View Full Version : Sarah Palin Speech at Tea Party Convention

02-12-2010, 07:32 AM
CNN.com - Transcripts (http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1002/06/cnr.09.html)(JOINED IN PROGRESS)



Thank you very much. Thank you.


Thank you so much. God bless you.


Thank you. Thank you so much.


I am so proud to be an American.


Thank you so much for being here tonight.


Do you love your freedom? If you love your freedom, think of it. Any of you here serving in uniform, past or present, raise your hand? We are going to thank you for our freedom. God bless you guys. We salute you. We honor you. Thank you.


I am so proud to be American. Thank you. Gosh. Thank you. Happy birthday, Ronald Reagan.


Well, a special hello to the C-SPAN viewers. You may not be welcome in those health care negotiations but you have an invitation to the tea party.


Very good to be here in Tennessee, the volunteer state. It's the home of good country music and good southern barbecue, and great to be at the tea party convention. I guess down here that's some southern sweet tea. In Alaska, we have a smaller version of tea party up there. And we call it iced tea.


And I am a big supporter of this movement. I believe in this movement. Got lots of friends and family in the lower 48 attending these events across the country, and just knowing that this is the movement, and America is ready for another revolution, and you are a part of this.


I look forward to attending more tea party events in the near future. It is so inspiring to see real people, not politicos --


-- not inside the beltway professionals come out and stand up and speak out for commonsense, conservative principles.

And today, I want to start off with a special shout out to America's newest Senator. Thanks to you, Scott Brown.


Now in many ways Scott Brown represents what this beautiful movement is all about. He was just a guy with a truck and a passion to serve our country. He looked around and he saw that things weren't quite right in Washington, so he stood up and he decided he was going do his part to put our government back on the side of the people. And it took guts and it took a lot of hard work, but with grassroots support, Scott Brown carried the day. It has been so interesting now to watch the aftermath of the Massachusetts shout-out revolution.

The White House blames the candidate. Their candidate. And Nancy Pelosi, she blamed the Senate Democrats. And Rahm Emanuel, he criticized a pollster.


And yet again, President Obama found some way to make this all about George Bush.


You know considering the reason conservative elections sweep, it is time to stop that they blaming everyone else. When you are zero for three, you better stop lecturing and start listening.


The only place that the left hasn't placed the blame is on their agenda. So some advice for our friends on that side of the aisle. That's where you've got to look because that's what got you into this mess. The Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda will leave us less secure, more in debt and under the thumb of big government. That is out of touch and is out of date. And if Scott Brown is any indication, it is running out of time.


Because from Virginia to New Jersey to Massachusetts, voters are sending a message up and down the east coast, and in good places like Nevada and Connecticut and Colorado, Michigan, North Dakota, they've got the liberal left, that establishment running scared.

The bottom line is this. It's been a year now. They own this now. and voters are going to hold them accountable. Because out here in the cities and in the towns across this great country we know that we've got some big problems to solve. We've gotten tired now of looking backward. We want to look forward and, from here, my friends, the future, it looks really good. It looks really good. Because if there is hope in Massachusetts, there's hope everywhere.


Brown's victory, it's exciting and it's a sign of more good things to come. A lot of great common-sense conservative candidates are going to put it all on the line in 2010. This year, there are going to be tough primaries. And I think that's good. Competition in these primaries is good. Competition makes us work harder and be more efficient and produce more. I hope you will get out there and work hard for the candidates who reflect your values, your priorities, because despite what the pundits want you to think, contested primaries aren't civil war. They're democracy at work and that's beautiful.


I was the product of a competitive primary running for governor. I faced five guys in the party and we put our ideas and our experience out there on the table for debate. And then we allowed, of course, the voters to decide. That is a healthy process. And it gives Americans the kind of leadership that they want and they deserve. And so in 2010, I tip my hat to anyone with the courage to throw theirs in the ring and may the best ideas and candidates win.

But while I hope you give the candidates that you choose your best effort, please understand they're human. There's no perfect candidate. And they're going to disappoint occasionally. And when they do, let them know, but don't get discouraged and sit it out, because the stakes are too high. The stakes are too high right now, and your voice is too important, so work hard for these candidates but put your faith in ideas.

And in that spirit, I caution against allowing this movement to be defined by any one leader or politician. The tea party movement is not a top-down operation. It's a ground-up call to action that is forcing both parties to change the way they're doing business, and that's beautiful.


This is about the people. This is about the people. And it's bigger than any king or queen of a tea party. And it's a lot bigger than any charismatic guy with a teleprompter.


The soul of this movement is the people, everyday Americans, who grow our food and run our small businesses, who teach our kids and fight our wars. They're folks in small towns and cities across this great nation who saw what was happening and they saw and were concerned and they got involved. Like you, they go to town hall meetings and they write op-eds. They run for local office. You all have the courage to stand up and speak out. You have a vision for the future, one that values conservative principles and commonsense solutions. And if that sounds like you, then you probably, too, are feeling a bit discouraged by what you see in Washington, D.C.

Now in recent weeks, many of us have grown even more uneasy about our administration's approach to national security, the most important role ascribed to our federal government.


Let me say, too, it's not politicizing our security to discuss our concerns because Americans deserve to know the truth about the threats that we face and what the administration is or isn't doing about them. So let's talk about them. New terms used like "overseas contingency operation" instead of the word "war." That reflects a world view that is out of touch with the enemy that we face. We can't spin our way out of this threat. It is one thing to call a pay raise a job created or saved. It is quite another to call the devastation that a homicide bomber can inflict a "manmade disaster." I just say, come on, Washington, if no where else, national security, that is one place where you've got to call it like it is.


And in that spirit, in that spirit, we should acknowledge that, on Christmas day, the system did not work. Abdulmutallab passed through airport security with a bomb. and he boarded a flight hell bent on killing innocent passengers. This terrorist trained in Yemen with al Qaeda. His American visa was not revoked until after he tried to kill hundreds of passengers. On Christmas day, the only thing that stopped this terrorist is blind luck and brave passengers. It was a Christmas miracle. And that is not the way that the system is supposed to work.


What followed was equally disturbing after he was captured. He was questioned for only 50 minutes. We have a choice in how to do this. The choice was only question him for 50 minutes and then read his Miranda rights. The administration says then there are no downsides or upsides to treating terrorists like civilian criminal defendants. But a lot of us would beg to differ. For example, there are questions we would have liked this foreign terrorist to answer before he lawyered up and invoked our U.S. constitutional right to remain silent.


Our U.S. constitutional rights.


Our rights that you, sir, fought and were willing to die for to protect in our Constitution.


The rights that my son, as an infantryman in the United States Army, is willing to die for. The protections provided, thanks to you, sir, we're going to bestow them on a terrorist who hates our Constitution and tries to destroy our Constitution and our country. This makes no sense because we have a choice in how we're going to deal with the terrorists. We don't have to go down that road. There are questions that we would have liked answered before he lawyered up, like where exactly were you trained and by whom. You are bragging about all these other terrorists just like you, who are they? When and where will they try to strike next?

The events surrounding the Christmas day plot reflect the kind of thinking that led to September 11th. The threat then, as the "USS Cole" was attacked, our embassies were attacked, it was treated like an international crime spree not like an act of war. We are seeing that mindset again settle into Washington again. That scares me for my children, for your children. Treating this as a mere law enforcement matter places our country at great risks because that is not how radical Islamic extremists look at this. They know we are at war. To win that war, we need a commander in chief, not a professor of law standing at the lectern.


It's that same kind of misguided thinking that is seen throughout the administration's foreign policy decisions. Our president spent a year reaching out to hostile regimes, writing personal letters to dangerous dictators and apologizing for America, and what do we have to show for that? Here's what we have to show. North Korea tested nuclear weapons and longer-range ballistic missiles. Israel, a friend and critical ally, now questions the strength of our support. Plans for a missile defense system in Europe, they've been scrapped. Relations with China and Russia are no better. and relations with Japan, that key Asian ally, they are in the worst shape in years. And around the world, people who are seeking freedom from oppressive regimes wonder if Alaska is still that beacon of hope for their cause. The administration cut support for democracy programs. And where the president has not been clear, I ask where is his clear and where his strong voice of support for the Iranians who are risking all in their opposition to Ahmadinejad?


Just that short list, that short list. And you know, it is no wonder that our president only spent 9 percent of his State of the Union address discussing national security, foreign policy, because there aren't a lot of victories he could talk about that night. And that is a short list. There are so many challenges in front of us. And it can seem overwhelming. But despite these challenges, we have hope that we can move things in the right direction but it is going to require the administration to change course. We need a foreign policy that distinguishes America's friends from her enemies and recognizes the true nature of the threats that we face.

(APPLAUSE) We need a strong national defense. I think you would agree with me. As Reagan used to talk about that peace through strength. In that respect, I applaud the president for following at least a part of the recommendations made by our commanders on the ground to send in some more reinforcements to Afghanistan. Now, though, he, we, must spend less time courting our adversaries and working with our allies. And we must build coalitions capable of confronting dangerous regimes like Iran and North Korea. It is time for more than just tough talk. I'm just like you, probably so tired of hearing the talk, talk, talk.


Tired of hearing the talk.


It's time for some tough actions, like sanctions on Iran. And in places in the world where people are struggling and oppressed and they're fighting for freedom, America must stand with them. We need a clear foreign policy that stands with the people and for democracy, one that reflects both our values and our interests. And it is in our best interest because democracies, they don't go to war with each other. They can settle their differences peacefully.

The lesson of the last year is this. Foreign policy can't be managed through the politics of personality. And our president would do well to take note of an observation John F. Kennedy made once he was in office, that all of the world's problems aren't his predecessor's fault.


The problems that we face in the real world require real solutions and we'd better get to it because the risks that they pose are great and they're grave. However, as Barry Goldwater said, we can be conquered by bombs, but we can also be conquered by neglect, by ignoring our Constitution and disregarding the principles of limited government. And in the past year, his words ring true. Washington has now replaced private irresponsibility with public irresponsibility. The list of companies and industries that the government is crowding out and bailing out and taking over, it continues to grow. First, it was the banks, mortgage companies, financial institutions, then automakers. Soon, if they had their way, health care, student loans. Today, in the words of Congressman Paul Ryan, the $700 billion TARP has morphed into crony capitalism at its worse. It is becoming a slush fund for the Treasury Department's favorite big players, just as we had been warned about. While people on main street look for jobs, people on Wall Street, they're collecting billions and billions in your bailout bonuses. Among the top 17 companies that received your bailout money, 92 percent of the senior officers and directors, they still have their good jobs. And everyday Americans are wondering, where are the consequences for them helping to get us into this worst economic situation since the great depression? Where are the consequences?

(APPLAUSE) When Washington passed a $787 billion stimulus bill, we were nervous because they just spent $700 billion to bailout Wall Street. On the state level, as a governor, we knew a lot of that money came with fat strings attached. The federal government was going to have more control over our states. They were going to disrespect the Tenth Amendment of our Constitution by essentially bribing with us. Take this federal money and then we going to be able to mandate a few more things on you though. I joined with other conservative governors around the nation in rejecting some of those dollars. Legislators --


Turned out to be, though, nothing to applaud, because legislators then were threatening lawsuits if governors didn't take the money. And I vetoed some of the funds that I knew we couldn't maintain the programs that we were going to pay for with these borrowed, printed up, invented dollars out of nowhere, but lawsuits were threatened. Even in Alaska, in a Republican-controlled legislature, my veto was overridden, and the money poured into those states. And I believe we will see this play out in our states. The federal government will have taken more control over the people who live in our states.

Now I understand wanting to believe that this is all free money and for some, I guess, it is tough to tell people "no" in tough times. Plus, remember our administration promise that it would be good stewards of taxpayer dollars. Remember? Remember, Vice President Biden? He was put in charge of a tough, unprecedented oversight effort. That's how it was introduced. You know why? Because nobody messes with Joe.


Now, this was all part of that hope and change and transparency. And now a year later, I got to ask the supporters of all that, how is that hopey-changey stuff working out for you?


See, I tried to look into that transparency thing but Joe's meetings with the transparency and accountability board, it was closed to the public.


Yes. They held a transparency meeting behind closed doors.


So I'm not sure if anybody's messing with Joe. But here is what I do know. A lot of that stimulus cash, it ended up in some pretty odd places, including districts that didn't even exist.


And programs that really don't have a whole lot to do with stimulating the economy. Nearly $6 million was given to a Democrat pollster, who had already made millions during the Democrats' presidential primary. Nearly $10 million was spent to update the stimulus web site. And one state even spent a million bucks to put up signs that advertised they were spending the federal stimulus projects or, as someone put it, this was a $1 million effort to tell you it is spending your money.


