View Full Version : Girl Beat into Seizure

04-22-2011, 05:05 PM

Hard to watch

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 05:11 PM
I hope she sues and takes lot's of money out of McDonald's Obamacare exempt fat pockets.

04-22-2011, 05:15 PM

04-22-2011, 05:35 PM
Bullshit. My sister who suffered from schizophrenia also had a mild form of epilepsy and at times went into something called a petite mal seizure which was far more serious than what I could gather this girl was doing on the floor. And look who was diagnosing her: the fool with the camera too lazy or too self-entertained to put the god damn thing down and stop this. Even with her ass kicked did she show no signs of a post ditcal stage or went into ...it just wasn't a seizure. Most likely it was panic attack which can happen in this circumstance; being beaten whether deserving of it or not can induce a type of emotional trauma. Even back when I was practicing Tang So Doo would I see someone take a kick to the head or a punch to stomach that was so hard they fell on the ground and went into a mild convulsing much like someone in a panic stage which, if anything, she was most likely in. No doubt the media will play this up and fools like you will follow it blindly.

04-22-2011, 05:39 PM
Oh, and fuck this:

"We are shocked by the video from a Baltimore franchised restaurant showing an assault. This incident is unacceptable, disturbing and troubling," the company said in a statement posted on its website. "Nothing is more important than the safety of our customers and employees in our restaurants. We are working with the franchisee and the local authorities to investigate this matter."

A bit late for damage control when the manager and employees did nothing to stop it dontcha think? The only "investigation" to take place is McDonald's on the phone with their corporate lawyers seeing if there is a viable lawsuit coming down their way or not.

04-22-2011, 05:44 PM
Dupe thread

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 05:44 PM
Next will be a fight amongst the McDonald's staff where one of them gets his head dunked into the fry-o-later and then the crispy ears are served to the customers as a McEar sandwich.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 05:45 PM
Ever notice how people breath funny like they are snoring after you have knocked them out? They all seem to do this.

04-22-2011, 05:48 PM
Hard to watchEvidently, it's even harder for you to click on other threads before you start your own.....


Windowlicking Aaryan dumbfuck!

04-22-2011, 05:50 PM
Windowlicking Aaryan dumbfuck!

racist statement

04-22-2011, 05:55 PM
A bit late for damage control when the manager and employees did nothing to stop it dontcha think? The only "investigation" to take place is McDonald's on the phone with their corporate lawyers seeing if there is a viable lawsuit coming down their way or not.

It occurs to me that a corporation like McDonald's could in fact have a "non-interference" policy in place for it's employees, a set of guidelines the employee must agree to and sign in the event of an occurrence such as this. How many times over the course of the past 5 years or so have we read with disgust about an employee stopping a robber, only to be fired soon afterward by the employer? If such protocols are indeed in effect, then these corporations better get their collective heads out of their asses and hire some security personnel, people trained in weapons or hand-to-hand combat and that are capable of dealing with situations such as this one.

It's one thing to cover your corporate ass out of fears of lawsuits, it's quite another to have your employees standing around and gawking while your paying customers are being victimized. It's mildly counter-intuitive to business, wouldn't you say?

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 06:03 PM
In other words our society protects the criminals. It used to be people who stood up and did the right thing were heros. Now we have turned into a bunch of lobotomized wimps scared of breaking some corporate policy. No wonder we have become sludge.

Better yet, just don't go to McDonald's. There are better burger places. Go to a locally owned one and keep your money in your community. We are headed to a McDonald's and Walmart only world where they get all sorts of governmental concessions and the local places will be driven out of business. That is only a few years away if things stay constant.

04-22-2011, 06:05 PM
amen to the last two posttsssttssssss

04-22-2011, 06:13 PM
racist statementBullshit!
Aryans aren't even a race, or even a sub-race....they're nothing but a pile of gutless slime!

04-22-2011, 06:19 PM
"mentally challenged glass cleaners" obviously referring to mongoloids


The concept originated with a now disputed typological method of racial classification.[43][44] All the -oid racial terms (e.g. Yellow people, Caucasoid, Negroid, etc.) are now often controversial in both technical and non-technical contexts and may sometimes give offense no matter how they are used.[45] This is especially true of Yellow people because it has also been used as a synonym for persons with Down Syndrome.[46] A shortened version of the term, mong or mongo, is also used in the United Kingdom, mainly Scotland. Contrary to popular beliefs, Yellow people refers to diverse ethnical groups, and not to a homogeneous group.
Since people with Down syndrome may have epicanthic folds, the condition was widely called "Mongol" or "Yellow people Idiocy".[47] John Langdon Down, for whom the syndrome was named, claimed in his book Observations on the Ethnic Classification of Idiots (1866) that the Mongol-like features represented an evolutionary degeneration when manifested in Caucasoids.

04-22-2011, 06:22 PM
racist statement

and it appears you spelled the name wrong, maybe nitro will bust your balls for the typo

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the English language loanword. For other uses, see Aryan (disambiguation).
Aryan /ˈɛərjən/ is an English language loanword derived from Sanskrit Arya ('Noble')[1][2][3] and denoting variously
In scholarly usage:
Indo-Iranian languages (Iranian and Indo-Aryan) and their speakers[2][4][5]
in dated usage:
the Indo-European languages more generally and their speakers
in contemporary usage:
Among Hindu nationalists, the Hindu/Indian people [6][7][8]
in colloquial English, and according to Nazi racial theory, persons corresponding to the "Nordic", "blond-haired, blue-eyed" physical ideal of Nazi Germany (the "master race" ideology) [n 1]
within the ideology of white supremacy, the "White race", i.e., Caucasians who are native Indo-Europeans of the Western or European branch of the Indo-European peoples, as opposed to the Eastern or Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European peoples.
The "Aryan race" taken to correspond to the original speakers of Indo-European languages and their present day descendants.[10]
As an adaptation of the Latin Arianus, referring to Ariana, the eastern part of ancient Iran, 'Arian' has "long been in English language use".[11] Its history as a loan word began in the late 18th century, when the word was borrowed from Sanskrit ārya[1] to refer to speakers of North Indian languages.[11] When it was determined that Iranian languages — both living and ancient — used a similar term in much the same way (but in the Iranian context as a self-identifier of Iranian peoples), it became apparent that the shared meaning had to derive from the ancestor language of the shared past, and so, by the early 19th century, the word 'Aryan' came to refer to the group of languages deriving from that ancestor language, and by extension, the speakers of those languages.[12]
Then, in the 1830s, partly based on the theory (now regarded as erroneous) that words like "Aryan" could also be found in European languages (such as the idea that "Eire" derived from "Aryan"), the term "Aryan" came to be used as the term for the Indo-European language group, and by extension, the original speakers of those languages. In the 19th century, "language" was considered a property of "ethnicity", and thus the speakers of the Indo-European languages came to be called the "Aryan race", as contradistinguished from what came to be called the "Semitic race". By the late 19th century, among some people, the notions of an "Aryan race" became closely linked to Nordicism, which posited Northern European racial superiority over all other peoples (including Indians and Iranians). This "master race" ideal engendered both the "Aryanization" programs of Nazi Germany, in which the classification of people as "Aryan" and "non-Aryan" was most emphatically directed towards the exclusion of Jews.[13][n 2] By the end of World War II, the word 'Aryan' had become associated by many with the racial theories and atrocities committed by the Nazi regime.
In colloquial modern English it is often used to signify the Nordic racial ideal promoted by the Nazis. As the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language states at the beginning of its definition, "Aryan, a word nowadays referring to the blond-haired, blue-eyed physical ideal of Nazi Germany, originally referred to a people who looked vastly different. Its history starts with the ancient Indo-Iranians, peoples who inhabited parts of what are now Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India."[9][14]
In Iranian context the original self-identifier lives on in ethnic names like "Alani", "Ir".[15] Similarly, The word Iran is the Persian word for land/place of the Aryan[16](see also Iranian peoples). In present-day academia, the terms "Indo-Iranian" and "Indo-European" have, according to many, made most uses of the term 'Aryan' obsolete, and 'Aryan' is now mostly limited to its appearance in the term "Indo-Aryan" to represent (speakers of) North Indian languages. Notions of an "Aryan race" defined as being composed of those of the Western or European branch of the Indo-European peoples is used in the context of fascist nationalism, an ideology of nationhood defined by ancestry.
In present-day India, the original ethno-linguistic signifier has been less emphasized, the denotation having been semantically supplemented by other, secondary, meanings—the term is widely used in India in the names of business enterprises.[17][18]

04-22-2011, 06:25 PM
It's one thing to cover your corporate ass out of fears of lawsuits, it's quite another to have your employees standing around and gawking while your paying customers are being victimized. It's mildly counter-intuitive to business, wouldn't you say?

I don't think this is the real issue. By reading the comment page on the Baltimore website did it shock me a little when many said this could have been prevented if someone was there licensed to carry a concealed weapon. Huh? That kind of mob rule mentality also has no place in society when you consider the fact that anyone with a perment to do so will without hesitation, pull out a loaded 9mm and play judge, jury and executioner based on their idea of what race caused the fight in the first place on any street, anywhere, anytime, USA. To me, that just inept rednecks cloaking their own form of racism while pushing for a change in the already existing and stringent gun laws.

Now, with that said, I know corporate chains such as SwindleBuy have a no interference policy with their employees trying to stop or detain a shoplifter simply out of if they so much grab the shoplifter's arm they can be heavily sued. In some ways I can agree with that because the shoplifter might pull out a knife or return with punch..whatever. But this wasn't shoplifting. The lines are really blurred anymore when it comes to doing the right thing in a situation such as this. Whether or not that girl who was given a beatdown had it coming or not is moot. What is important is that someone should have come involved and done something to at the very least keep to parties separate from one another and separate from other patrons until the law arrived. This is not hindsight but 2 or 3 employees could have stood in the others way while keeping a distance of physical harm from happening to themselves.

As for the sociological aspect of this. It does frighten me in that when I watch the crap known as MMA (and yes, it IS crap) when a opponent is beat down to submission the fight is over. That's it. You made your point now walk back to your corner - the same rule and/or mindset I was taught whenever I was in competition or not. The girl who was doing the beating seemed to have no scruples when to stop. In fact, it was encouraged for her to continue only to see the employees and patrons feign pity for the the girl lying beaten on the floor afterwards. Truth is about ourselves - and this does cross any racial line - is that we tend to gravitate towards this kind of violence only to claim shock and disgust when all has been said and done.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 06:26 PM
Aryans aren't even a race, or even a sub-race....they're nothing but a pile of gutless slime!

The Aryan was an imaginary super race of people the Nazis fantasized about being. If you study the base beliefs of the Nazis and the Thule Society it's some weird shit. It's amazing how superstition and fantasy can exist in the same society that was so technologically advanced. I mean you can have witch doctor fantasy madness mixed with the technology to do lot's of damage in today's world. I look at where we are going and think we haven't learned one damn thing from the Great Depression and World War II.

