View Full Version : "State Of Emergency"- A must read!!!!

10-05-2006, 08:01 AM
"State of Emergency"
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Ron Smith

Don’t you find it more than passing strange that our rulers are busily and bloodily attempting to reassert America’s imperial control of the energy-rich Middle East while at the same time turning a blind eye to the invasion of our nation by millions of Mexicans?

What good will this scheme bring if in the long run we are conquered from within? If one really, really wants to know the details of the greatest danger to us, it’s all laid out in Pat Buchanan’s latest best-selling jeremiad, “State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America.”

It’s fair to say that Buchanan more than proves his thesis: That we – the American nation – are in mortal peril right now from the greatest mass migration in history. Without a shot being fired, Mexicans, steeped in resentment against the gringos who took what is now the Great American Southwest from Mexico more than a century and a half ago, are invading us in numbers that are mind-boggling and in the near future, decisive.

It has been said that demographics are destiny. Land belongs to those who live on it, who have seized it through military conquest, or through outbreeding the native population. This is an irrefutable historical fact, no matter how much modern liberal politics deem it unacceptable.

In “State of Emergency,” you’ll learn about this threat to your children and grandchildren in chilling detail, about what makes a nation and how we are so very close to losing ours. Make no mistake about it, when Rome fell there was no more Roman civilization, just the ruins of it, the viewing of which sparked Edward Gibbon’s opus.

Buchanan also explores the return of tribalism and what that means, what makes a nation a nation, how Europe is being engulfed by fecund third-worlders and quickly becoming “Eurabia,” and how both the European and American Establishments are “ too paralyzed by ideology and guilt” to defend their respective nations.

This book is so important. There is a slight last chance to set in motion policies to remedy this situation. The major question of our time is whether we have or can find leaders who have the will to apply them.

My advice is to get yourself multiple copies of this book, read one and give the others to friends and family members. They should know what the future holds; about the upcoming “Death of the West “ so they can demand their politicians do what has to be done.

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10-05-2006, 09:39 AM
He was talking about this when he was running for President back in the 90's!

He was right then and time has proven him to be now.