View Full Version : Noted Ancient Mysteries Author Graham Hancock Has A Career As A Stoner.....

05-24-2013, 09:08 PM
Well...they discuss him deciding to quit after several decades anyway, lmao.

Oh, they are discussing it on the Joe Rogan show. :D


05-24-2013, 09:54 PM
I only got in about 18 minutes and got bored shitless by his non-stop talking about his pot addiction.

So he can't handle his pot, and became a reefer addict.

Poor him.....move on already. Next subject!

Though it is always interesting to find celebs or famous peeps who come out and admit they smoke pot.....there are the usual rumours about Abe Lincoln getting high.....and Thomas Jefferson, etc.

I found out a couple of years back that some famous actor....mighta been Charles Laughton....was vacationing in the South of France back in the 20s or 30s, and he ran into Picasso, who was a stoner, lol.