View Full Version : Wood Chips: The Slaughter of The Innocent

09-06-2014, 01:48 PM
Published on Sep 4, 2014

David Harris Gershon’s current Rec Listed diary discusses an Israeli pilot dismissing the killing of Palestinian women and children with the phrase “When you chop wood, chips fly.” When the interviewer informed the pilot that he was quoting Joseph Stalin, the pilot was appropriately “shocked” and asked that the quote to be deleted.

I am glad that the quote was not deleted. For its use and the subsequent shock it induced encapsulates just how far down the rabbit hole the thinking driving Israeli policy is when it comes to dehumanizing Palestinians.

Mike reads names of a few of the dead "wood chips".


Nitro Express
09-06-2014, 02:02 PM
Miles Copeland said the CIA gamed the future of Israel and every time they gamed it the Palestinians eventually got their land back. Why? They simply had more children than the jews did. The only way the jews would keep Israel is to genocide the Palestinians. Now I will specifically label the zionists since not all jews support this genocide. It's time we stop supporting the genocide in Israel and the genocide in the Ukraine.

09-07-2014, 08:01 AM
I was in Taaarrr Schwaaa today as this old gentleman thought that by saying outloud: We used to stack the bodies like cordwood. Not impressed by an old man on a bluetooth making out like that is the stories I want people to tell. He was playing the Biker Squad outside a Stone's concert.

Fuck War and anybody that has to tell a story about it to make them feel Kewl about how they so proudly took other's lives. It was a job if you think about it.

I live War only in the abstract. If that makes me stay home with the women and children....so be it.

If war was made illegal....which one of you would be the first to break the law?

09-07-2014, 09:58 AM
I was in Taaarrr Schwaaa today as this old gentleman thought that by saying outloud: We used to stack the bodies like cordwood. Not impressed by an old man on a bluetooth making out like that is the stories I want people to tell. He was playing the Biker Squad outside a Stone's concert.

Fuck War and anybody that has to tell a story about it to make them feel Kewl about how they so proudly took other's lives. It was a job if you think about it.

I live War only in the abstract. If that makes me stay home with the women and children....so be it.

If war was made illegal....which one of you would be the first to break the law?

The guys who were really there often don't want to talk about it...