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06-11-2004, 11:43 AM

Michael Moore responds to the wacko attackos...
How to Deal with the Lies and the Lying Liars When They Lie about "Bowling for Columbine"
by Michael Moore

One thing you get used to when you're in what's called "the public eye" is reading the humorous fiction that others like to write about you. For instance, I have read in quite respectable and trustworthy publications that a) I'm a college graduate (I'm not), b) I was a factory worker (I quit the first day), and c) I have two brothers (I have none). Newsweek wrote that I live in a penthouse on Central Park West (I live above a Baby Gap store, and not on any park), and the Internet Movie Database once listed me as the director of the Elvis movie, "Blue Hawaii" ( I was 6 at the time the film was made, but I was quite skilled in directing my sisters in building me a snowman). Lately, my favorite mistake is the one many reviewers made crediting the cartoon in "Bowling for Columbine" as being the work of the "South Park" creators. It isn't. I wrote it and my buddy Harold Moss's animation studio drew it.

I've enjoyed reading these inventions/mistakes about this "Michael Moore." I mean, who wouldn't want to fantasize about living in penthouses roughhousing with brothers you never had. But lately I've begun to see so many things about me or my work that aren't true. It's become so easy to spread these fictions through the internet (thanks mostly to lazy reporters or web junkies who do all their research by typing in "key words" and then just repeat the same mistakes). And so I wonder that if I don't correct the record, then all of the people who don't know better may just end up being filled with a bunch of stuff that isn't true.

Of course, it would take a lot of my time to contact all these sites and media outlets to correct their errors and I think it's more important I spend my time on my next book or movie so I just let it ride. But is that fair to you, the reader, who has now been told something that isn't true?

With the unexpected and overwhelming success of "Bowling for Columbine" and "Stupid White Men," the fiction that has been written or spoken about me and my work has reached a whole new level of storytelling. It's no longer about making some simple errors or calling me "Roger" Moore. It is now about organized groups going full blast trying to discredit me by knowingly making up lies and repeating them over and over in the hopes that people will believe them – and, then, stop listening to me.

Oh, that it would be so easy!

Fortunately, they are so wound up in their anger and hatred that they have ended up discrediting themselves.

Look, I accept the fact that, if I go after the Thief-in-Chief – and more people buy my book than any other nonfiction book last year – then that is naturally going to send a few of his henchmen after me. Fine. That's okay. I knew that before I got into this and I ain't whining about it now.

I also realize that you just don't go after the NRA and its supporters and then not expect them to come back at you with both barrels (so to speak). These are not nice people and they don't play nice – that's how they got to be so powerful.

So, a whole host of gun lobby groups and individual gun nuts have put up websites where the smears on me range from the pre-adolescent (I'm a "crapweasel," and a "fat fucking piece of shit") to Orwellian-style venom ("Michael Moore hates America!").

I have mostly ignored this silliness. But a few weeks ago, this lunatic crap hit the mainstream fan. CNN actually put some guy on a show saying that my film contains "so many falsehoods, one after the other, after the other, after the other." They introduced him as a "critic" and "research director" of the "Independence Institute." He seemed mighty impressive.

Except they failed to tell their viewers who he really was: a contributing editor of Gun Week Magazine.

CNN saw no need to inform the viewers that their "expert"-- who has made a career out of opposing any form of gun control–has a vested interest in convincing the public that "Bowling for Columbine" is a horribly rotten movie.

So, what do you do when the nutcases succeed in getting on CNN? Do you just keep ignoring them? How do you handle people who say the Holocaust never happened or that monkeys fly? Ignore them and they'll go away? If you give them any attention, all the nuts will come out of the woodwork.

And that's what happened. I saw another one of these lunatics, this time on MSNBC. A guy named John Lofton. He went on and on about how my movie is all made up. The anchor on MSNBC never challenged him on his lies and never told the viewers who he really was – a right wing crazy who believes Bush is too liberal. He was once an advisor to Pat Buchanan's Presidential campaign, and was a direct-mail writer for Jesse Helms. Writing in opposition to Hate Crime bills in the conservative Washington Times (where he was a columnist from '83 to '89), Lofton explained:

Take, for example, this business of so-called "anti-gay violence." This bill will be used to go after only those who commit crimes against people because they are homosexuals. But this is not the most pernicious form of "anti-gay violence." Not by a long shot.
The most violent - indeed fatal 100 percent of the time - form of "anti-gay violence" has been committed not by so-called "homophobes" who bash homosexuals - but by male homosexuals and bisexuals against other male bisexuals and homosexuals.
To date, tens of thousands of male bisexual and homosexual men are dead in our country because of AIDS, because they engaged in high-risk homosexual sex.
Is this not "anti-gay violence" which numbers its victims far beyond anything any "homophobes" have done?
Well, I figured I better deal with this because the nutters were now being turned into "respectable critics" by a media that either had an agenda or were just plain lazy.

So, how crazy are the things they've said about "Bowling for Columbine?" Here are my favorites:

"That scene where you got the gun in the bank was staged!"
Well of course it was staged! It's a movie! We built the "bank" as a set and then I hired actors to play the bank tellers and the manager and we got a toy gun from the prop department and then I wrote some really cool dialogue for me and them to say! Pretty neat, huh?


The Truth: In the spring of 2001, I saw a real ad in a real newspaper in Michigan announcing a real promotion that this real bank had where they would give you a gun (as your up-front interest) for opening up a Certificate of Deposit account. They promoted this in publications all over the country – "More Bang for Your Buck!"

There was news coverage of this bank giving away guns, long before I even shot the scene there. The Chicago Sun Times wrote about how the bank would "hand you a gun" with the purchase of a CD. Those are the precise words used by a bank employee in the film.

When you see me going in to the bank and walking out with my new gun in "Bowling for Columbine" – that is exactly as it happened. Nothing was done out of the ordinary other than to phone ahead and ask permission to let me bring a camera in to film me opening up my account. I walked into that bank in northern Michigan for the first time ever on that day in June 2001, and, with cameras rolling, gave the bank teller $1,000 – and opened up a 20-year CD account. After you see me filling out the required federal forms ("How do you spell Caucasian?") – which I am filling out here for the first time – the bank manager faxed it to the bank's main office for them to do the background check. The bank is a licensed federal arms dealer and thus can have guns on the premises and do the instant background checks (the ATF's Federal Firearms database—which includes all federally approved gun dealers—lists North Country Bank with Federal Firearms License #4-38-153-01-5C-39922).

Within 10 minutes, the "OK" came through from the firearms background check agency and, 5 minutes later, just as you see it in the film, they handed me a Weatherby Mark V Magnum rifle (If you'd like to see the outtakes, click here).

And it is that very gun that I still own to this day. I have decided the best thing to do with this gun is to melt it down into a bust of John Ashcroft and auction it off on E-Bay (more details on that later). All the proceeds will go to The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence to fight all these lying gun nuts who have attacked my film and make it possible on a daily basis for America's gun epidemic to rage on.

Here's another whopper I've had to listen to from the pro-gun groups:

"The Lockheed factory in Littleton, Colorado, has nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction!"
That's right! That big honkin' rocket sitting behind the Lockheed spokesman in "Bowling for Columbine"-- the one with "US AIRFORCE" written on it in BIG ASS letters – well, I admit it, I snuck in and painted that on that Titan IV rocket when Lockheed wasn't looking! After all, those rockets were only being used for the Weather Channel! Ha Ha Ha! I sure fooled everyone!!


The Truth: Lockheed Martin is the largest weapons-maker in the world. The Littleton facility has been manufacturing missiles, missile components, and other weapons systems for almost half a century. In the 50s, workers at the Littleton facility constructed the first Titan intercontinental ballistic missile, designed to unleash a nuclear warhead on the Soviet Union; in the mid-80s, they were partially assembling MX missiles, instruments for the minuteman ICBM, a space laser weapon called Zenith Star, and a Star Wars program known as Brilliant Pebbles.

In the full, unedited interview I did with the Lockheed spokesman, he told me that Lockheed started building nuclear missiles in Littleton and "played a role in the development of Peacekeeper MX Missiles."

As for what's currently manufactured in Littleton, McCollum told me, "They (the rockets sitting behind him) carry mainly very large national security satellites, some we can't talk about." (see him say it here)

Since that interview, the Titan IV rockets manufactured in Littleton have been critical to the war effort in both Afghanistan and Iraq. These rockets launched advanced satellites that were "instrumental in providing command-and-control operations over Iraq...for the rapid targeting of Navy Tomahawk cruise missiles involved in Iraqi strikes and clandestine communications with Special Operations Forces." (view source here).

That Lockheed lets the occasional weather or TV satellite hitch a ride on one of its rockets should not distract anyone from Lockheed's main mission and moneymaker in Littleton: to make instruments that help kill people. That two of Littleton's children decided to engineer their own mass killing is what these guys and the Internet crazies don't want to discuss.

The oddest of all the smears thrown at "Bowling for Columbine" is this one:

"The film depicts NRA president Charlton Heston giving a speech near Columbine; he actually gave it a year later and 900 miles away. The speech he did give is edited to make conciliatory statements sound like rudeness."
Um, yeah, that's right! I made it up! Heston never went there! He never said those things!


The Truth: Heston took his NRA show to Denver and did and said exactly what we recounted. From the end of my narration setting up Heston's speech in Denver, with my words, "a big pro-gun rally," every word out of Charlton Heston's mouth was uttered right there in Denver, just 10 days after the Columbine tragedy. But don't take my word – read the transcript of his whole speech. Heston devotes the entire speech to challenging the Denver mayor and mocking the mayor's pleas that the NRA "don't come here." Far from deliberately editing the film to make Heston look worse, I chose to leave most of this out and not make Heston look as evil as he actually was.

Why are these gun nuts upset that their brave NRA leader's words are in my film? You'd think they would be proud of the things he said. Except, when intercut with the words of a grieving father (whose son died at Columbine and happened to be speaking in a protest that same weekend Heston was at the convention center), suddenly Charlton Heston doesn't look so good does he? Especially to the people of Denver (and, the following year, to the people of Flint) who were still in shock over the tragedies when Heston showed up.

As for the clip preceding the Denver speech, when Heston proclaims "from my cold dead hands," this appears as Heston is being introduced in narration. It is Heston's most well-recognized NRA image – hoisting the rifle overhead as he makes his proclamation, as he has done at virtually every political appearance on behalf of the NRA (before and since Columbine). I have merely re-broadcast an image supplied to us by a Denver TV station, an image which the NRA has itself crafted for the media, or, as one article put it, "the mantra of dedicated gun owners" which they "wear on T-shirts, stamp it on the outside of envelopes, e-mail it on the Internet and sometimes shout it over the phone.". Are they now embarrassed by this sick, repulsive image and the words that accompany it?