And it didn't create a single job.

Those uses of stimulus funds don't sound targeted and they don't sound timely as we were promised. They just sound wasteful and, in the case of those signs, kind of ridiculous. All of that stimulus. I don't know about you but seeing those checks written for pet projects of congressmen and those in the White House, did you feel very stimulated?


And then it turns out that Washington got the price tag wrong. All of these projects and programs, they cost tens and tens of billions more than we were told. It is now closer to $860 billion. Add this to the fact that the White House can't even tell us how many jobs were actually created. Depending on who you ask, it is anywhere from thousands to two million.

But one number we are sure of is the unemployment number. That is 9.7, which is well above the 8 percent mark that we were promised our stimulus package would go to avoid. And unemployment now is -- underemployment now is 16.5 percent. You have got all these people who have just kind of given up right now. and they are not even enrolling in some of these programs. Tough to count them.

Folks, I won't go into all of it tonight, but the list of broken promises is long. Candidate Obama pledged to end closed-door, sweetheart deals and no-bit contracts once and for all, but just last month his administration awarded a $25 million no-bid contract to a Democrat donor? Is that hope? Nope. It's not hope.


That's the same old, same old in Washington, D.C. And instead of changing the way Washington does business, we got the cornhusker kickback and the Louisiana Purchase and millions of tax breaks for union boss' desires. The promised ban on lobbyist in this new administration, he handed out waivers left and right, and there are more than 40 former lobbyists who now work at the top levels in this administration. And these days, most members of Congress, they don't get to read the bill before they have to vote on it, much less the pledged that a bill wouldn't be signed into law before we all had five days to review it online.

So, see, it's easy to understand why Americans are shaking their heads when Washington has broken trust with the people that these politicians are to be serving. We're drowning in national debt and many of us have had enough. Now the foundational principles in all of this, it's easy to understand. It really is even I though I think D.C. would just love for us to believe that this is all way over our heads. Somebody in Tennessee, somebody up there in Alaska, she'll never understand what we are talking about here in D.C. No, this is all pretty simple stuff. When our families, when our small businesses, we start running our finances in to the red, what do we do? We tighten our belts and we cut back budgets. That is what we teach our children, to live within our means. That is what Todd and I do when we have to make payroll, buy new equipment for our commercial fishing business. We have to plan for the future, meet a budget.

But in Washington, why is it just the opposite of that? This week, they unveiled a record busting, mind boggling $3.8 trillion federal budget and they keep borrowing and they keep printing these dollars and they keep making us more and more beholden to foreign countries and they keep making us take these steps towards insolvency. Now what they are doing in proposing these big new programs with giant price tags, they're sticking our kids with the bill. And that is immoral. That is generational theft. We are stealing the opportunities from our children.

And freedom lovers around this country need to be aware this makes us more beholden to other countries, it makes us less secure. It makes us less free and that should tick us off. So, folks, with all these serious challenges ahead, we've got private-sector job creation that has got to take place and economic woes and health care, the war on terror.

But as the saying goes, if you can't ride two horses at once, you shouldn't be in the circus. So here's some advice for those in D.C. who want to shine in the greatest show on earth. Too often when big government and big business get together and cronyism sets in, well, it benefits insiders not everyday Americans. The administration and Congress should do what we did up there in Alaska when the good old boys started making back room deals that were benefiting big oil and not the citizens of the state. And the citizens of the state then, Alaskans, we got together and we put government back on the side of the people. And a lot of the big wigs, they started getting in trouble and some of the big wigs ended up going to jail over their back room deals.

Our government needs to adopt a pro-market agenda that doesn't pick winners and losers but it invites competition and it levels the playing field for everyone. Washington has got to across the board, lower taxes for small businesses so that our mom and pops can reinvest and hire people so that our businesses can thrive. They should support competition, support innovation, reward hard work.

And they should do all that they can to make sure that the game is fair without the undo corrupt influence. And then they need to get government out of the way. If they would do this -- if they would do this, our economy, it would roar back to life and for instance on health care, we need bipartisan solutions to help families not increase taxes. Remember that red reset button that America through Secretary Clinton, she gave to Putin. Remember that? I think we should ask for that back and hand it instead to Congress. And say, no, start all over on this health care scheme and pass meaningful, market-based reforms that incorporate some simple steps that have broad support. The best ideas, not back room deals but insurance purchases across state lines and the tort reform that we've talked about.

Those things that are common sense steps towards reform that the White House and leaders on the Democrats' side of the aisle in Congress, they don't want to consider. So it makes you wonder, what truly is their motivation? What is their intention if they won't consider even these common sense, broad based support ideas that would work? And to create jobs. Washington should jump start energy projects. I said it during the campaign and I'll say it now, we need an all of the above approach to energy policy. That means proven conventional resource development and support for nuclear power. And I was thankful that the president at least mentioned nuclear power in his State of the Union.

But, again, we need more than words. We need a plan to turn that goal into a reality and that way we can pave the way for projects that will create jobs, those are real job creators and deliver carbon free energy. And while we're at it, let's expedite the regulatory and permitting and legal processes for on and offshore drilling.

Instead of paying billions of dollars, hundreds of billions of dollars that now are being sent to foreign regimes, we should be drilling here and drilling now instead of relying on them to develop their resources for us. So what we've got to do is axe that plan for cap-and-tax, that policy is going to kill jobs and it's going to pass the burden of paying for it onto our working families.

And finally, if we are going to get serious about fiscal restraint, then we've got to make Washington start walking the walk. After putting us on a track to quadruple the deficit, the proposed spending freeze, maybe it is a start, but it's certainly not enough. As Senator John Thune said, it's like putting a Band-Aid on a self- inflicted gunshot wound.

We need to go further. Cut spending. Don't just simply slow down a spending spree and we've got to axe the plans for a second stimulus when the first hasn't even been measured for any success yet. Kill the plans for the second stimulus and be aware that now that second stimulus is being referred to as a jobs bill. Now these aren't the only ways to rein in spending, and alone, they're not going to be enough, not enough to tackle the insane debt and the deficits that we face. But they are a good way to start and to show that we're serious about getting our financial house in order.

Now like a lot of you, perhaps, I have spent the last year thinking about how to best serve. How can I help our country? How can I make sure that I, that you, that we're in a position of nobody being able to succeed. When they try to tell us to sit down and shut up, how can we best serve? In 2008, I had the honor really of a lifetime, the honor of a lifetime, running alongside John McCain. I look at him as an American hero. And nearly 60 million Americans voted for us. They cast their ballot for the things that we are talking about tonight. Lower taxes, smaller government, transparency, energy independence and strong national security. And while no, our votes did not carry the day, it was still a call to serve our country. Those voters wanted us to keep on fighting and take the gloves off and they wanted common sense conservative solutions and they wanted us to keep on debating. And each of us who is here today, we're living proof that you don't need an office or a title to make a difference and you don't need a proclaimed leader as if we are all just a bunch of sheep and we're looking for a leader to progress this movement.

That is what we are fighting for. It is what we are fighting about. It is what we believe in and that's what this movement is all about. When people are willing to meet halfway and stand up for common sense solutions and values, then we want to work with them. And in that spirit, I applaud Independents and Democrats like Bart Stupak who stood up to tough partisan pressure and he wanted to protect the sanctity of life and the rights of the soon to be born. I applaud him for that.

When we can work together, we will. But when the work of Washington violates our consciences and when the work and effort in Washington, D.C., violate our Constitution, then we will stand up and we will be counted. Because we are the loyal opposition. And we have a vision for the future of our country, too, and it is a vision anchored in time tested truths.

That the government that governs least, governs best. And that the Constitution provides the best road map towards a more perfect union. And that only limited government can expand prosperity and opportunity for all and that freedom is a God given right and it is worth fighting for. God bless you. And that America's finest, our men and women in uniform, are a force for good throughout the world and that is nothing to apologize for.

These are enduring truths and these enduring truths have been passed down from Washington to Lincoln to Reagan and now to you. But while this movement, our roots there, in our spirit, too, they are historic. The current form of this movement is fresh and it's young and it's fragile. We are now the keepers of an honorable tradition of conservative values and good works. And we must never forget that it is a sacred trust to carry these ideas forward. It demands civility and it requires decent constructive issue-oriented debate.

Opponents of this message, they are seeking to marginalize this movement. They want to paint us as ideologically extreme and the counterpoint to liberal intolerance and outrageous conspiracy theorists aimed at our own government and unethical shameless tactics like considering a candidate's children fair game.

But unlike the elitists who denounce this movement, they just don't want to hear the message. I've traveled across this great country and I've talked to the patriotic men and women who make up the Tea Party movement, and they are good and kind and selfless and they are deeply concerned about our country. And today I ask only this, let's make this movement a tribute to their good example and make it worthy of their hard work and their support.

Do not let us have our heads turned from the important work before us and do not give others an excuse to be able to turn their eyes from this. Let us not get bogged down in the small squabbles. Let us get caught up in the big ideas. To do so would be a fitting tribute to Ronald Reagan, especially tonight, as he would have turned 99. No longer with us. His spirit lives on and his American dream endures. He knew the best of our country is not all gathered in Washington, D.C. It is here in our communities where families live and children learn and children with special needs are welcomed in this world and embraced. And thank you for that.

The best of America can be found in places where patriots are brave enough and free enough to be able to stand up and speak up and where small businesses grow our economy one job at a time and folks like Reagan, we know that America is still that shining city on a hill. I do believe that God shed his grace on thee. We know that our best days are yet to come. Tea Party nation, we know that there is nothing wrong with America that together we can't fix as Americans.

So from the bottom of my heart and speaking on behalf of millions and millions and millions of Americans who want to encourage this movement, this movement is about the people. Who can argue of a movement that is about the people and for the people? Remember, all political power is inherent in the people and government is supposed to be working for the people. That is what this movement is about.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for being part of the solution. God bless you, Tea Partiers and God bless the USA. Thank you. God bless you.


LEMON: You're just listening to Sarah Palin speaking at the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, really making some very strong points, and some strong words for the administration and for the president. She is supposed to take questions. And we are going to carry that Q & A part of it live.

But there you see Sarah Palin there on the stage, Opryland Hotel, Gaylord Opryland Hotel. And she again talked about the administration, talked about the current administration, I should say, talked about what the Tea Party movement is all about, getting thunderous applause especially towards the end. It appears that she may have gotten a little teary eyed when talking about her special needs child saying that she likes to be part of a group that welcomes a special needs child into the world, welcomes and accepts. Sarah Palin taking questions now.

We are going to go back there live and listen in.


QUESTION: A few weeks ago, we worked out something where there would be a brief question and answer session. And we asked some folks on Tea Party Nation that we could ask Governor Palin tonight. And she has graciously agreed to answer a few questions. So we're going to take a few minutes and ask and answer a few questions.

PALIN: Thank you.

QUESTION: By the way, is this your first time in Nashville?

PALIN: It is. I haven't even been here for a concert yet which Piper, I brought Piper with me, and she's just going crazy wanting to get out there and see if she can go out and find Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift. My first time here though.

QUESTION: Well, I hate to tell her this, Miley Cyrus lives not too far from where we are. So I'm sorry we couldn't work that out for you. Next time. All right, a few questions real quick. And again, these have been submitted by folks on Tea Party Nation. First of all, how do you see the future of the Tea Party movement? Do you see this Tea Party movement becoming a part of the Republican Party or do you see it becoming a third Independent party?

PALIN: The Republican Party would be really smart to start trying to absorb as much of the Tea Party movement as possible because this is the future of our country. The Tea Party movement is the future of politics and as I said before, this is a beautiful movement because it is shaping the way politics are conducted. You've got really both party machines running scared because they are not knowing what are we going to do if we don't have Tea Party support? They know that they won't succeed.

QUESTION: Outstanding. At the convention here, we have at least three people I know who are running for Congress. So let me ask you this, if you had the chance to interview some of these people, what questions would you ask them to determine whether or not you would support them?

PALIN: I'm going to ask them if they think that we're taxed enough already. And if they say yes, I'm going to say well what are you going to do about it. Because really, we don't want to just hear the talk. We want to know that they walk the walk, either via a record that perhaps they can prove to us in other elected office they have had. But I want to encourage people who don't have any elected office experience, not some kind of fat elite resume in their back pocket. I want the fresh folks to come out and run for office and start changing the world via these state and local and national offices.

