conservative Jesus" would have seen the 5000 hungry people who came to hear Him speak on the Sermon on the Mount, and rather than feeding them, he would have said "Get a job, you damn losers!!"

Conservative Jesus wouldn't have healed the sick. At least not until the check cleared. And Conservative Jesus would never raised Lazarus from the dead, because he would have already found a way to swindle Mary & Martha out of their land and sold it for a profit.

Finally, Conservative Jesus wouldn't have been crucified because the Pharisees would have been his #1 political tool.

08-21-2006, 04:38 PM
I'm leaving tomorrow for a thirty day vacation...

I have reservations for the 27th of August, on the north rim of the Grand Fucking Canyon...

I'm not lying, you fucking retarded idiot...:rolleyes:

08-21-2006, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by ELVIS
I'm leaving tomorrow for a thirty day vacation...

I have reservations for the 27th of August, on the north rim of the Grand Fucking Canyon...

I'm not lying, you fucking retarded idiot...:rolleyes:

I asked you yesterday if you were going to church [ Sunday]

YOU replied "no, I'm going to the Grand Canyon"

Don't blame me for your lies, you fucking fraud.

08-21-2006, 04:42 PM
If Moses' mother was a liberal, she would have had an abortion instead of putting the infant in an ark and sending him downstream.

No Moses, no Jesus. :)

08-21-2006, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by LoungeMachine
I asked you yesterday if you were going to church [ Sunday]

YOU replied "no, I'm going to the Grand Canyon"

Don't blame me for your lies, you fucking fraud.

How is that a lie?

08-21-2006, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by ELVIS
I'm leaving tomorrow for a thirty day vacation...

I have reservations for the 27th of August, on the north rim of the Grand Fucking Canyon...

I'm not lying, you fucking retarded idiot...:rolleyes:

Originally posted by LoungeMachine
Ladies and Gentlemen.....

Mr. Christian on The Sabbath.


Going to church today and beg forgiveness for this?

Originally posted by ELVIS
No, I'm going to the Grand Canyon...:D

08-21-2006, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by FORD
A "conservative Jesus" would have walked into the Temple, saw the money changers and said "Hey, great job, as long as I get My cut off the top".

That's what conservatism is all about, eh ??

A "conservative Jesus" would have seen the 5000 hungry people who came to hear Him speak on the Sermon on the Mount, and rather than feeding them, he would have said "Get a job, you damn losers!!"

I wonder how they ate the next day, welfare ??

Conservative Jesus wouldn't have healed the sick. At least not until the check cleared. And Conservative Jesus would never raised Lazarus from the dead, because he would have already found a way to swindle Mary & Martha out of their land and sold it for a profit.

So being conservative means you're a swindler, a liar and a thief ??

Finally, Conservative Jesus wouldn't have been crucified because the Pharisees would have been his #1 political tool.

You're twisted...

08-21-2006, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Warham
How is that a lie?

Jesus Christ you're stupid today. :rolleyes:

I asked if he was going to church today, he said no, he was going to the Grand Canyon

Then he was logged on all day

NOW, he says he's leaving tomorrow.

This coming from the moron who loves to bash Clinton for a lie :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You guys are pathetic at your attempts at spin:D

08-21-2006, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Warham
If Moses' mother was a liberal, she would have had an abortion instead of putting the infant in an ark and sending him downstream.

No Moses, no Jesus. :)

Yeah, but if Moses lived in a conservative society, he would have had to deal with racist assholes that bitched about abortion, but don't give a shit about children once they're born. Then underfund their under-performing schools, and try to prevent any state help from helping innocent children, because the children must be punished for the sins of their "lazy/immoral" parents.

08-21-2006, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by LoungeMachine
I asked you yesterday if you were going to church [ Sunday]

YOU replied "no, I'm going to the Grand Canyon"

Don't blame me for your lies, you fucking fraud.

Uh, Lounge, you didn't say 'today' in this post. How was I supposed to know which Sunday you were referring to. I don't spend all day-every day posting here like you do.

Keep it up!

08-21-2006, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Warham
Uh, Lounge, you didn't say 'today' in this post. How was I supposed to know which Sunday you were referring to. I don't spend all day-every day posting here like you do.

Keep it up!


Nice back-peddle

Gee, you didnt know what you were talking about? Surprise.

But thanks for admitting now that you know which Sunday, ELVIS did indeed LIE

Nice Christian Values he displays in here.

08-21-2006, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Nickdfresh
Yeah, but if Moses lived in a conservative society, he would have had to deal with racist assholes that bitched about abortion, but don't give a shit about children once they're born. Then underfund their under-performing schools, and try to prevent any state help from helping innocent children, because the children must be punished for the sins of their "lazy/immoral" parents.

First, I don't believe Republicans are any more racist than Democrats. I believe the D party has more KKK members currently.

Secondly, if Democrats do so well in funding schooling, then this generation should be reaping the benefits of the forty years liberals were in control of Congress.


