View Full Version : A Really Good Mainsteam News Expose on the Federal Reserve Bank and it's fraud.

Nitro Express
03-03-2012, 10:57 PM
I'm still amazed hardly any bankers have gone to jail yet. Just because this is on a mainstream news channel might be a sign they have gone too far with their scams and even the so called bought off media isn't going to play along anymore.

03-03-2012, 11:08 PM
I have a feeling Dylan Ratigan's days on MSNBC are numbered. As Keith Olbermann and Cenk Uygur already found out, you can't rock the boat too much there since ConCa$t took over.

He'll probably be end up over on Current TV where they are now. ConCa$t censors them a different way.... by not giving it equal treatment as a news channel with FAUX and that pathetic shell of a formerly decent network that is CNN.

Nitro Express
03-03-2012, 11:24 PM
Yeah you have Judge Napalitano speaking out and getting canned over at FOX. The thing is because these people get canned it just hurts the reputation of the network because people know they are canning the ones with integrity.

03-03-2012, 11:38 PM
That would suck. ...Went to watching Ratigan after they canned Olberman. ...Miss Keith.
When was this broadcast? ...Been out of the loop since the "Van-sanity" started 2 months ago! :D

I have a feeling Dylan Ratigan's days on MSNBC are numbered. As Keith Olbermann and Cenk Uygur already found out, you can't rock the boat too much there since ConCa$t took over.

He'll probably be end up over on Current TV where they are now. ConCa$t censors them a different way.... by not giving it equal treatment as a news channel with FAUX and that pathetic shell of a formerly decent network that is CNN.