But if they feel that they've been taxed enough already and that they make us a commitment that they are going to do something about it and if they just believe in that constitutional limited government that the federal government has got to start abiding by, a lot of the things that perhaps the details, the things on the periphery that perhaps I wouldn't agree with very single aspect of their agenda that they would like to implement, they have got the basics down, I think it would be wise for us to be supportive. QUESTION: I'm going to have to learn to wait to let people applaud. Yeah! It goes without saying, the in game for the Tea Party movement for 2010 is a conservative House and a conservative Senate, or as I had the chance to tell some people earlier today, next year at this time we need to see the title former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former Senator Harry Reid.

PALIN: We will.

QUESTION: When we are successful and we have a conservative House and a conservative Senate, as soon as that happens, what do you think are the top three things that have got to be done?

PALIN: We've got to rein in the spending, obviously, and not raise it extremely high budgets and then say, OK, we are going to freeze a couple programs here. That doesn't do us any good really. We've got to start reining in the spending. We have got to jump start these energy projects that, again, we have heard so much about because it is ridiculous that we have just sitting warehoused under God's green earth here in the United States of America, rich resources, oil, and gas, and our coil and all of the conventional resources. We have got to actually walk that walk, to allow them to come to development.

And then, I think, it is kind of tougher to -- kind of tougher to put our arms around, but allowing America's spirit to rise again by not being afraid -- not being afraid to kind of go back to some of our roots as a God-fearing nation where we are not afraid to say, especially in times of potential trouble in the future here, we are not afraid to say, you know, we don't have all the answers as fallible men and women.

So it would be wise of us to start seeking some divine intervention again in this country so that we can be safe and secure and prosperous again. To have people involved in government who aren't afraid to go that route, not so afraid of the political correctness that, you know, they have to be afraid of what the media would say about them if they were to proclaim their reliance on our creator.

QUESTION: That's right.

QUESTION: Amen. Now, we know conservatives are never harassed in the media, so the following is clearly a hypothetical question. In the instance that there were ever to be a conservative who were harassed in the media, what would you say to them?

PALIN: Plow right on through it. Really, at the end of the day, who cares what an irrelevant, mainstream media is going to say about you? Who cares? The political hot shots that they want to take at you for standing up and saying what you believe in and proclaiming the patriotic love that you have for country and a lot of those in the mainstream media, they don't want to hear that. At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter what they have to say about you because I really believe that there are more of us than they want us to believe. That should empower us, that should strengthen us and plow right on through it, please. QUESTION: We've mentioned today is Ronald Reagan's -- or would have been his 99th birthday, the 99th anniversary of his birth. And one of the amazing things Ronald Reagan did when he was in the White House, he created this great majority that was based not on Republicans and Democrats, but he had a conservative majority in Congress. What do you think we can do to get conservative Democrats, conservative libertarians, conservative Independents, on board with the Tea Party movement so that in 2011 when a new Congress and a new Senate is sworn in, it's conservative?

PALIN: Hey, they are already peeking in. It is pretty cool to see some of the blue dog Democrats peeking under the tent, you know, and finding out, what is this movement all about and holy geez, I'm scared if I'm not a part of this.

And the nice thing about the Tea Party movement, it's not just a bunch of hard core registered Republicans. I'll make a confession right now. My husband, he's not a registered Republican. He's much too independent, but probably more conservative than I am, even, but I think he is kind of an example of so many other American who don't choose to be a part of a registered party because they see the problems within the machine.

They see some of the idiosyncrasies of the personalities who control the political machines and they don't want to waste time dealing with that, so they are independent, but they are believers in the movement and I think you're going to see a whole lot of the Independents and more conservative Democrats finally be empowered and emboldened and say, yes, I'll come out of the closet now and I'll let them know I believe in it too.

Now, as I talk about Todd explaining that he's not a registered Republican, I guess I need to apologize to the Republican Party because some people have said, you're a pretty weak Republican spokesperson that if you can't even get your own husband to convert, but he's much too independent.

QUESTION: Don't feel bad, my wife left the Republican Party, too. We hear about the Obama plan. What's the Palin plan?

PALIN: The Palin plan is quite simple and I kind of get a kick out of it. I think it probably drives some of the elitists crazy that I don't get angry out about it, I get a kick out of it when they say that I'm too simple minded and too plain spoken, but my plan is quite simple and that is to support those who understand the foundation of our country.

When it comes to the economy, it is free market principles that reward hard work and personal responsibility. And when it comes to national security, as I ratchet down the message on national security, it's easy to just kind of sum it up by repeating Ronald Reagan when he talked about the Cold War. And we can apply this now to our war on terrorism, you know. Bottom line, we win, they lose. We do all that we can to win.

QUESTION: For you, national security is a little more of a personal issue. You have a son in the army. How is he doing?

PALIN: He's doing awesome. And I'm so proud of him and the decision that he has made along with all the many, many men and women in uniform who -- I look at, especially these young men and women and think, they could be doing anything or nothing else in our world, and they have chosen to serve something greater than self. They are not just biting time or wasting time in their young years of their lives. They get it. They understand the need to protect our security and to really be willing to die for our freedom. And when I talk about my son, and he doesn't like me to talk about him, as a matter of fact, he'll chew me out if he hears about this, but --

QUESTION: He may be watching.

PALIN: I don't think he's ever turned on C-SPAN in his entire young life. But I'm proud of him and the decision that he has made because, again, they are serving something greater than self, but as Track, as my son would tell me, he says, don't pick me up, mom to thank me. Thank the troops I serve with and thank those who have gone on before me to allow me to do what I'm doing, yeah.

QUESTION: 2010 is an amazing year because it is an election year. We are rolling through the primaries. We just got through Illinois and I'm not even sure what's coming up next. Are you going to be endorsing specific candidates?

PALIN: I will. And I will be attending as many events for these candidates as possible. I'll probably tick off some people as I get involved, even in a few of the primaries, but I do want to encourage these contested competitive primaries. Truly, this is how we are going to find the cream of the crop to rise to be able to face a challenger in the general. Let's not be afraid of contested primaries. I'm going to assist in some of those, but I'll get out there and campaign and if not in all the races, campaigning for specific candidates, I'm going to be campaigning for the message, this common sense conservative message.

QUESTION: I can think of two words right now that scare liberals, President Palin.


CROWD: Go Sarah.


02-12-2010, 10:02 AM
She's finding her groove.

She tended in 2008 to come across as someone who had been overprepped, particularly in those Couric interviews. Some of her answers seemed like a jumble of briefing book points.

It is wise of her to keep it simple and, in fact, state that she is deliberate in doing so. It is what her hardcore supporters and, indeed, more than a few conservatives want to hear: a clear-cut, straightforward message.

Sadly for her, if she is sincere about running for the WH in 2012 and winning, well, I just don't see that happening. The impression she made in 2008, fairly represented in the press or not, isn't one that's gonna go away. However, she could always end up like a Gingrich (minus the intellectual capacity). Newt has made a pretty good living since leaving office.

Dr. Love
02-12-2010, 10:06 AM

also tl;dc

02-12-2010, 11:02 AM
re·tard (rtärd)
n. Offensive Slang
1. Used as a disparaging term for a mentally retarded person.
2. A person considered to be foolish or socially inept.
[Short for retarded.]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

02-12-2010, 11:03 AM
Liar [ˈlaɪə]
a person who has lied or lies repeatedly

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 6th Edition 2003. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

02-12-2010, 11:05 AM
She's finding her groove.

That's a polite word for it and I don't think she could find it with both hands...

02-12-2010, 11:14 AM
I could find her 'groove' with one hand!

You betcha!

02-12-2010, 11:35 AM
I didn't bother reading the whole thing because I knew she was dumb the moment I first heard her speak back in 2008.

You don't need to convince me FORD. :D

02-12-2010, 11:42 AM
That's a polite word for it and I don't think she could find it with both hands...

I believe BBB wanted you and others perusing this thread to dispute her, not insult her. Ahh, but the latter is so much easier, isn't it.

02-12-2010, 11:47 AM
At least with the transcript you don't have to deal with the nails-on-a-chalkboard voice. :rolleyes: And why bother disputing her recitation of the same already debunked Republican talking points?

Nothing's changed since the election -she's got nothing substantial to say, nothing new or constructive to offer. And again, making cracks about someone using a Telepromper while simultaneously going off of crib notes scrawled on their hand? What an idiot.

02-12-2010, 12:15 PM
Let's not forget that the dumbass Teabaggers paid $500 to hear her speak!

I could get a more intelligent speech from a grade school debate class.

02-12-2010, 12:20 PM
Let's not forget that the dumbass Teabaggers paid $500 to hear her speak!

I could get a more intelligent speech from a grade school debate class.

True, and did you hear how many idiots showed up? Something like one or two thousand?
Unsurprisingly a very NON-diverse crowd make up from the audience shots I saw, too.

02-12-2010, 12:34 PM
It was an all old-white crowd. And do you wanna know the real reason why they hate obama?

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/iFOWVDRDcQc&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/iFOWVDRDcQc&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

02-12-2010, 01:15 PM
Something tells me I should not play that vid aloud in the office... :rolleyes: but that it's probably dead-on..

02-12-2010, 02:42 PM
That's a polite word for it and I don't think she could find it with both hands...

I suppose it was a polite way of putting it.

For all the barbs thrown at her about her intellect, she was smart enough to realize that her personality energized a not totally insignificant segment of the conservative base. Not large enough to win a national election or a seat outside of Alaska, perhaps. However, she was clever enough to realize that her own base will accept just about whatever she says without question, which made the decision to resign the governorship an easy one (all the more easy considering her own poll approval numbers in Alaska dropped to under 50% by the spring of 2009 - losing a re-election bid there wouldn't have been a good thing for her brand, so why bother running at all and take the chance of losing?). The same way her proponents accept her daughter being a spokesperson for teen abstinence, they accept Palin's resignation as being not in the least at odds with her declarations of political responsibility.

The one event that WOULD damage the Palin brand is running against Obama on 2012. Win or lose. Even if she won, Palin would inherit the residuals of the mess Obama would leave her, and her own fanclub would be unable to trot out the "Blame Obama" scheme for all her failings without being totally hypocritical re: the current "Don't blame Bush" mantra for the circumstances Obama was handed. Granted, Obama ran for the job and knew what he was getting into. Palin would also discover what Obama has, in that a politician running a great campaign doesn't by default equal a great leader.

Palin's best strategy is to continue along the path she is right now, as an unelected critic, dangling forth the (to her supporters) tantalizing possibility she might run in the future but never actually doing so. Truth be told, she would have a tough time just winning the GOP primary two years from now.

02-12-2010, 02:50 PM
True, Terry - most pundits foresee Mittens getting the nomination...

02-12-2010, 04:37 PM
So Palin hired a publicist and speech writer..? :indifferent0020:

02-12-2010, 04:49 PM
No pics of Palin? She's smokin' hot. :sex:

02-12-2010, 05:02 PM
No pics of Palin? She's smokin' hot. :sex:

No, they hate her in here but I agree with you buddy.

02-12-2010, 05:34 PM
No pics of Palin? She's smokin' hot. :sex:

C'mon, dude...:rolleyes: There are hotter girls posting HERE..
She's mediocre, at BEST. Could see her in a MAD TV "Lowered Expectations" bit maybe.

I prefer the girl in your avatar. No contest, really. :hee:

02-12-2010, 05:57 PM
So Palin hired a publicist and speech writer..? :indifferent0020:LMFAO!

This zinger of a post almost flew right over my head.

Very nice!:lmao:

02-12-2010, 06:17 PM
True, Terry - most pundits foresee Mittens getting the nomination...

The corporatist Repukes will love Romney, since he's one of them. And he had some BCE backing (Poppy and Jeb at least) last time, which he'll probably have again.

But will the religious reich types back a Mormon?

02-12-2010, 08:01 PM
No pics of Palin? She's smokin' hot. :sex:

There seem to be an amazing number of people who seem to have no understanding of how the US voting system works.

Lets take this very slowly for the hard of thinking.












I'm really sorry to have to break this news to you.



Guitar Shark
02-12-2010, 08:04 PM
There seem to be an amazing number of people who seem to have no understanding of how the US voting system works.

Lets take this very slowly for the hard of thinking.












I'm really sorry to have to break this news to you.




02-12-2010, 08:11 PM
Of course I could be wrong and maybe the shock of that post made Brian cough a gooey lump of congealed Bush sperm onto his keyboard.... :)

02-12-2010, 08:19 PM
No pics of Palin? She's smokin' hot. :sex:

Apparently you don't realized she's had 4 kids and those tits sure would be sagging, BIG TIME!!!