I've also been accused of making up the gun homicide counts in the United States and various countries around the world. That is, like all the rest of this stuff, a bald-face lie. Every statistic in the film is true. They all come directly from the government. Here are the facts, right from the sources:

The U.S. figure of 11,127 gun deaths comes from a report from the Center for Disease Control. Japan's gun deaths of 39 was provided by the National Police Agency of Japan; Germany: 381 gun deaths from Bundeskriminalamt (German FBI); Canada: 165 gun deaths from Statistics Canada, the governmental statistics agency; United Kingdom: 68 gun deaths, from the Centre for Crime and Justice studies in Britain; Australia: 65 gun deaths from the Australian Institute of Criminology; France: 255 gun deaths, from the International Journal of Epidemiology.

Finally, I've even been asked about whether the two killers were at bowling class on the morning of the shootings. Well, that's what their teacher told the investigators, and that's what was corroborated by several eyewitness reports of students to the police, the FBI, and the District Attorney's office. I'll tell you who wasn't there -- me! That's why in the film I pose it as a question:

"So did Dylan and Eric show up that morning and bowl two games before moving on to shoot up the school? And did they just chuck the balls down the lane? Did this mean something?"
Of course, it's a silly discussion, and it misses the whole, larger point: that blaming bowling for their killing spree would be as dumb as blaming Marilyn Manson.

But the gun nuts don't want to discuss either specific points or larger issues because when that debate is held, they lose. Most Americans want stronger gun laws (among others, see the 2001 National Gun Policy Survey from the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center) – and the gun lobbies know it. That is why it's critical to distract and alter the debate – and go after anyone who questions why we have so many gun deaths in America (especially if he does it in best selling books and popular films).

I can guarantee to you, without equivocation, that every fact in my movie is true. Three teams of fact-checkers and two groups of lawyers went through it with a fine tooth comb to make sure that every statement of fact is indeed an indisputable fact. Trust me, no film company would ever release a film like this without putting it through the most vigorous vetting process possible. The sheer power and threat of the NRA is reason enough to strike fear in any movie studio or theater chain. The NRA will go after you without mercy if they think there's half a chance of destroying you. That's why we don't have better gun laws in this country – every member of Congress is scared to death of them.

Well, guess what. Total number of lawsuits to date against me or my film by the NRA? NONE. That's right, zero. And don't forget for a second that if they could have shut this film down on a technicality they would have. But they didn't and they can't – because the film is factually solid and above reproach. In fact, we have not been sued by any individual or group over the statements made in "Bowling for Columbine?" Why is that? Because everything we say is true – and the things that are our opinion, we say so and leave it up to the viewer to decide if our point of view is correct or not for each of them.

So, faced with a thoroughly truthful and honest film, those who object to the film's political points are left with the choice of debating us on the issues in the film – or resorting to character assassination. They have chosen the latter. What a sad place to be.

Actually, I have found one typo in the theatrical release of the film. It was a caption that read, "Willie Horton released by Dukakis and kills again." In fact, Willie Horton was a convicted murderer who, after escaping from furlough, raped a woman and stabbed her fiancé, but didn't kill him. The caption has been permanently corrected on the DVD and home video version of the film and replaced with, "Willie Horton released. Then rapes a woman." My apologies to Willie Horton and the Horton family for implying he is a double-murderer when he is only a single-murderer/rapist. And my apologies to the late Lee Atwater who, on his deathbed, apologized for having engineered the smear campaign against Dukakis (but correctly identified Mr. Horton as a single-murderer!).

Well, there you have it. I suppose the people who tell their make-believe stories about me and my work will continue to do so. Maybe they should be sued for knowingly libeling me. Or maybe I'll just keep laughing – laughing all the way to the end of the Bush Administration -- scheduled, I believe, for sometime in November of next year.


Michael Moore
Director, "Bowling for Columbine"

PS. From now on, I will deal with all wacko attackos on this page. If you hear something about me that doesn't sound quite right, check in here

06-11-2004, 10:20 PM
Michael Moore: He's fatter than Oprah Winfrey.

06-11-2004, 10:55 PM
Micheal Moore is a long winded bag of hot air. He is too lazy to shave. He is an arm chair critic of the war effort; Who was too chicken to go over and be a human shield.

lucky wilbury
06-11-2004, 11:56 PM
they only reason he didn't go was because there wasen't enough food in iraq for his 6:15 am feeding let alone his 24 square meals a day

06-11-2004, 11:59 PM
I've seen the area he lives in. He's downplaying it.

06-12-2004, 01:36 AM
Michael Moore is the man.

06-12-2004, 08:58 AM
Michael Moore is a cocksucking, liberal pussy. That's what Michael fucking Moore is. And I'd rather listen to Al Sharpton give a speech on water purification in Zimbabwe, than to hear Moore's fucking hypocritical, PROPAGANDA horseshit, bullshit...COMPLETE SHIT.

I hope Michael Moore fucking dies. That's right, NO COMPASSION from DaveIsKing, only...I never claimed to have it in the first place.

Michael Moore is a worthless being. He just exists to take away the oxygen of everyone else--those who are better than he is.

Dave's PA Rental
06-12-2004, 09:00 AM
Thanks for posting that, Sarge. The only thing that I didnt like about 'Bowling For Columbine' was the animated history of America segment. I thought that was irresponsible of him, and I lost alot of respect for him after seeing that.

Michael Moore makes you think. Thank God for Freedom of Speech.

06-12-2004, 09:02 AM
Michael Moore doesn't make you think. He tries to think for you...with propaganda.

06-12-2004, 09:08 AM
Michael Moore is the biggest piece of whale dung I have ever seen. He is quite intelligent though only in the respect that he can "spin" anything to his point of view and make you think the way he wants you to. freedom of speech is great and I am proud that we have that but I find it ironic that most of these clueless liberals seem to be doing their best to break down everything that allows us to have freedom of speech; they aren't happy unless they get their way. On another note, it is sad that his film is the only thing that will make this a closer election than it should since the democrats don't have a candidate that can stand on his own merit.

Dave's PA Rental
06-12-2004, 09:11 AM
DaveIsKing...notice how I mentioned a part of his movie that I didnt agree with...

That means "it made me think" and I "thought" he was wrong. Now if only you conservatives could have the ability to disagree every now and then with all of your spin-doctors (Rush, etc.) who spew propaganda from the right-side...

Why cant you people "get it"? Neither side is 100% correct all the time, and neither side is 100% wrong all the time...

Dave's PA Rental
06-12-2004, 09:15 AM
You know what you guys sound like? (polarized Liberals vs. polarized conservatives)

You sound like the Jews vs. the Arabs.

Unable to compromize. Each side thinks the other side should be wiped clean from the Earth.

Arent we, as Americans, ABOVE THAT SHIT?

06-12-2004, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Daves PA rental
DaveIsKing...notice how I mentioned a part of his movie that I didnt agree with...

That means "it made me think" and I "thought" he was wrong. Now if only you conservatives could have the ability to disagree every now and then with all of your spin-doctors (Rush, etc.) who spew propaganda from the right-side...

Why cant you people "get it"? Neither side is 100% correct all the time, and neither side is 100% wrong all the time...

#1- Some people think regardless of propaganda. You may be one of those people, I don't know.

#2- I am not a "conservative". I do disagree with Bush and Limbaugh all the time.

#3- I hate Rush Limbaugh.

#4- I do "get it".

#5- I agree neither side is perfect.

So, obviously, you struck out on "getting it". I hate Michael Moore because he is a propagandist. I hate propaganda. Whether it be from George W. Bush's spinsters, Rush, Hitler & Goebbels, the KGB, or Michael Moore, OK??

Liberals are notoriously known as bastard sons of Communism just as many Right-wing Extremists are bastards sons of Facism.

I am a Libertarian on some issues, Conservative on some and Progressive on some.

So, just because I insult Michael goddamn Moore for being the piece of shit pussy he is, don't insinuate that I am a BUSH LOVING CONSERVATIVE, ok?

Dave's PA Rental
06-12-2004, 09:30 AM
Alright man. Sorry I lumped you in with the mindless conservatives.

I have mostly Democratic tendencies, but Im not afraid to embrace a Concervitive viewpoint, if I think in my heart it is right.

I was for the war in Iraq. I was sick of Saddam thumbing his nose at the UN...I was sickened by the video and pictures of the way he murdered and tortured his own people...

06-12-2004, 10:06 AM
Excellent article, Sarge!

And if you think the right wing attack machine hated Bowling for Columbine, they're shitting cows right now about "Fahrenheit 9-11".

06-12-2004, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Daves PA rental
Alright man. Sorry I lumped you in with the mindless conservatives.

I have mostly Democratic tendencies, but Im not afraid to embrace a Concervitive viewpoint, if I think in my heart it is right.

I was for the war in Iraq. I was sick of Saddam thumbing his nose at the UN...I was sickened by the video and pictures of the way he murdered and tortured his own people...

It is nice to speak with another FREE THINKER, who isn't a Bushite or a pussy who has to be politically-correct and liberal on every fucking thing.

Cheers to you, Dave's PA.

Dave's PA Rental
06-12-2004, 09:53 PM
FORD, is Far. 9/11 playing yet? Have you seen it?

Im actually interested in seeing it.

Big Troubles
06-12-2004, 09:55 PM
I'll be watching it in a few.... Canadian Tv picks it up, and the Americans shit their pants. I love it.

Dave's PA Rental
06-12-2004, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Big Troubles
I'll be watching it in a few.... Canadian Tv picks it up, and the Americans shit their pants. I love it.

BT, can you translate that from Canadian into English? ;)

Big Troubles
06-12-2004, 10:17 PM
Michael Moore endlessly will have an outlet for his passion to make sure everyone knows his version of the truth. Whether its everyones opinion of fantasy or not. He speaks in volumes and doses of truth. Most Americans I know have not appreciatted the talents of Moore. Again, Im sure most Americans will take what Moore says with a grain of salt, and that seems evident with the lack of American media support. So as a proud Canuck, I will sit back and watch what will undoubtfuly be Moores explaination to what makes Canada so great. Again. http://www.fahrenheit911.com/

06-12-2004, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by Daves PA rental
FORD, is Far. 9/11 playing yet? Have you seen it?

Im actually interested in seeing it.

It premieres on June 25 "at a theater near you" (hopefully)

Actually, you can check the list at the link below and find out if it's already booked for showing in your area. And I'm sure it will be in Beantown.

06-13-2004, 08:46 AM
I like the quote that he states " Most americans want stricter gun laws"

Only moral people follow laws, Therefore more laws only really effect moral law abiding people. Theres 22.000 laws in Mass alone (and pushing for more everyday). How much more illegal could you make things?