04-22-2011, 06:30 PM
ah fuck it, i was just tryin' to point out how much of this slingin' shit back and forth is soo much the same with different players and agendas. it's all names and words and context. we're all one race, hate the bad, love the good.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 06:33 PM
I don't think this is the real issue. By reading the comment page on the Baltimore website did it shock me a little when many said this could have been prevented if someone was there licensed to carry a concealed weapon. Huh? That kind of mob rule mentality also has no place in society when you consider the fact that anyone with a perment to do so will without hesitation, pull out a loaded 9mm and play judge, jury and executioner based on their idea of what race caused the fight in the first place on any street, anywhere, anytime, USA. To me, that just inept rednecks cloaking their own form of racism while pushing for a change in the already existing and stringent gun laws.

Now, with that said, I know corporate chains such as SwindleBuy have a no interference policy with their employees trying to stop or detain a shoplifter simply out of if they so much grab the shoplifter's arm they can be heavily sued. In some ways I can agree with that because the shoplifter might pull out a knife or return with punch..whatever. But this wasn't shoplifting. The lines are really blurred anymore when it comes to doing the right thing in a situation such as this. Whether or not that girl who was given a beatdown had it coming or not is moot. What is important is that someone should have come involved and done something to at the very least keep to parties separate from one another and separate from other patrons until the law arrived. This is not hindsight but 2 or 3 employees could have stood in the others way while keeping a distance of physical harm from happening to themselves.

As for the sociological aspect of this. It does frighten me in that when I watch the crap known as MMA (and yes, it IS crap) when a opponent is beat down to submission the fight is over. That's it. You made your point now walk back to your corner - the same rule and/or mindset I was taught whenever I was in competition or not. The girl who was doing the beating seemed to have no scruples when to stop. In fact, it was encouraged for her to continue only to see the employees and patrons feign pity for the the girl lying beaten on the floor afterwards. Truth is about ourselves - and this does cross any racial line - is that we tend to gravitate towards this kind of violence only to claim shock and disgust when all has been said and done.

This is what happens when a society replaces morals with policy. A society needs a moral backbone not trained specialists and when someone does the right thing, they need the support of the community. But then notice how corporate policy is replacing the community and federal is replacing city, country, and state. The fact that people even consider that armed guards need to be at McDonald's just shows the insanity of the situation. So nobody trusts anyone anymore and they avoid any confrontation out of being sued but the crazy anarchist fucks don't give a shit. They will do whatever they want. Like I said the system has morphed to protecting the criminal and putting the rest of us in jail.

04-22-2011, 06:41 PM
anyone with a perment to do so will without hesitation, pull out a loaded 9mm and play judge, jury and executioner based on their idea of what race caused the fight in the first place on any street, anywhere, anytime, USA. To me, that just inept rednecks cloaking their own form of racism

That's fucking ignorant, you illiterate man hater...

04-22-2011, 06:42 PM
I wanna be a Mac Donaldz guard!!!

04-22-2011, 06:44 PM
How 'bout we stop giving ni**rs welfare and they won't have money to buy the super size bullshit they shove down their fat ni**er throats...

04-22-2011, 06:45 PM
Most likely it was panic attack which can happen in this circumstance;

Okay, just to clear something up. A panic attack is like death. If you have claustrophobia and are in an airplane, if a panic attack hits......you will open the door & jump 30,000 feet to your death before you will allow yourself to stay locked up in that tube with wings.

Serious, serious shit. You can not control it.

Trust me. I would not wish that shit on anyone.

I don't mean panic where an earthquake happens & everyone runs around. Or someone screams fire! in a movie theater. I mean throat clenching, stop breathing, convulse, and feel close to death shit. It's bad.

Carry on.

04-22-2011, 06:46 PM
How 'bout we stop giving ni**rs welfare and they won't have money to buy the super size bullshit they shove down their fat ni**er throats...

Oh, I forgot, because then they will steal a gun and rob Mac Donaldz...

04-22-2011, 06:47 PM
How 'bout we stop giving corporations welfare and they won't have money to buy the Shittizens United bullshit they shove down their fat Kochsucking throats...

A Devil couldn't agree more.

04-22-2011, 06:48 PM
I wanna be a Mac Donaldz guard!!!

Eh, you'd just bulk up on those nugget things, the ones that may or may not be made out of chicken. And don't ask about that Filet 'O' Fish thing.

04-22-2011, 06:48 PM
How 'bout we stop giving ni**rs welfare and they won't have money to buy the super size bullshit they shove down their fat ni**er throats...

How about you stop using that word and live up to Christ's example. It is Easter after all.

04-22-2011, 06:49 PM
I mean throat clenching, stop breathing, convulse, and feel close to death shit. It's bad.

Carry on.

That would be more like going into shock, not a panic attack...

04-22-2011, 06:50 PM
So nobody trusts anyone anymore and they avoid any confrontation out of being sued but the crazy anarchist fucks don't give a shit. They will do whatever they want.Is this thread going all over the place or what?

I see the word 'anarchist' has been completely mis-used for the umpteenth fucking time.

04-22-2011, 06:50 PM
How about you stop using that word and live up to Christ's example. It is Easter after all.

What word ??

Those bitches are n-word bitches and I didn't use it...


04-22-2011, 06:51 PM
This is what happens when a society replaces morals with policy.

More like this is what happens when society replaces morals with [i]obedience. Everyone of us still has the choice or "free will" to make s conscious decision to get involved or not regardless of any policy. Um, Milgram said it better:

The social psychology of this century reveals a major lesson; often it is not so much the kind of person a man is as the kind of situation in which he finds himself that determines how he will act."

Look at the behavior of many in that restaurant. Only one person acted out of kindness while the rest stood by. We love violence. Moreover, we are addicted to it. We obey it. Who knows why? Could be that amygdala region of our brain that regulates our conscience drives of anger and violence in that it goes berserk when seeing it take place..or something. Anyway, I have no problem in saying I have no disgust for the girl lying on the floor. No, my disgust lies with all of those who failed to act.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 06:55 PM
Eh, you'd just bulk up on those nugget things, the ones that may or may not be made out of chicken. And don't ask about that Filet 'O' Fish thing.

The 2004 documentary Super Size Me states "McDonald's Chicken McNuggets were originally made from old chickens no longer able to lay eggs. These chickens are stripped down to the bone, and then "ground up" into a chicken mash then combined with a variety of stabilizers and preservatives, pressed into familiar shapes, breaded and deep fried, freeze dried, and then shipped to a McDonald's near you." Super Size Me also alleged that they included chemicals such as tertiary butylhydroquinone (a phenolic antioxidant used as a chemical preservative), polydimethylsiloxane (an anti-foaming agent), and other ingredients not used by a typical home cook.[5] This was recently restated by CNN.[6]
Marion Nestle, a New York University professor and author of “What to Eat,” says the tertiary butylhydroquinone and dimethylpolysiloxane in the McNuggets probably pose no health risks. As a general rule, though, she advocates not eating any food with an ingredient you can’t pronounce. [6]
Dimethylpolysiloxane is used as a matter of safety to keep the oil from foaming, Lisa McComb, (who handles global media relations for McDonald's) says. The chemical is a form of silicone also used in cosmetics and Silly Putty. A review of animal studies by The World Health Organization found no adverse health effects associated with dimethylpolysiloxane. TBHQ is a preservative for vegetable oils and animal fats, limited to .02 percent of the oil in the nugget. One gram (one-thirtieth of an ounce) can cause "nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, delirium, a sense of suffocation, and collapse," according to “A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additives.[6]

As of October 9 2010, listed as ingredients in the cooking process of McNuggets are dimethylpolysiloxane which in a 2002 lawsuit against McDonald's, a judge commented that Chicken McNuggets are a "McFrankenstein" creation of various elements not used by the home cook.[7]and Tert-Butylhydroquinone or TBHQ.[4] TBHQ, a chemical the FDA requires to not exceed 0.02 percent of its oil and fat content can cause death from the ingestion of around 5 grams. Ingestion of a single gram (a 28th of an ounce) has caused nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, delirium, a sense of suffocation, and collapse. Industrial workers exposed to the vapors-without obvious systematic effects-suffered clouding of the eye lens. Application to the skin may cause allergic reactions[8] In 2003, in response, McDonald’s launched smaller, all-white-meat McNuggets.

04-22-2011, 06:58 PM
They should make all-black-meat Mac Niggetz...

04-22-2011, 06:58 PM
silly putty nugs!!!

04-22-2011, 06:58 PM
Okay, just to clear something up. A panic attack is like death.

It can feel like death to one who might be experiencing it even though it is not. You know, that whole fight or flight/adrenaline/parasympathetic nervous system thing going on that is out of one's control. Unlike what you see in movies being beaten can induce an emotional trauma and I still say it wasn't a seizure but more of a theatrical cry of "I had enough", "no more."

04-22-2011, 07:01 PM
They should make all-black-meat Mac Niggetz...

Seriously, you made your ridiculous point (over and over again). Now STFU.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 07:01 PM
I remember in the 1970's you would see the news story that someone got mugged in New York City and nobody stopped to help. We all thought it was horrible and wondered what kind of passive cess pool would allow that to happen. Then years later I found myself living in New York City and people were really disconnected there more than any other place I lived. I think it was because so much of the environment was negative they just learned to turn it off.

04-22-2011, 07:01 PM
It can feel like death to one who might be experiencing it

That's all I'm saying.


Been there, done that. Not fun.

04-22-2011, 07:04 PM
I've never had one but have seen them. And to an onlooker they can be quite scary. To the person going through one they must be terrifying.

04-22-2011, 07:05 PM
Is there evidence that this was a racist attack?

Scum are scum the color of their skin is irrelevant and looks to me like this is being used by white racists for their own pathetic agenda.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 07:05 PM
Is this thread going all over the place or what?

I see the word 'anarchist' has been completely mis-used for the umpteenth fucking time.

You have law or you have anarchy. It seems like anarchy rules at McDonald's these days. Maybe it's the chemicals in the McNuggets setting these people off.

04-22-2011, 07:11 PM
No. it's the Illuminati MK Ultra Mind Kontrol to rid the population of itself.

I really need to stop listening to so much late night conspiracy talk radio. I really do.

04-22-2011, 07:12 PM
. And don't ask about that Filet 'O' Fish thing.

One thing is for certain: it's certainly not fish.

04-22-2011, 07:13 PM
You have law or you have anarchy. It seems like anarchy rules at McDonald's these days.You're using 'anarchy' to describe chaos and disorder. That is NOT what it means!

04-22-2011, 07:16 PM
I've never had one but have seen them. And to an onlooker they can be quite scary. To the person going through one they must be terrifying.

Yeah...I was on a vacation with my older bro down in Tucson. We went to Tombstone, and an old nuke missile silo, & stuff. But we went to a place called Collassol Caves. As were we being guided, it got so dark, and so many twists & turns that I couldn't remember the way out if I felt panic coming on. (I'm good if I have a way out). Once I got too confused & lost the shit hit the fan. Luckily my brother is bigger than me to restrain me from hurting myself, and smart enough to know what was happening. I don't remember what happened. But he said he carried my ass out fast & lit a smoke for me.


Big brothers...for all the noogies, tittie twisters, and forced fart smellings....they sure can come through when it's needed.

The main thing about above video is the people just standing around pointing at her. No one stopped the beatdown. No one rescued the girl. Come on people! Remember 9/11 when everyone was helping anyone? Regardless of who or what they were or looked like? And everyone shared tears that day? The same people who all cried when the Space Shuttle exploded. The same people who all cried when we walked on the moon. What happened to that nation? Society really makes me fucking sick at times. Literally sick to my stomach.