Your going to be sorely disappointed. :D

02-12-2010, 08:20 PM
There seem to be an amazing number of people who seem to have no understanding of how the US voting system works.

Lets take this very slowly for the hard of thinking.












I'm really sorry to have to break this news to you.



You know it would be really funny if John Cleese were to yell this out in a commercial.

02-12-2010, 08:48 PM
The corporatist Repukes will love Romney, since he's one of them. And he had some BCE backing (Poppy and Jeb at least) last time, which he'll probably have again.

But will the religious reich types back a Mormon?

Perhaps too far away to tell, although contemporary polls of the "if the nomination for the GOP were held today who would you vote for" type suggest Mitty is up over Palin by 10%.

02-12-2010, 08:49 PM
Palin looked good back in her 1980s beauty queen days.

Don't think she is nearly as hot these days as some do, although the actress who portrayed her in Nailin' Palin (Lisa Ann) would give a dog a bone.

02-12-2010, 09:00 PM
Why would anyone care?

02-12-2010, 10:43 PM
I wonder why this forum is obsessed with Palin.

02-12-2010, 10:49 PM

QUESTION: I can think of two words right now that scare liberals, President Palin.

I didn't know 90% of humanity were "liberals."

02-12-2010, 10:53 PM
I believe BBB wanted you and others perusing this thread to dispute her, not insult her. Ahh, but the latter is so much easier, isn't it.

Why don't you and your gay lover BBB actually go first by actually "disputing" Barrack Obama rather than "insulting" him, Ultradouche?

Put your money where Brian's cock is!

02-12-2010, 11:04 PM
There seem to be an amazing number of people who seem to have no understanding of how the US voting system works.

Lets take this very slowly for the hard of thinking.












I'm really sorry to have to break this news to you.



Right!! And if you guys really wanted to fuck Sarah Palin and were lucky enough to meet a chick that:

A.) is a "good, moral Christian" and would NEVER cheat on Todd's hunky snowmobile and coattail riding ass (yeah, real sexy for anyone not named Todd Palin, and uneducated construction workers that dare to dream everywhere)...

B.) is a sexually repressed cougar-MILF struggling with her inner-sexy that would do a guy who seduces here (i.e. Todd's ex-business partner), making her a bit of a hypocrite even if she's genuinely a moralist right winger who believes what she says --even if her flesh is weak...

C.) is a total phony whore-bag who does any one in her social circle like Sean Hannity, in which case you should be ashamed for ever even thinking of voting for that...

So where's the fantasy in any of that?

Secondly, if you knew or met Sarah Palin, and really wanted to fuck her, the first thing you'd tell her is that you're a "liberal" who would NEVER vote for her. This would explain how she supposedly fawned all over Alec Baldwin back stage at SNL...

02-12-2010, 11:52 PM
I wonder why this forum is obsessed with Palin.


Brie is not this forum


02-12-2010, 11:54 PM
What about Ford's "Randtard" thread? I wouldn't even know Palin were still alive if it weren't for this forum.

kwame k
02-13-2010, 12:17 AM
What about Ford's "Randtard" thread? I wouldn't even know Palin were still alive if it weren't for this forum.

So you're saying you get your news here, first :biggrin:

02-13-2010, 12:46 AM
Sesh, that shit was way over the fuckin' top.

What's that shit about votes? Who the fuck CARES about votes?

Now, for the pics please.

As for better looking women...

You guys are getting it wrong. She's not beautiful... she looks like a slut. A slut!

THAT'S why she turns ME on.

I wanna go there. ONCE.

I wouldn't call her, what the fuck?

Oh yeah... have they leaked her porn video yet?

Cheers! :bottle:

02-13-2010, 12:53 AM
So you're saying you get your news here, first :biggrin:

Yeah, all the important stuff. Palin, BCE, Chickenfoot...I hear it all here first.

02-13-2010, 01:24 AM
I agree! Just what in the fuck is this bullshit?!??

I don't like RULES! Reach into your kilt and pull your fuckin' panties out of their obvious twist!

What the fuck is the correlation between 'wanting to fuck her' and 'voting for her'??....absolutely fucking NONE!

If it weren't for the initial post in this thread, I wouldn't have had the slightest idea what the fuck was said by her last weekend. I watched C-SPANk last Saturday just like I watch any NFL game...hit the 'mute button" on my remote and play some Slayer or Pantera, or anything that makes more sense. There are people who can differentiate who they want to screw, and who they'd actually vote for. It's clear to me, BraveHeart, you've clearly under-estimated the intelligence of the same ones you've directed your anger-filled posts towards.

And I'll re-iterate, I don't fucking like rules! I don't like being told who should turn me on and who shouldn't! Fuck regulations!

Would I fuck this woman given the opportunity?....that question answers itself!
Would I vote for her? Not in a million goddamn years!

I look at her and treat her as precisely the sex-object she was presented to us as. Nothing more....and certainly nothing less...

To each their own...

She'd fare better at my 'pole' than at the 'polls', ya' dig?....(Cool! knew ya' could!)

I certainly wouldn't want her running the country I'm proud to live in, but I wouldn't kick her out of my bed either. I don't juxtapose the two....and fuck you up your ass for thinking we don't know the difference!....jackass!

bueno bob
02-13-2010, 04:15 AM
Quite frankly, this is the gayest opening post for a thread I have ever read here.

And considering half of the threads I've started, that's saying a LOT.

Congratulations to Sarah Palin for being a complete and utter fuckwit.

02-13-2010, 05:18 AM
WOW!! Swift move there, Annakin!

....If we can't take on an intelligent post head-on, we'll just tip-toe past it and hope to God it's not acknowledged by anyone...LMAO!

C'mon dude! Your master and messiah used plenty of Alinsky to get where he is...you can't tell me you're unaware of this kind of mentality? I don't buy that...not for a minute!

C'mon tough guy! Don't be a pussy...

02-13-2010, 07:44 AM
Quite frankly, this is the gayest opening post for a thread I have ever read here.

And considering half of the threads I've started, that's saying a LOT.

Congratulations to Sarah Palin for being a complete and utter fuckwit.

Yet you feel obliged to post in this thread. Congratulations, Mr Shortbus!

Your debating skills are almost as lame as Doc Love's. Almost.

02-13-2010, 07:47 AM

Brie is not this forum


Yes I am.

I post a thread and then make you guys dance like a puppet on a string.

Maestro, strike up the orchestra!!!!

02-13-2010, 03:29 PM
..nevermind. technical difficulties, nothing to see here....

02-13-2010, 04:26 PM
Yes I am.

I post a thread and then make you guys dance like a puppet on a string.

Maestro, strike up the orchestra!!!!

So you meant for us to laugh at you.....

Gee, sounds like another troll we know...


Thanks for admitting your purpose here.

02-13-2010, 04:34 PM
Quite frankly, this is the gayest opening post for a thread I have ever read here..

pfft...Joe thudna' would like a word with you on that. :biggrin:

02-13-2010, 04:38 PM
For the record, I just want the world to know that I'm proud of Sarah Palin for being proud to be an American...

Whoa Sarah, some edgy shit she had there! I'm proud to be an American! I love puppy dogs! And I love you all blah blah clickity clack...

02-13-2010, 04:40 PM
Incidentally, I'm more proud to be an American than Sarah Palin is, which indeed makes me a far superior American to Sarah Palin as my Americanism is clearly superior!!

02-13-2010, 04:42 PM
But is she proud to be an Alaskan? I noticed she didn't mention her civic pride haling from Alaska which makes be think she probably hates Alaska! :mad:

Sarah, why do you hate Alaska? :(

02-13-2010, 06:11 PM
Guys I'm politically ignorant. I don't care if Sarah Palin is a left wing, right wing, or a goaltender for that matter. :tongue0011:

J: I'll take Marisa Miller over Palin but, the posters here over Palin? LOL! Nice try though. :)

02-13-2010, 06:44 PM
But is she proud to be an Alaskan? I noticed she didn't mention her civic pride haling from Alaska which makes be think she probably hates Alaska! :mad:

Sarah, why do you hate Alaska? :(

Her hubby was part of the moment to have Alaska seceed [sp?] from the US


02-13-2010, 06:45 PM
Guys I'm politically ignorant. )

That explains why you leaned so far to the RIGHT over at RothChats v1.0


02-13-2010, 07:03 PM
NSFW... possibly just not suitable at all. :)

<object width="853" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/KdFJ-hFFdI8&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/KdFJ-hFFdI8&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="853" height="505"></embed></object>

02-13-2010, 07:10 PM
The corporatist Repukes will love Romney, since he's one of them. And he had some BCE backing (Poppy and Jeb at least) last time, which he'll probably have again.

But will the religious reich types back a Mormon?

I fucking pray (not to Nephi or Joseph Smith, lol) that Romney doesn't get the bid. I cannot fucking stand him. Fuck, if it ends up Romney vs. Barry, I'll just sit home cos I don't want to be involved in electing (re-electing) either one of those mindless turds.

Speaking of Mormons, which one of you bastards sicked the missionaries on me yesterday? Fuck, I had to spend ten minutes on my front porch arguing with teenage religious salesmen that I'm not buying what they're selling.

Fess up bitches, who did it? :mad:

02-13-2010, 07:11 PM
Guys I'm politically ignorant.

Truth be told, so are the majority of the regulars who post within this forum. ;) :D

02-13-2010, 07:12 PM
Incidentally, I'm more proud to be an American than Sarah Palin is, which indeed makes me a far superior American to Sarah Palin as my Americanism is clearly superior!!

How do you know? Just cos you say you are? :rolleyes:

02-13-2010, 07:13 PM
I fucking pray (not to Nephi or Joseph Smith, lol) that Romney doesn't get the bid. I cannot fucking stand him. Fuck, if it ends up Romney vs. Barry, I'll just sit home cos I don't want to be involved in electing (re-electing) either one of those mindless turds.

Anyone idiotic enough to believe in the Mormon religion isn't fit to drive a school but never mind run a country.

02-13-2010, 07:13 PM
Congratulations to Sarah Palin for being a complete and utter fuckwit.

Ditto to your president.

02-13-2010, 07:14 PM
Anyone idiotic enough to believe in the Mormon religion isn't fit to drive a school but never mind run a country.

It's not a religion, it's a cult.

02-13-2010, 07:29 PM
How do you know? Just cos you say you are? :rolleyes:

Satire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satire)

02-13-2010, 07:30 PM
The only difference I can see between religions and cults is that cults are usually less old.

Nitro Express
02-13-2010, 07:34 PM
I wonder how many men showed up thinking it was a convention to tea bag Sarah Palin?:biggrin:

Nitro Express
02-13-2010, 07:35 PM
The only difference I can see between religions and cults is that cults are usually less old.

The only difference is the church you belong to is a religion. They one the other guy belongs to is a cult.

02-13-2010, 07:36 PM
Satire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satire)

Don't get upset Nick, just having some fun with you. :)

You guys know I generally stay out of this place cos 99% of what you people all type is the opposite of what I believe.

Again, I just don't have it in me to spend everyday arguing with people who disagree with me. ;)

Nitro Express
02-13-2010, 07:38 PM
It's not a religion, it's a cult.

No. It's a huge real estate, agricultural, and communications corporation posing as a religion.

02-13-2010, 07:39 PM
I wonder how many men showed up thinking it was a convention to tea bag Sarah Palin?:biggrin:

See, here's the problem.

How in the fuck can people take what's said by Palin haters within these threads when the majority are all supposedly "liberal minded MEN" and yet, all they say is "oh, if you like Palin, it must mean you wanna fuck her." :rolleyes:

That's the same type of thinking that almost kept us from walking upright.

02-13-2010, 07:40 PM
No. It's a huge real estate, agricultural, and communications corporation posing as a religion.

Believe me, I know. I've lived here (Mormon Capitol of the World) for the majority of my life.

Nitro Express
02-13-2010, 07:41 PM
I fucking pray (not to Nephi or Joseph Smith, lol) that Romney doesn't get the bid. I cannot fucking stand him. Fuck, if it ends up Romney vs. Barry, I'll just sit home cos I don't want to be involved in electing (re-electing) either one of those mindless turds.

Speaking of Mormons, which one of you bastards sicked the missionaries on me yesterday? Fuck, I had to spend ten minutes on my front porch arguing with teenage religious salesmen that I'm not buying what they're selling.

Fess up bitches, who did it? :mad:

Oh come on Max. Mitt is the shit. He saved the Salt Lake Olympic Games from those corrupt Utah Mormons. It took an out of state jack Mormon to get the job done.

