View Full Version : U23D The movie.

01-24-2008, 08:16 AM
Went to the first showing yesterday at our IMAX theater downtown.


If you're a cinematography buff, go see it. You will be blown away. All concert videos should be shown like this. The attention to detail is astounding. The sound moves around you as though you were standing on the stage. The mixing for this must have been incredibly labor intensive.

If you're a U2 fan, go see it. It's like being the special guest at the show yet you're in a comfy IMAX chair floating around with the band so close you feel like your personal space is being invaded. I've never been fortunate enough to see them live, and now I don't feel like I have to. Because I have, and I had the best seats in the house.

If you're not a U2 fan, and could care less about the technology of filmwork, go see it. You'll gain a whole new respect for the band and be completely wowed by the whole experience. The shots that appear to put you in the crowd with the stage in front of you, you can almost smell the fog machines.

Hubby is not a U2 fan, never has been. But he insists that we're going to see this again.

Don't bother trying to get sneak peaks on the web, they won't do the experience justice. Just find the IMAX closest to you and buy tickets. Throw caution to the wind and grab a seat.
Ellyllions promises that you won't be disappointed.