We are currently NOT the greatest generation. :(

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 07:16 PM
Anarchy (from Greek: ἀναρχίᾱ anarchíā, "without ruler") may refer to any of several political states, and has been variously defined by sources. Most often, the term "anarchy" describes the simple absence of publicly recognized government or enforced political authority.[1][2] When used in this sense, anarchy may[3] or may not[4] imply political disorder or lawlessness within a society. In another sense, anarchy may not refer to a complete lack of authority or political organization, but instead refer to a social state characterized by absolute direct democracy[5] or libertarianism.[4]

I guess it all depends on what definition of anarchy you choose to use.

04-22-2011, 07:18 PM
Is there evidence that this was a racist attack?

I never said it was racist...

Just ni**ers being ni**ers, or scum, as you say...

Same thing...

04-22-2011, 07:18 PM
scum are scum the color of their skin is irrelevant


04-22-2011, 07:21 PM
You have law or you have anarchy. It seems like anarchy rules at McDonald's these days.

You're using 'anarchy' to describe chaos and disorder. That is NOT what it means!


04-22-2011, 07:21 PM
Yeah...I was on a vacation with my older bro down in Tucson. We went to Tombstone, and an old nuke missile silo, & stuff. But we went to a place called Collassol Caves. As were we being guided, it got so dark, and so many twists & turns that I couldn't remember the way out if I felt panic coming on. (I'm good if I have a way out). Once I got too confused & lost the shit hit the fan. Luckily my brother is bigger than me to restrain me from hurting myself, and smart enough to know what was happening. I don't remember what happened. But he said he carried my ass out fast & lit a smoke for me.

Just a little surprised that Colossal Cave freaked you out, but the missile silo didn't. Should this be a concern for my staff when you arrive in Hell?

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 07:24 PM
One thing is for certain: it's certainly not fish.

The sandwich was created by a McDonald's franchise owner in Cincinnati, Ohio, named Lou Groen in 1962.[3][4] Groen owned a McDonald's in a predominantly Roman Catholic neighborhood where his Catholic customers engaged in the practice of not eating meat on Fridays[4] (a practice more common in the '60s but that the Catholic Church continues to consider obligatory on Fridays during Lent).[5]
The product was named by Cye Landy of Cye Landy Advertising Agency, which was the advertising firm for that particular McDonald's franchise.
It has become popular with people who cannot eat meat-based products, particularly Muslims: fish is always considered Halal, whilst Halal meat requires special slaughter techniques.[4]
The sandwich was new McDonald's company owner Ray Kroc's[6] first non-hamburger menu item. Kroc made a deal with Groen: they would sell two non-meat sandwiches on a Friday, Kroc's own Hula Burger (grilled pineapple) and the Filet-O-Fish, and whichever sold the most would be added to the permanent menu. The Filet-O-Fish "won hands down"[4] and was added to menus throughout 1963 until reaching nationwide status in 1965.[7]
In November 2007, McDonald's lowered the use of New Zealand hoki and increased the use of Alaskan pollock,[8] due to declining numbers of New Zealand hoki fishery sustainability. McDonald's originally used cod, before declining cod catches forced McDonald's to find sustainable fish elsewhere. McDonald's is trying to maintain fish only from areas certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council, but that is becoming more difficult each year. Hoki is still a major ingredient.[9]
As of March, 2009, the Marine Stewardship Council[10] placed the Alaskan Pollock fisheries in a re-assessment program[11] due to catch numbers declining by over 30% between 2005 and 2008, and by-catch problems with salmon.

So it was real fish but due to all the supply problems, who knows what it is now.

04-22-2011, 07:25 PM
Why Cant We All Just Get Along.:D

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 07:29 PM
I never said it was racist...

Just ni**ers being ni**ers, or scum, as you say...

Same thing...

If you ask a black person what n***er means when they call each other it they will basically tell you they are calling the other black person a low life good for nothing. If a white person uses it, it's racist. I have no idea why. It's just one of those social things.

04-22-2011, 07:29 PM
Just a little surprised that Colossal Cave freaked you out, but the missile silo didn't. Should this be a concern for my staff when you arrive in Hell?

LMAO!....the silo was AWESOME! But the difference was I knew where the stairs to get out were. Example.....I could sit in my closet for a week no sweat. But, if you lock the door? Panic within a minute. It's the part of my mind...knowing I can leave at any time. When that is taken from me, shit hits the fan. Sit me in an airplane on the tarmac for 10 hours...as long as I can walk out whenever I feel. But once they lock that door at 30,000 feet & I am trapped? FUCK ME RUNNIN'!

yeah, yeah. I know. It's all in my mind. It is a weakness. I'm working on it. Geez. Alcohol helps.

04-22-2011, 07:31 PM
Beach Fag is on his job!!!


Va Beach VH Fan
04-22-2011, 07:32 PM
You can make the analogy without using the word, thanks....

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 07:34 PM
Ok. The word n*gger is a derivative from the latin word niger which means black. Black people were called n*ggers in 19th century America in other words the latin word for black was being used.

Va Beach VH Fan
04-22-2011, 07:34 PM
Beach Fag is on his job!!!


Now go beg to Sarge to get unbanned, you racist fuck....

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 07:35 PM
You can make the analogy without using the word, thanks....

Whatever. How about the latin version niger?

04-22-2011, 07:37 PM
Good Call On the Banning Of That SOB.:D

04-22-2011, 07:38 PM
Now go beg to Sarge to get unbanned, you racist fuck....

Unholy Shit! http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/teufel/d070.gif

Elvis has left the building.........

04-22-2011, 07:40 PM
Told You Guys He Should Of Had That Cup Of Tea.:D

04-22-2011, 07:41 PM
UMM.......I may be the only 1 here to say this.....but it was just Elvis doing what he does. Doesn't phase any more. But I know the rules.

Hope this is only a wrist slap & he is back bugging the hell out of all you guys soon.

04-22-2011, 07:43 PM
Why Cant We All Just Get A Bong. http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/3585/ronbobongsmiley.gif (http://img228.imageshack.us/i/ronbobongsmiley.gif/)

Fixed that for ya, Danno. :baaa:

04-22-2011, 07:45 PM
Fixed that for ya, Danno. :baaa:

Keep It Green I Say,Craig.:biggrin:

04-22-2011, 07:45 PM
Ok. The word n*gger is a derivative from the latin word niger which means black. Black people were called n*ggers in 19th century America in other words the latin word for black was being used.

That really doesn't make the word OK to use now though does it. 'Cunt' has its origins in the latin term 'cunnus' (vulva), but if I called you it you wouldn't be please would you?

As for the widespread use of the term in 19th century America, do you really think that most people used it in the belief that it was a latin term? Or was it because it was a derogatory way of referring to black people?

04-22-2011, 07:48 PM
OK...before a banning spree starts up....I apologize for using it the other night in this post...


Wasn't meant to be in an offensive way AT ALL. Edit if the need is there. Don't ban me plz :)

04-22-2011, 07:52 PM
OK...before a banning spree starts up....I apologize for using it the other night in this post...


Wasn't meant to be in an offensive way AT ALL. Edit if the need is there. Don't ban me plz :)

I Spoke To The Boss And He Said That You Are Ok,This Time Round.:D

04-22-2011, 07:52 PM
That really doesn't make the word OK to use now though does it. 'Cunt' has its origins in the latin term 'cunnus' (vulva), but if I called you it you wouldn't be please would you?Well, now that you mention it, he is kind of a cunt.:)

04-22-2011, 07:53 PM
Not A Fan Of The C-Word.:hitch:

04-22-2011, 07:58 PM
Not A Fan Of The C-Word.:hitch:

I am a fan of the original Latin Thing though.


04-22-2011, 07:59 PM
Back to the original video.

Was the early 80's really the last of the great times here?

Or is my memory clouded because I was young and full of great dreams and happiness?

04-22-2011, 08:01 PM
I am a fan of the original Latin Thing though.

MMMMMMMMM....Latin women. WOWZA!

Either they are smoking hot & will fuck your brains literally out so hard you need to wear earplugs to hold that gray matter in.

Or they get fat & frumpy and can cook you the best damn food in the world.


Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 08:07 PM
That really doesn't make the word OK to use now though does it. 'Cunt' has its origins in the latin term 'cunnus' (vulva), but if I called you it you wouldn't be please would you?

As for the widespread use of the term in 19th century America, do you really think that most people used it in the belief that it was a latin term? Or was it because it was a derogatory way of referring to black people?

You have the literal definition and then you have the social interpretation. The N word is probably offensive because it was the norm used in the old slave days and when blacks got their freedom they wanted to get as far from that as they could. Even the decent black people refuse to use that word. It's pretty much used by the low life gangstas, racist white people, or people pushing the envelope in a joking fashion (Blazing Saddles). But then society changes the meanings of words over time. Just look at the word gay. So language is always in constant change. We aren't exactly speaking Elizabethan english anymore either.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 08:08 PM
I mean we have pretty much replaced gosh darn with fuck. :biggrin:

04-22-2011, 08:12 PM
I mean we have pretty much replaced gosh darn with fuck. :biggrin:

Smash your thumb with a hammer & just see what naturally flows from your mouth. Pretty sure it won't be darnedly dee fiddly fee.

Although...my Moms main curse word was CRUM! But to me that's more like when I make a typo I say it to myself.

I stubbed my toe a week ago and what came out of my mouth would make Satan blush....if he could.

04-22-2011, 08:16 PM
yeah, i think it's much more fun to be able to express yourself with words that might fly right over the heads of your insultee... many times me and the mates have been out slanging with the bogans [read rednecks] and insulting them hard.... they don't have a clue what we're talking about. VERY entertaining.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 08:17 PM
My dad said shit. Shit and damn. We say fuck now. I think if my mom heard my dad say fuck she probably would have washed his mouth out with soap. I flipped a kid off and my mom saw me do it and I got lashed with the belt for it. Then I got caught with some porn and she didn't do anything to me. I got this talk on how it was demeaning to women and all that.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 08:21 PM
MMMMMMMMM....Latin women. WOWZA!

Either they are smoking hot & will fuck your brains literally out so hard you need to wear earplugs to hold that gray matter in.

Or they get fat & frumpy and can cook you the best damn food in the world.


They also aren't as spoiled or high maintenance. Man would I love to grind Shakira or J-Lo.

04-22-2011, 08:21 PM
Then I got caught with some porn and she didn't do anything to me. .

Just having your Mom find your porn is punishment enough. 99.99% of us here know that feeling when Mom found our magazine or VHS stash under the bed. So embarrassing.

04-22-2011, 08:21 PM
Smash your thumb with a hammer & just see what naturally flows from your mouth. Pretty sure it won't be darnedly dee fiddly fee.

Although...my Moms main curse word was CRUM! But to me that's more like when I make a typo I say it to myself.

I stubbed my toe a week ago and what came out of my mouth would make Satan blush....if he could.

Oh, I still blush on occasion. It's just hard to tell when your face is permanently red already.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 08:22 PM
I am a fan of the original Latin Thing though.


The Original Latin Cunt. :biggrin: That should be on a T-Shirt. LOL!

