View Full Version : Money

11-30-2012, 12:17 AM
i don't really care about either as far as being offended. But I do care when it's taxpayer subsidized. Not that work in particular, but all the bullshit that the tax dollar goes to. The piss christ is just an example of one of the millions of stupid, wasteful shit that I have to pay for every day out of my paycheck. do whatever the fuck you want, just don't make me pay for it.
The link to the original size

Grab your note pad. The amount of date is staggering.


Nitro Express
11-30-2012, 02:35 AM
The numbers have gotten huge because money has changed from being backed by commodities in a vault or the commodities themselves to paper backed by nothing to just computer code. Most our money is just bianary code on computers. You can make it easy and transfer it easy. This is why the derivative numbers are so huge and many times larger than the real gross national product of the whole earth which is estimated to be around $65 trillion. The average person has no idea. To them as long as they can buy stuff with it, they are fine. To a person with a little more financial knowledge they see the system based on computer generated money and computer generated trades has gotten away from any kind of reality. The only way to fix the mess is to write off all the debt and start over. This actually has been done before but someone always gets burned. I think this is where we are, who gets burned and who does not. It's why the Fed keeps the interest rate at zero. The more inflation the less the debt costs us but the Fed is trying to control the inflation and that's why they keep most the money they are printing off the open market and the big banks speculate with it. What they essentially have done is created a whole economy for the little people and a separate economy for the elites. Our money is no longer in the control of elected officials, it's in control of the Federal Reserve Board and nobody really knows who these people are. Money is so important in modern society but yet we have no idea who sits on the board of our central bank. It's because not enough people care. With modern computers, the games these people can play is endless.