02-13-2010, 07:46 PM
Oh come on Max. Mitt is the shit. He saved the Salt Lake Olympic Games from those corrupt Utah Mormons. It took an out of state jack Mormon to get the job done.

Mitt's a tool. I met him during the 2002 Olympics cos I was involved in a business venture. He's a shallow cunt.

I'm as Republican as one can be and he'll NEVER get my fucking vote. Also, neither Walsh nor Johnson were Mormons and they were fucking railroaded. They got the Olympics here and Mitt just saved face for the Mormons. Mitt did NOTHING!!!

Seriously, there was nothing done involving bringing the 2002 games here that hasn't been done by EVERYONE else prior.

Those two were just made out to be the scapegoats all so Mitt and his Mormons could pretend all was ok in the state of Zion.

02-13-2010, 08:26 PM
No. It's a huge real estate, agricultural, and communications corporation posing as a religion.

But at least the Mormons ADMIT to being a corporation, as the copyright inside any LDS publication will tell you. It used to be called "The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". But apparently that was too Elohim-damned long of a name to keep typing over and over again so they changed the name recently to "Intellectual Reserve, Inc"

02-13-2010, 11:39 PM
J: I'll take Marisa Miller over Palin but, the posters here over Palin? LOL! Nice try though. :)

Haven't seen a couple of them, huh? ;) They've got Biblespice beat all to shit, dude - trust me.

bueno bob
02-14-2010, 01:30 AM
Yet you feel obliged to post in this thread. Congratulations, Mr Shortbus!

Your debating skills are almost as lame as Doc Love's. Almost.

It's a thread about Sarah fucking Palin, for fucks sake. What do you want, a dissertation? Her fucking record speaks for itself, numbnuts.

02-14-2010, 02:19 AM
See, here's the problem.

How in the fuck can people take what's said by Palin haters within these threads when the majority are all supposedly "liberal minded MEN" and yet, all they say is "oh, if you like Palin, it must mean you wanna fuck her." :rolleyes:

That's the same type of thinking that almost kept us from walking upright.

LOL @ liberal minded men of America (and other countries, apparantly)! In this country a woman is "allowed" to either be smart OR attractive. Not both. If you are attractive, you are automatically a dumb whore. If you are smart, you better look like a man or you are automatically a dumb whore.

When someone like Sarah Palin comes along, who IS attractive AND intelligent AND feminine, liberal minded men don't quite know what to do. So they lash out and tear her up.

Seriously, how can any of you have a problem with her saying she is proud to be an American?? WTF? Even THAT is wrong? Can she say anything that you will find OK? Probably not.

02-14-2010, 02:20 AM
JFK blatently cheating on his wife....ok.
Ted Kennedy murders a woman...ok.
Bill Clinton sticks his cigar in a clerks vag while in office....ok.
John Edwards cheats on his wife while she had cancer....ok.
Michelle Obama says on the night her husband was elected president "For the first time, I am proud to be an American"....ok.
Barry Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize for doing jack shit...ok.
Sarah Palin, after defeat and complete mistreatment by the public and the press, says "I am proud to be an American"...and that's not ok.


02-14-2010, 02:35 AM
When someone like Sarah Palin comes along, who IS attractive AND intelligent AND feminine, liberal minded men don't quite know what to do. So they lash out and tear her up.

C'mon, she might be feminine, I'll give you that one. ;) I don't find her attractive, and it's painfully obvious she's NOT intelligent.

And then there's that voice...boner kill...

02-14-2010, 02:36 AM
C'mon, she might be feminine, I'll give you that one. ;) I don't find her attractive, and it's painfully obvious she's NOT intelligent.

And then there's that voice...boner kill...

thanks for proving my point ;)

02-14-2010, 02:39 AM
I'm not saying women can't be both, I'm saying she's neither. ;)

02-14-2010, 02:51 AM
I'm not saying women can't be both, I'm saying she's neither. ;)

Actually, I was referring to the boner comment. ;)

bueno bob
02-14-2010, 05:50 AM
I'm with Jay. I haven't found her to be an extremely bright weathergirl/model/career student/(former?) politician/sexpot/writer/pseudo-pundit/opportunist media whore at all. I'm all for intelligent, beautiful women (God knows I've spent ten great years with one of the best minds/bodies on the planet today), but I think the notion that Sarah is attractive is entirely subjective (and basically applicable only if you've got a MILF thing going on)...the notion that she's intelligent needs to be defended, as I've yet to see her say anything intelligent about...well, anything.

While I won't argue the media's done a hatchet job on her, let's face brass tax, she MORE than invited it by blatantly attempting to steal McCain's spotlight while being grossly unprepared for even the most basic questions - which she STILL is ("All of them are my favorites!") and thrusting her family into the spotlight and then having the brass to even TRY and act indignant about it once they were focused on by the media she was trying to woo with them in the first place.

The whole "Bridge to Nowhere" nonsense was just the flower that started off the cake and it's only gotten richer since then. Walking off the job as governor? In any SANE world, she'd have been unemployable for ANYTHING beyond a job at Taco Bell after that kind of shit, but wait...here comes FOX NEWS where she's all of a sudden angelic and going to "Save America!" with the rest of their entertainers...

Personally, I'd respect the Republican party a FUCK of a lot more if they had more actual leadership with interesting, forward-minded ideas and less bags of hot air spouting off about imaginary progressive conspiracies to "Destroy America!".

I'm fucking SICK of that attitude, it's borderline fucking treasonous as far as I'm concerned and until the Republicans can put a grownup out there with a REAL sense of responsibility to the people of America and NOT to their own fucking face time as opportunists (even if I don't necessarily agree with their politics), they'll get NO support of mine.

Even THEN it's not a sure thing, but at least they won't look as fucking retarded as they do now and that'll earn at least a FRACTION of my respect.

02-14-2010, 08:45 AM
That explains why you leaned so far to the RIGHT over at RothChats v1.0


I don't know what that means.

I never posted in the political forum at RothChats v1.0

02-14-2010, 09:01 AM
Haven't seen a couple of them, huh? ;) They've got Biblespice beat all to shit, dude - trust me.

You're going by avatar pics? In all honesty one of the ladies was supposed to send me her pic but never did. Make of that what you will.

You have your opinion and I have mine dude. For the record I never mentioned the member ladies in this thread until you did. I think it would be best to keep them out of it. Happy Valentines' Day to them all!!

That being said this thread got rockin' once I proclaimed I'd like to nail Palin. :) Glad to be of service.

02-14-2010, 09:35 AM
LOL @ liberal minded men of America (and other countries, apparantly)! In this country a woman is "allowed" to either be smart OR attractive. Not both. If you are attractive, you are automatically a dumb whore. If you are smart, you better look like a man or you are automatically a dumb whore.

When someone like Sarah Palin comes along, who IS attractive AND intelligent AND feminine, liberal minded men don't quite know what to do. So they lash out and tear her up.

Seriously, how can any of you have a problem with her saying she is proud to be an American?? WTF? Even THAT is wrong? Can she say anything that you will find OK? Probably not.

She's about as "intelligent" as Dan Quayle, who was also picked to be a "mimbo" VP...

Secondly, just because Palin is telegenic and good-looking doesn't mean she's intelligent nor worldly, and she was eminently unqualified. Much of the charges of her being a shallow, empty-headed fuckwit come from McCain's team of not-very-"liberal men" who indicated that she had the background knowledge of a sixth grader. She thought Africa was a country for fuck's sake!

And many liberal men have voted for and supported Nancy Pelosi, who is pretty old now, but was once pretty decent looking. And you can argue against Pelosi, and hate her policy positions and all that. But no one would call her stupid, and I'm pretty sure she could pick out the general vicinity of Egypt on a map!

You can't just argue that the backlash against Palin was just ironic sexism. I would argue that a really good looking woman whose extremely well read and educated will have far more authority when speaking, and there are hundreds of successful, physically attractive female politicians. But most serious contenders for the presidency are in their middle to late forties, so it's hard to call many politicians hotties at that age...

02-14-2010, 09:40 AM
LOL @ liberal minded men of America (and other countries, apparantly)! In this country a woman is "allowed" to either be smart OR attractive. Not both. If you are attractive, you are automatically a dumb whore. If you are smart, you better look like a man or you are automatically a dumb whore.

Your argument fails completely because Palin is a dumb whore.

A dumb lying whore as it happens.

Ok I can't prove the whore bit but she is a dumb liar. :)

Also I don't find her attractive. Physically she is attractive for a politician but her voice, stupidity and outlook on the world is as someone else said complete boner kill.

Anyway as I posted earlier you don't get to fuck her if you vote for her. This is close to my argument against buying Britney Spears albums...

02-14-2010, 05:19 PM
[quote]Secondly, just because Palin is telegenic and good-looking doesn't mean she's intelligent nor worldly

exactly, but it doesnt make her a dumb whore, either

and she was eminently unqualified

and Barry was qualified?

and Clinton? he had the same qualifications as Palin. Both governors, but why are both these men automatically more qualified? because they have a cock? and Palin hasn't run for President, yet. It's a big time double standard no matter how you look at it. No one would ever discuss Barry's looks, or Clinton's "boner kill" of an accent.

And many liberal men have voted for and supported Nancy Pelosi, who is pretty old now, but was once pretty decent looking. And you can argue against Pelosi, and hate her policy positions and all that. But no one would call her stupid, and I'm pretty sure she could pick out the general vicinity of Egypt on a map!

exactly, she is voted for and supported now because she is old and no longer "pretty decent" looking. She was always intelligent, but never taken as seriously as she is now.

You can't just argue that the backlash against Palin was just ironic sexism. I would argue that a really good looking woman whose extremely well read and educated will have far more authority when speaking, and there are hundreds of successful, physically attractive female politicians.

I will argue that the backlash against Palin is 100% sexism, no doubt about it. It shows up, one way or another, in just about every post in this thread. it shows up in interviews when she is asked stupid shit like "who's taking care of your kids while your on the road campaigning??" WTF?? Did anyone ask Clinton that? or Obama that?

But most serious contenders for the presidency are in their middle to late forties, so it's hard to call many politicians hotties at that age...

like who? you mean Ferraro or H. Clinton? were they ever "hotties"?? LMAO.

My point is a woman can be attractive, and smart, and still be a good leader. But, many men in this country, still wont allow it. At least in their minds. And when Palin came along, they could not handle it, so they went into that "lets tear her up" mode. And they are clearly still there.

02-14-2010, 05:54 PM
Deluded bullshit.

They tear her up because she was a candidate for VP who couldn't name a newspaper, constantly lies, and can't address any issues like an adult never mind a credible politician.

She is also incredibly superstitious which I imagine wouldn't appeal to much to that guy that sticks his penis into you. :)

02-14-2010, 06:03 PM
Your argument fails completely because Palin is a dumb whore.

A dumb lying whore as it happens.

Ok I can't prove the whore bit but she is a dumb liar. :)

Also I don't find her attractive. Physically she is attractive for a politician but her voice, stupidity and outlook on the world is as someone else said complete boner kill.

Anyway as I posted earlier you don't get to fuck her if you vote for her. This is close to my argument against buying Britney Spears albums...

My argument fails? You just proved it to be true . You would use the same argument for Sarah Palin as you would Britney Spears. I don't think you could have proven what I was saying any better if you tried. Thanks Sesh!!

And trust me...I don't want to fuck Sarah Palin.

02-14-2010, 06:07 PM
She is also incredibly superstitious which I imagine wouldn't appeal to much to that guy that sticks his penis into you. :)

What?? can you please rephrase this? I have no clue what you are trying to say. I think it's a personal attack, but I'm not even sure. :biggrin:

Seriously, help me out here.

02-14-2010, 06:17 PM
She is also incredibly superstitious which I imagine wouldn't appeal to much to that guy that sticks his penis into you. :)

Oh wait a minute, I get it. you are proving my point AGAIN. You can't have a discussion with or about a woman with out talking about sex and resorting to sexiest remarks.

You clearly have nothing to say with any merit, so just shut the fuck up. This isn't the dark ages any more.

Go make me a sandwich, bitch. :hee:

02-14-2010, 06:52 PM
exactly, but it doesnt make her a dumb whore, either

I never said she was a "dumb whore," I said she was eminently unqualified. I have no idea if she's a "whore" but there are accusations that she had an affair...

and Barry was qualified?

and Clinton? he had the same qualifications as Palin. Both governors, but why are both these men automatically more qualified? because they have a cock? and Palin hasn't run for President, yet. It's a big time double standard no matter how you look at it. No one would ever discuss Barry's looks, or Clinton's "boner kill" of an accent.