04-22-2011, 08:22 PM

Hard to watchCuntgratulations papsmear!:baaa:

In your weekly attempt to start shit and brew up some racial hatred, you unwittingly caused the demise of one of your own.
What are you gonna do for an encore? Stand too close to one of your burning crosses? (at least try it to see what happens).

I just wanna say that you're one helluva fuckin' moron, and you're doing one helluva fuckin' job.

Keep up the good work, Jack!......you motherfucking racist scumbag.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 08:26 PM
Just having your Mom find your porn is punishment enough. 99.99% of us here know that feeling when Mom found our magazine or VHS stash under the bed. So embarrassing.

My dad owned a construction company and the workmen would leave porn in the shop or the trucks. It was good raunchy porn as well, more than Playboy and even Penthouse. My mom found one of those mags. I thought I was in for it. It wasn't Suzanne Sommer's tit's. It was X rated shit. I actually rented some of it out to friends for money but stopped doing it when they would come back with the pages stuck together:barf: or I feared their mom would find it and they would rat me out. But it was an easy $10. I could see why people got into the porn biz. :biggrin:

A friend of mine scored a big stash of Penthouses when he found them in a dumpster. He cut out his favorite pictures and posted them all over the sliding doors in his closet. He had a shrine to nastiness in there. Then his mom found it when I was over there. Man she hit the roof. I'm like Brad see you later and bolted out the door.

04-22-2011, 08:32 PM
Yeah, I watched this & here are my sincerest impressions about this kinda stuff:


I know you Amerikaners little faggots live in fears of sewage & shit, but if there was such a scene in MY bar, especially being as empty as that shithut was, I'd kick the shit out of everybody involved - this is not a figure of speech; I grew up in a time when shit-stirrers were dealt with the direct way - & if there was some little faggot filming the scene, he'd be kicked out too.

And the staff, IF it was worth it, would be severely reprimanded & most likely sacked as soon as their contracts ran out.

But this video seems to represent the Western society & all it stands for: violence, irrational behaviour, voyeurism, apathy, indignation & lack of initiative.

Did I mention I'm ashamed of being human?

Cheers! :bottle:

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 08:34 PM
It's the fall of Rome all over again.

04-22-2011, 08:35 PM
When my ex-wife & I were together, her son was turning 10. I sat her down and had a talk with her. Some words of advice.

NEVER enter his room without knocking anymore.

If you EVER find a dirty magazine, leave it where you found it and never say a word to him.

I explained it WAS going to happen no matter what she did to stop it. It's 100% natural for a boy to have interest in sexual things once puberty starts up. Last thing he needs is his mom calling him out on it. Much bigger fish to fry. Drugs, schoolwork, sports, etc........ Leave the kids porn stash alone.

And I repeat. NEVER EVER EVER enter his room without knocking first. EVER!

Some shit you just can't unsee.

04-22-2011, 08:39 PM
but if there was such a scene in MY bar, especially being as empty as that shithut was, I'd kick the shit out of everybody involved - this is not a figure of speech;

Cheers! :bottle:

Good on ya brother! I think all of us here would do the same. At least the guys I know here would. Hell, even the girls here woulda jumped in to try & save the day. You think Kristy woulda just sat back and filmed that shit?

hmmm...Kristy in a scrap. Now that's a good image. I hope she's wearing her leather. :)

04-22-2011, 08:44 PM
hmmm...Kristy in a scrap. Now that's a good image. I hope she's wearing her leather. :)

that's SEXIST!!!:hee:

04-22-2011, 08:48 PM
What, Big E. was banned, the little faggot?

I liked he guy, but rules are rules. For example, no matter how much I dislike the expression *-word, I'm willing to follow that shit here, because it's Sarge's house & we're all just guests.

And brother, the first thing you do as a guest is follow the host's rules... leave your fuckin' beliefs & standards at the door.

That said, some fuckin' chink cut me off today. I called him that because that was the immediate difference between him & me. If he was black, I'd've called him... well... if he was a woman I'd've called her a fuckin' whore, if he was white, I'd've gone with his/her place of birth... etc.

Bottom line? Being politically incorrect does NOT make you a racis/intolerant/xenophobe... it just feels good to let off some steam sometimes. And you're going the immediate difference, motherfucker. Admit it.

Cheers! :bottle:

04-22-2011, 08:54 PM
Ok. The word n*gger is a derivative from the latin word niger which means black. Black people were called n*ggers in 19th century America in other words the latin word for black was being used.

Ohhh fuck off.

Context is everything and language evolves. This is just such a pathetic little pricky argument. I don't know what is more tiresome this or the transparent childish stupid Elvis racism while pretending to hide behind a definition of it being a word for thuggish black people.

You are both using semantics like a fucking KKK hood - it's pathetic and cowardly.

04-22-2011, 09:00 PM
sylicker, i go with 'dickhead' as a non gender or race specific generalisation for a person of the humanoid persuasion who is demonstrating a marked lack of cerebral usage.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 09:10 PM
Ohhh fuck off.

Context is everything and language evolves. This is just such a pathetic little pricky argument. I don't know what is more tiresome this or the transparent childish stupid Elvis racism while pretending to hide behind a definition of it being a word for thuggish black people.

You are both using semantics like a fucking KKK hood - it's pathetic and cowardly.

You have the literal definition and then you have the social interpretation. The N word is probably offensive because it was the norm used in the old slave days and when blacks got their freedom they wanted to get as far from that as they could. Even the decent black people refuse to use that word. It's pretty much used by the low life gangstas, racist white people, or people pushing the envelope in a joking fashion (Blazing Saddles). But then society changes the meanings of words over time. Just look at the word gay. So language is always in constant change. We aren't exactly speaking Elizabethan english anymore either.

I already said that you bag pipe blowing asshole.

04-22-2011, 09:11 PM
What, Big E. was banned, the little faggot?

It's not the first time and it won't be the last.

04-22-2011, 09:13 PM
What, Big E. was banned, the little faggot?

Cheers! :bottle:

Writing a Dire Straits song?


04-22-2011, 09:13 PM
sylicker, i go with 'dickhead' as a non gender or race specific generalisation for a person of the humanoid persuasion who is demonstrating a marked lack of cerebral usage.

That's a good one. But I bet you use it more often if the guy is the same as you.

However, if there's an immediate difference in race, colour or creed, I bet you'll use it faster than I can say "african-american".

Cheers!" :bottle:

04-22-2011, 09:15 PM
I already said that you asshole.

So now you are talking to yourself, you should put that after each post. :D

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 09:16 PM
Not all African Americans are black. A good friend of mine immigrated here from South Africa and he's of Dutch decent.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 09:21 PM
If I'm talking to myself why did you bother to respond?

04-22-2011, 09:21 PM
Well more accurately he is probably of fascist decent.

04-22-2011, 09:22 PM
there is a bit of a double standard at play here too, guys. i'll give you an example. my friends often refer to me as 'jew boy'. i'm not offended at all, because i know it's coming from a place of love and respect. but i would NEVER EVER say 'abo boy' to any of my aboriginal friends, because, as nitro said, context is everything and there's no context where that's ever respectful.

04-22-2011, 09:23 PM
Writing a Dire Straits song?


I don't know how the fuck you got there from that line & I'm even more confused how I got it, but I think I did.


Cheers? :bottle:

04-22-2011, 09:23 PM
that's SEXIST!!!:hee:

Um...depends on the leather. Wouldn't mind that jacket for starters. :yum:

04-22-2011, 09:27 PM
Um...depends on the leather. Wouldn't mind that jacket for starters. :yum:

I know what you mean... I wouldn't mind you in that jacket either.

I don't really care for that skirt or those tights , or whatever they are, though.

Just the jacket. ;)

Chers! :bottle:

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 09:27 PM
Well more accurately he is probably of fascist decent.

Making judgements on people we don't know are we?

04-22-2011, 09:28 PM
Making judgements on people we don't know are we?


Cheers! :bottle:

04-22-2011, 09:29 PM
Yeah I'll let you know when I get one of those sugar daddies. Second thought, I mean, I love Dior but wouldn't sell my soul or dignity for it.

04-22-2011, 09:32 PM
Baby, you ain't got no need to sell your dignity for me, sugar momma. I'll keep you fed & clothed for a kiss.

Cheers! :bottle:

04-22-2011, 09:32 PM
I know what you mean... I wouldn't mind you in that jacket either.

I don't really care for that skirt or those tights , or whatever they are, though.

Just the jacket. ;)

Chers! :bottle:

"Lose the dress....keep the shoes" - DLR

04-22-2011, 09:33 PM
I don't know how the fuck you got there from that line & I'm even more confused how I got it, but I think I did.


Cheers? :bottle:

Money for nothing (second verse)

The little faggot with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy, that's his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot he's a millionaire

04-22-2011, 09:34 PM
this thread has had everything, hasn't it?:)

04-22-2011, 09:34 PM
there is a bit of a double standard at play here too, guys. i'll give you an example. my friends often refer to me as 'jew boy'. i'm not offended at all, because i know it's coming from a place of love and respect. but i would NEVER EVER say 'abo boy' to any of my aboriginal friends, because, as nitro said, context is everything and there's no context where that's ever respectful.

It's all about context and also historical power and usage. If you had been called jew boy by strangers in Germany in 1937 it would have had a different effect.

I had this same argument with my old man just last week where he was trying to say that because English people might call Scottish people jocks and that didn't upset us why should Asians get upset at being called Paki's.

It's just a fucking dumb argument. It's like saying 'well I don't mind being marginalized and put into a group when people say I'm handsome so what's your problem being called a stinky ugly cunt?'

The huge fucking hole in the Elvis argument is that when I call someone like those people in the video fucking scum I am making a point about their behaviour. Who gives a flying fuck what the pigmentation of their skin is?

If he calls them n*ggers and then tries to claim that he only means a certain type of black person that's racist because by saying that they are black scum instead of just scum he implies that they two things are related. Does he have a special word for scum who have blue eyes or big feet?

04-22-2011, 09:35 PM
"Lose the dress....keep the shoes" - DLR

Nah Nah Nah don't take 'em off, leave 'em on. What the fuck.......I'll pay you for 'em....

04-22-2011, 09:38 PM
Money for nothing (second verse)

The little faggot with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy, that's his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot he's a millionaire


I used up all my thanks for the day :( But I'll get you at the reset tomorrow.

04-22-2011, 09:40 PM
this thread has had everything, hasn't it?:)

Wait.......now it has.

LOL. I fucking love this place.


04-22-2011, 09:40 PM
sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

04-22-2011, 09:42 PM
totally get your point sesh. well said.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 09:42 PM
there is a bit of a double standard at play here too, guys. i'll give you an example. my friends often refer to me as 'jew boy'. i'm not offended at all, because i know it's coming from a place of love and respect. but i would NEVER EVER say 'abo boy' to any of my aboriginal friends, because, as nitro said, context is everything and there's no context where that's ever respectful.