Here their pushing hard for whats termed " A bill for a gun free school zone" What it means is anybody within 2000 yards of a school cannot posses any firearms of any type (excepting police/millitary) Zero tollerance. Sounds good doesnt it? What it means to me, Is that because I live within that 2000 yards of that zone I either sell my house, or give up my right to have guns in my own home. Now you tell me, Whos interest does that serve? Does it make those kids safer because a legal owner is disarmed, or would it make it easyer for an armed robber (that could give a rats ass about laws in general) because he's assured that I'm unarmed.

I'll tell you. It serves the politician that would rather gain attention for a tough sounding law/stance (however poorly thought out) than spending time (and of course much-less publicized time) straighting out whats already on the books. More laws (and alot of prexsisting ones) only affect the legal owners/ownership of firearms, and do nothing to address the problems of gun crime/perpetrators (keeping in mind that everything to do with gun misuse/violence is already illegal).

And the popular belief (that he, and others foster) is that if you belong to the NRA (And I dont anymore) or any other pro-gun rights organization (that speak out against laws like I've stated above) That you are a imoral "gun nut" concerned only with getting all the gun laws banished from the books so you'll have free rein like the wild west.

06-13-2004, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by Big Troubles
Michael Moore endlessly will have an outlet for his passion to make sure everyone knows his version of the truth. Whether its everyones opinion of fantasy or not. He speaks in volumes and doses of truth. Most Americans I know have not appreciatted the talents of Moore. Again, Im sure most Americans will take what Moore says with a grain of salt, and that seems evident with the lack of American media support. So as a proud Canuck, I will sit back and watch what will undoubtfuly be Moores explaination to what makes Canada so great. Again. http://www.fahrenheit911.com/

Mother is going to get rid of that whore Michael Moore.

06-13-2004, 11:03 AM
..right after she gets rid of that whore Zell Miller.

06-13-2004, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by Daves PA rental
DaveIsKing...notice how I mentioned a part of his movie that I didnt agree with...

That means "it made me think" and I "thought" he was wrong. Now if only you conservatives could have the ability to disagree every now and then with all of your spin-doctors (Rush, etc.) who spew propaganda from the right-side...

Why cant you people "get it"? Neither side is 100% correct all the time, and neither side is 100% wrong all the time...

There is nothing worse than a half assed Democrat or Republican.

06-13-2004, 04:35 PM
A Republi-crat or Demo-lican??

I fucking hate Republicans and Democrats. They are nothing but twin brothers buttfucking each other.

And as far as "moderates"...what the fuck is that? Moderates are the pussies that suck on one party's cock while getting corn-holed by the other.

06-13-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Katydid
There is nothing worse than a half assed Democrat or Republican.

Being a democrat or repulican does not equate blind acceptance of every credo, action, or mistake.


06-13-2004, 04:43 PM
Damn, pete.

You're rollin' today...;)

06-14-2004, 01:07 PM
So I jsut saw the preview for his movie. He's a fuckin' moron. He hounds congressmen to see if he can get them to sign their children up for the service and then points out how none of them did how they don't care or whatever.

Last time I checked, my father couldn't sign me up for the service. I could, but he couldn't.

06-14-2004, 06:32 PM
Great article Sarge

I think F911 comes out on 6/25...should be interesting...but I think the movie is filled with material that has already been published in newspapers, magazines, and books...so I don't know how much "new" info will be in it....although I guess it will make that info more available to the general public who don't read too often...

06-14-2004, 07:56 PM
Anyone who likes Michael Moron is obviously a closet SAMMY FAN.

Jesus Christ
06-14-2004, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by DaveIsKing
Anyone who likes Michael Moron is obviously a closet SAMMY FAN.

Since ye liveth in an area prone to hurricanes, ye should not sayeth things like that, My son :mad:

06-14-2004, 08:05 PM
If Jesus is for Michael Moron, I'd rather go to hell.

If Jesus is for George Bush, I'd rather go to hell.

If Jesus thinks for Jesus' self, I'd rather be with Jesus.

Jesus Christ
06-14-2004, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by DaveIsKing
If Jesus is for Michael Moron, I'd rather go to hell.

If Jesus is for George Bush, I'd rather go to hell.

If Jesus thinks for Jesus' self, I'd rather be with Jesus.

Of course I thinketh for Myself, but then I'm all-knowing. Ye mortals shouldn't cut off sources of information.

For while My Father will not allow Me to reveal all I know about the attack on thy country, I can tell you that Michael Moore's information is on the right track. Thus saith the Lord :)

06-14-2004, 11:22 PM
Hey Jesus, can you forgive Michael Moore for making fun of dead passengers?


06-14-2004, 11:36 PM
haha, that's great. Diva attitude.

Jesus Christ
06-15-2004, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by VanJay011379
Hey Jesus, can you forgive Michael Moore for making fun of dead passengers?


Many hath questioned the official story of those events, My son. For even My apostles, whom I taught to love their enemies, were ready to take up their swords against the Romans when they came to capture Me. And verily, the Romans were armed with more than box cutters. Simon Peter even managed to cut one of their ears off, before I was able to diffuse the situation. And heal the man's ear.

Would ye let a man with a razor blade hold you hostage above an airplane?

Ye must admit the story is not easy to believe. And remember, I deal in miracles for a living.

Dr. Love
06-15-2004, 02:57 AM
Hey, I'm just wondering if anyone other than Ally_Kat is going to dispute anything that the guy has to say, or if they are just going to be insulting to anyone they can like DaveIsKing (lately).

06-15-2004, 03:00 AM
It wasn't just that they were waving razor blades, Ford. It was that they already killed the flight attendants. If I watched some hijacker cut the shit out of someone's neck so that they died and then threathen to do the same to mine if I objected, I would do as they say. Also, no one on that flight thought when this all started that they were going to be used as a missle into the trade center/pentagon.

06-15-2004, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by Dr. Love
Hey, I'm just wondering if anyone other than Ally_Kat is going to dispute anything that the guy has to say, or if they are just going to be insulting to anyone they can like DaveIsKing (lately).

Doc, please forgive the recent pissiness of one, DaveIsKing...*ahem*

I seem to get a little, shall we say "FUCKING IRATE" when I hear the name...michael GODDAMN moore...

See what I mean! Goddamnit! :mad:

Jesus Christ
06-15-2004, 09:14 AM
Please don't take Dad's name in vain. It really pisses Him off.

06-15-2004, 10:00 AM
Wow, sarge. You must have missed the part in Dave’s book where told the Canadian interviewer to get lost before the interviewer made him look like some paramilitary gun nut. You bought Dave’s book didn’t you?

You posted this: “And when he came wheeling around the footpath, he ran right into a dead end. And when he turned around, I racked my shotgun as loud as I could--you know, (makes shotgun sound)--and went completely on command voice: 'Lay down! Shut up! Whatever you got in your hand, throw it off to the side! Cross your f--king legs!'"

"Here in Pasadena, we have a big problem with home invasion," Roth said. "You have a lot of Asian gangs [that] will truss an entire family up and take Polaroids of everybody's face, [in] case you go to the police."

MiWhore is the stereotypical anti gun nut. He misses the point and leaves out too much information. Pittsburgh just held the NRA convention with 61,000 people in attendance. Jimmy Kimmel is in trouble for pointing out a fact: Detroit will get stupid whether they win or lose. How is it that when the NRA gets 61,000 people to visit a convention and there wasn't a single act of violence, not a single arrest, no wild drinking or drug-induced demonstrations, and the veep of the US can show up for dinner? Probably why you didn’t know about it. You know what else got missed, the Virginia middle school kid that set the first amendment right again when the kid was told not to wear a “NRA Summer Camp” T-shirt. Guess who teamed up on this one, sarge? The ACLU and the NRA. No press, no noise, didn’t fit the prejudices of the MiWhore types in the press and you can’t get the premature obits column filled up with news like that.

The only shouting was the anti gun nuts outside. MiWhore is just more inflammatory rhetoric and a little sanctimonious fascist that embraces political correctness as if it were some kind of law. “Bowling” was a movie that made sweeping claims as to the cause of gun violence without a shred of meaningful proof.

In the police rhetoric that followed Roth’s incident, true or false, one thing I did notice sarge, is that the police were quick to interject their version. Why? So they could turn him over to some bleeding heart judge, who might set him free to prey on society once again? Let’s say that isn’t the case in this instance but true: it has been the case in the past.

Center for Disease Control? Guns are bad for your health, health risk if you inhale? That’s wacko. You know what I always look for sarge? I look for the anti gun nuts to get a few guns and start shooting people up to promote their cause. That’s wacko and not out of the equation.

Sarge, are you sure you wouldn’t be more comfortable listening to R.E.M.? Streisand? Yoko Ono?

06-15-2004, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by jacksmar
Wow, sarge. You must have missed the part in Dave’s book where told the Canadian interviewer to get lost before the interviewer made him look like some paramilitary gun nut. You bought Dave’s book didn’t you?

You posted this: “And when he came wheeling around the footpath, he ran right into a dead end. And when he turned around, I racked my shotgun as loud as I could--you know, (makes shotgun sound)--and went completely on command voice: 'Lay down! Shut up! Whatever you got in your hand, throw it off to the side! Cross your f--king legs!'"

"Here in Pasadena, we have a big problem with home invasion," Roth said. "You have a lot of Asian gangs [that] will truss an entire family up and take Polaroids of everybody's face, [in] case you go to the police."

MiWhore is the stereotypical anti gun nut. He misses the point and leaves out too much information. Pittsburgh just held the NRA convention with 61,000 people in attendance. Jimmy Kimmel is in trouble for pointing out a fact: Detroit will get stupid whether they win or lose. How is it that when the NRA gets 61,000 people to visit a convention and there wasn't a single act of violence, not a single arrest, no wild drinking or drug-induced demonstrations, and the veep of the US can show up for dinner? Probably why you didn’t know about it. You know what else got missed, the Virginia middle school kid that set the first amendment right again when the kid was told not to wear a “NRA Summer Camp” T-shirt. Guess who teamed up on this one, sarge? The ACLU and the NRA. No press, no noise, didn’t fit the prejudices of the MiWhore types in the press and you can’t get the premature obits column filled up with news like that.

The only shouting was the anti gun nuts outside. MiWhore is just more inflammatory rhetoric and a little sanctimonious fascist that embraces political correctness as if it were some kind of law. “Bowling” was a movie that made sweeping claims as to the cause of gun violence without a shred of meaningful proof.

In the police rhetoric that followed Roth’s incident, true or false, one thing I did notice sarge, is that the police were quick to interject their version. Why? So they could turn him over to some bleeding heart judge, who might set him free to prey on society once again? Let’s say that isn’t the case in this instance but true: it has been the case in the past.

Center for Disease Control? Guns are bad for your health, health risk if you inhale? That’s wacko. You know what I always look for sarge? I look for the anti gun nuts to get a few guns and start shooting people up to promote their cause. That’s wacko and not out of the equation.