08-21-2006, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by LoungeMachine

Nice back-peddle

Gee, you didnt know what you were talking about? Surprise.

But thanks for admitting now that you know which Sunday, ELVIS did indeed LIE

Nice Christian Values he displays in here.

No backpeddle, Lounge.

Quit making excuses for your poor posting skills, and start making them clear at the beginning instead of having to explain yourself over several follow-up posts.

Another hostile attack again, Lounge?

Racist bastard!

08-21-2006, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Warham
First, I don't believe Republicans are any more racist than Democrats. I believe the D party has more KKK members currently.

Oh fuck you!! The entire Southern Republican base defected from the Democratic party over Desegregation and Integration!

Try again brainiac. Post a Robert Byrd KKK cartoon why don't'cha? That's exactly why they exist, because it's well known that the entire Southern base is directly the result of the Democrats emphasis on Desegregation in the 1960s. Yeah, Republicans just love blacks.:rolleyes:

Secondly, if Democrats do so well in funding schooling, then this generation should be reaping the benefits of the forty years liberals were in control of Congress.


Oh wait, why is it that you routinely crow about how the Republicans control it all and "Dems can't win?" Nice "flipflop." Firstly, there has always been obstruction no matter who is in power, and the Presidents have a lot of say about it "child left behind."

Besides, I never said "Republican," did I?

08-21-2006, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Warham
The Bible doesn't strengthen any liberal agenda.

You see, the root word for Christian is "Christ." If you were to go ahead and read the gospels, you would find that Christ was all about a liberal agenda. He was very progressive. FORD has offered some examples of this.

The gospels by the way are the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Some include Acts in that list.

If you go and get your Bible from the back of your car you will find a table of contents in the front. This will help you locate the books I mentioned above.

08-21-2006, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Warham
First, I don't believe Republicans are any more racist than Democrats. I believe the D party has more KKK members currently.

Secondly, if Democrats do so well in funding schooling, then this generation should be reaping the benefits of the forty years liberals were in control of Congress.

Think before you type. Even try some doing some research. Then you won't sound so stupid.

08-21-2006, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by ELVIS
So being conservative means you're a swindler, a liar and a thief ??

Yes, haven't you been paying attention?

08-22-2006, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Warham
Uh, Lounge, you didn't say 'today' in this post. How was I supposed to know which Sunday you were referring to. I don't spend all day-every day posting here like you do.

Keep it up!


Said Mr. 14.59 posts per day.

Hey, mensa....

I post on avg, 1 post every 2 days more than you.


Your wife drags you to the in-laws for 4 days and you try and make it as if you were in Bimini for a month not posting, just sipping mai-tais

:rolleyes: idiot.

08-22-2006, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by LoungeMachine

Said Mr. 14.59 posts per day.

Hey, mensa....

I post on avg, 1 post every 2 days more than you.


Your wife drags you to the in-laws for 4 days and you try and make it as if you were in Bimini for a month not posting, just sipping mai-tais

:rolleyes: idiot.

I was gone alot longer than four days, bud. :)

08-22-2006, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by DEMON CUNT
You see, the root word for Christian is "Christ." If you were to go ahead and read the gospels, you would find that Christ was all about a liberal agenda. He was very progressive. FORD has offered some examples of this.

The gospels by the way are the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Some include Acts in that list.

If you go and get your Bible from the back of your car you will find a table of contents in the front. This will help you locate the books I mentioned above.

FORD's examples are a joke. Literally. I could have posted the same scenarios from a conservative angle.

This whole idea is nonsense. GOD is neither an R nor a D. He just IS.

08-22-2006, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Warham
FORD's examples are a joke. Literally. I could have posted the same scenarios from a conservative angle.

This whole idea is nonsense. GOD is neither an R nor a D. He just IS.

Not really, cheese dick. But I am sure that you're going to keep telling yourself that.

God is a man, right? We can narrow it down that far I'm pretty sure.

Note the beard. Dude, only dudes have beards.


08-22-2006, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by Warham
I was gone alot longer than four days, bud. :)

Way to let the point go over your head.........again


08-22-2006, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by LoungeMachine
Way to let the point go over your head.........again


No sense of humor today?

Ooops, I'm sorry. I actually thought there for a second you HAD a sense of humor.

My bad. :)

08-22-2006, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by DEMON CUNT
Not really, cheese dick. But I am sure that you're going to keep telling yourself that.

God is a man, right? We can narrow it down that far I'm pretty sure.

Note the beard. Dude, only dudes have beards.


Temper, temper.

I've shown respect towards you and this is how you treat me. I'm disappointed.

Why are we discussing whether GOD's a man, and what does that have to do with politics?

08-22-2006, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Warham
Temper, temper.

I've shown respect towards you and this is how you treat me. I'm disappointed.

Why are we discussing whether GOD's a man, and what does that have to do with politics?

Sorry for the outburst, sperm collector!

You brought Him up. He has everything to do your politics. You use Him to justify your fascist politics all the time.

It's an easy Pre-packaged agenda straight from (your) God! It's simple; learn and repeat.