View Full Version : Why Obama's Budget Sell-Out to Republicans Threatens Our Economy

02-15-2011, 08:57 PM
Why Obama's Budget Sell-Out to Republicans Threatens Our Economy
By Robert Reich, RobertReich.org

President Obama has chosen to fight fire with gasoline.

Republicans want America to believe the economy is still lousy because government is too big, and the way to revive the economy is to cut federal spending. Sunday Republican Speaker John Boehner even refused to rule out a government shut-down if Republicans don't get the spending cuts they want.

On Monday, Obama poured gas on the Republican flame by proposing a 2012 federal budget that cuts the federal deficit by $1.1 trillion over 10 years. About $400 billion of this will come from a five-year freeze on non-security discretionary spending -- including all sorts of programs for poor and working-class Americans, such as heating assistance to low-income people and community-service block grants. Most of the rest from additional spending cuts, such as grants to states for water treatment plants and other environmental projects and higher interest charges on federal loans to graduate students.

That means the Great Debate starting this week will be set by Republicans: Does Obama cut enough spending? How much more will he have cut in order to appease Republicans? If they don't get the spending cuts they want, will Tea Party Republicans demand a shut-down?

Framed this way, the debate invites deficit hawks on both sides of the aisle to criticize Democrats and Republicans alike for failing to take on Social Security and Medicare entitlements. Expect Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, co-chairs of Obama's deficit commission, to say the President needs to do more. Expect Alice Rivlin and Paul Ryan, respectively former Clinton hawk and current Republican budget hawk, to tout their plan for chopping Medicare.

It's the wrong debate about the wrong thing at the wrong time.

To official Washington it seems like 1995 all over again, when Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich played a game of chicken over cutting the budget deficit, the hawks warned about the perils of giant deficits, and the 1996 general election loomed over all. Washington politicians and the media know this playbook by heart, so it's natural for them to take on the same roles, make the same arguments, and build up to the same showdown over a government shutdown and a climactic presidential election.

But the 1995 playbook is irrelevant. In 1995 the economy was roaring back to life. The recession of 1991 had been caused (as are most recessions) by the Fed raising interest rates too high to ward off inflation. So reversing course was relatively simple. Alan Greenspan and the Fed cut interest rates.

In 2011 most Americans are still in the throes of the Great Recession, which was caused by the bursting of a giant debt bubble. The Fed can't reverse course by cutting interest rates; rates have been near zero for two years.

Big American companies are sitting on almost $2 trillion of cash because there aren't enough customers to buy additional goods and services. The only people with money are the richest 10 percent whose stock portfolios have been roaring back to life, but their spending isn't enough to spur much additional hiring.

The Republican bromide -- cut federal spending -- is precisely the wrong response to this ongoing crisis, which is more analogous to the Great Depression than to any recent recession. Herbert Hoover responded the same way between 1929 and 1932. Insufficient spending only deepened the Great Depression.

The best way to revive the economy is not to cut the federal deficit right now. It's to put more money into the pockets of average working families. Not until they start spending again big time will companies begin to hire again big time.

Don't cut the government services they rely on -- college loans, home heating oil, community services, and the rest. State and local budget cuts are already causing enough pain.

The most direct way to get more money into their pockets is to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit (a wage subsidy) all the way up through people earning $50,000, and reduce their income taxes to zero. Taxes on incomes between $50,000 and $90,000 should be cut to 10 percent; between $90,000 and $150,000 to 20 percent; between $150,000 and $250,000 to 30 percent.

And exempt the first $20,000 of income from payroll taxes.

Make up the revenues by increasing taxes on incomes between $250,000 to $500,000 to 40 percent; between $500,000 and $5 million, to 50 percent; between $5 million and $15 million, to 60 percent; and anything over $15 million, to 70 percent.

And raise the ceiling on the portion of income subject to payroll taxes to $500,000.

It's called progressive taxation.

The lion's share of America's income and wealth is at the top. Taxing the very rich won't hurt the economy. They spend a much smaller portion of their incomes than everyone else.