Feel free to compare their education and backgrounds. Palin was trained to be a fuckwit sportscaster talking head and bounced around from college to college. "Barry" is a Harvard educated lawyer and ex-professor. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and is noted for his fearsome intellect even by, perhaps especially by, his political enemies. Incidently, he also completed his terms and never quit...

exactly, she is voted for and supported now because she is old and no longer "pretty decent" looking. She was always intelligent, but never taken as seriously as she is now.

She was always "supported" and voted for. She's from a political family and has spent her career as a politician...

I will argue that the backlash against Palin is 100% sexism, no doubt about it. It shows up, one way or another, in just about every post in this thread. it shows up in interviews when she is asked stupid shit like "who's taking care of your kids while your on the road campaigning??" WTF?? Did anyone ask Clinton that? or Obama that?

And I would argue that that's 100% bullshit. There are some that would say she's set feminism back decades in politics, and the fact that she's good looking was largely what got her the job as McCain's VP, which is also sort of sexist as several politicians were passed over...

like who? you mean Ferraro or H. Clinton? were they ever "hotties"?? LMAO.

I dunno, though I've seen pics of Clinton from the early 1970s and she wasn't that bad...

My point is a woman can be attractive, and smart, and still be a good leader. But, many men in this country, still wont allow it. At least in their minds. And when Palin came along, they could not handle it, so they went into that "lets tear her up" mode. And they are clearly still there.

And my point is that certain women can be good looking mental fuckwits and are handed positions as window dressing to appeal to a demographic precisely for their looks--which is sort of one of the definitions of sexism. Palin was promoted to her level of incompetence as governor and has been plagued by the very scandals of abuse of power and privilege she supposedly campaigned against...

02-14-2010, 06:58 PM
Palin...I just can't take her seriously.

Whatever her ambitions in the fall of 2008 were, and all the other stuff (positive and negative) to one side, her throwing in the towel on the governorship of Alaska with a substantial amount of time left in her elected term, for little reason other than her slipping polling numbers one year ago which indicated she might lose her re-election bid, speaks volumes.

If she was willing to cut-and-run in that job, making the choice to cash in on her notoriety via her book deal as opposed to sticking out and doing the job her constituents elected her to, well...if she couldn't handle the responsibilities of running Alaska, why would anyone think she was fit to be Commander-In-Chief?

There certainly are many decisions and choices President Obama has made which should be scrutinized. Indeed, in a democracy, it is the responsibility of the citizenry to be engaged and, at times, critical.

Palin simply isn't the person that should be making that case for the far right if the teabaggers want to be taken seriously, and not looked upon by both the center/soft right segment of their own party and the general population at large as a dismissable fringe element of conservatism.

Nitro Express
02-14-2010, 07:00 PM
Barry Obama was a champion debater at Harvard and Bill Clinton was a Rhoads scholar at Oxford. Both ivy leagers. I would say Sarah Palin wouldn't hold up to Barry in a debate and Bill Clinton is many things but stupid isn't one of them.

Nitro Express
02-14-2010, 07:04 PM
Sarah will make a lot of money and she's milking her fame for all it's worth. She won't get the Republican nomination nor will she be a running mate. McCain is probably still wondering why the fuck he chose Sarah Palin, because she sunk his boat.

If Sarah wants to create a huge stir, she can peel it for Playboy.

02-14-2010, 07:06 PM
I have no idea if she's a "whore" but there are accusations that she had an affair...

and we KNOW Clinton had (at least) one. With a woman young enough to be his daughter, no less.

Incidently, he also completed his terms and never quit...

lets not talk about his "presidency' though, or should we? :hee:

and Palin did what she thought was best by leaving. Most men would have been too proud to walk away like she did. They would stay in office out of their own self-centeredness and not even think about what was best for the State.

And I would argue that that's 100% bullshit. There are some that would say she's set feminism back decades in politics, and the fact that she's good looking was largely what got her the job as McCain's VP, which is also sort of sexist as several politicians were passed over...

how is it a fact that she got her jobs due to her looks?

And my point is that certain women can be good looking mental fuckwits and are handed positions as window dressing to appeal to a demographic precisely for their looks--which is sort of one of the definitions of sexism. Palin was promoted to her level of incompetence as governor and has been plagued by the very scandals of abuse of power and privilege she supposedly campaigned against...

she has been plagued by scandal, brought on by the inability of people to see her and to hear what she has to say past her good looks

As I said before, she cant even say that she is proud to be an American without people finding fault in it

02-14-2010, 07:14 PM
she has been plagued by scandal, brought on by the inability of people to see her and to hear what she has to say past her good looks

Ok there are no pics here lets really fucking concentrate and listen to what she has to say.

"I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out." --Sarah Palin, referring to a department that does not exist while attempting to explain why as president she wouldn't be subjected to the same ethics investigations that compelled her to resign as governor of Alaska, ABC News interview, July 7, 2009

02-14-2010, 07:16 PM
"All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years." --Sarah Palin, unable to name a single newspaper or magazine she reads, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008


02-14-2010, 07:17 PM
. "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border." --Sarah Palin, explaining why Alaska's proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience, interview with CBS's Katie Couric, Sept. 24, 2008

You'll notice I have to draw on just a few sources because the dumb bitch avoids interviews for the obvious reason that she is shown to be a dumb bitch.

02-14-2010, 07:23 PM
They're in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom.

Getting the US vice president's constitutional role wrong after being asked by a third grader what the vice president does, interview with NBC affiliate KUSA in Colorado, October 21, 2008.


02-14-2010, 07:24 PM
YouTube - Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXVIwo5fLYs)

<object width="512" height="296"><param name="movie" value="http://www.hulu.com/embed/iB6BlTpElyVEksC47YYpTA"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.hulu.com/embed/iB6BlTpElyVEksC47YYpTA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" width="512" height="296"></embed></object>


02-14-2010, 07:30 PM
hard to concentrate on what she is saying when the person who is "describing" what she is saying is obviously someone who does not like her.

Give me the entire question, verbatim, that she is being asked, as well as her entire answer( yes, in THAT order...this isn't JEOPORDY, Sesh) and I will gladly comment on what she is saying.

I could have a fucking FIELD day doing this shit with Obama! and Clinton!

remember this beauty..."I did NOT have sexual relations with THAT woman". ROTFLMAO. Wasn't he under OATH when he said that shit!! :biggrin:

He's a real intellectual, that one!

Nitro Express
02-14-2010, 07:35 PM

The Vice President is also president of the US Senate. He can break a Senate tie. So she's partially right on that one.

02-14-2010, 07:39 PM

I could have a fucking FIELD day doing this shit with Obama! and Clinton!

remember this beauty..."I did NOT have sexual relations with THAT woman". ROTFLMAO. Wasn't he under OATH when he said that shit!! :biggrin:

He's a real intellectual, that one!

Actually he is. He was given a definition of sex, and Ken Starr basically said it was coitus, meaning legalese wise, he was right that a blowjob wasn't considered sex by the Independent Council. Semantic bullshit? Yes. Stupid? No.

And aren't you doing the same thing here you're claiming others are doing to Palin? Personally I could care less if she boned Todd's business partner, or that she had a teenage daughter that became preggers. But when she's acting like the Madonna walking on water playing the Jeabus card, yeah, I think she might be a tad hypocritical...

But it was only an allegation and never proven....

Incidentally, the judgmental Republican shitheads in that peanut gallery known as Congress were also carrying on affairs in many cases--the more indigent and self-righteous the more likely they were fucking a staffer or groupie--such as Newt Gingrich who dumped his old model cancer stricken wife for a younger woman. Ah, the accouterments and compensations of power and celebrity ;)...

02-14-2010, 07:54 PM
Perhaps so.

Asked if America may need to go to war with Russia because of the Georgia crisis, ABC News interview, September 11, 2008.


02-14-2010, 07:56 PM
Let me speak specifically about a credential that I do bring to this table, Charlie, and that's with the energy independence that I've been working on for these years as the governor of this state that produces nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy.

Misstating the amount of energy produced by Alaska, which is only 3.5 percent, September 11, 2008.


02-14-2010, 08:20 PM
What?? can you please rephrase this? I have no clue what you are trying to say. I think it's a personal attack, but I'm not even sure. :biggrin:

Sorry I just found out I had you mixed up with someone else.

02-14-2010, 09:04 PM
Sorry I just found out I had you mixed up with someone else.

Or an empty bottle of vodka... :)

02-14-2010, 10:55 PM
And aren't you doing the same thing here you're claiming others are doing to Palin? Personally I could care less if she boned Todd's business partner, or that she had a teenage daughter that became preggers. But when she's acting like the Madonna walking on water playing the Jeabus card, yeah, I think she might be a tad hypocritical...

But it was only an allegation and never proven....

Exactly, never proven.

I dont think SHE ever acted like the Madonna, walking on water, etc. I think she claimed to be an American. And that her family was much like many American families, with a teenage pregnant daughter, and a child with Downs Syndrome, etc. I think she introduced us ("the People") to her family so that we could see that they are just like us, or at least MUCH like us. But, instead she got everything thrown back in her face.

Her pregnant daughter was the brunt of a nasty Letterman joke about having sex with A-Rod. WTF? Would Letterman ever make a joke like that about Obama's kid? NO WAY!! you know why?? because he would never get away with it. There would be a fucking lynching. But, with Palin, it's OK. She became his punching bag. And what about CBS speculating that her baby might not really be her baby. No, not the National Enquirer, but CBSNews. Have they ever made such speculations about other politicians and their families? Not that I know of.

And people wonder why she rarely does interviews.

Would you??

02-14-2010, 10:58 PM
Sorry I just found out I had you mixed up with someone else.

OK, but I would still like that sandwich. :biggrin:

02-14-2010, 11:07 PM
YouTube - Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXVIwo5fLYs)

<object width="512" height="296"><param name="movie" value="http://www.hulu.com/embed/iB6BlTpElyVEksC47YYpTA"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.hulu.com/embed/iB6BlTpElyVEksC47YYpTA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" width="512" height="296"></embed></object>


I can not stand Tina Fey! She couldn't wipe Sarah Palin's ass.

But, I'm glad you posted this. Do you know that there are actually people in our country, who voted for Obama, who honestly believe that Sarah Palin really said the things that Tina Fey was saying in those skits?

Yes, Obama actually became President partially due to morons who can not tell the difference between real life FACT and SNL.

02-15-2010, 12:14 AM
What about the morons that can't tell the difference between what Palin says and real life FACT?

Guitar Shark
02-15-2010, 01:56 AM
remember this beauty..."I did NOT have sexual relations with THAT woman". ROTFLMAO. Wasn't he under OATH when he said that shit!! :biggrin:

Not that it matters, but no.

bueno bob
02-15-2010, 03:02 AM
But, I'm glad you posted this. Do you know that there are actually people in our country, who voted for Obama, who honestly believe that Sarah Palin really said the things that Tina Fey was saying in those skits?

Yes, Obama actually became President partially due to morons who can not tell the difference between real life FACT and SNL.

LMAO! Really?

YouTube - SNL Sarah Palin Interview vs Real Sarah Palin (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjZW4z9zqqY)

It's almost WORD FOR WORD. And it speaks for itself.

Palin is a fucking idiot.

02-15-2010, 06:24 AM
OK, but I would still like that sandwich. :biggrin:

Baloney? :)

02-15-2010, 04:04 PM
JFK blatently cheating on his wife....ok.
Ted Kennedy murders a woman...ok.
Bill Clinton sticks his cigar in a clerks vag while in office....ok.
John Edwards cheats on his wife while she had cancer....ok.
Michelle Obama says on the night her husband was elected president "For the first time, I am proud to be an American"....ok.
Barry Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize for doing jack shit...ok.
Sarah Palin, after defeat and complete mistreatment by the public and the press, says "I am proud to be an American"...and that's not ok.



We don't speak of such ilk within here.

So watch yer mouth bimbo. How dare you woman!!! :mad:

No go fix me a dice dinner ya cute little cupcake. ;)

02-15-2010, 08:23 PM
I suppose it was a polite way of putting it.

For all the barbs thrown at her about her intellect, she was smart enough to realize that her personality energized a not totally insignificant segment of the conservative base. Not large enough to win a national election or a seat outside of Alaska, perhaps. However, she was clever enough to realize that her own base will accept just about whatever she says without question, which made the decision to resign the governorship an easy one (all the more easy considering her own poll approval numbers in Alaska dropped to under 50% by the spring of 2009 - losing a re-election bid there wouldn't have been a good thing for her brand, so why bother running at all and take the chance of losing?). The same way her proponents accept her daughter being a spokesperson for teen abstinence, they accept Palin's resignation as being not in the least at odds with her declarations of political responsibility.