Sarge, are you sure you wouldn’t be more comfortable listening to R.E.M.? Streisand? Yoko Ono?

I LOVE IT!!! Dave doesn't dick around. He'll blow your fuckin' head off, man. Remember 1996 MTV awards-- just quoting the DIAMOND ONE.

Fuck Michael Moron. DAVE RULES!!

Thanks for the memories there, jacksmar!

06-16-2004, 07:01 PM
Again, as I said before, the Toastmaster General's 'Rothism' for this subject would have to be:

"It's time for America to understand what the porn industry learned a long time ago... ...it time to get RID of the BUSH!!"


BUSH = Commander in THIEF!!

06-16-2004, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
It wasn't just that they were waving razor blades, Ford. It was that they already killed the flight attendants. If I watched some hijacker cut the shit out of someone's neck so that they died and then threathen to do the same to mine if I objected, I would do as they say. Also, no one on that flight thought when this all started that they were going to be used as a missle into the trade center/pentagon.

You are a Spammy Drone! Look up Global Hawk Technology on Google! There WERE no suicide pilots! THINK about it people! Why did we not hear ANY air traffic control conversations between Air traffic and the pilots???

Also, a womans purse, given the amount of crap they insist on cramming in them, is a VERY formidable weapon, as is a man's briefcase. New York muggers are aware and wary of this fact! BOXCUTTERS???? Oh please! don't be such a fucking SHEEP!!

Dave is King is wrong on almost all counts, except maybe that the REAL Dave is King of all frontmen. Other than that, he's a Bush brainwashed puppet.... Sorry, but that is what I've seen as of late.

06-17-2004, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by Keeyth
You are a Spammy Drone! Look up Global Hawk Technology on Google! There WERE no suicide pilots! THINK about it people! Why did we not hear ANY air traffic control conversations between Air traffic and the pilots???

Also, a womans purse, given the amount of crap they insist on cramming in them, is a VERY formidable weapon, as is a man's briefcase. New York muggers are aware and wary of this fact! BOXCUTTERS???? Oh please! don't be such a fucking SHEEP!!

Dave is King is wrong on almost all counts, except maybe that the REAL Dave is King of all frontmen. Other than that, he's a Bush brainwashed puppet.... Sorry, but that is what I've seen as of late.

while i get my red sandals, capri pants, and official Sammy Hagar sunglasses on, let me just say you sir are a fucking moron.

HERE (http://www.airdisaster.com/cvr/atcwav.shtml)

NEW: United Airlines Flight 93
United Airlines Flight 93 was hijacked on September 11, 2001 near Cleveland, Ohio. The aircraft crashed some time later in a field in south-western Pennsylvania. The hijackers can be heard twice mistakenly transmitting messages intended for the passengers over the Cleveland ARTCC frequency. Please note that this tape is not chronologically accurate; periods of dead air (silence) have been removed for brevity.

Download (3,965k) the aircraft's Air Traffic Control tape in WAV format.

06-17-2004, 01:53 AM
oh and before I forget, this


is what they used.

Pink Spider
06-17-2004, 04:59 AM
A 1 1/2 inch, dull utility blade is only slightly more menacing looking that box cutters. Though, it might be more threatening if it has a hidden nail file in there somewhere.

Dr. Love
06-17-2004, 05:03 AM
Cool, then if your plane gets hijacked, you'll be able to single-handedly take out all the hijackers because whatever they may bring (boxcutters, utility blades) will be no match for you, right?

Sarge's Little Helper
06-17-2004, 05:03 AM
Cool, then if your plane gets hijacked, you'll be able to single-handedly take out all the hijackers because whatever they may bring (boxcutters, utility blades) will be no match for you, right?

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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/admin/dbprefs.php</b> on line <b>52</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>302</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>318</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>187</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>187</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>235</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/graphnew.php</b> on line <b>298</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>250</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>250</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_insert_id(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>253</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>270</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>270</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>285</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>285</b><br />

Pink Spider
06-17-2004, 05:18 AM
Originally posted by Dr. Love
Cool, then if your plane gets hijacked, you'll be able to single-handedly take out all the hijackers because whatever they may bring (boxcutters, utility blades) will be no match for you, right?

Unless they've mastered the art of blocking Crotchkicking-jitsu, I don't think so. ;)

06-17-2004, 10:37 AM
you against 5 guys with the handyman tool? You'd end up either severly injured or dead, probably dead

06-17-2004, 10:58 AM
Don’t try to get too high up on the fence Dr. Love. The view’s the same.

Somebody said Fair Warning

Pink Spider
06-17-2004, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
you against 5 guys with the handyman tool? You'd end up either severly injured or dead, probably dead

So, I can assume that you'd do nothing in the same situation?

06-17-2004, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
while i get my red sandals, capri pants, and official Sammy Hagar sunglasses on, let me just say you sir are a fucking moron.

HERE (http://www.airdisaster.com/cvr/atcwav.shtml)

Bah-ah-ah-ah ! You simple minded sheep face! How stupid can you be? Did you not read where Time magazine stated that there wasn't a piece of that plane left that was bigger than a telephone book?

That is not how a plane that crashes looks. There would be huge pieces of the fuselage and wings in just a few places. That plane was shot down, as was first reported by the local press who said they saw an M-16 fighter in the area.

Don't be so gullible as to believe that in a day and age where we can make a movie like jurrasic Park, that we can't doctor up a few audio tapes (which by the way, you only described, you didn't actually hear them) and even come up with a bin Laden confession tape.

Isn't it funny how bin Laden never actually took credit for the attacks, nor did he ever even make any demands?

Another point to ponder:

If you were a terrorist wanting to really fuck over the US, why hit a lousy building with your airplane? Why not make a dive 1 mile EARLIER, and hit the Indian point nuclear power plant, thereby taking out the ENTIRE FUCKING EASTERN SEABOARD????

Unless of course, that might actually take out one of the masterminds of the whole plan, (Bush), and we can't have THAT now can we?

No, better to just make a statement with the attacks, bold enough to get the American public to back us going over and taking over the oil rich countries to further Bush and Cheney's oil dynasty...



06-17-2004, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Keeyth
Bah-ah-ah-ah ! You simple minded sheep face! How stupid can you be? Did you not read where Time magazine stated that there wasn't a piece of that plane left that was bigger than a telephone book?

That is not how a plane that crashes looks. There would be huge pieces of the fuselage and wings in just a few places. That plane was shot down, as was first reported by the local press who said they saw an M-16 fighter in the area.

Don't be so gullible as to believe that in a day and age where we can make a movie like jurrasic Park, that we can't doctor up a few audio tapes (which by the way, you only described, you didn't actually hear them) and even come up with a bin Laden confession tape.

Isn't it funny how bin Laden never actually took credit for the attacks, nor did he ever even make any demands?

Another point to ponder:

If you were a terrorist wanting to really fuck over the US, why hit a lousy building with your airplane? Why not make a dive 1 mile EARLIER, and hit the Indian point nuclear power plant, thereby taking out the ENTIRE FUCKING EASTERN SEABOARD????

Unless of course, that might actually take out one of the masterminds of the whole plan, (Bush), and we can't have THAT now can we?

No, better to just make a statement with the attacks, bold enough to get the American public to back us going over and taking over the oil rich countries to further Bush and Cheney's oil dynasty...



First off, it's Kat. K-A-fuckin'-T. You know, like Katherine?

Second off, what the hell are you talking about how a plane looks? When did I post a pic of a plane crash? Dude, I actually think that it was shot dowm. After what happened here and at the Pentagon, I would think they had good reason to shoot it down.

now, on to your question --

If you were a terrorist wanting to really fuck over the US, why hit a lousy building with your airplane? Why not make a dive 1 mile EARLIER, and hit the Indian point nuclear power plant, thereby taking out the ENTIRE FUCKING EASTERN SEABOARD????

Maybe you should go sit in the corner and contemplate this some more. Do the terrorists only want to fuck over the US? Is it just our country? No, you fucking moron. It was a strike at Western civilization. That's us, Europe, the Aussies -- you know, actual functioning societies.

What would hitting the nuke plant do? First off, it wouldn't take out the entire Eastern seaboard. Stop being so melodrmatic. It would only take out the tri-state area. So NY, parts Jersey and Connecticut would get fucked.

But that's not part of the plan. The plan was to hit Western civilizations where it would hurt. Their pockets.

Do you even know what was in the World Trade Center? Let me give you a hint - the part of Downtown Manhattan where it's located is called the Financial District. Wall St is two blocks over. Got it now? Banks (well, mainly). And not just domestic banks, foreign banks! And that was only in the one huge tower, along with some insurance agencies and the like. The other tower had state departments and their were foreign offices too. Countries from all over the world had offices in the one towers. You had all of Western civilization together in the World Trade Center; Hence the name World Trade Center. The World Financial Center is right next door to the World Trade Center.

Back in '93 you may recall a bomb that went off in the parking lot. Bin Laden was behind that one and he vowed to come back with avengence, and he did.

Sarge's Little Helper
06-17-2004, 01:56 PM
Maybe you should go sit in the corner and contemplate this some more. Do the terrorists only want to fuck over the US? Is it just our country? No, you fucking moron. It was a strike at Western civilization. That's us, Europe, the Aussies -- you know, actual functioning societies.

What would hitting the nuke plant do? First off, it wouldn't take out the entire Eastern seaboard. Stop being so melodrmatic. It would only take out the tri-state area. So NY, parts Jersey and Connecticut would get fucked.

But that's not part of the plan. The plan was to hit Western civilizations where it would hurt. Their pockets.

Do you even know what was in the World Trade Center? Let me give you a hint - the part of Downtown Manhattan where it's located is called the Financial District. Wall St is two blocks over. Got it now? Banks (well, mainly). And not just domestic banks, foreign banks! And that was only in the one huge tower, along with some insurance agencies and the like. The other tower had state departments and their were foreign offices too. Countries from all over the world had offices in the one towers. You had all of Western civilization together in the World Trade Center; Hence the name World Trade Center. The World Financial Center is right next door to the World Trade Center.

Back in '93 you may recall a bomb that went off in the parking lot. Bin Laden was behind that one and he vowed to come back with avengence, and he did.

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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/admin/dbprefs.php</b> on line <b>52</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>302</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>302</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>318</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>318</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>187</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>187</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>235</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>235</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/graphnew.php</b> on line <b>298</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/graphnew.php</b> on line <b>298</b><br />

06-17-2004, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
First off, it's Kat. K-A-fuckin'-T. You know, like Katherine?

Second off, what the hell are you talking about how a plane looks? When did I post a pic of a plane crash? Dude, I actually think that it was shot dowm. After what happened here and at the Pentagon, I would think they had good reason to shoot it down.

now, on to your question --

Maybe you should go sit in the corner and contemplate this some more. Do the terrorists only want to fuck over the US? Is it just our country? No, you fucking moron. It was a strike at Western civilization. That's us, Europe, the Aussies -- you know, actual functioning societies.

