View Full Version : The Liberal "Elite" Rides The White Horse Once Again

06-19-2013, 01:45 PM
Why fuck me, is that Rodger Waters? And he's NOT talking about his dead father, how he was bullied, or how fucking insanely liberal he is. Oh wait a minnie

Now no doubt what the U.S. Government has done to Bradley Manning is atrocious (from what we know of) but do we once again really need a bunch of rich, mainly out-of-work Hollywood B-list actors, corporate bought and sold musicians, and other media whores who cry whenever their oatmeal gets soggy speaking on such subjects? After all, they only seem to care when a camera is in placed in front of their faces and their whole pissy liberal whining agenda becomes paramount. What Manning needs is a good legal team and a right to a fair trial, not these namby-pamby cocksuckers in their rich abodes crying foul over the U.S. Government nefarious ways as if we should only pay attention to them because only their opinion matters. I hope they all get cancer (yeah, Waters, I'm looking at you!) and fuck off to a welcoming grave soon.