View Full Version : Cuba lambasts says former President Ronald Reagan should ``never have been born''

06-07-2004, 07:56 PM
Cuba lambasts says former President Ronald Reagan should ``never have been born''
By Associated Press
Monday, June 7, 2004

HAVANA - Cuba harshly criticized former President Ronald Reagan and his policies on Monday, saying he should ``never have been born.''

In the first reaction to Reagan's death from the communist government, Radio Reloj said:

``As forgetful and irresponsible as he was, he forgot to take his worst works to the grave,'' the government radio station said.

``He, who never should have been born, has died,'' the radio said.

The statement did not mention Cuba's relationship with the United States under Reagan, a staunch foe of communism.

It also did not mention Reagan's decision to order U.S. forces to invade the tiny Caribbean country of Grenada on Oct. 25, 1983, because Washington feared the island had grown too close to Cuba.

Since the early 1960s, Cuba and the United States have been without diplomatic relations, and Cuba has been under a U.S. trade embargo. But relations between the two countries were especially tense when Reagan was in office from 1981-1989.

Radio Reloj lambasted Reagan's military policies, especially the ``Star Wars'' anti-missile program. The initiative, launched when the Soviet Union still existed, rejected a long-standing doctrine built on the idea that neither superpower would start a nuclear war out of fear of annihilation by the other.

The radio also criticized Reagan's policies in Central America, where Washington backed a counterrevolutionary rebel army that fought against the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The United States also supported a conservative government that battled Marxist guerrillas during El Salvador's civil war.

``His apologists characterize him as the victor of the Cold War,'' the radio said. ``Those in the know knew that the reality was not so, but rather (he was) the destroyer of policies of detente in the overall quest for peace.''


06-07-2004, 07:59 PM
iller, Coward, Conman - Good Riddance, Ronnie Reagan
By Greg Palast
Jun 6, 2004, 20:51

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June 6, 2004 -- You're not going to like this. You shouldn't speak ill of the dead. But in this case, someone's got to.

Ronald Reagan was a conman. Reagan was a coward. Reagan was a killer.

In 1987, I found myself stuck in a crappy little town in Nicaragua named Chaguitillo. The people were kind enough, though hungry, except for one surly young man. His wife had just died of tuberculosis.

People don't die of TB if they get some antibiotics. But Ronald Reagan, big hearted guy that he was, had put a lock-down embargo on medicine to Nicaragua because he didn't like the government that the people there had elected.

Ronnie grinned and cracked jokes while the young woman's lungs filled up and she stopped breathing. Reagan flashed that B-movie grin while they buried the mother of three.

And when Hezbollah terrorists struck and murdered hundreds of American marines in their sleep in Lebanon, the TV warrior ran away like a whipped dog ... then turned around and invaded Grenada. That little Club Med war was a murderous PR stunt so Ronnie could hold parades for gunning down Cubans building an airport.

I remember Nancy, a skull and crossbones prancing around in designer dresses, some of the "gifts" that flowed to the Reagans -- from hats to million-dollar homes -- from cronies well compensated with government loot. It used to be called bribery.

And all the while, Grandpa grinned, the grandfather who bleated on about "family values" but didn't bother to see his own grandchildren.

The New York Times today, in its canned obit, wrote that Reagan projected, "faith in small town America" and "old-time values." "Values" my ass. It was union busting and a declaration of war on the poor and anyone who couldn't buy designer dresses. It was the New Meanness, bringing starvation back to America so that every millionaire could get another million.

"Small town" values? From the movie star of the Pacific Palisades, the Malibu mogul? I want to throw up.

And all the while, in the White House basement, as his brain boiled away, his last conscious act was to condone a coup d'etat against our elected Congress. Reagan's Defense Secretary Casper the Ghost Weinberger with the crazed Colonel, Ollie North, plotted to give guns to the Monster of the Mideast, Ayatolla Khomeini.

Reagan's boys called Jimmy Carter a weanie and a wuss although Carter wouldn't give an inch to the Ayatolla. Reagan, with that film-fantasy tough-guy con in front of cameras, went begging like a coward cockroach to Khomeini pleading on bended knee for the release of our hostages.

Ollie North flew into Iran with a birthday cake for the maniac mullah -- no kidding --in the shape of a key. The key to Ronnie's heart.

Then the Reagan roaches mixed their cowardice with crime: taking cash from the hostage-takers to buy guns for the "contras" - the drug-runners of Nicaragua posing as freedom fighters.