What would hitting the nuke plant do? First off, it wouldn't take out the entire Eastern seaboard. Stop being so melodrmatic. It would only take out the tri-state area. So NY, parts Jersey and Connecticut would get fucked.

But that's not part of the plan. The plan was to hit Western civilizations where it would hurt. Their pockets.

Do you even know what was in the World Trade Center? Let me give you a hint - the part of Downtown Manhattan where it's located is called the Financial District. Wall St is two blocks over. Got it now? Banks (well, mainly). And not just domestic banks, foreign banks! And that was only in the one huge tower, along with some insurance agencies and the like. The other tower had state departments and their were foreign offices too. Countries from all over the world had offices in the one towers. You had all of Western civilization together in the World Trade Center; Hence the name World Trade Center. The World Financial Center is right next door to the World Trade Center.

Back in '93 you may recall a bomb that went off in the parking lot. Bin Laden was behind that one and he vowed to come back with avengence, and he did.

O.K. you had to go there you little pussy! First off, about the Pentagon: http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm
go check out that link.

and as far as the bombing in '93? Think about it. A FUCKING BOMB went of INSIDE the building in '93, yet did little to no extensive damage!

Now, on 9-11, a plane hits the second tower on the corner, spewing most of its jet fuel out into the air and on the street, and yet that building came down FIRST, BEFORE the building that took a DIRECT HIT did, AND it came down in a symetrical, controlled demolition type of way, not tilting to the side where the plane hit it, like it should have.

In fact, the name of the company FIRST on the scene after the buildings fell? Controlled Demolition Inc.

Why dont you go read "What Really Happened on 9-11" at the following link:

and then get back to me once you wake up?

Here kitty kitty...


Sarge's Little Helper
06-17-2004, 02:19 PM
O.K. you had to go there you little pussy! First off, about the Pentagon: http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm
go check out that link.

and as far as the bombing in '93? Think about it. A FUCKING BOMB went of INSIDE the building in '93, yet did little to no extensive damage!

Now, on 9-11, a plane hits the second tower on the corner, spewing most of its jet fuel out into the air and on the street, and yet that building came down FIRST, BEFORE the building that took a DIRECT HIT did, AND it came down in a symetrical, controlled demolition type of way, not tilting to the side where the plane hit it, like it should have.

In fact, the name of the company FIRST on the scene after the buildings fell? Controlled Demolition Inc.

Why dont you go read "What Really Happened on 9-11" at the following link:

and then get back to me once you wake up?

Here kitty kitty...


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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/admin/dbprefs.php</b> on line <b>52</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>302</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>302</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>318</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>318</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>187</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>187</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>235</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/util.php</b> on line <b>235</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/graphnew.php</b> on line <b>298</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/graphnew.php</b> on line <b>298</b><br />

06-17-2004, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Sarge's Little Helper
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/admin/dbprefs.php</b> on line <b>52</b><br />
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What's up little helper? What do all the links you send after our posts mean?

Sarge's Little Helper
06-17-2004, 02:21 PM
What's up little helper? What do all the links you send after our posts mean?

<br />
<b>Warning</b>: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/admin/dbprefs.php</b> on line <b>52</b><br />
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<b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in <b>/home/rotharmy/public_html/forums/alice/faqbot/src/graphnew.php</b> on line <b>298</b><br />

06-17-2004, 02:34 PM


06-17-2004, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Keeyth
O.K. you had to go there you little pussy! First off, about the Pentagon: http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm
go check out that link.

and as far as the bombing in '93? Think about it. A FUCKING BOMB went of INSIDE the building in '93, yet did little to no extensive damage!

Now, on 9-11, a plane hits the second tower on the corner, spewing most of its jet fuel out into the air and on the street, and yet that building came down FIRST, BEFORE the building that took a DIRECT HIT did, AND it came down in a symetrical, controlled demolition type of way, not tilting to the side where the plane hit it, like it should have.

In fact, the name of the company FIRST on the scene after the buildings fell? Controlled Demolition Inc.

Why dont you go read "What Really Happened on 9-11" at the following link:

and then get back to me once you wake up?

Here kitty kitty...


I've seen that Pentagon link so many times. I don't speak for the Pentagon. I only argue what I know, and what I know is the Twin Towers and the insurance claims for the airlines.

And baby dool, I grew up in those Towers. Since you're being a smelly cunt, let me educate you.

The twin towers were a hollow tube. The support system was along the walls. That is why when the plane went thru the side and took out the floors, One World Trade was able to stand. It still had the corners for support, which could only last for so long until it weakened. Two World Trade got one of its corners knocked out.

Now, the building were put in a part of Manhattan where there were fellow skyscrapers all around it, not to mention other buildings to be built that would be part of the World trade Complex. Knowing this, the people who dreamed up the twin towers had to figure out a way that incase something should happen, the towers couldfall without taking the rest of Downtown Manhattan with them. They engineered the buildings so that they would accordian when they fell. If you go and re-watch the footage of the buildings as they were standing in ruins, you'll see the tops lean a bit. Plus, if it was a controlled demolition, you would see flashes of light from the explosion, not to mention the explosion itself.

And while the '93 bombing may not have been a 9/11, it did claim lives, injure many people, and ruin the parking lot/part of lobby. Not to mention the train system needed to be fixed. It was no picnic. I should know; my father was there.

I read your 9/11 link. The guy needs to sort some of the facts out before I'll even give some of his looney conspiracies the time of day.

But you're from Cali. What else did I expect?

06-17-2004, 03:09 PM
Keeyth, kooks don't have any proof. Kooky isn't it? Keeyth?

06-17-2004, 03:09 PM


06-17-2004, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
[B] Plus, if it was a controlled demolition, you would see flashes of light from the explosion, not to mention the explosion itself.


And that is EXACTLY what video footage of the towers collapse shows. It's just that most people at the time, understandably in shock over the enormity of the event didn't notice. But the flashes are clearly in the video footage, and explosions within the building were heard by people on the scene.

06-17-2004, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by JCOOK

Uncle Dick has admitted that he gave the order to shoot down the plane. What more do you need?

06-17-2004, 04:41 PM
Someone needs to cut that fucking Michael Goddamn Moron across the throat with a razor blade and let his ass bleed to death.

Then DaveIsKing would laugh my ass off, and piss on his grave.

No mercy. Fuck that bitch!

06-17-2004, 05:03 PM

06-17-2004, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by Satan
And that is EXACTLY what video footage of the towers collapse shows. It's just that most people at the time, understandably in shock over the enormity of the event didn't notice. But the flashes are clearly in the video footage, and explosions within the building were heard by people on the scene.

what video are you watching? I've never seen that. And what about the explosions that would be heard?

06-17-2004, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by Satan
Uncle Dick has admitted that he gave the order to shoot down the plane. What more do you need?

that news story won me $15 :D

06-17-2004, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Keeyth
an M-16 fighter

there is no such thing as a M-16 fighter, you fucking dolt. Wake up! A M-16 is a machine gun.

I was not away these could fly.

06-17-2004, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
there is no such thing as a M-16 fighter, you fucking dolt. Wake up! A M-16 is a machine gun.

Looks like the Kat just killed Keeyth like a defenseless, naked blond 60s chick taking a shower.


06-17-2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by Keeyth

Isn't it funny how bin Laden never actually took credit for the attacks, nor did he ever even make any demands?

from OBL's mouth


"They were overjoyed when the first plane hit the building so I said to them: 'Be patient.'"

"We calculated in advance the number of casualties from the enemy, who would be killed based on the position of the tower. We calculated that the floors that would be hit would be three or four floors. I was the most optimistic of them all."

06-17-2004, 06:54 PM
you keep telling me to wake up, Keeyth , but it looks like you got caught snoozing on the job ;)

06-17-2004, 07:11 PM
Ohhh! Big fucking deal. I said M-16 when I meant F-16. IF you had a fucking clue you would've realized that. However, since that is your only retaliation of an error on my part ought to prove how wrong you are and how right I am. Oh and hello? The fucking bin Laden 'confession'? See my comment about Jurassic Park, Fucktard.

06-17-2004, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Keeyth
Ohhh! Big fucking deal. I said M-16 when I meant F-16. IF you had a fucking clue you would've realized that. However, since that is your only retaliation of an error on my part ought to prove how wrong you are and how right I am. Oh and hello? The fucking bin Laden 'confession'? See my comment about Jurassic Park, Fucktard.

My ONLY retaliation? It helps to read more than the last post, angel baby. Did you forget how to fucking read? And besides asswipe, even before the VP announced he ordered the plan to be shot down I TOLD YOU I THOUGHT IT WAS.

Reading, you know what that is? You put the letters together, sound them out, and they make words. Words put together make sentences and help form ideas.

My point of pointing out the M16 thing is that if you are going to correct me about facts, it helps to get yours straight, asshole.

Re-read this thread, pumpkin pie. I served you your ass on a silver platter. :)

06-17-2004, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
there is no such thing as a M-16 fighter, you fucking dolt. Wake up! A M-16 is a machine gun.

I was not away these could fly.

Really? Not AWAY these could fly? You fucking pathetically rag on a single letter mistake, and yet you can't even put proper grammar into your sentences? Do you speak English?

Thanks for proving I'm right even further...

06-17-2004, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
My ONLY retaliation? It helps to read more than the last post, angel baby. Did you forget how to fucking read? And besides asswipe, even before the VP announced he ordered the plan to be shot down I TOLD YOU I THOUGHT IT WAS.

Reading, you know what that is? You put the letters together, sound them out, and they make words. Words put together make sentences and help form ideas.

My point of pointing out the M16 thing is that if you are going to correct me about facts, it helps to get yours straight, asshole.

Re-read this thread, pumpkin pie. I served you your ass on a silver platter. :)

Hey Kat, I can tell you don't like me... ...do me a favor, spread your legs! Unnngh!

Oh, and if the True DLR were reading this forum, he would deliver another classic Rothism. However since he's not here, you get the next best thing: One from me! Here it is:

"It's time you and the rest of America learn what the porn industry learned long ago... ...it's time to get rid of the BUSH!!"

Peace out baby!

06-17-2004, 07:39 PM
P.S. I've read the whole thread babe, and Satan makes a lot of sense... ...quite unlike JKOOK and Fagsmar, the Spammy Gaygar twins!!

06-17-2004, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
from OBL's mouth


From an actor's mouth. An actor considerably shorter and rounder than the 6' 5" garbanzo-beanpole Bin Laden ;)

lucky wilbury
06-17-2004, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Keeyth
O.K. you had to go there you little pussy! First off, about the Pentagon: http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numer.../erreurs_en.htm
go check out that link.

only problem with that site is that its been debunked. all the eveidence is laid out here: http://www.snopes.com/rumors/pentagon.htm

nothing else needs to be said now does it?