To be honest, I don't think anyone in here is a real racist. Even Elvis. He's just is stirring the pot playing games with words. I lived in an area that was mostly black and I heard the N word more than any place I ever lived. Especially from the older people who lived there in better times. It was the black people who moved in to get on the welfare and the place went to shit because of it. Hey, it could have been white trash or whatever but a bunch of low lifes moved in and the place went to shit. Now, if a nice black family moved in who were good neighbors that N word wouldn't be used. A true racist hates a race for being a race. They are as nasty to the good people in that race as they are to the scumbags. I saw more racism living in Asia than I have ever seen anywhere else. I saw it against me and my family. The people from the Philippines got it the worst. They were subhuman as far as the Chinese saw things. I would say things in the US probably are the best they have ever been regarding the whole race thing. It annoys me when people still cry how bad they have it. Get a life. Stop complaining and go to work. Make something of yourself and be a good example. I'm tired of all the I'm a victim talk from everyone. If you want revenge, then live well because living well is great revenge. Be more successful than the people you hate. That's socking it to the bastards in real fashion. Doing nothing, collecting a welfare check and complaining gets you nowhere.

04-22-2011, 09:45 PM
The Message.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 09:49 PM
I would bet $100 Elvis actually has some black friends. I know people who use the N word regarding the scum in McDonald's but have black friends they would never use that word regarding. These people are so far from being in the KKK or the Aryan Nations. Hell, maybe they are close enough to black people maybe they feel comfortable using because plenty of black people would call them McD's bitches n*ggers. I mean a real racist drips some real hardcore hate. I've never seen that in here from anyone. Ever.

What I see a lot is people calling people they just don't like a racist. It's usually overblown and exaggerated. There's lots of that shit going on these days. Lot's of that kind of slagging going on.

04-22-2011, 09:54 PM
I would bet $100 Elvis actually has some black friends. I know people who use the N word regarding the scum in McDonald's but have black friends they would never use that word regarding. These people are so far from being in the KKK or the Aryan Nations. Hell, maybe they are close enough to black people maybe they feel comfortable using because plenty of black people would call them McD's bitches n*ggers. I mean a real racist drips some real hardcore hate. I've never seen that in here from anyone. Ever.Instead of digging a bigger hole for yourself, maybe you should just quit while you're ahead. Really.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 09:56 PM
Whatever. I'm just making the point I don't think anyone on this board is a real racist.

04-22-2011, 10:02 PM
To be honest, I don't think anyone in here is a real racist. Even Elvis. He's just is stirring the pot playing games with words. I lived in an area that was mostly black and I heard the N word more than any place I ever lived. Especially from the older people who lived there in better times. It was the black people who moved in to get on the welfare and the place went to shit because of it. Hey, it could have been white trash or whatever but a bunch of low lifes moved in and the place went to shit. Now, if a nice black family moved in who were good neighbors that N word wouldn't be used. A true racist hates a race for being a race. They are as nasty to the good people in that race as they are to the scumbags. I saw more racism living in Asia than I have ever seen anywhere else. I saw it against me and my family. The people from the Philippines got it the worst. They were subhuman as far as the Chinese saw things. I would say things in the US probably are the best they have ever been regarding the whole race thing. It annoys me when people still cry how bad they have it. Get a life. Stop complaining and go to work. Make something of yourself and be a good example. I'm tired of all the I'm a victim talk from everyone. If you want revenge, then live well because living well is great revenge. Be more successful than the people you hate. That's socking it to the bastards in real fashion. Doing nothing, collecting a welfare check and complaining gets you nowhere.

It's interesting that you bring out the old apologetic argument that you think it is worthy of note that there are racists who are not caucasian.

Why would that be any other way? It's racist to think that other races wouldn't be racist.

How many teenagers got beat up this week in the USA. 10? 20? 50? 1000?

We have this one video of 2 black kids kicking fuck out of a white kid and that's the one flying around the internet. Look at the comments in the original site. Elvis is racist plain and simple. You maybe stir the pot once or twice. He's been stirring it every other week for fucking years now.

Your 'point' about black people reclaiming the word is as every fucking person in Western culture knows irrelevant. The word has a different context depending on who uses it and to whom. Like thousands of words.

If I meet you in the street I don't say 'Hi darling' because you have a penis. I don't see why this is such a difficult concept for people to understand but I suspect they do and it's a fucking weak cowardly non argument.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 10:07 PM
How is stating my opinion cowardly? A coward hides. How do you know Elvis is a racist? You don't even know the guy or see how he really lives his life. You just don't agree with him on some issues. I would never call a person a racist unless I knew more about them. It's a pretty strong accusation to use on someone you never met and know very little about.

I could call you prejudice Shesh because of your distain for people of religious faith or your obvious dislike for Americans in general. That drips constantly out of your fangs in here. But then I don't know you so I can't judge you.

04-22-2011, 10:10 PM
Whatever. I'm just making the point I don't think anyone on this board is a real racist.


I think almost everyone is to a degree. The point is good people try not to be and try to be as non racist as they can. This is of course much easier for those lucky enough to have the opportunity to mix with people from diverse backgrounds.

Some people though revel in it because of their own insecurities and ignorance.

04-22-2011, 10:11 PM
How is stating my opinion cowardly? A coward hides. How do you know Elvis is a racist? You don't even know the guy or see how he really lives his life. You just don't agree with him on some issues. I would never call a person a racist unless I knew more about them. It's a pretty strong accusation to use on someone you never met and know very little about.

How can you say I know very little about him?

We've both been here almost daily for 12 years.

04-22-2011, 10:15 PM
Ok let's separate it if you will. The Elvis character here is racist.

Whether the person behind that character is or not is irrelevant because the only thing that affects us and the board is the Elvis character.

If that makes you feel better then in the same way the character has been banned not the human behind him who chose to create a character that uses racist terms at every opportunity.

04-22-2011, 10:20 PM
Ok let's separate it if you will. The Elvis character here is racist.

Whether the person behind that character is or not is irrelevant because the only thing that affects us and the board is the Elvis character.

If that makes you feel better then in the same way the character has been banned not the human behind him who chose to create a character that uses racist terms at every opportunity.

Yet it's a dubious argument, one that can be twisted both ways. For example, when a person gets called out for abhorrent behavior, he/she can simply state "Oh, that wasn't me...that was my avatar speaking." If anything, it is a convenient way of avoiding responsibility for one's actions, which is really what we are talking about here.

04-22-2011, 10:21 PM
I could call you prejudice Shesh because of your distain for people of religious faith or your obvious dislike for Americans in general. That drips constantly out of your fangs in here. But then I don't know you so I can't judge you.


I have some disdain for religious faith which is different from disdain for people of religious faith. If I disliked Americans in general I certainly would not have spent the last 12 years posting here which is fucking full of them at a website for... an American band. :D

Stop being so fucking silly.

04-22-2011, 10:24 PM
Yet it's a dubious argument, one that can be twisted both ways. For example, when a person gets called out for abhorrent behavior, he/she can simply state "Oh, that wasn't me...that was my avatar speaking." If anything, it is a convenient way of avoiding responsibility for one's actions, which is really what we are talking about here.

Yeah I was going to use the word 'avatar' instead which is more accurate but for some reason on the board here avatar historically just meant the picture you use rather than the character.

That leaves me open to the accusation of playing the role of a frog jerking off a bear which is not ideal...

04-22-2011, 10:28 PM
Yeah I was going to use the word 'avatar' instead which is more accurate but for some reason on the board here avatar historically just meant the picture you use rather than the character.

That leaves me open to the accusation of playing the role of a frog jerking off a bear which is not ideal...

Semantics. Take a look at mine, then realize how incongruous the username chefcraig is above it. Fortunately, "Perpetually Befuddled" beneath it all sort of draws things together. Or at least so after you've finished off half a bottle of vodka.

04-22-2011, 10:29 PM
geez you're a pair homosexual of muppets sesh...:)

04-22-2011, 10:31 PM
At one time ELVIS claimed to be dating a "hottie Black nurse" whom he worked with. Now your typical Klansman probably wouldn't be sexually attracted to a woman of a different "race", because they often consider them to be "subhuman". On the other hand, most of his complaints about Obama seem to center around his ethnicity as much as his policies, and of course in these two threads today, he centered on the race of two violent criminals, rather than on the crime they were filmed committing. So while the KKK would probably deny his application on grounds of "race mixing", he definitely seems to have racist tendencies at the least.

04-22-2011, 10:31 PM
Semantics. Take a look at mine, then realize how incongruous the username chefcraig is above it. Fortunately, "Perpetually Befuddled" beneath it all sort of draws things together. Or at least so after you've finished off half a bottle of vodka.

Half a bottle?

This is the weekend! :D

04-22-2011, 10:33 PM
Half a bottle?

This is the weekend! :D

So far. The night is still young, my friend. :guzzle:

04-22-2011, 10:35 PM
At one time ELVIS claimed to be dating a "hottie Black nurse" whom he worked with. Now your typical Klansman probably wouldn't be sexually attracted to a woman of a different "race", because they often consider them to be "subhuman". On the other hand, most of his complaints about Obama seem to center around his ethnicity as much as his policies, and of course in these two threads today, he centered on the race of two violent criminals, rather than on the crime they were filmed committing. So while the KKK would probably deny his application on grounds of "race mixing", he definitely seems to have racist tendencies at the least.

There was a music promoter who used to get us a lot of gigs back in the day who had a son and a daughter about 16-17 years old.

He turned to me and said 'I'd love if my son brought home a hot black chick, some of those girls are amazing but if I ever caught my daughter with a black guy I'd bust her fucking mouth and his'.

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 10:36 PM
You really don't know a person until you spend some time with them face to face and see how they live their life as a whole. Internet posts are pretty limiting in that regard. You can surely say I don't like what you said in your post or I don't agree. For me, I just avoid making harsh character judgements on people based on limited information. I just don't call people a racist without having lots of proof they are one. I think we throw the term around too much nowadays. I used to have a job where we investigated people and let me tell you, what we came up in the field research differed so much from what we had on file. This is all making me want to spy on Elvis now.:biggrin:

Nitro Express
04-22-2011, 10:41 PM
At one time ELVIS claimed to be dating a "hottie Black nurse" whom he worked with. Now your typical Klansman probably wouldn't be sexually attracted to a woman of a different "race", because they often consider them to be "subhuman". On the other hand, most of his complaints about Obama seem to center around his ethnicity as much as his policies, and of course in these two threads today, he centered on the race of two violent criminals, rather than on the crime they were filmed committing. So while the KKK would probably deny his application on grounds of "race mixing", he definitely seems to have racist tendencies at the least.

We tend to slag people hard we don't agree with politically. Let's say Alan Keys was president. I think Elvis would love the guy. A very right wing religious black president. Ford would be puking hard but I think Elvis would be in heaven. :biggrin:

04-22-2011, 10:48 PM
There was a music promoter who used to get us a lot of gigs back in the day who had a son and a daughter about 16-17 years old.

He turned to me and said 'I'd love if my son brought home a hot black chick, some of those girls are amazing but if I ever caught my daughter with a black guy I'd bust her fucking mouth and his'.

Seems like a double standard, but it's also probably a general rule that most fathers view a teenage son having sex differently from a teenage daughter, aside from the ethnicity of their partners. Wonder what his reaction would have been if his son brought home a black guy?