Sure -- take some steps to cut federal spending over the longer term. Cut the bloated defense budget. Tame the growth in health care costs by allowing the federal government to use its bargaining clout -- as the nation's biggest purchaser of drugs and hospital services under Medicare and Medicaid and the Veterans Administration -- to get low prices. While we're at it, cut agricultural subsidies.

But don't believe for a moment that federal spending cuts anytime soon will get the economy growing soon. They'll have the opposite effect because they'll reduce total demand.

The progressive tax system I've outlined will get the economy growing again. This, in turn, will bring down the ratio of the debt as a proportion of the total economy -- the only yardstick of fiscal prudence that counts.

But we can't get to this point -- or even to have a debate about it -- if Obama allows Republicans to frame the debate as how much federal spending can be cut and how to shrink the deficit.

The President has to reframe the debate around the necessity of average families having enough to spend to get the economy moving again. He needs to remind America this is not 1995 but 2011 -- and we're still in a jobs crisis brought on by the bursting of a giant debt bubble and the implosion of total demand.

Robert B. Reich has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton. He also served on President Obama's transition advisory board. His latest book is Supercapitalism.
© 2011 RobertReich.org All rights reserved.
View this story online at: http://www.alternet.org/story/149915/

Dr. Love
02-15-2011, 10:43 PM
sometimes it's hard to tell which side complains more about Obama.

02-16-2011, 01:27 AM
sometimes it's hard to tell which side complains more about Obama.

The racist side of course.

02-16-2011, 03:19 AM
What side is that ??

Nitro Express
02-16-2011, 03:55 AM
In reality, we need to cut $4 Trillion out of the budget. Right now our debt equals our entire economy and we are very close to defaulting. China is slowly dumping it's dollars and if we lose the reserve currency status on oil, the dollar will start to inflate wildly. Then you will see all sorts of replacement currencies offered like the IMF's Bancor. I belief the military budget for 2011 is $1.3 Trillion. The banks made off with $3 Trillion in cash that we won't get back and much of that has gone overseas. I guess they just plan on robbing us and adding the amount to our grand children's credit card.

Nitro Express
02-16-2011, 04:01 AM
My main beef with the Republicans right now is they refuse to cut any military spending or start bringing troops back from overseas. We can make plenty of budget cuts there and we no longer can afford to play world policeman. We've gained nothing from all this war while China plays it smart. We invade and China becomes a good customer and simply buys what it wants. WWII lasted six years and Vietnam lasted for ten. We will be over in the middle east for 20 plus years the way we are going.

02-16-2011, 04:37 AM
Military spending is the oil that makes the whole machine 'work'.

Tax payer pays Hailburton $60 for a 6 pack of coke, Haliburton pays for senators TV adverts, senator votes for war, senator gets military base for the state.

Without wars eventually even the most mindless flag wavers are going to ask why all their money goes on this.

02-16-2011, 04:45 AM
Bomb Iran!!!


02-16-2011, 08:36 AM
"I destroy my enemy when I make him my friend." - Abraham Lincoln

02-16-2011, 12:26 PM
"I destroy my enemy when I make him my friend." - Abraham Lincoln

Elvis doesn't read Honest Abe, but he does read the Bible, which has a similar quote........

If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head. - Romans 12:20

02-16-2011, 01:28 PM
The bible is kind of like a dictionary of lines.

Need a line to justify beating your slave - got one for that.

Need a line about love in marriage - sure take 2.

It's fine I suppose as long as people don't give it any extra weight especially supernatural.

"MARY! MARY! Come up here right now. Godammit Mary I've caught my nutsack in my breeks again. MARY!" - Abraham Lincoln (Probably)

02-16-2011, 01:36 PM
I've just noticed Dave Lee Roth has now outlived Abe Lincoln...

02-16-2011, 01:40 PM
I've just noticed Dave Lee Roth has now outlived Abe Lincoln...

This is one of the advantages of not having your significant other drag you to see plays.