Originally posted by Keeyth
and as far as the bombing in '93? Think about it. A FUCKING BOMB went of INSIDE the building in '93, yet did little to no extensive damage!

really no damage? really?



now the building didn't sustain any other damage becuase they swayed in the blast like they were designed to in case of high winds,hurricanes or earthquakes

Originally posted by Keeyth
[B]Now, on 9-11, a plane hits the second tower on the corner, spewing most of its jet fuel out into the air and on the street, and yet that building came down FIRST, BEFORE the building that took a DIRECT HIT did, AND it came down in a symetrical, controlled demolition type of way, not tilting to the side where the plane hit it, like it should have.

rather then me explaining it how about an mit professor?


and who gave this interview?

Thomas Eagar is Thomas Lord Professor of Materials Engineering and Engineering Systems at MIT. He was recently nominated to serve on a National Research Council committee on homeland security. To see Eagar's article, "Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation," which was coauthored by MIT graduate student Christopher Musso, go to www.tms.org/pubs/journals/JOM/0112/Eagar/Eagar-0112.html

Originally posted by Keeyth
In fact, the name of the company FIRST on the scene after the buildings fell? Controlled Demolition Inc.


Originally posted by Keeyth
Why dont you go read "What Really Happened on 9-11" at the following link:

and then get back to me once you wake up?

Here kitty kitty...


you know just because it was posted on the internet from an unknown site doesn't make it true right?

06-17-2004, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by Keeyth
Hey Kat, I can tell you don't like me... ...do me a favor, spread your legs! Unnngh!

Oh, and if the True DLR were reading this forum, he would deliver another classic Rothism. However since he's not here, you get the next best thing: One from me! Here it is:

"It's time you and the rest of America learn what the porn industry learned long ago... ...it's time to get rid of the BUSH!!"

Peace out baby!

there's a reason why Andrew Dice Clay and DLR make money from doing those jokes and you don't -- they're better and funnier than you

John Ashcroft
06-18-2004, 08:19 AM
Ally, you rule.

You're getting good at this hon.

06-18-2004, 11:16 AM

06-20-2004, 12:24 PM

If the democrat regime is putting all their faith on one movie to bring down the presidency, you know they are in more trouble than it seems.

It's ideals and progress and change for the positive that make one want to vote for a party. The democrats have lost that. They are no longer organized nor focused.

Since the nineties came and went with all their social reform including the wide acceptance of the gay lifestyle, the ideas have all been run out. Case in point, when the movie Howard came out with actor Kevin Kline as a "closet gay" high school wrestling teacher people were still uncomfortable with the thought of gays on mainstream tv. Now every show has a token gay guy and movies and series on them.

So there is no boundary, no fight for the little guy left. Democrats have taken on the responsibility of tackling on big corporation, conservative ideals, and taboo lifestyles in order to make up for the years of oppression they themselves were guilty of in their founding parties. The south stood for Democrats and slavery. Rich cotton barons and no rights for women or blacks. It wasn't until after the FDR days that the party started takin on a new mask of heros and LIBERATORS.

So now the world or at least America is more hip to the vast lifestyles in our culture. The net has also broadened the horizon and that Bridge To The 21st Century now has a toll booth on all lanes. TV has surpassed all common decency that was once a standard 10 short years ago and with all the CSI's, Real Worlds, and gay sitcoms we now live in a world where the seedy is no longer a dark detective movie, but a distribution of the Disney Co. and the Weinsteins.


Lq has written many diatribes and has published in many forums including DLR ARMY, DIAMOND DAVID LEE ROTH, AINT IT COOL NEWS, THE GAY GAZETTE, AND THE VILLAGE VOICE. He is also the author of best selling childrens books including, "Dad, Why Does Uncle Gary Sleep With You".

06-22-2004, 06:55 PM
You know, believe what you want, but if you take all your information from the American media, you are getting all of your info from a single corporate conglomerate, thanks to the work of Michael Powell. The point is, you are so ready to believe whatever the Bush Administration force feeds you, that you have become unable to think for yourselves, unable to question what really happened, and who really benefited the most from it.

I make plenty of money Ally-Kat, and in many ways, so ow! that really hurt. Good one! ...NOT!

Are you really gonna insult my comeback with one that WEAK?? hahahahaha!

and JCOOK, your response tells me it really WAS funny to you! HA!

But, all kidding aside guys... ...don't you think that with all the questions out there surrounding the circumstances of 9-11, and especially after we spent an ENTIRE YEAR looking down Clintons pants, that to ignore this situation and the questions srising from it is an insane act of DENIAL??? I mean come ON!

Think people THINK! It may be O.K. to be a fucking sheep when it comes to the Hagar/ Roth issue, but this is your fucking COUNTRY! Your HOME!
If this is the kind of leadership you wanted, then why did we go beat up on Hitler??? Cuz Great grandfather Prescott Bush financed him, (Hitler) and now his grandson(Bushs') has stolen the Presidency in our own country, by being the first sitting president nobody VOTED into office.

Perhaps the Third Reich didn't lose WWII after all? Maybe they just changed venue???

Uh! How DARE I say these things about our illustrious COMMANDER IN THIEF???? Well, if it's the truth Fuck yes, I dare!

06-22-2004, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Keeyth
his grandson(Bushs') has stolen the Presidency in our own country, by being the first sitting president nobody VOTED into office.

I'm tired of explaining how election law works in this country ( I worked for the Board of Elections since I was 14), so I'm not even going there...again. Not that you would listen anyway. All I have to say is that if you don't like the laws surrounding our election process, move to Canada.

That being said, I would like to point out another fact thing. I will only seriously listen to you and take you into consideration AFTER you begin getting your facts straight. So to add with your careless M-16 mistake, we shall add this first sitting president not to be voted in mistake.

A very quick history lesson for you. Spiro Agnew was Nixon's original VP. He stepped down because he got caught for tax evasion. Nixon had to fill the postion and mulled it down to Ford.

So now Ford was VP. When Nixon resigned because of Watergate, Ford became president, thus becoming the first sitting president that nobody elected into office.

AND! (because there's always more for me) Because Ford succeeded Nixon, the VP spot was left empty. Another VP needed to be appointed. Nelson Rockefeller was picked by Ford for this postion. So Ford/Rockefeller was the one (and only if you follow how election law reads) presidental team not voted into office.

If you wanted to have your statement read correctly, it would say 2nd president nobody VOTED into office. Dick Cheney would be the 3rd VP not voted in.

Just trying to help ya out there, buddy. :)

King VH
06-22-2004, 11:58 PM
michael moore is a fat pussy, that bathes with hermaphrodites in a large tub of mayonnaise, the man needs to take a real shower for once and not super size it at mcdonalds. period

06-23-2004, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by Keeyth

Mere words cannot express my amusement. :D

06-23-2004, 01:55 PM
Thanks Kat,

What would I do without you? You know, I have a hard time believeing someone as intelligent as you seem to be doesn't seriously question some of the 'interesting' facts about the timeline of events surrounding 9-11 OR the fact that your 'election' was conveniently fucked up in a state run by Bush's BROTHER (Uh, hello?) but I guess that's just something I'll have to accept... ...some people are too afraid of what might be the truth to even go looking for it.

All I can say is, after it all comes out the same way Watergate came out, I'm gonna be sitting here saying "I TOLD you so!"

Mark my words...

John Ashcroft
06-23-2004, 02:19 PM
Give me a break.

You know what's funny with you libs? You'll latch on to any one piece of absurd "evidence" (which can hardly even be called circumstantial) against Republicans, calling it irrefutable proof of wrong doing. Yet you demand video evidence of collaboration between Osama and Saddam, from at least 5 "independent and credible" (I.E. democrat hacks) sources, shooting from at least 5 different camera perspectives.

Outside of that, you'll just have to take Osama and Saddam at their words, right? And then you'll usually utter something incredibly assinine like "We do have a Bill of Rights still, right?"

Oh well, all I can say is enjoy minority status for a while.

Maybe you should all march off to Canada like our deserters did. They'll make you heros.

06-23-2004, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Keeyth
but I guess that's just something I'll have to accept... ...some people are too afraid of what might be the truth to even go looking for it.

hun, I got a journalism degree almost done here. Trust me, I have a VERY liberal education by some very liberal professors. The thursday after 9/11 I had a professor spouting out the Bush did it lines with all these reasons why. Oh, was he convincing. Got almost the whole class to believe him.

Me? I'm a little more curious than to take something someone says without doing a little reading on my own. Trust me, I go searching for the truth a lot. It's the little investigative reporter in me.

We're just going to have to admit that we both looked at the evidence and came to different conclusions. One of us is right and one of us is wrong, and i have no problems gloating later on ;)

06-23-2004, 03:49 PM
Ashcroft, you're just an idiot. Much like the real John Ashcroft. 'Nuff said.

As far as gloating goes Kat, I hope in my heart of hearts that you do get to gloat, but if that 'little investigative reporter' is really in you, it will soon find out it's going to be me gloating.
There is a criminal syndicate running this country right now. In fact, it's the very same group that brought us the S&L scandal which we will be paying off for years to come. God knows how long it's going to take to clean up their new mess. You'll see.

06-23-2004, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by Keeyth
Thanks Kat,

What would I do without you? You know, I have a hard time believeing someone as intelligent as you seem to be doesn't seriously question some of the 'interesting' facts about the timeline of events surrounding 9-11 OR

It's people like you who take the Kevin Bacon Degrees of Separation game seriously.

Do go on...It's very entertaining. :D

John Ashcroft
06-24-2004, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by Keeyth
Ashcroft, you're just an idiot. Much like the real John Ashcroft. 'Nuff said.

As far as gloating goes Kat, I hope in my heart of hearts that you do get to gloat, but if that 'little investigative reporter' is really in you, it will soon find out it's going to be me gloating.
There is a criminal syndicate running this country right now. In fact, it's the very same group that brought us the S&L scandal which we will be paying off for years to come. God knows how long it's going to take to clean up their new mess. You'll see.

Heh heh heh... And he say's I'm the idiot...

Hey Keeyfth, you lost. When you lose, statements like "just wait, you'll all see!" only make you look silly. It's the equivalent of saying "True, I can't make my argument now. But let's just continue this conversation 20 years from now! You'll have realized I was right all along!"

Anyway, Note to Keeyfth: The sky is not falling. I repeat, the sky is not falling. Now move along.

Sgt Schultz
06-24-2004, 01:11 PM
Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0060763957/qid=1088088402/sr=ka-1/ref=pd_ka_1/102-4525829-9716956)

Sgt Schultz
06-24-2004, 01:17 PM
fighting words
Unfairenheit 9/11
The lies of Michael Moore.
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted Monday, June 21, 2004, at 12:26 PM PT

<snip> Dupe... already posted here

06-24-2004, 01:24 PM
Thanks for the book... ...you seem to be anti-Michael Moore, and yet you are sooo like a right wing version of him.