04-22-2011, 10:54 PM
We tend to slag people hard we don't agree with politically. Let's say Alan Keys was president. I think Elvis would love the guy. A very right wing religious black president. Ford would be puking hard but I think Elvis would be in heaven. :biggrin:

I had some level of respect for Alan Keyes when he stood up to the Repukes who tried to lock him out of their own party's convention, and when he actually jumped into Michael Moore's mosh pit on "The Awful Truth" when all the other candidates chickened out. But that whole carpetbagging failed Senate run of his, along with the way he treated his own daughter when she came out as a Lesbian, I lost any respect for him that I had. And after that he jumped on the birther bullshit, so no chance of redeeming himself there.

04-22-2011, 11:03 PM
So far. The night is still young, my friend. :guzzle:

You can't handle the Truth. Why no comments so far on Drums and Pianos'? BubbleMath. Gentle Giant. Come on Big Dog. Howl like a wolf.

04-22-2011, 11:03 PM
Seems like a double standard, but it's also probably a general rule that most fathers view a teenage son having sex differently from a teenage daughter, aside from the ethnicity of their partners. Wonder what his reaction would have been if his son brought home a black guy?

Trust me it would not have been fucking good. :)

04-22-2011, 11:05 PM
You really don't know a person until you spend some time with them face to face and see how they live their life as a whole. Internet posts are pretty limiting in that regard. You can surely say I don't like what you said in your post or I don't agree. For me, I just avoid making harsh character judgements on people based on limited information. I just don't call people a racist without having lots of proof they are one. I think we throw the term around too much nowadays. I used to have a job where we investigated people and let me tell you, what we came up in the field research differed so much from what we had on file. This is all making me want to spy on Elvis now.:biggrin:

Tonight...some Chica in India was saying the best way to tell how a person thinks is to leave them alone with an animal when they think no one is looking.


04-22-2011, 11:08 PM
We tend to slag people hard we don't agree with politically. Let's say Alan Keys was president. I think Elvis would love the guy. A very right wing religious black president. Ford would be puking hard but I think Elvis would be in heaven. :biggrin:

A lot of the people that got upset about Obama getting into power were the white lower classes.

I wondered if maybe they hated the idea of a black person being president because up until that point they thought that no matter what background they were at least they could look down on black people.

A black president ruined that feeling of superiority and made them feel like that they were now at the bottom.

Just a thought...

04-22-2011, 11:28 PM
A lot of the people that got upset about Obama getting into power were the white lower classes.

I wondered if maybe they hated the idea of a black person being president because up until that point they thought that no matter what background they were at least they could look down on black people.

A black president ruined that feeling of superiority and made them feel like that they were now at the bottom.

Just a thought...

There's probably a lot of truth to that. And somehow they think it's even worse that the black guy in question was NOT the descendant of slaves (though his wife and children certainly are) hence the whole ridiculous "birth certificate" horseshit.

04-22-2011, 11:55 PM
Was there ever a campaign to check Arnie's birth certificate?

Apparently over 50% of Republicans now think that Obama wasn't born in the US.

Then again 1 in 5 Americans thinks the Sun goes around the Earth...

Nitro Express
04-23-2011, 12:01 AM
I live in the only Democratic county in Wyoming and a lot of people here are from California so it's hard to get a grasp on what the real opinion of Obama was. He had a lot of supporters here actually. From my observation everyone was tired of the typical stuffed suit politicians and Barrack Obama seemed to be somebody different. The media surely was on his side and they continue to be for the most part. He ran a good campaign. For me he seemed too good to be true and frankly, I found it sad the country was going to hell and there were such weak candidates running. What I would love to see is a basket of candidates so good you have a hard time picking which one because a couple of them are great. On these presidential elections it's like being at a dance and all the girls are ugly.

I really don't think too many people in the lower classes bother to vote actually. I don't think you really become politically active until you have some assets to protect. I always voted but pretty much didn't follow politics until I owned commercial real estate and then you start battling the city and country. Then you find it to your advantage to get to know people on the city council. I never went to a city council meeting before that. I think two kinds of people vote. Those who's lively hoods depend on the government and those who have assets to protect. I think how you make your living is a big factor on how you vote and before that influence you typically vote how you family votes. It's kind of like religion or who the favorite family sports team is in that sense.

I really don't think Obama being black was that big of an issue other than the historical aspect of him being the first black American president. I never really heard much mentioned about his color. You would hear a lot about him being a liberal or people saying he came from nowhere and made something out of himself. You would hear the comments about him being a communist or possibly not being a natural born citizen.

The reality on Barrack Obama is let's look at what he campaigned on and let's look at his actions in office and see how they match up and ask yourself did he honor his promises and if not why? That's really the important stuff to judge him on.

Nitro Express
04-23-2011, 12:12 AM
Tonight...some Chica in India was saying the best way to tell how a person thinks is to leave them alone with an animal when they think no one is looking.


I had a Mormon bishop who once told me you can't tell a person's character by how they behave in public, you can only tell a person's character on how they spend their private time. Of course he was right. Many Mormon bishop's cheat on their wives and run ponzi schemes in their private time. In public they seem great and in fact, they ask the members of their wards all those juicy personal questions to get the temple recommend card. Maybe growing up in that church full of control freaks and hypocrites was good training for the real world. But then ponzi schemes, adultry, and lying your ass off seem to be what makes the world go around these days.

04-23-2011, 12:13 AM
Apparently over 50% of Republicans now think that Obama wasn't born in the US.

That doesn't really sound right man. I'm a Repub and have Repub friends & I watch FOX news. Bill O'Reilly even tried to put an end to all the birther crap the other night. John Stewart even applauded him for it. I could accept if you said maybe 10% of Repubs. Maybe. But not half. I just don't see it. I think maybe the numbers you are receiving might be from a source trying to make Repubs look bad.


04-23-2011, 12:15 AM
Was there ever a campaign to check Arnie's birth certificate?

No because Arnold actually has a traceable past

04-23-2011, 12:15 AM
Then again 1 in 5 Americans thinks the Sun goes around the Earth...

No. 1 in 5 Americans think everything revolves around them. :)

Nitro Express
04-23-2011, 12:22 AM
I had some level of respect for Alan Keyes when he stood up to the Repukes who tried to lock him out of their own party's convention, and when he actually jumped into Michael Moore's mosh pit on "The Awful Truth" when all the other candidates chickened out. But that whole carpetbagging failed Senate run of his, along with the way he treated his own daughter when she came out as a Lesbian, I lost any respect for him that I had. And after that he jumped on the birther bullshit, so no chance of redeeming himself there.

Alan is very articulate and seems to be well educated. The turn off for me is he is too far right. I hate abortion but I'm pro choice because we don't need the government meddling in that area. You can't legislate morals. The last thing the founding fathers wanted in this country was a theocracy. They wanted the freedom of religion but it's place was not in the government.

04-23-2011, 12:25 AM
The only thing that give any credence to the birther argument is how unglued Ubama supporters get when it is brought up. It's like "why do they get so upset?" If it was such a ridiculous question wouldn't it just be laughed off?
The guy is a Manchurian candidate, that much is obvious regardless of where he was born. I'm not so sure he was born at all. More like "created" or "Manufactured"
And as far as the racist thing goes, The last thing that concerns me about our President is his skin color. The First Lady, however, would still look like a gorilla even if she had blond hair and blue eyes.
She'd just look like a Swedish gorilla or Yeti.

Nitro Express
04-23-2011, 12:36 AM
No because Arnold actually has a traceable past

If you have followed the whole birth certificate thing then you have learned more about birth certificates than you ever knew. I think a lot of things will surface on Barrack Obama but it will happen when he's been out of office for awhile. It's not just his actual birth certificate signed and witnessed at the hospital, it's his grades, his dissertations, law articles, and all of those things. Once he's no longer someone's political asset, they will stop protecting him and that's when things will surface. It would be amazing to find out he is as valid as that Mexican police officer in Alaska. I will admit. I'm interested in seeing his college transcripts, his Harvard Law Review articles, and those things. I'm wondering if he even attended those schools for real. I know one guy claims to have been his room mate at Columbia. As far as the birth certificate goes, I have no idea if his story is real. If it's not, Barrack Obama will go down as pulling off one of the biggest political scams ever. That's always intrigued me. For whatever reason the press protects this guy but once he's out of office he's fair game and that's all those questions will be answered. It will be interesting.

Nitro Express
04-23-2011, 12:46 AM
The only thing that give any credence to the birther argument is how unglued Ubama supporters get when it is brought up. It's like "why do they get so upset?" If it was such a ridiculous question wouldn't it just be laughed off?
The guy is a Manchurian candidate, that much is obvious regardless of where he was born. I'm not so sure he was born at all. More like "created" or "Manufactured"
And as far as the racist thing goes, The last thing that concerns me about our President is his skin color. The First Lady, however, would still look like a gorilla even if she had blond hair and blue eyes.
She'd just look like a Swedish gorilla or Yeti.

I have two theories on the matter. A) Obama has something to hide for real or B) He's using the whole birth certificate thing as a red herring. When you have the press on your side, it's a handy thing to have your opposition chase around. Barrack Obama is a perfect example of how powerful the media can be. I mean it literally made a little known senator into this super hero and the guy actually did nothing great. It was all hype. They actually created a Barrack Obama brand and sold it basically. I mean if the guy's name was Sam Smith and he attended Pasadena City College and had no book to promote himself with he could be black still but would be less exciting. Maybe we just need to stop buying this hype on any candidate. This American Idol political game if you will.

04-23-2011, 12:56 AM
I think Obama likes the fact it keeps being brought up. the red herring thing you mention. It is odd that he spent so much money keeping it a secret. $2 million'ish I have heard? You don't spend that much to protect something that shouldn't be a problem. But I don't trust any politician from either side. Nothing is what it seems. But yeah, red herring seems to fit best.

Nitro Express
04-23-2011, 01:06 AM
I think Obama likes the fact it keeps being brought up. the red herring thing you mention. It is odd that he spent so much money keeping it a secret. $2 million'ish I have heard? You don't spend that much to protect something that shouldn't be a problem. But I don't trust any politician from either side. Nothing is what it seems. But yeah, red herring seems to fit best.

Yeah it's strange. I mean every politician has to do some bullshitting to get elected. We the public like to hear what we want to hear so they pander to that desire and we know they are bullshitting us but it's less painful than the truth which we never want to hear. Barrack Obama truly is a strange phenomina but it's worked because he was a unique product at a unique time. His hiding things has raised questions and in the future elections, people will want to know everything and now that we have had the first minority president, being a woman, a hispanic, or whatever is no longer special or unique. That equity has been spent. Get ready for more brutal and revealing campaigns in the future. They are going to want to know more than they ever did in the past from now on.

04-23-2011, 01:13 AM
The only reasons Ubama was elected in the first place were that he was brown skinned and wasn't Bush. I'm afraid that from now on, if we don't have a Black, or Female, or Gay or Hispanic or gay/black/female President, there will be even more cries of "racism" "sexism" and "Homophobia"

The peeps got their "change". Unfortunately it was only superficial change. We got a Mulatto of questionable origin and religious orientation in a suit robbing us blind instead of a White Christian guy in a suit robbing us blind.
Now we won't be satisfied till we allow a woman or homo to do the same thing

04-23-2011, 01:21 AM
A lot of peoples birth certificates have question marks...
It is the nature of record keeping.
When I request mine.... I have never seen the original. It was lost.
The clerk always tells me I am a military birth...
I correct them, and they find me.
People lose their records, I have ordered birth certificates almost yearly. They just seem to have legs like socks in a dryer. Only recently have they quit walking off.