Nitro Express
02-16-2011, 03:13 PM
Military spending is the oil that makes the whole machine 'work'.

Tax payer pays Hailburton $60 for a 6 pack of coke, Haliburton pays for senators TV adverts, senator votes for war, senator gets military base for the state.

Without wars eventually even the most mindless flag wavers are going to ask why all their money goes on this.

Before WWII we wanted to stay out of wars and world affairs. Once we got into that game it just snowballed. Now it's broke us.

Nitro Express
02-16-2011, 03:25 PM
Bankers and politicians start wars, the average person pays for it in blood and taxes while the banks make interest on it. It's an old scheme.

02-16-2011, 10:19 PM
Not to get this thread back on topic or anything, but Reich has more on his progressive taxation proposal here.......

Why We Should Raise Taxes on the Super-Rich and Lower Them on the Middle Class

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My proposal to raise the marginal tax to 70 percent on incomes over $15 million, to 60 percent on incomes between $5 million and $15 million, and to 50 percent on incomes between $500,000 and $5 million, has generated considerable debate. Some progressives think it’s pie-in-the-sky. Here, for example, is Andrew Leonard, a staff writer for Salon:

A 70 percent tax bracket for the richest Americans is pure fantasy – even suggesting it represents such a fundamental disconnect with the world as it exists today that it is hard to see why it should be taken seriously. I would be deeply worried about the sanity of a Democratic president who proposed such a thing.

Fantasy? I don’t know Mr. Leonard’s age but perhaps he could be forgiven for not recalling that between the late 1940s and 1980 America’s highest marginal rate averaged above 70 percent. Under Republican President Dwight Eisenhower it was 91 percent. Not until the 1980s did Ronald Reagan slash it to 28 percent. (Many considered Reagan’s own proposal a “fantasy” before it was enacted.)

Incidentally, during these years the nation’s pre-tax income was far less concentrated at the top than it is now. In the mid-1970s, for example, the top 1 percent got around 9 percent of total income. By 2007, they got 23.5 percent. So if anything, the argument for a higher marginal tax should be even more realistic now than it was during the days when it was taken for granted.

A disconnect with the world as it exists today? That’s exactly the point of proposing it. For years progressives have whined that Democratic presidents (Clinton, followed by Obama) compromise with Republicans while Republican presidents (Reagan through W) stand their ground – with the result that the center of political debate has moved steadily rightward. That’s the reason the world exists the way it does today. Isn’t it about time progressives had the courage of our conviction and got behind what we believe in, in the hope of moving the debate back to where it was?

Would a Democratic president be insane to propose such a thing? Not at all. In fact, polls show an increasing portion of the electorate angry with an insider “establishment” – on Wall Street, in corporate suites, and in Washington – that’s been feathering its nest at the public’s expense. The Tea Party is but one manifestation of a widening perception that the game is rigged in favor of the rich and powerful.

More importantly, it will soon become evident to most Americans that the only way to reduce the budget deficit, preserve programs deemed essential by the middle class, and not raise taxes on the middle, is to tax the top.

In fact, a Democratic president should propose a major permanent tax reduction on the middle class and working class. I suspect most of the public would find this attractive. But here again, the only way to accomplish this without busting the bank is to raise taxes on the rich.

Republicans have done a masterful job over the last thirty years convincing the public that any tax increase on the top is equivalent to a tax increase on everyone — selling the snake oil of “trickle down economics” and the patent lie that most middle-class people will eventually become millionaires. A Democratic president would do well to rebut these falsehoods by proposing a truly progressive tax.

Will the rich avoid it? Other critics of my proposal say there’s no way to have a truly progressive tax because the rich will always find ways to avoid it by means of clever accountants and tax attorneys. But this argument proves too much. Regardless of where the highest marginal tax rate is set, the rich will always manage to reduce what they owe. During the 1950s, when it was 91 percent, they exploited loopholes and deductions that as a practical matter reduced the effective top rate 50 to 60 percent. Yet that’s still substantial by today’s standards. The lesson is government should aim high, expecting that well-paid accountants will reduce whatever the rich owe.