A mirror image maybe? An evil twin?? Hmmm...

Sgt Schultz
06-24-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Keeyth
Thanks for the book... ...you seem to be anti-Michael Moore, and yet you are sooo like a right wing version of him.

A mirror image maybe? An evil twin?? Hmmm...

Nein! Schultzy is zer gutt lookin'!

06-24-2004, 01:36 PM
"that Todd Beamer and a few of his co-passengers, shouting "Let's roll," rammed the hijackers with a trolley, fought them tooth and nail, and helped bring down a United Airlines plane, in Pennsylvania, that was speeding toward either the White House or the Capitol.

Silly rabbit... ...Trix are for kids. That plane was shot down. Any miniscule amount of investigative research would tell you that. there wasn't a piece of that plane left that was bigger than a phone book. That is not how a plane crash looks. Initial reports from the locals said they saw a fighter jet in the area, and heard and saw the explosion in the sky, but the White house quickly rebuffed this with their made up version of things...

You are so like the way Moore is, yet on the opposite, and less factual side. In fact, the probable reason Moore wont go on the attacking shows is because there is so much more to this, so much underlying crap that can no longer be proven because the evidence was destroyed in the WTC attacks, that it can all now conveniently be called 'speculation' now... ...and arguing the point to the opposition is futile now, at this point... ...of course they are going to deny it, just like O.J. did... ...but just as DNA is now proving old cases, so one day will we have the technology to prove what a bastard Bush really has been and still is...

06-24-2004, 01:48 PM
It's amazing that the only accounts we have of anything that took place on any of those planes come from the second hand testimonies of Ted Olsen, a known LIAR and Bush Criminal Empire employee, and Lisa Beamer the wife of the fictional hero who is very obviously a Stepford wife plant. Neither account has a shred of corroborating evidence.

And these two hearsay accounts are where the entire "official story" of the hijackings comes from from the alleged box cutters to the straight out of a sappy made for TV movie cover story of Flight 93, which was shot down on orders of Dick Cheney, and reported by eyewitnesses to be dropping parts miles before it crashed.

06-24-2004, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by FORD
It's amazing that the only accounts we have of anything that took place on any of those planes come from the second hand testimonies of Ted Olsen, a known LIAR and Bush Criminal Empire employee, and Lisa Beamer the wife of the fictional hero who is very obviously a Stepford wife plant. Neither account has a shred of corroborating evidence.

And these two hearsay accounts are where the entire "official story" of the hijackings comes from from the alleged box cutters to the straight out of a sappy made for TV movie cover story of Flight 93, which was shot down on orders of Dick Cheney, and reported by eyewitnesses to be dropping parts miles before it crashed.

Do you hear that people???? That's the sound of a voice of reason!

I love the license plate. PNAC says it all people. If you haven't read that, you really need to do so....

John Ashcroft
06-24-2004, 02:03 PM
Heh heh heh... Yep, Ford's the voice of reason 'round here. Y'all here that?

How's the hacking been lately Ford? :D

06-24-2004, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by John Ashcroft
Heh heh heh... Yep, Ford's the voice of reason 'round here. Y'all here that?

How's the hacking been lately Ford? :D

No BCE intrusions (or anyone else) since I installed the router :)

06-24-2004, 02:21 PM
So if it was shot down, who cares??? I for one, being the circumstances as they were, would accept that as the fate....if it was shot down, the Spin story of heroism is not surprising, and much easier for the people to digest, but if the plane crashed as a result of a confrontation between the passengers, well there you have it...a few brave men...

At this point it doesn't matter either way...IMO

06-24-2004, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by DLR'sCock
So if it was shot down, who cares??? I for one, being the circumstances as they were, would accept that as the fate....if it was shot down, the Spin story of heroism is not surprising, and much easier for the people to digest, but if the plane crashed as a result of a confrontation between the passengers, well there you have it...a few brave men...

At this point it doesn't matter either way...IMO

Oh it fucking matters... ...nice pic (tits) by the way... ...but it matters.

06-24-2004, 05:00 PM
Oh and now the Michael Powell kook theory. You poor little man keeyth. Is the bad ole FCCC getting the best of you? He was a Clinton appointee you know. Are you more upset because he was a military man, keeyth?

Now you make the Hitler – Bush leap. And it’s very clear you do not understand the US Constitution or you would know who “nobody” is.
Hitler lost and so did Gore. That was a much easier connection to make than the one you try to make, little man.

Keeyth, when you’re on the fringe and supporting Clintons like they did nothing wrong, then “nobody” will take you seriously.

If you don’t like President Bush, keeyth, take it up in November. When you lose all over again, will you still be upset? Are your feelings hurt that bad little man? Will you leave the US? Will you just cry for four more years? You poor little man. No one is listening to your kook theories. I thought M16 is what killed Princess Diana. Are the FreeMasons holding you back? Have a drink of Tropical Fantasy take another hit off the crackpipe and hope FEMA doesn’t oversee the UN takeover. So close the window or the blue hats will look in.

Conspiracy theory is the sophistication of the ignorant.

So Ford’s one of ‘em too? You guys aren't Lyndon LaRouche types are you? heh!

06-24-2004, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by jacksmar
Oh and now the Michael Powell kook theory. You poor little man keeyth. Is the bad ole FCCC getting the best of you? He was a Clinton appointee you know. Are you more upset because he was a military man, keeyth?

Now you make the Hitler – Bush leap. And it’s very clear you do not understand the US Constitution or you would know who “nobody” is.
Hitler lost and so did Gore. That was a much easier connection to make than the one you try to make, little man.

Keeyth, when you’re on the fringe and supporting Clintons like they did nothing wrong, then “nobody” will take you seriously.

If you don’t like President Bush, keeyth, take it up in November. When you lose all over again, will you still be upset? Are your feelings hurt that bad little man? Will you leave the US? Will you just cry for four more years? You poor little man. No one is listening to your kook theories. I thought M16 is what killed Princess Diana. Are the FreeMasons holding you back? Have a drink of Tropical Fantasy take another hit off the crackpipe and hope FEMA doesn’t oversee the UN takeover. So close the window or the blue hats will look in.

Conspiracy theory is the sophistication of the ignorant.

So Ford’s one of ‘em too? You guys aren't Lyndon LaRouche types are you? heh!

An opinion from such a small and unusual insignifigant rectal discharge such as yourself barely warrants even this much of a response...

See you in November, as you cry into your Bush campaign pamplets...

06-24-2004, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by jacksmar
Oh and now the Michael Powell kook theory. You poor little man keeyth. Is the bad ole FCCC getting the best of you? He was a Clinton appointee you know. Are you more upset because he was a military man, keeyth?

Now you make the Hitler – Bush leap. And it’s very clear you do not understand the US Constitution or you would know who “nobody” is.
Hitler lost and so did Gore. That was a much easier connection to make than the one you try to make, little man.

Keeyth, when you’re on the fringe and supporting Clintons like they did nothing wrong, then “nobody” will take you seriously.

If you don’t like President Bush, keeyth, take it up in November. When you lose all over again, will you still be upset? Are your feelings hurt that bad little man? Will you leave the US? Will you just cry for four more years? You poor little man. No one is listening to your kook theories. I thought M16 is what killed Princess Diana. Are the FreeMasons holding you back? Have a drink of Tropical Fantasy take another hit off the crackpipe and hope FEMA doesn’t oversee the UN takeover. So close the window or the blue hats will look in.

Conspiracy theory is the sophistication of the ignorant.

So Ford’s one of ‘em too? You guys aren't Lyndon LaRouche types are you? heh!


A mere few days after Howard Stern decided he was going to support Kerry and not Bush, the FCC was all of a sudden on witch hunt...

06-24-2004, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by DLR'sCock

A mere few days after Howard Stern decided he was going to support Kerry and not Bush, the FCC was all of a sudden on witch hunt...

Yup, but don't waste your time on this guy... ...he knows not of which he speaks... ...jacksmar is NOT jack-SMART!

06-24-2004, 06:18 PM
Most of this stuff was reported a year ago by the CBC:


06-24-2004, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Angel
Most of this stuff was reported a year ago by the CBC:


God bless REAL journalism, eh?

06-24-2004, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by FORD
God bless REAL journalism, eh?

No kidding, I bet you're glad to be far enough north to get CBC.

I agree with you about Global, their news has gone to shit!

Don't forget my previous offer FORD, I'll sponsor you if you need political asylum...

You and Michael Moore should be made honourary Canucks anyway. ;)

06-24-2004, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Angel
No kidding, I bet you're glad to be far enough north to get CBC.

I agree with you about Global, their news has gone to shit!

Don't forget my previous offer FORD, I'll sponsor you if you need political asylum...

You and Michael Moore should be made honourary Canucks anyway. ;)

Damn, some people really DO get what is going on! Thank god for intellectuals like yourselves...:)

06-24-2004, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by Keeyth
Damn, some people really DO get what is going on! Thank god for intellectuals like yourselves...:)

This one here is just your typical canuck! ;)

06-24-2004, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Angel
No kidding, I bet you're glad to be far enough north to get CBC.

I agree with you about Global, their news has gone to shit!

Don't forget my previous offer FORD, I'll sponsor you if you need political asylum...

You and Michael Moore should be made honourary Canucks anyway. ;)

Yeah, we get CBC on cable here. Actually when I was a kid we could actually get it on a rooftop antenna, believe it or not. Which wasn't bad for some 200 miles south of Vancouver - give or take a few. Like all broadcast signals, it got a lot weaker once cable took over. I don't watch the CBC news all the time, but it sure beats the Hell out of FAUX and MSRNC.

Sgt Schultz
06-25-2004, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by Sgt Schultz
fighting words
Unfairenheit 9/11
The lies of Michael Moore.
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted Monday, June 21, 2004, at 12:26 PM PT

<snip> Dupe... already posted here

Sorry, where was it posted?

06-25-2004, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Sgt Schultz
Sorry, where was it posted?

That would be here (http://www.rotharmy.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6652)

06-25-2004, 12:28 PM
Not like you all care or that you'll listen to this because I'm sure Howie explained it different --

The FCC does not have people listening to all stations to see if someone is breaking the rules. It goes by listener complaints and action, in the form of a trial, usually happens around a year-year and a half after the incident occurs and the report is made by listeners.

The broadcast in question was an April 2003 one. The fact that it came to the table in the time period that it did is not suprising. It's just unfortunate, if you want to call it that, that his case came up around the time of Jackson's saggy ham sack.

This small battle with the FCC was and ended no worse that his 1995 battle. The amount was in the same ball park. Howie has this thing of victimizing himself. And if you don't believe me, listen to his show around the time his contracts come up. He always plays it that he doesn't want to do radio anymore and/or the company is going to rip him off or plot against him. Why? It brings him attention. He's a crybaby attention whore.