The one event that WOULD damage the Palin brand is running against Obama on 2012. Win or lose. Even if she won, Palin would inherit the residuals of the mess Obama would leave her, and her own fanclub would be unable to trot out the "Blame Obama" scheme for all her failings without being totally hypocritical re: the current "Don't blame Bush" mantra for the circumstances Obama was handed. Granted, Obama ran for the job and knew what he was getting into. Palin would also discover what Obama has, in that a politician running a great campaign doesn't by default equal a great leader.

Palin's best strategy is to continue along the path she is right now, as an unelected critic, dangling forth the (to her supporters) tantalizing possibility she might run in the future but never actually doing so. Truth be told, she would have a tough time just winning the GOP primary two years from now.

pretty much spot on analysis, i think.

02-15-2010, 09:26 PM
I wouldn't be bothered and just see her as an idiot sideshow but if Bush could get re-elected...

kwame k
02-15-2010, 09:34 PM
I wouldn't be bothered and just see her as an idiot sideshow but if Bush could get re-elected...

I made my mind up about here during the election and no, my opinion of her wasn't based on the Couric interview.....that was just one more piece of the puzzle, so to speak.

.....and this nonsense that she quit the Governorship...to save America, is utter horse shit. She didn't quit to take a higher office, she quit to go make a ton of money being a talking head.....that's not gender bias, conservative view hating, or anything else you can throw out there, that's just the plain facts.

02-15-2010, 11:26 PM
LMAO! Really?

YouTube - SNL Sarah Palin Interview vs Real Sarah Palin (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjZW4z9zqqY)

It's almost WORD FOR WORD. And it speaks for itself.

Palin is a fucking idiot.

But, its not word for word. Do I really need to transcribe both portions for a smart man like you to realize that?

bueno bob
02-16-2010, 04:24 AM
But, its not word for word. Do I really need to transcribe both portions for a smart man like you to realize that?

Nah, I got that part, too.

Bold is where the words match ver batim, italic is where it amounts to essentially the same thing, just using a different word set.

Tina Fey:
Like every American I'm speaking with, we are ill about this. We're saying "Hey, why bail out Fannie and Freddie and not me?" But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those that are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help sure up our economy, to help, um, it's gotta be all about job creation, too. Also to suring up our economy and putting Fannie and Freddie back on the right track, and so healthcare reform, and reducing taxes and reigning in spending, 'cuz Barack Obama, you know. You know, we've got to accompany tax reduction and tax relief for Americans, also having a dollar value meal at restaurants, that's gonna help. But one in five jobs being created today under the umbrella of job creation, that, you know, also."

Sarah Palin:
That's why I say, I, like every American I'm speaking with, we're ill about this position that we have been put in, where it is the taxpayers looking to bailout, but ultimately what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help sure up our economy. Um, helping the, oh, it's gotta be all about job creation, too, suring up our economy and putting it back on the right track. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reigning in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans. And trade, we uh, we've got to see trade as opportunity, not as uh uh competitive, um, scary thing but one in five jobs being created, uh, in the trade sector today w-w-we've got to look at that as more opportunity, all those things under the umbrella of job creation...this bailout is a part of that.

Now I'm no mathmatics whiz, but it looks to me like Tina Fey nailed about 90% of Palin's response ver batim. Of course, there's a bit of humor thrown in there about the dollar menu or whatnot, and a reference to Barack Obama, but beyond that...speaks for itself...

02-16-2010, 08:52 AM
I was referring to the humor that was thrown in. Dumbass people, who voted for Obama, actually believe she said those things.

If you asked some Obama supporters the question" "who said that having a dollar menu at McDonalds would help sure up our economy?" They would say "Sarah Palin".

Not only in this skit but even worse in others. This one was actually mild compared to others.

bueno bob
02-16-2010, 09:35 AM
I was referring to the humor that was thrown in. Dumbass people, who voted for Obama, actually believe she said those things.

And then there are dumbass people who voted for McCain and Palin under the impression that Obama wasn't born in America, is an evil terrorist plant, a socialist/communist/nazi marxist or whatever and has America's demise at the heart of his agenda.

If you asked some Obama supporters the question" "who said that having a dollar menu at McDonalds would help sure up our economy?" They would say "Sarah Palin".

The same sort of people, no doubt, who believed that Gerald Ford fell over ANYTHING that got in his way thanks to Chevy Chase. I mean, this is nothing new here.

Not only in this skit but even worse in others. This one was actually mild compared to others.

So what then? Political satire is no longer allowed because it'll influence the weak minded? I mean, really, if it's gotta go for one side, it's gotta go for all sides. If nobody's allowed to make fun of Palin over the things that come out of her mouth, then nobody should be allowed to make fun of anybody over anything. That's really what we're headed to here.

Get Lorne Michaels on the phone...

02-16-2010, 11:44 AM
Exactly, never proven.

Who cares? I wasn't making an issue out of it. She was "proven" to have abused her power as the governess though...

I dont think SHE ever acted like the Madonna, walking on water, etc. I think she claimed to be an American. And that her family was much like many American families, with a teenage pregnant daughter, and a child with Downs Syndrome, etc. I think she introduced us ("the People") to her family so that we could see that they are just like us, or at least MUCH like us. But, instead she got everything thrown back in her face.

Actually, I recall her being a moralist idiot claiming some sort of inherent superiority over those godless liberals. Then she sort of got owned by her own slightly awkward and dysfunctional family. If you're gonna play the typical bullshit GOP "family values," moralist card, you'd better have your act together!

I believe her daughter's ex also mentioned that she was fully aware they were having sex in the house...

Her pregnant daughter was the brunt of a nasty Letterman joke about having sex with A-Rod. WTF? Would Letterman ever make a joke like that about Obama's kid? NO WAY!! you know why?? because he would never get away with it. There would be a fucking lynching. But, with Palin, it's OK. She became his punching bag. And what about CBS speculating that her baby might not really be her baby. No, not the National Enquirer, but CBSNews. Have they ever made such speculations about other politicians and their families? Not that I know of.

And people wonder why she rarely does interviews.

Would you??

WTF does Letterman have to do with all this? Over the years he's mocked several prominent liberals such as Ted Kennedy and others. And I think Sarah Palin was punching back and eeking the most political sympathy mileage out of it she could...

And I'm sure you were so appalled when Rush Limbaugh called Chelsea Clinton "ugly" when she was just a kid. Or that Hillary Clinton supposedly bawled her eyes out over media comments that she was sort of whoring out her daughter with public speaking engagements?

02-16-2010, 11:53 AM
I was referring to the humor that was thrown in. Dumbass people, who voted for Obama, actually believe she said those things.

If you asked some Obama supporters the question" "who said that having a dollar menu at McDonalds would help sure up our economy?" They would say "Sarah Palin".

Not only in this skit but even worse in others. This one was actually mild compared to others.

I think the satire against the lying retard has been really mild and still is for a couple of reasons.

Firstly it's actually quite difficult to satirize someone that stupid because how do you exaggerate a grotesque.

Plus it makes you look as though you are being cruel to a mentalist who can't defend herself.

02-16-2010, 12:57 PM
And then there are dumbass people who voted for McCain and Palin under the impression that Obama wasn't born in America, is an evil terrorist plant, a socialist/communist/nazi marxist or whatever and has America's demise at the heart of his agenda.

The same sort of people, no doubt, who believed that Gerald Ford fell over ANYTHING that got in his way thanks to Chevy Chase. I mean, this is nothing new here.

So what then? Political satire is no longer allowed because it'll influence the weak minded? I mean, really, if it's gotta go for one side, it's gotta go for all sides. If nobody's allowed to make fun of Palin over the things that come out of her mouth, then nobody should be allowed to make fun of anybody over anything. That's really what we're headed to here.

Get Lorne Michaels on the phone...

I never said it wasnt allowed, or that it wasn't funny. I said that there are people who voted for Obama who believe that Palin said everything that Fey said. Dumb ass folks.

Not saying that we can or should do anything about it. But, he did win the Presidency with the support of these dimwits.

02-16-2010, 01:08 PM
Who cares? I wasn't making an issue out of it. She was "proven" to have abused her power as the governess though...

Actually, I recall her being a moralist idiot claiming some sort of inherent superiority over those godless liberals. Then she sort of got owned by her own slightly awkward and dysfunctional family. If you're gonna play the typical bullshit GOP "family values," moralist card, you'd better have your act together!

I believe her daughter's ex also mentioned that she was fully aware they were having sex in the house...

WTF does Letterman have to do with all this? Over the years he's mocked several prominent liberals such as Ted Kennedy and others. And I think Sarah Palin was punching back and eeking the most political sympathy mileage out of it she could...

And I'm sure you were so appalled when Rush Limbaugh called Chelsea Clinton "ugly" when she was just a kid. Or that Hillary Clinton supposedly bawled her eyes out over media comments that she was sort of whoring out her daughter with public speaking engagements?

Letterman stepped over the line when he joked about her daughter have sex with Arod. The hypocrit. And he did it because he knew he could get away with it. Because his audience has been trained to disrespect Palin.

Calling a teenage girl ugly is wrong, but saying that a teenage girl had sex with ARod is worse. You can fight me on that if you want to.

I never heard media comments of Hilary whoring out her daughter. I assume that whomever said that did not mean that the girl was literally having sex with people for money. if they did mean that then they are right up there with Letterman. I won't defend that.

But, you're right...what does Letterman have to do with this? After all, he is only a host on a little late night talk show.

02-16-2010, 01:26 PM
YouTube - Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXVIwo5fLYs)

<object width="512" height="296"><param name="movie" value="http://www.hulu.com/embed/iB6BlTpElyVEksC47YYpTA"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.hulu.com/embed/iB6BlTpElyVEksC47YYpTA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" width="512" height="296"></embed></object>


LOL cos that satire makes more fun of Katie Couric's biased and pro Barry opinions than what that Tina Fey's (futile attempt at best) 15 minutes could ever accomplish. :lmao:

Thanks again for continuing to prove our points Nick!!!

Seriously, I mean that. :D

02-16-2010, 01:49 PM
And I'm sure you were so appalled when Rush Limbaugh called Chelsea Clinton "ugly" when she was just a kid.

I'm thrilled that you mentioned this Nick cos I think (and ALWAYS have!!!) Rush Limbaugh is an utterly, classless, piece of shit!!! :mad:

If I remeber correctly, he not only called Chelsea ugly but he said "The Clinton's not only have a cat named Socks but they have a dog named Chelsea" or something completely awful along those lines?

See, many of us aren't all clumped together as robotic consrvative Republicans. ;)

02-16-2010, 02:26 PM
Fey has a very popular show on besides SNL, so saying her "15 minutes" is about her Palin impersonation is about as accurate as saying Palin is "intelligent"...

02-16-2010, 02:36 PM
Fey has a very popular show on besides SNL, so saying her "15 minutes" is about her Palin impersonation is about as accurate as saying Palin is "intelligent"...

if she didn't happen to look so much like Palin, the skits wouldn't have been nearly as popular

02-16-2010, 02:45 PM
if she didn't happen to look so much like Palin, the skits wouldn't have been nearly as popular

Possibly. Wouldn't have made them any less accurate...nor her vocal impersonation less dead-on.

Didn't make or break her career either way was my point.

02-16-2010, 03:15 PM
Possibly. Wouldn't have made them any less accurate...nor her vocal impersonation less dead-on.

Didn't make or break her career either way was my point.

true (about her career to a degree)..I was just sayin'

But, what do you make of all of Fey's bimbo-ish eye rolls and hand gestures. If you watch Bob's video, I don't see Palin doing any of that.

I guess that was her attempt at letting the dumbasses who thought it was real, know it was fake?? I can't think of any other reason for it.

02-16-2010, 03:35 PM
true (about her career to a degree)..I was just sayin'

But, what do you make of all of Fey's bimbo-ish eye rolls and hand gestures. If you watch Bob's video, I don't see Palin doing any of that.

I guess that was her attempt at letting the dumbasses who thought it was real, know it was fake?? I can't think of any other reason for it.

I think the eye-rolls were playing up the overdone you-betcha "wink", thing she does continuously.

And I seriously think you're wrong when you assert that people thought it was anything other than satire, especially to the point it swayed their vote.