Besides, the argument that the nation shouldn’t impose an obligation on the rich because they can wiggle out of it is an odd one. Taken to its logical extreme it would suggest we allow them to do whatever antisocial act they wish – grand larceny, homicide, or plunder – because they can always manage to avoid responsibility for it.

Some critics worry that if the marginal tax is raised too high, the very rich will simply take their money to a more hospitable jurisdiction. That’s surely possible. Some already do. But paying taxes is a central obligation of citizenship. Those who take their money abroad in an effort to avoid paying American taxes should lose their American citizenship.

Finally, there are some who say my proposal doesn’t stand a chance because the rich have too much political power. It’s true that as income and wealth have moved to the top, political clout has risen to the top as well.

But to succumb to cynicism about the possibility of progressive change because of the power of those at the top is to give up the battle before it’s even started. Haven’t we had enough of that?


02-17-2011, 07:44 AM
Why do some Democrats, the so-called progressives, insist on spending more than this nation earns? Hmmm?

02-17-2011, 08:31 AM
Why do some Democrats, the so-called progressives, insist on spending more than this nation earns? Hmmm?

Because throwing money at problems and living beyond your means has been a part of the Democratic charter for around the last 60 years or so, but that is neither here nor there. What is wrong with pursuing a higher tax rate for the rich (who, you know...have the money) rather than squeezing it out of the lower and middle classes (who, you know...do not)?

02-17-2011, 12:00 PM
Why do some Democrats, the so-called progressives, insist on spending more than this nation earns? Hmmm?

Why did Republicans cut taxes on the rich whilst spending more than the nation earns?

02-17-2011, 12:32 PM
Why do some Democrats, the so-called progressives, insist on spending more than this nation earns? Hmmm?

Why do some Repukes always ask this question of Democrats, but not the so-called "fiscal conservative" Republicans like the BCE, who created the deficit in the first place?

kwame k
02-17-2011, 12:38 PM
Then you'd get into those pesky little things like facts, FORD........plus, it confuses the hell out of them when you use big words like Surplus, which we had before Dubya took office.

02-17-2011, 01:51 PM
Then you'd get into those pesky little things like facts, FORD........plus, it confuses the hell out of them when you use big words like Surplus, which we had before Dubya took office.

Here's a quiz for you Sherlock: who created the surplus?

02-17-2011, 01:55 PM
Why did Republicans cut taxes on the rich whilst spending more than the nation earns?

Quit using those words like "whilst." This is America and we don't use homo words like "whilst." We use "while."

BTW...so you would raise taxes on the people who create jobs...in todays suppressed economy? Would you really?

The bottom 50% of all American wage earners pay no Federal taxes...those are the people who should start paying up.

kwame k
02-17-2011, 02:02 PM
Here's a quiz for you Sherlock: who created the surplus?

Don't know, Forrest....what time is Glenn BecKKK on.....he'll know:lmao:

02-17-2011, 02:09 PM
The top 1% of all American wage earners pay no Federal taxes...those are the people who should start paying up.


02-17-2011, 02:10 PM
BTW...so you would raise taxes on the people who create jobs...in todays suppressed economy? Would you really?

Exactly what jobs have they created since Chimpy "cut" the taxes they were already dodging?

Nitro Express
02-17-2011, 02:13 PM
None of the big corporations pay taxes. Exxon one of the world's richest corporations pays zero tax but yet they can donate to campaign funds.

Nitro Express
02-17-2011, 02:16 PM
Now the government just does the corporate dirty work instead of any kind of real regulation. I love how certain companies never get inspected by the EPA and FDA while their competitors do. The farms selling filthy contaminated eggs and chicken never get a visit but an Amish farm will actually get raided by a FDA swat team. I did not know the FDA had swat teams but apparently they do now.