This is normal.

04-23-2011, 01:24 AM
Ubama's has more legs than a centipede

04-23-2011, 01:28 AM
No, he has only two...
What do you mean?
Are you trying to say more by saying less?

04-23-2011, 01:33 AM
No, his birth certificate. From what you said about birth certificates having 'legs'.

04-23-2011, 01:39 AM
I think we all have this challenge. well at least those who's birth certificate is of interest... for whatever reason.

04-23-2011, 01:42 AM
that counts me out. Whatever. Back to the original topic. I do not beat women into seizures. I prefer to screw them into seizures, which involves me laying on top of them untill they gasp for breath which can simulate petit mal activity

04-23-2011, 01:46 AM
Please send pictorial evidence. ;)

04-23-2011, 01:50 AM
how rude...

04-23-2011, 01:53 AM
Lol Les Funk is a Mulatto.

Mulatto denotes a person with one white parent and one black parent, or more broadly, a person of mixed black and white ancestry.

He has Les (white ((les)) Funk) than a black boy or white boy. Good Thing he Plays the Bass....the Guitar might confuse him.

04-23-2011, 01:55 AM
might? How's about DOES!

04-23-2011, 01:59 AM
I prefer to explain myself in song

Nitro Express
04-23-2011, 02:04 AM
A lot of peoples birth certificates have question marks...
It is the nature of record keeping.
When I request mine.... I have never seen the original. It was lost.
The clerk always tells me I am a military birth...
I correct them, and they find me.
People lose their records, I have ordered birth certificates almost yearly. They just seem to have legs like socks in a dryer. Only recently have they quit walking off.

This is normal.

I thought I had my birth certificate but it was what the hospital gave my parents as a keep sake. The legal certificate is signed by the doctor and a witness. Then you have the certificate of live birth. What makes it confusing is all these certificates but the only one you can use to admit your children to public school or get a passport with is the legal certificate actually signed by the doctor. It should be on file in the city you were born.

04-23-2011, 02:04 AM
I prefer to explain myself in song

Cut and Dried? Or some sort of Explanation. Funk!


04-23-2011, 02:32 AM
i have the original of mine. it's quite tatty, but then again it is in it's 40's.:biggrin:

04-23-2011, 02:40 AM
Cut and Dried? Or some sort of Explanation. Funk!


Cut, Dried, Rolled and smoked!

04-23-2011, 03:18 AM
how rude...

How Dare You.:D

04-23-2011, 03:36 AM
I thought I had my birth certificate but it was what the hospital gave my parents as a keep sake. The legal certificate is signed by the doctor and a witness. Then you have the certificate of live birth. What makes it confusing is all these certificates but the only one you can use to admit your children to public school or get a passport with is the legal certificate actually signed by the doctor. It should be on file in the city you were born.

And the copy you get from the hospital or place of your birth must be notorized by a notary public .

The original will allways be on file you only get a copy.

But we have all known this since we wanted to leave the country the first time.

04-23-2011, 03:42 AM
The Aryan was an imaginary super race of people the Nazis fantasized about being. If you study the base beliefs of the Nazis and the Thule Society it's some weird shit. It's amazing how superstition and fantasy can exist in the same society that was so technologically advanced. I mean you can have witch doctor fantasy madness mixed with the technology to do lot's of damage in today's world. I look at where we are going and think we haven't learned one damn thing from the Great Depression and World War II.

Your, epiphany is almost complete, if you would add, the names have changed but what is written is lies, the situations are and have allways been the same.

You would reach what is known.

04-23-2011, 05:19 AM
That doesn't really sound right man. I'm a Repub and have Repub friends & I watch FOX news. Bill O'Reilly even tried to put an end to all the birther crap the other night. John Stewart even applauded him for it. I could accept if you said maybe 10% of Repubs. Maybe. But not half. I just don't see it. I think maybe the numbers you are receiving might be from a source trying to make Repubs look bad.



04-23-2011, 05:24 AM
I think Obama likes the fact it keeps being brought up. the red herring thing you mention. It is odd that he spent so much money keeping it a secret. $2 million'ish I have heard?

Who told you that? It's just complete bullshit.

The funny thing about a lot of these internet rumors is that people don't seem to stop for a second and think about how unlikely it is that they would be true.

04-23-2011, 06:40 AM
Is there evidence that this was a racist attack?

Scum are scum the color of their skin is irrelevant and looks to me like this is being used by white racists for their own pathetic agenda.

You're out of your fucking tree. If this were a black girl being beaten by two white girls, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be all over this quicker than you can say "the white girl took the last Chicken McNuggets." Jesse would be looking to McDonalds to get PAID.

Sesh, you don't know enough of American culture to know how things really are, I don't care how many times you've been to the States or how often you post on an American message board. Those that deny this is a racial attack do nothing but dilute other racial claims in the future.

04-23-2011, 06:57 AM
You're out of your fucking tree. If this were a black girl being beaten by two white girls, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be all over this quicker than you can say "the white girl took the last Chicken McNuggets." Jesse would be looking to McDonalds to get PAID.

You are 100% correct Brian. But just because those 2 assholes are racist doesn't mean that this particular disgusting attack was.

Fuck Jesse & Al. Reverends my ass. Just a cover for them to spew their fucking hatred and make it seem legit.

04-23-2011, 07:13 AM
Who told you that? It's just complete bullshit.

The funny thing about a lot of these internet rumors is that people don't seem to stop for a second and think about how unlikely it is that they would be true.

Oh...you mean Obama spending roughly $2 million in legal fees blocking the whole birth cert thing? I have heard it a lot on different TV programs, news, radio talk shows, and the Internet everywhere. Looking up there is not really any hard number on what was spent on the birth cert issue and other legal issues (it doesn't breakdown how much of his legal fees were for each particular fight). He HAS spent money fighting it. Whether it was $2 mill or $100k is unknown. So, any future reference I make personally about it I will say only that Obama has spent money keeping his birth cert secret and I will not state any amount. That way I will be accurate. I don't like the guy, but you are correct. It's not fair to quote a possible bogus number..... even though it may be correct. Just no way of knowing for sure.

Here's a good link about it.


04-23-2011, 07:53 AM
I would bet $100 Elvis actually has some black friends.

I'd bet $100 that Elvis doesn't have any friends.

04-23-2011, 07:54 AM
This thread is becoming as senseless as the beating which opened it....

04-23-2011, 08:11 AM
This thread is becoming as senseless as the beating which opened it....

Yeah dude. Funny how we claim to not fight against people that are different colors because we are not racist. Yet we can fight people of the same color to the death over whether or not we or they are racist.

Doesn't make any sense at all. Either way, we are fighting about race.

04-23-2011, 09:10 AM
Here's a good link about it.


I agree it is a good link.

When fact-checking, we think the onus is on the person making the claim to back up his statement. And the only backing we've seen in this case is that the Obama campaign's legal team spent more than $2 million on legal fees since the election ended. It's clear to us that the WND story has been twisted to wrongly assume that every dollar the Obama campaign spent on legal fees went to fight the release of Obama's birth certificate. The evidence shows that's simply not true. It's a huge, unsubstantiated leap to assume that all, or most, of that was related to lawsuits about Obama's citizenship. We rule Trump's claim False.

04-23-2011, 09:29 AM
It is no longer a racial. It was about a trans-gender. He was a she.
How they, the attackers, knew I do not know.

However, they attacked her because she was a trans-gender using the rest room. It was a hate crime.

Even before her state of gender was revealed, it was being addressed as a racial hate crime.

Docs in the next post.

04-23-2011, 09:42 AM
8:35 p.m. EDT, April 22, 2011

Two women are charged after a video showing a brutal attack on a teenage girl at a Baltimore-area McDonald's restaurant surfaced on the internet Friday.

According to the Baltimore Sun, police have charged a 14-year-old girl as a juvenile, and charges are pending for her 18-year-old accomplice. The attack reportedly occurred April 18 at the 6300 Kenwood McDonald’s location.

The Sun is also reporting that State’s Attorney Scott D. Shellenberger says that the assault may be classified as a hate crime because the attackers were both black, and the victim white.

The video, which was uploaded to LiveLeak.com, shows two black females kicking, punching and slapping a white female who at one point starts to have a seizure. Restaurant employees could be seen watching the fight and adding their own splash of commentary to the shocking scene, but only once half-heartedly trying to help the victim. One employee is even heard laughing.

A man who appears to be the manager at the fast food eatery, interjects between the victim and attackers about two times but ultimately gives up on separating the young women.

At first, the attackers appear to walk away from the battered victim with one of them uttering "she's bleeding, yo." The pair, however, emerge for a brutal second round where they drag the victim by her hair across the restaurant.

Finally a customer, an elderly white woman, attempts to rescue the victim but is pushed aside by the aggressive girls.

The video ends as the suspects flee the restaurant after having been told by restaurant employees that the police were on their way.

"Ya gotta go before the police come yo!" the worker is heard telling one of the girls.

The helpless victim is left on the floor where she is seen rolling around in convulsions as a result of what appears to be a seizure.

It wasn't immediately clear when the incident took place or if the suspects were apprehended and charged. The condition of the victim is also unknown.

The identities of the women are also unknown.

Late Friday, the McDonald's corporation issued a statement on the incident, expressing shock and outrage.

"We are shocked by the video from a Baltimore franchised restaurant showing an assault. This incident is unacceptable, disturbing and troubling. McDonald's strives to be a safe, welcoming environment for everyone who visits."

"Nothing is more important to us than the safety of customers and employees in our restaurants. We are working with the franchisee and the local authorities to investigate this matter."

Copyright © 2011, WPIX-TV


04-23-2011, 09:54 AM
McDonald's Employee Took Credit For Filming Brutal Beating In Baltimore Fast Food Joint

A McDonald’s worker has taken credit for filming and uploading to YouTube the latest viral video to capture a brutal assault at a fast food restaurant.

The employee, identified as Vernon Hackett on social network accounts, posted the video clip to his YouTube page earlier this week. According to his Facebook page, the 22-year-old Hackett, pictured at right, has worked for McDonald's since September 2009 .


The April 18 assault, seen below, took place at a McDonald’s location on Kenwood Avenue in Rosedale, Maryland, a Baltimore suburb. According to the Baltimore County Police Department, a 14-year-old girl has been charged as a juvenile in connection with the assault, while charges are pending against an 18-year-old woman. “The incident remains under investigation and the State’s Attorney’s Office is reviewing the case,” added investigators.

Police said the assault victim "appeared to be having a seizure" when officers arrived at the McDonald's at around 8 PM. The victim suffered cuts to the mouth and face during the attack and was transported by medics to Franklin Square Hospital for treatment, according to a police report (click to see page 1 and page 2).

The police report identifies the victim as 22-year-old Chrissy Lee Polis, who appears identical to Christopher Lee Polis, whose rap sheet includes convictions for disorderly conduct, property destruction, and prostitution, according to court records. The civil rights group Equality Maryland has identified the McDonald’s victim as a transgender woman.

