View Full Version : Happy Birthday Darwin - 200 years, and Never Looked Better

02-12-2009, 02:17 PM
Darwin at 200: The Ongoing Force of His Unconventional Idea

Published: February 11, 2009

I can’t help wondering what Charles Darwin would think if he could survey the state of his intellectual achievement today, 200 years after his birth and 150 years after the publication of “On the Origin of Species,” the book that changed everything. His central idea — evolution by means of natural selection — was in some sense the product of his time, as Darwin well knew. He was the grandson of Erasmus Darwin, who grasped that there was something wrong with the conventional notion of fixed species. And his theory was hastened into print and into joint presentation by the independent discoveries of Alfred Russel Wallace half a world away.

But Darwin’s theory was the product of years of patient observation. We love to believe in science by epiphany, but the work of real scientists is to rigorously test their epiphanies after they have been boiled down to working hypotheses. Most of Darwin’s life was devoted to gathering evidence for just such tests. He writes with an air of incompleteness because he was aware that it would take the work of many scientists to confirm his theory in detail.

I doubt that much in the subsequent history of Darwin’s idea would have surprised him. The most important discoveries — Mendel’s genetics and the structure of DNA — would almost certainly have gratified him because they reveal the physical basis for the variation underlying evolution. It would have gratified him to see his ideas so thoroughly tested and to see so many of them confirmed. He could hardly have expected to be right so often.

Perhaps one day we will not call evolution “Darwinism.” After all, we do not call classical mechanics “Newtonism.” But that raises the question of whether a biological Einstein is possible, someone who demonstrates that Darwin’s theory is a limited case. What Darwin proposed was not a set of immutable mathematical formulas. It was a theory of biological history that was itself set in history. That the details have changed does not invalidate his accomplishment. If anything, it enhances it. His writings were not intended to be scriptural. They were meant to be tested.

As for the other fate of so-called Darwinism — the reductionist controversy fostered by religious conservatives — well, Darwin knew plenty about that, too. The cultural opposition to evolution was then, as now, scientifically irrelevant. Perhaps the persistence of opposition to evolution is a reminder that culture is not biological, or else we might have evolved past such a gnashing of sensibilities. In a way, our peculiarly American failure to come to terms with Darwin’s theory and what it’s become since 1859 is a sign of something broader: our failure to come to terms with science and the teaching of science.

Darwin does not fit our image of a scientist. From the 21st century, he seems at first to bear a closer resemblance to an amateur naturalist like Gilbert White in the 18th century. But that is an illusion. Darwin’s funding was private, his habit was retiring and he lacked the kind of institutional support that we associate with science because it did not exist. But Darwin’s extensive scientific correspondence makes it clear that he was not the least bit reclusive intellectually and that he understood the character of science as it was practiced in his day as well as anyone.

We expect these days that a boy or girl obsessed with beetles may eventually find a home in a university or a laboratory or a museum. But Darwin’s life was his museum, and he was its curator. In June 1833, still early in the five-year voyage of the Beagle, he wrote about rounding Cape Horn: “It is a grand spectacle to see all nature thus raging; but Heaven knows every one in the Beagle has seen enough in this one summer to last them their natural lives.” (In this same letter, he celebrates the parliamentary attack on slavery in England.)

The rest of Darwin’s life did in fact revolve around that voyage. As you sift through the notes and letters and publications that stemmed from his years on the Beagle, you begin to understand how careful, how inquisitive and how various his mind was. The voyage of the Beagle — and of a young naturalist who was 22 at its outset — is still one of the most compelling stories in science.

Darwin recedes, but his idea does not. It is absorbed, with adaptations, into the foundation of the biological sciences. In a very real sense, it is the cornerstone of what we know about life on earth. Darwin’s version of that great idea was very much of its time, and yet the whole weight of his time was set against it. From one perspective, Darwin looks completely conventional — white, male, well born, leisured, patrician. But from another, he turned the fortune of his circumstances into the most unconventional idea of all: the one that showed humans their true ancestry in nature


02-12-2009, 02:29 PM
So Darwin and Abe Lincoln were born on the same day?

02-12-2009, 02:36 PM
I can’t help wondering what Charles Darwin would think if he could survey the state of his intellectual achievement today, 200 years after his birth and 150 years after........bla bla blaa yeah yeah yeah yeah

He would be highly -Balistically- pissed off the his -cult- isn't making as much money as the Scientogists...

Lounge, don't get all pissed off and start flashing your, big red baboons ass, at me .

02-12-2009, 02:37 PM
Yep. Feb. 12, 1809

02-12-2009, 02:38 PM
RothChats closed today?

Sgt Schultz
02-13-2009, 08:53 AM
Great article, thanks for posting it.

02-13-2009, 09:21 AM
The beautiful thing about evolution is that it is so simple you can explain it to a 10 year old.

Lots of science like quantum or string theory is completely baffling.

02-13-2009, 09:23 AM
He would be highly -Balistically- pissed off the his -cult- isn't making as much money as the Scientogists...

It's a rare talent to cram so much ignorance and stupidity into such a short sentence. :D

02-13-2009, 09:32 AM
I have a -University Biology Book- published in the year -1921-, there is a hand draw -Human Cell- it looks like a third grader drew a eye with lashes all around it and a penciled in dot for the nucleus.

That was the extent of all knowlege .THE ANSWER

How arrogant of you all to believe in evolution, as the answer to all your questions about the reality, of the existance of mankind.

Peace in The Evolution of Sorrow.:biggrin:

02-13-2009, 09:34 AM

We are all so trendy!

02-13-2009, 09:36 AM
The leap of Faith that gave Darwin the strenght to create this dogma.

02-13-2009, 09:39 AM
I have a -University Biology Book- published in the year -1921-, there is a hand draw -Human Cell- it looks like a third grader drew a eye with lashes all around it and a penciled in dot for the nucleus.

That was the extent of all knowlege .THE ANSWER

How arrogant of you all to believe in evolution, as the answer to all your questions about the reality, of the existance of mankind.

Peace in The Evolution of Sorrow.:biggrin:

Shouldn't you be writing this message on parchment and sending it to me by carrier pigeon?

As for the 3rd grade drawing, I think you did it last week. :)

02-13-2009, 09:46 AM
Shouldn't you be writing this message on parchment and sending it to me by carrier pigeon?

As for the 3rd grade drawing, I think you did it last week. :)

Know why the Hubble Telescope was blurry and needed to be turned off and reco-crapp'ulated by NASA?

Because, they saw a image of the edge of a petri dish and a huge eyeball staring at us . On the desk of a really huge 3rd grader.

Explain the evolution of -Emotion- to me, Darwinite?

Uhm... it is a chemical release of seratonin co diss placed by theortical nitrogen corpusle compounded by ..ble ble blah.

thome - saving the world one post at a time.LOL fukkin L