Nitro Express
02-17-2011, 02:19 PM
The mega rich, welfare rats, and illegal aliens pay no tax. What used to be the middle class get the IRS broadside.

kwame k
02-17-2011, 03:00 PM
Exactly what jobs have they created since Chimpy "cut" the taxes they were already dodging?

Well, it takes time, FORD.......trickle down economics takes at least 30 years to trickle down........ hence the "trickle" part!

The immediate effect has already created jobs....you know like house maids, landscapers, and such. Good high paying jobs for the illegals aliens:lmao:

Nitro Express
02-17-2011, 03:18 PM
I gave up on us a long time ago. We scraped along the ice berg in 2008 and now people are starting to realize the ship is sinking. We are starting to see panic on the decks and the rich are going to lock everyone else in steerage as she goes down and they fight each other for the lifeboats.

02-17-2011, 03:24 PM

02-17-2011, 03:41 PM
Well, it takes time, FORD.......trickle down economics takes at least 30 years to trickle down........ hence the "trickle" part!

The immediate effect has already created jobs....you know like house maids, landscapers, and such. Good high paying jobs for the illegals aliens:lmao:

Not to mention all the jobs they "created" in China, India, and where ever else the treasonous fucking pieces of shit went to find cheap slave labor.

kwame k
02-17-2011, 03:56 PM
Not to mention all the jobs they "created" in China, India, and where ever else the treasonous fucking pieces of shit went to find cheap slave labor.

See.....could you imagine how bad of shape this country would of been in if they didn't help the average American by making sure the corporations made money and paid no taxes, the rich got tax breaks, we allowed an unfair trade balance and outsourced most of our manufacturing jobs ......I shudder to think how bad it would of been:)

Nitro Express
02-17-2011, 04:10 PM
China and India are just the modern version of the southern plantation. Instead of importing slaves to work here we exported the work to the slaves over there. Sure maybe a few factory managers make middle class pay by Chinese standards but the average person there barley can afford the rice now. Nothing has changed.

Nitro Express
02-17-2011, 04:11 PM

Canibals say humans taste a lot like pork. I wonder if you can make bacon out of the people?

kwame k
02-17-2011, 05:10 PM
China and India are just the modern version of the southern plantation. Instead of importing slaves to work here we exported the work to the slaves over there. Sure maybe a few factory managers make middle class pay by Chinese standards but the average person there barley can afford the rice now. Nothing has changed.

I agree and I for one am damn glad they did........I take the phrase "Keep America Clean" very seriously......factors, slaves and shit are such a messy business.

Look.....I'm at the point where if you don't laugh at the absurdity for the whole tap dance, you're gonna find yourself in that dreaded situation we all try to avoid. Heavily armed and in a crowd of people....

How anyone can forgo some basic common sense to see problems, define the common sense answers and fix it, is mind boggling. We get ourselves in the mire of "You can't be right if you're a Repuke" or vise versa mentality...... how can we ever fix the serious and immediate problems in this country, no matter what side is in power.

If we keep playing like this the rest of the World is gonna stage an intervention.

The shit's serious out there and we're more worried about if Old Chuck will self destruct before the next taping of Two and a Half Men.........We the People:pullinghair:

Nitro Express
02-17-2011, 05:21 PM
The American people didn't give a shit as long as they could charge on their credit cards, live pipe dreams of getting rich quick in real estate and stocks, and buy the biggest house they could get a mortgage for. They were rolling in the materialism like a dog rolls in a dead animal while the bankers were setting the poor dumb fuckers up to pay for it after it all collapsed. The fake patriotism after 9/11 went away quick and then they were more concerned with American Idol and the latest Apple gizmo. Ask the average American how many soldiers have been killed in Iraq and most of them don't have a clue nor do they care.

02-17-2011, 09:12 PM
Quit using those words like "whilst." This is America and we don't use homo words like "whilst." We use "while.":lmao:
Yeah Sesh!....this is, like, America n' stuff.....if you can't speak the language....go live in, like, Scotland or sumthin'

Jesus fuckin' Christ! I can't remember the last time I read something so fall-out-of-the-chair funny as this.