02-16-2010, 03:44 PM
And I seriously think you're wrong when you assert that people thought it was anything other than satire, especially to the point it swayed their vote.

It is true that many of our one-toothed citizens (the crème de la crème) did infact believe Fey's impersonation to be factual. I remember when it was all over the news and these folks (you know, the one's with lots of tattoos... The true face of America? lol) who openly admitted that this was to be the first time they'd voted did infact actually believe Fey's impersonation to be Palin's for real.

02-16-2010, 03:55 PM
It is true that many of our one-toothed citizens (the crème de la crème) did infact believe Fey's impersonation to be factual. I remember when it was all over the news and these folks (you know, the one's with lots of tattoos... The true face of America? lol) who openly admitted that this was to be the first time they'd voted did infact actually believe Fey's impersonation to be Palin's for real.

That voter-description makes it sound like they'd be the typer MORE likely to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket. God knows THOSE types never would've voted for Obama regardless. Like those toothless rednecks in that widely-circulated YouTube video.

Not going to glorify inbreeding by reposting it here. ;)

02-16-2010, 04:01 PM
That voter-description makes it sound like they'd be the typer MORE likely to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket. God knows THOSE types never would've voted for Obama regardless. Like those toothless rednecks in that widely-circulated YouTube video.

Not going to glorify inbreeding by reposting it here. ;)

I'll agree with you regarding voters for both parties. I was just referring to the numbskulls who were interviwed that actually believed Fey was Palin and stated that sweyed their collective votes.

There are ignorant dumbasses on every city block within this country. Fuck, even within this site. Take Ace for example cos he's currently proving my point as we speak in non. ;)

02-16-2010, 04:08 PM
I'll agree with you regarding voters for both parties. I was just referring to the numbskulls who were interviwed that actually believed Fey was Palin and stated that sweyed their collective votes.

There are ignorant dumbasses on every city block within this country. Fuck, even within this site. Take Ace for example cos he's currently proving my point as we speak in non. ;)

I try to ignore DisgrACE whenever possible. ;)

But dude, think of the percentage of voters in PA (just as an example) that not only are still openly racist, but were even worse willing to freely ADMIT it to pollsters? Some disturbing percentage actually had the AUDACITY to admit publicly they "weren't ready" for a black President in exit polls. They may as well wear shirts that say "Proud to be an IDIOT."

There's still a LOT of mouth-breathers out there.

02-16-2010, 04:17 PM
I try to ignore DisgrACE whenever possible. ;)

But dude, think of the percentage of voters in PA (just as an example) that not only are still openly racist, but were even worse willing to freely ADMIT it to pollsters? Some disturbing percentage actually had the AUDACITY to admit publicly they "weren't ready" for a black President in exit polls. They may as well wear shirts that say "Proud to be an IDIOT."

There's still a LOT of mouth-breathers out there.

I couldn't agree more with you regarding the fact that there are true racists currently sitting on a couch, in a house on every corner of every neighborhood in every city or town in America. :mad: It's unfortunate. :(

Obama's race has zero to do with my opinion of him. He's a man just like both you and me. I simply don't jive with his politics, that's all. :)

Now as for Ace on the other nut... I pray that he's never allowed to vote. Then again, his vote for Captain Crunch might divert any more of his time here.

02-16-2010, 04:24 PM
I couldn't agree more with you regarding the fact that there are true racists currently sitting on a couch, in a house on every corner of every neighborhood in every city or town in America. :mad: It's unfortunate. :(

Better than them being out on the streets I suppose. :)

02-16-2010, 04:27 PM
Better than them being out on the streets I suppose. :)

Why is it that people both often and always assume that they're walkin' the streets? Maybe they're home bangin' the babysitter? Dunno?

02-16-2010, 04:34 PM
Why is it that people both often and always assume that they're walkin' the streets? Maybe they're home bangin' the babysitter? Dunno?

in the house, on the couch, right?:biggrin:

02-16-2010, 04:38 PM
I try to ignore DisgrACE whenever possible. ;)

But dude, think of the percentage of voters in PA (just as an example) that not only are still openly racist, but were even worse willing to freely ADMIT it to pollsters? Some disturbing percentage actually had the AUDACITY to admit publicly they "weren't ready" for a black President in exit polls. They may as well wear shirts that say "Proud to be an IDIOT."

There's still a LOT of mouth-breathers out there.

and there were those who didn't want a woman vice president (a heart beat away from POTUS) and voted Obama instead.

and there were also people who ONLY voted for him because he was black, and they admitted it too.

Not sure if the people you speak of outweigh the people I am speaking of, but all of the above were out there and voting.

02-16-2010, 04:45 PM
and there were those who didn't want a woman vice president (a heart beat away from POTUS) and voted Obama instead.

and there were also people who ONLY voted for him because he was black, and they admitted it too.

Not sure if the people you speak of outweigh the people I am speaking of, but all of the above were out there and voting.

To be honest though....you guys really did not have much to choose from.

You are right in how people decided to vote...I was amazed how disconnected many were from issues at hand.

And....how many thought that once Obama was sworn in it would only take a couple of months to turn things around.

02-16-2010, 06:02 PM
and there were those who didn't want a woman vice president (a heart beat away from POTUS) and voted Obama instead.

They didn't want THAT woman.

The retarded deluded lying one.

Guitar Shark
02-16-2010, 06:08 PM
They didn't want THAT woman.

The retarded deluded lying one.


There are much better female role models out there. If anything, Palin does a disservice to women.

02-16-2010, 06:14 PM
They didn't want THAT woman.

The retarded deluded lying one.

I am sure there were people who didn't like Palin personally. But, there are also people who would never vote for any ticket with a female on it.

I have spoken to many women who would never vote for a woman. I have heard some women say they don't want "her" going through menopause while in office.

02-16-2010, 06:29 PM
I am sure there were people who didn't like Palin personally. But, there are also people who would never vote for any ticket with a female on it.

I have spoken to many women who would never vote for a woman. I have heard some women say they don't want "her" going through menopause while in office.

shit yes! or as robin williams said "a woman president would have no war, just every 28 days, some INTENSE negotiations";)

02-16-2010, 06:31 PM
I live in a state with a female governor and 2 female senators. I voted for all three of them, and each of them more than once. They piss me off when they do the wrong thing, but then so does my male Congressman. And I actually campaigned for that son of a bitch.

I have no problem voting for a qualified woman. Sarah Palin doesn't meet that criteria. I wouldn't have voted for Hillary either, because her positions were too far to the right. Like all members of the DLC, she's a Republican pretending to be a Democrat. Started her political career as a "Goldwater girl" in 1964, and never moved to the left at all, as far as I can tell.

kwame k
02-16-2010, 06:43 PM
To be honest though....you guys really did not have much to choose from.

You are right in how people decided to vote...I was amazed how disconnected many were from issues at hand.

And....how many thought that once Obama was sworn in it would only take a couple of months to turn things around.

Instead of reading and forming your own opinion, most people today are influenced by political ads and 24 hr news channels. When in depth political coverage is nothing more than trying to create scandal and facts are nothing more than speculation and innuendo slanted against whatever person that news organization happens to not like. How anyone could form an opinion of a candidate by those standards, amazes me.

I can't recall a national election that was about the issues and debates that weren't about mud slinging, veiled or blatant.

I am just as baffled by people who thought Obama would turn this country around in months. No President, be it a man, woman, white or black could do that.

First they tried to say Obama wasn't an American...didn't work.
Then they said he was a super secret Muslim.....didn't work.
Then came the "he's a socialist or maybe even a communist"...didn't work.
Then came the health care reform scare that Obama was creating Death Panels.....didn't work.
Even Palin is quoted about Death Panels, where do these people get this stuff?

Now that they used all those up, what are they bleating about now....the country is revolting against Obama, look....they elected a Republican in a state that has always been Democratic. The country has spoken and they are sick and tired of Obama's radical liberal ideas....please, that dude won because he ran a better campaign, period.

Everyone seems to be giving the guy shit for trying to reform health care, why? When small business can't afford to insure their employees and most Americans can't afford to buy their own insurance...it defies common sense that anyone is against health care reform. The last time I looked at the Health Care bill.....I think the took out the words Health, Care and Reform because that would upset everyone ;)

Why are the Republicans against helping struggling Americans? Why are the Democrats so inept that with a super majority they couldn't get anything to pass? Is this what we want in Washington? Both sides are so busy following their own agenda nothing is getting done. They make their money, have awesome health care and basically don't do the job they were hired to do.

...and most importantly! Why in the fuck does anyone care what Palin says. She quit her job in politics and is not running for any office or doing anything remotely connected to helping this country in it's time of need. Jesus, even lazy no-talents got together to cover We Are The World. What has she done to save America? Other than quitting as Governor when it got too hot for her. Meaning there were investigations into her nefarious acts as Governor...oh, she quit to save America by going to work for Fox....phew, I can sleep better knowing she now works for Fox News because we all know to save America you have to work for Fox, not the government.

She has no meaning in my life other than the occasional glance in the news briefs to see how she made an ass out of herself again.

When she runs for office, I'll debate her merits or lack thereof....as of now she's nothing more than a celebrity and her opinions have about as much weight as what Madonna thinks of the situation in the Middle East.

Getting a TV show or speaking at a rally, just means you're popular and can draw a crowd.....bitching about Obama and saying lame things like cutting taxes and I love America......geez, she's a maverick:umm:

02-16-2010, 07:02 PM
I live in a state with a female governor and 2 female senators. I voted for all three of them, and each of them more than once. They piss me off when they do the wrong thing, but then so does my male Congressman. And I actually campaigned for that son of a bitch.

I have no problem voting for a qualified woman. Sarah Palin doesn't meet that criteria. I wouldn't have voted for Hillary either, because her positions were too far to the right. Like all members of the DLC, she's a Republican pretending to be a Democrat. Started her political career as a "Goldwater girl" in 1964, and never moved to the left at all, as far as I can tell.

If BHO was a woman, you would have voted for her?

02-16-2010, 07:52 PM
If BHO was a woman, you would have voted for her?

Yep. I voted for Obama based on what he campaigned on. Not his gender, his skin color, or any other such thing.

I'm also less than pleased with the results so far, but I don't regret NOT voting for Hillary at my caucus in February 2008. And by then, no other options were available. I was supporting Kucinich until he dropped out after Iowa. And was still hoping either Al Gore or Howard Dean had jumped into the campaign before that.

We'll probably see a woman President in our lifetime, but I don't see anybody currently on the political landscape who is likely to be that woman. Maybe if Barbara Boxer was younger? (I believe she's in her mid 60's) Not that a Senator is going to be elected President again any time soon.

The first woman president will probably be a governor. And one who actually served a full term, and didn't quit. Or have her husband do her job, like Moosealini did.

02-16-2010, 07:55 PM
Letterman stepped over the line when he joked about her daughter have sex with Arod. The hypocrit.

That has nothing to do with anything I've said and is completely bizarre in your response. Try to keep up!

And he did it because he knew he could get away with it. Because his audience has been trained to disrespect Palin.

He did so because that's what he does, offend people.

Calling a teenage girl ugly is wrong, but saying that a teenage girl had sex with ARod is worse. You can fight me on that if you want to.

Yeah, but you forgot to mention the former. And he didn't quite say the latter. He implied it as a tie-in, but then, isn't premarital sex supposed to be horrible according to Palin's beliefs?

I never heard media comments of Hilary whoring out her daughter. I assume that whomever said that did not mean that the girl was literally having sex with people for money. if they did mean that then they are right up there with Letterman. I won't defend that.

But you didn't bother to look. And I don't think anyone would take anything Letterman says "literally," except you perhaps...

But, you're right...what does Letterman have to do with this? After all, he is only a host on a little late night talk show.

Yeah, because that's what we were talking about... :rolleyes:

02-16-2010, 07:57 PM
I'm thrilled that you mentioned this Nick cos I think (and ALWAYS have!!!) Rush Limbaugh is an utterly, classless, piece of shit!!! :mad:

If I remeber correctly, he not only called Chelsea ugly but he said "The Clinton's not only have a cat named Socks but they have a dog named Chelsea" or something completely awful along those lines?

See, many of us aren't all clumped together as robotic consrvative Republicans. ;)

I never said you were dude, nor do I believe all conservatives like Limpdick, or that they all believe in exactly the same things...

02-16-2010, 08:00 PM
shit yes! or as robin williams said "a woman president would have no war, just every 28 days, some INTENSE negotiations";)

It was a funny joke but Thatcher loved war.

I don't think Hillary would have been quicker to get the troops out; in fact did she not vote for the Iraq war?