Polis told police that she was walking to the restaurant’s bathroom when she “got into a verbal argument with two black females” who “began punching her in the face with their fists and pulling her hair.” A female bystander told cops that when she tried to break up the fight, the suspects punched her in the face, which “caused her to become disoriented.” Police noted that the woman, who declined medical treatment, had “redness around her right eye which is consistent with someone punching her in the face.”

A manager at the Rosedale McDonald’s said she was “not allowed to speak to a reporter." In a corporate statement this afternoon, McDonald’s said it was “shocked by the video from a Baltimore franchise,” and called the incident “unacceptable, disturbing and troubling.” The firm added, “We are working with the franchisee and the local authorities to investigate this matter.”


As seen above, in a Facebook posting, Hackett contended that the woman seen getting beaten in the video was actually a man "dressed lik a woman" who got into a confrontation with female patrons when he refused to leave the women’s bathroom at the Baltimore-area eatery. Hackett claimed that the victim faked a seizure and, when cops arrived at the restaurant, “he got right up.”

In other Facebook messages sent Friday by Hackett (see below), he acknowledged filming the fight, denied the victim was transgendered, and claimed he had “No Hate For Anybody…No Matter Tha Gender/Race Or Sexual Preference.” Hackett exchanged messages with Facebook users who wrote him to express anger about the video and his gleeful play-by-play.


Hackett did not reply to TSG messages sent to his Twitter and Facebook pages, which he subsequently deleted late this morning. He also has deleted his YouTube channel.

Editorial: To view the video follow the link below to The Smoking Gun.

04-23-2011, 09:57 AM
8:35 p.m. EDT, April 22, 2011

Two women are charged after a video showing a brutal attack on a teenage girl at a Baltimore-area McDonald's restaurant surfaced on the internet Friday.

According to the Baltimore Sun, police have charged a 14-year-old girl as a juvenile, and charges are pending for her 18-year-old accomplice. The attack reportedly occurred April 18 at the 6300 Kenwood McDonald’s location.

The Sun is also reporting that State’s Attorney Scott D. Shellenberger says that the assault may be classified as a hate crime because the attackers were both black, and the victim white.

Gee, thanks for the redundant news break. Any updates about the Hindenburg?


04-23-2011, 09:59 AM




04-23-2011, 10:07 AM
You're out of your fucking tree. If this were a black girl being beaten by two white girls, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be all over this quicker than you can say "the white girl took the last Chicken McNuggets." Jesse would be looking to McDonalds to get PAID.

Sesh, you don't know enough of American culture to know how things really are, I don't care how many times you've been to the States or how often you post on an American message board. Those that deny this is a racial attack do nothing but dilute other racial claims in the future.

Gee, thanks for the redundant news break. Any updates about the Hindenburg?


Brian did not know, when replying to Sesh asking if there was evidence that this beating was a hate crime.

04-23-2011, 10:22 AM
Brian did not know, when replying to Sesh asking if there was evidence that this beating was a hate crime.

On one hand you have a guy in Scotland asking a rhetorical question and making a valid point about crummy human behavior, on the other you have a guy misunderstanding said commentary and going off on a rant about American culture. So in order to make sense of it all, you post old news updates and dubious speculation based upon some halfwit's facebook page. Thanks for clearing that up.

04-23-2011, 10:35 AM
No I think Standin's posts are interesting.

So as he said it was about the guy/girl being transgender and not because he/she was white.

You have people here and all over the internet who all immediately jumped on it as typical of these black savages.

I find it hugely ironic and funny that these are the same people who would probably have tried to beat him/her up if they ran into them in the gents restroom of a bar.

I really hope this teaches them some sort of a lesson about jumping to conclusions based on their own racism.

04-23-2011, 10:35 AM
For what it's worth... but not worth a reprint....


There is racism and supremacist issues in the black community as there are in the white community to ignore that fact is foolish.
There are blacks that dislike whites for no other reason then they are white. And the same goes for white, there are whites that dis like blacks for no other reason then they are black...

I pull this quote from the above link:

"So people who use the Baltimore McDonald's beating to make racist comments about blacks aren't helping the issue, and really are pointing a finger at themselves. They seems to not want to believe that the issue is far beyond race, and points to a kind of class-based problem."

I would not go as far as to say it is a class problem. However, when one is cultured to hate, strongly dislike, fear, or have supremacist attitudes toward a race when another issue such as trans-gender come forth the vile abuse put toward such individual is intensified.

Persons that are trans-gender often face more prejudiced than the homosexual community.
It really is a shame.

04-23-2011, 10:37 AM
Actually forget the she/he thing I think based on her fighting ability alone she is now officially a woman. :)

04-23-2011, 10:39 AM
Can I just add that I know the place has it's well documented problems but when I was in Baltimore I found the people some of the friendliest I've met anywhere.

i never went into a ladies restroom though... :)

04-23-2011, 10:40 AM
I find it hugely ironic and funny that these are the same people who would probably have tried to beat him/her up if they ran into them in the gents restroom of a bar.

I really hope this teaches them some sort of a lesson about jumping to conclusions based on their own racism.

Isn't the first line of your quote doing exactly what lesson you are trying to teach us all in the 2nd?

04-23-2011, 10:41 AM
There is racism and supremacist issues in the black community as there are in the white community to ignore that fact is foolish.
There are blacks that dislike whites for no other reason then they are white. And the same goes for white, there are whites that dis like blacks for no other reason then they are black...

Of course there is but two blacks don't make a white.

Let me rephrase that...

04-23-2011, 10:44 AM
I've never had one but have seen them. And to an onlooker they can be quite scary. To the person going through one they must be terrifying.

nuggets, filet-o-fishessess or an orgasm? :hee:

04-23-2011, 10:49 AM
Isn't the first line of your quote doing exactly what lesson you are trying to teach us all in the 2nd?

I think so. My quote is either very clever or quite stupid - now you've confused me. I've never been good at teaching.

Never mind it's beer o'clock here I'll catch up with you all later if I'm spared. :D

04-23-2011, 10:50 AM
nuggets, filet-o-fishessess or an orgasm? :hee:

They do all tend to go hand in hand. :)

04-23-2011, 10:56 AM
Actually forget the she/he thing I think based on her fighting ability alone she is now officially a woman. :)
No doubt, Sesh. Even the police classified her as a female and learned at a later date she was trans-gender.
If a person goes through a fight like what you all and the press described and no one (including the internet masses) are aware that the person is trans-gender... Well is amazing.... I wish I could buy her the rest of her operation.She is a hell of a woman.

04-23-2011, 10:58 AM
I must admit I'm a little curious as to how the 2 scumfucks realised.

Maybe when they walked in the victim was taking a piss standing up with the door open...

04-23-2011, 10:59 AM
or they tried to assault her in there and found an "outtie"

04-23-2011, 11:16 AM
The old "high collar or scarf to hide the Adam's apple" trick is usually a good indication. Not that I'm...cough... an expert or had any experience with such a thing while getting shitfaced in a saloon in Key West.

04-23-2011, 11:17 AM
3 or 4 times........? :hee:

04-23-2011, 11:20 AM
3 or 4 times........? :hee:

In the same evening. :ashamed:

04-23-2011, 11:43 AM
The old "high collar or scarf to hide the Adam's apple" trick is usually a good indication. Not that I'm...cough... an expert or had any experience with such a thing while getting shitfaced in a saloon in Key West.

That's it Chef. You will never be able to run for Political Office.

04-23-2011, 11:53 AM
That's it Chef. You will never be able to run for Political Office.

“If nominated, I will not accept; if drafted, I will not run; if elected, I will not serve.” - William Tecumseh Sherman

"The run I was on made Sinatra, Flynn, Jagger, Richards, all of them look like droopy-eyed armless children." - Charlie Sheen

04-23-2011, 11:56 AM
That's it Chef. You will never be able to run for Political Office.

he can run, just have to resign once the opposing party joins the army here and reads his post.

04-23-2011, 12:02 PM
he can run, just have to resign once the opposing party joins the army here and reads his post.

Which one? :biggrin:

04-23-2011, 01:45 PM
Was there ever a campaign to check Arnie's birth certificate?

No, but some Republicans actually tried to push for a Constitutional amendment to remove the "natural born citizen" clause, so Arnie could run for President. This of course was before the whole Obama "birther" shitfest. They also completely ignored the fact that the candidate in the 2008 race who was actually foreign born was McCain. He was born in a hospital in Colon Panama, which was outside the old US leased canal zone. Of course his parents were both Americans, so there's no question of citizenship, but he truly was not "naturally born" in the US. Unlike the kid born in Hawaii in 1961.

04-23-2011, 01:52 PM

04-23-2011, 01:52 PM

Hey Ched Head! Glad you joined the Party. As you never actually were one. Now you go on and do. what. you. want. to.

04-23-2011, 02:00 PM
I keep telling him he's gotta be less obvious :biggrin:

04-23-2011, 02:01 PM

04-23-2011, 02:16 PM
I keep telling him he's gotta be less obvious :biggrin:

Elvis thinks of himself as a Rocker. Really...he is a ched head.

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/QP_KLfKLgVs?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/QP_KLfKLgVs?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

04-23-2011, 02:33 PM
And you suck cock...

I am not that flexible.

Here comes Sammy banging on my bus door yet again....offering me tequila.

fifth element
04-23-2011, 08:32 PM
At one time ELVIS claimed to be dating a "hottie Black nurse" whom he worked with. Now your typical Klansman probably wouldn't be sexually attracted to a woman of a different "race", because they often consider them to be "subhuman". On the other hand, most of his complaints about Obama seem to center around his ethnicity as much as his policies, and of course in these two threads today, he centered on the race of two violent criminals, rather than on the crime they were filmed committing. So while the KKK would probably deny his application on grounds of "race mixing", he definitely seems to have racist tendencies at the least.

actually, there was a test done several years ago ....had to do w/ men who were addmittadly racist, and women of several different races. It seems that, just because one professes to hate all things about a certain race has nothing at all to do w/ hormones and whether or not a woman of race attracts a racist male.

they also did one on men who were gay bashers and whether or not they were , in reality, attracted to men......interested????? ^^

04-23-2011, 11:29 PM
Back to the beatdown video. It appears the McD's worker that filmed this whole thing is not a McD's worker anymore. Good! I'm sure there is a better person out there that would gladly take the $8 an hour job in that assholes place.


McDonald's in Md. to probe response to beating

By The Associated Press

Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 3:49 p.m.

ROSEDALE, Md. — The owner of a McDonald's restaurant in Maryland where a woman was badly beaten says he's investigating the response of his employees after a video of the assault surfaced online.

Franchise owner Mitchell McPherson said in a statement Saturday that he was shocked by the beating inside the Rosedale restaurant. The company has also condemned the beating. McPherson says the employee who took the video "is no longer employed with my organization." Other workers may also be disciplined.

The video posted online shows a woman being attacked by two people. Baltimore County police say a 14-year-old girl has been charged as a juvenile and charges were pending Friday against an 18-year-old woman.

The victim was taken to the hospital. The Baltimore Sun reported Saturday she is in fair condition.

The Associated Press

05-16-2011, 05:19 PM

Hate crime charges in Md. McDonald's beating

TOWSON, Md. (AP) -- A grand jury has indicted two teens on hate crime charges in the beating of a transgender woman at a McDonald's restaurant that was caught on video.