So now he's turned into a stripper-interviewing anti-Bush host. I think Air America should take some notes and/or make him an offer.

He's washed-up and I don't know why so many people still listen to him. He's not funny anymore.

06-25-2004, 12:45 PM
I wouldn't really know about all of that, because I don't listen to Stern on any regular basis. I think it's great that he's turned on the BCE. I tuned in for a couple minutes right after the whole Clear Channel thing, and thought his tirade against Junior, Asscrotch, and Mikey Powell was great. But his show is still very New York centric (no offense, Hil ) and at 5:45 in the morning, I'd rather hear about what's going on in this part of the world. So even if he DID sign on with Air America, I wouldn't likely switch over. As of now there's no Air America affiliate in this market anyway :(

06-25-2004, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
Not like you all care or that you'll listen to this because I'm sure Howie explained it different --

The FCC does not have people listening to all stations to see if someone is breaking the rules. It goes by listener complaints and action, in the form of a trial, usually happens around a year-year and a half after the incident occurs and the report is made by listeners.

The broadcast in question was an April 2003 one. The fact that it came to the table in the time period that it did is not suprising. It's just unfortunate, if you want to call it that, that his case came up around the time of Jackson's saggy ham sack.

This small battle with the FCC was and ended no worse that his 1995 battle. The amount was in the same ball park. Howie has this thing of victimizing himself. And if you don't believe me, listen to his show around the time his contracts come up. He always plays it that he doesn't want to do radio anymore and/or the company is going to rip him off or plot against him. Why? It brings him attention. He's a crybaby attention whore.

So now he's turned into a stripper-interviewing anti-Bush host. I think Air America should take some notes and/or make him an offer.

He's washed-up and I don't know why so many people still listen to him. He's not funny anymore.

"Stripper-Interviewing, Anti-Bush host"... ...you say that like it's a BAD thing???

:D :D :confused: :D

06-25-2004, 12:51 PM
Hun, just so you know, he's not against the BCE for reasons you are. He's doing it for personal gain.

06-25-2004, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
Hun, just so you know, he's not against the BCE for reasons you are. He's doing it for personal gain.

The censorship and state controlled media that are the result of radio corporatization (and Colin Powell's kid being in charge of the FCC) have threatened Howard's career. If that's what it took to wake him up to the dangers of this Fraudministration, then so be it. I believe he IS serious about it. Stern can be called many names, and he probably would deserve most of them. But I don't see the guy as a liar at all.

06-25-2004, 01:51 PM
He started on Opie and Anthony before they WNEW took them off in fear of the FCC (and $6000 and community service was all they were charged with) and he had this lovely way of putting words into their mouths of stuff they supposidly said on the air and then trying to take claim of phrases and pranks that were said and done on their show since the Boston days.

Stern lies all the time.

06-25-2004, 01:59 PM
That's right.. Stern lies all the time...

So what's up FORD...

I figured you would have today off to spend the day masterba.. I mean celebrating with Moore...


06-25-2004, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by ELVIS
That's right.. Stern lies all the time...

So what's up FORD...

I figured you would have today off to spend the day masterba.. I mean celebrating with Moore...


Already got tickets to see the movie tonight, so no reason to skip work. Weather sucks anyway.... as it probably will until after the 4th of July. That's more or less traditional around here :(

What really fucking sucks is that this is the time of year where at least there was a DLR concert to look forward to. But he's apparently not touring this summer. And the Atomic Punks haven't been here in 2 years. And I refuse to see Van Hagar - not that they have a show around here anyway. So it looks like I don't get my live Van HALEN fix in any form this year :mad:

06-25-2004, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by FORD
Already got tickets to see the movie tonight, so no reason to skip work. Weather sucks anyway.... as it probably will until after the 4th of July. That's more or less traditional around here :(

What really fucking sucks is that this is the time of year where at least there was a DLR concert to look forward to. But he's apparently not touring this summer. And the Atomic Punks haven't been here in 2 years. And I refuse to see Van Hagar - not that they have a show around here anyway. So it looks like I don't get my live Van HALEN fix in any form this year :mad:

He's at the lower East Side, studying to be an EMT. I say it's vacation time. ;)

06-25-2004, 02:18 PM
You should have caught that show in Toronto...

06-25-2004, 02:19 PM
I should have too for that matter...

06-25-2004, 02:24 PM
What show in Toronto? Hell, I'm still kicking myself for not going there last summer. How often to you get a chance to see The Stones, Ac/Dc, or Rush for $20, let alone all three for that price.

06-25-2004, 02:29 PM
how funny would that be if we all got together to go to a concent? We'd all be singing and laughing, joking around at the show and then afterwards at the diner we would be tearing each other's head off with politcal views.

Sounds like my kind of night :D

06-25-2004, 03:04 PM
LOL!!!!! Hey Ally, I hang in NYC quite often...it's not out of the question.... ;)

06-25-2004, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by FORD
What show in Toronto?

This! (http://www.rotharmy.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=6809)

I figured you knew about it...

06-25-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
how funny would that be if we all got together to go to a concent? We'd all be singing and laughing, joking around at the show and then afterwards at the diner we would be tearing each other's head off with politcal views.

Sounds like my kind of night :D

Bumbershoot 2001 was kinda like that. Of course that was the good ol' days when the biggest political issue was still Junior's non-election. 9 days before, to be exact... :(

06-25-2004, 03:37 PM
Holy shit FORD. Last Bumbershoot I was at was 1991!

06-25-2004, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Angel
Holy shit FORD. Last Bumbershoot I was at was 1991!

Who was playing that year?

John Ashcroft
06-25-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by FORD
What show in Toronto? Hell, I'm still kicking myself for not going there last summer. How often to you get a chance to see The Stones, Ac/Dc, or Rush for $20, let alone all three for that price.

Where was that show??? Man, that'd fucking rock! My first concert was Rush on the "Power Windows" tour. It was absolutely amazing, and sticks with me to this day. We get absolutely nothing like that around here! Fucking Oklahoma sucks for concerts. We'll get some classic rockers playing the Zoo ampitheatre or the Fairgrounds, but they always come on like a Tuesday night. Man I gotta get back to the coast... I'm going fucking stir-crazy here in the middle of nowhere!

You guys suck! ;)

06-25-2004, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by John Ashcroft
Man I gotta get back to the coast... I'm going fucking stir-crazy here in the middle of nowhere!

I'll be waiting at the airport, sweetheart ;)

John Ashcroft
06-25-2004, 04:14 PM
Heh heh heh... You don't know how close I really am to going.

06-25-2004, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by John Ashcroft
Where was that show??? Man, that'd fucking rock! My first concert was Rush on the "Power Windows" tour. It was absolutely amazing, and sticks with me to this day. We get absolutely nothing like that around here! Fucking Oklahoma sucks for concerts. We'll get some classic rockers playing the Zoo ampitheatre or the Fairgrounds, but they always come on like a Tuesday night. Man I gotta get back to the coast... I'm going fucking stir-crazy here in the middle of nowhere!

You guys suck! ;)

You being stuck in the middle of nowhere and going stir-crazy actually explains a lot to me now!!:D :D

06-25-2004, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by John Ashcroft
Heh heh heh... You don't know how close I really am to going.

well then, hurry up! I ain't going to wait forever, and if I did, the boyfriend would start becoming suspicious ;) :D

06-25-2004, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by John Ashcroft
Where was that show??? Man, that'd fucking rock! My first concert was Rush on the "Power Windows" tour. It was absolutely amazing, and sticks with me to this day. We get absolutely nothing like that around here! Fucking Oklahoma sucks for concerts. We'll get some classic rockers playing the Zoo ampitheatre or the Fairgrounds, but they always come on like a Tuesday night. Man I gotta get back to the coast... I'm going fucking stir-crazy here in the middle of nowhere!

You guys suck! ;)

You're kidding me.... You didn't hear about the "SARSStock" benefit concert in Toronto last year?

Basically, Toronto needed a serious influx of cash to their economy because the SARS scare earlier in the year had killed the town. Apparently some big wig in town had connections with the Rolling Stones and was able to land them as headliners. The Stones had become friends with Angus & Malcolm Young over the duration of their "40 Licks" tour and had jammed with them on stage to old blues songs a few times, so Mick & Keith invited them to come along. And of course it wouldn't be fair to have a concert like this in Toronto without including the hometown talent, so Rush jumped in. All for a ticket price of $20. And that was Canadian!

How the Hell did you not hear about this show? Even you Okla-homos have to get news like this ;)

06-25-2004, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
how funny would that be if we all got together to go to a concent? We'd all be singing and laughing, joking around at the show and then afterwards at the diner we would be tearing each other's head off with politcal views.

Sounds like my kind of night :D

Now that WOULD be a party!!:)

John Ashcroft
06-26-2004, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by FORD
You're kidding me.... You didn't hear about the "SARSStock" benefit concert in Toronto last year?

Basically, Toronto needed a serious influx of cash to their economy because the SARS scare earlier in the year had killed the town. Apparently some big wig in town had connections with the Rolling Stones and was able to land them as headliners. The Stones had become friends with Angus & Malcolm Young over the duration of their "40 Licks" tour and had jammed with them on stage to old blues songs a few times, so Mick & Keith invited them to come along. And of course it wouldn't be fair to have a concert like this in Toronto without including the hometown talent, so Rush jumped in. All for a ticket price of $20. And that was Canadian!

How the Hell did you not hear about this show? Even you Okla-homos have to get news like this ;)

Nope, still didn't hear about it. Fuck! What a show that must've been! Angus Young is one of my favorite guitarists. I still can't believe he doesn't get the respect he deserves. I swear, I'd rather listen to a guy like him than any "virtuoso". He's like Elliot Easton of the Cars. He plays the absolute fucking perfect solo for the song! Even if it's not one of their better ones, the solo always fits fucking perfectly. Eddie used to play that way, and I stress used to! I believe that's a good 80% of why I can't stomach Van Hagar. Yeah, Spammy sucks and all, but Eddie has become a cheap copy of himself ever since fuckin' Spammy entered the picture.

And Ally, you're making me feel kind of funny... You know, funny down there...:D Oh the thing's I'd show you... Uh um.. Nevermind... Better close this before the little miss' catches me...

06-26-2004, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by John Ashcroft
Fucking Oklahoma sucks for concerts.

This, I remember vividly.
I used to live in Muskogee.

The only decent concert I saw was in Tulsa when Ozzy came to town.

There's a good roadhouse in Rentiesville, though. A BYOB place that features live blues. Good stuff.

John Ashcroft
06-27-2004, 11:03 AM
I saw Ozzy at the Fairgrounds in OKC. It was awesome! But a rarity for this area.