I remember as a student in Berkeley the words screeching out of the bullhorn, "The Governor of the State of California, Ronald Reagan, hereby orders this demonstration to disburse" ... and then came the teargas and the truncheons. And all the while, that fang-hiding grin from the Gipper.

In Chaguitillo, all night long, the farmers stayed awake to guard their kids from attack from Reagan's Contra terrorists. The farmers weren't even Sandinistas, those 'Commies' that our cracked-brained President told us were 'only a 48-hour drive from Texas.' What the hell would they want with Texas, anyway?

Nevertheless, the farmers, and their families, were Ronnie's targets.

In the deserted darkness of Chaguitillo, a TV blared. Weirdly, it was that third-rate gangster movie, "Brother Rat." Starring Ronald Reagan.

Well, my friends, you can rest easier tonight: the Rat is dead.

Killer, coward, conman. Ronald Reagan, good-bye and good riddance.


06-07-2004, 08:02 PM
In releated news: Cuba radio also said Castro's beard never should have been born, along with David Hasselhoff, Nick Carter, the bass player with the crappy moustache from the Darkness, Donald Trump's comb over, Dr. Phil's foreskin collection and those amazing pets in a jar: Semen Monkeys!

Mezro...oh, and don't foget Claudio

lucky wilbury
06-07-2004, 08:29 PM
yet all the cubans will sail on their inner tubes just to attend his funeral

06-07-2004, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by lucky wilbury
yet all the cubans will sail on their inner tubes just to attend his funeral

Nah, they'll just fly in from Miami where Jeb has made them all rich coke smugglers,

And as much as I love the Greg Palast article, this is now the third time it's been posted. I don't want to close any of the threads, because it's three different discussions.

Maybe we could cool it on the Reagan threads, and just post new info into one of the exisiting ones?

06-07-2004, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Mezro
In releated news: Cuba radio also said Castro's beard never should have been born, along with David Hasselhoff, Nick Carter, the bass player with the crappy moustache from the Darkness, Donald Trump's comb over, Dr. Phil's foreskin collection and those amazing pets in a jar: Semen Monkeys!

Mezro...oh, and don't foget Claudio

You forgot Sammy Hagar!

John Ashcroft
06-07-2004, 08:41 PM
Pussy. Go ahead and close Sarge's post. I triple-dog dare ya. ;)

06-07-2004, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by FORD
You forgot Sammy Hagar!

Shit..you know what they say about missing the obvious.

Mezro..fuck you sammy hagar! i wish your mommy would have sat on a wire hanger

06-07-2004, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by John Ashcroft
Pussy. Go ahead and close Sarge's post. I triple-dog dare ya. ;)

I was gonna close yours. But then it took on a life of its own.

John Ashcroft
06-07-2004, 09:01 PM
Heh heh heh...

It's been quite a while since you've closed one of my threads. I guess we're overdue.

But I do believe mine was the first. Not sure, but I did a quick scan of the others to make sure it wasn't posted prior. I certainly could've missed it though.

06-07-2004, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by John Ashcroft
Heh heh heh...

It's been quite a while since you've closed one of my threads. I guess we're overdue.

But I do believe mine was the first. Not sure, but I did a quick scan of the others to make sure it wasn't posted prior. I certainly could've missed it though.

Pinky's was first. But it was buried pretty deep in the stickied Reagan thread, so I'm not surprised you missed it.

John Ashcroft
06-07-2004, 09:06 PM
Ah, that explains it.

I suppose the intent of my posting it and hers was about 180 degrees out though...

06-07-2004, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by FORD
Nah, they'll just fly in from Miami where Jeb has made them all rich coke smugglers,

And as much as I love the Greg Palast article, this is now the third time it's been posted. I don't want to close any of the threads, because it's three different discussions.

Maybe we could cool it on the Reagan threads, and just post new info into one of the exisiting ones?

Jimmy Carter put 'em there. Do the best with what you got eh?

06-07-2004, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by rustoffa
Jimmy Carter put 'em there. Do the best with what you got eh?

Yep, but my fondest memory of Ron was when he put them all in the Orange Bowl, swore them in, and gave them voter registration cards right there. Not the most ethical of moves, but what the hell, it worked.

06-08-2004, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by madraoul
Yep, but my fondest memory of Ron was when he put them all in the Orange Bowl, swore them in, and gave them voter registration cards right there. Not the most ethical of moves, but what the hell, it worked.

Jeb and Junior certainly appreciated it :mad: