View Full Version : If they televise Saddam's execution will you watch it?

11-10-2006, 03:50 AM
Thoughts? Opinions?

Should they televise it? Do we have a right to see it?

Personally, I wouldn't watch it - I have no interest in seeing a man die.

11-10-2006, 09:59 AM
I think they outght to offer it for Pay Per View. Use all the proceeds to fund the purchase of body armout for our troops.

Then everyone can have Happy Deathday parties for Saddamite (that goddamnable fuck! :mad: ).

I myself will raise a big toast (in smokable form) to the person who is fortunate enough to pull the lever that sends that fuck to his doom.

Hanging is too good for his ass.

They should allow his victims to torture him for YEARS, with a doctor standing by for the sole purpose of KEEPING HIM ALIVE so they can torture him MORE!!!!

11-10-2006, 01:24 PM
So that's a YES then Hardrock!