View Full Version : New Kansas Album: The Prelude Implicit

09-28-2016, 08:18 PM
New Studio Album released 9-23-16.

Original Lead singer (Walsh) finally retired and Kansas makes first new studio album in 16 years.

Although no songs listing Kerry as songwriter there are some good tunes and a worth listen:


Phil Ehart on new album:


09-28-2016, 08:28 PM
No Kerry Livgren OR Steve Walsh?

That ain't Kansas.....

I was OK with the John Elefante years (granted, I was listening to a lot of Jesus-rock at the time, so that fit right in). I tried to get into the stuff when Walsh came back with the scab guitarists (one of whom left to be the scab guitarist in that pathetic joke calling itself "Deep Purple" ) but it never was the same.

Liked the reunion album a few years back. Too bad Kerry doesn't want to be in a band with sinners anymore, apparently. But this? This would be like Bill Wyman hiring 4 guys off the street and calling it "The Rolling Stones". Think I'll pass.......

09-29-2016, 01:24 AM
Still creeped out by this video though.... what is this supposed to be anyway? Hell, on really bad acid??


10-06-2016, 05:53 PM
I am assuming then you did not even listen to it. Just listen once. Voyage of 818 and Refuge. Both decent prog songs. Cheers.

11-09-2016, 04:34 PM
First: Fix my embeds FORD moderator, as they no longer work with the way i used to use them. Thanks.

Fuck you Ford for not listening, shows you are not a music critic but a partisan hack: Which would you rather have this Kansas: Steve Walsh lol nails it here, look at Robby Steinheart stare at him the whole time...no wonder Robbie left:


Listen to both versions of the band....fuck you they are making New Music...:


11-10-2016, 11:47 AM
Wow. It's like not one of you cretins has ever made it past the year 1978.

Time to grow up, you fucking turds.

11-10-2016, 11:50 AM
No Kerry Livgren Too bad Kerry doesn't want to be in a band with sinners anymore, apparently.

He suffered a stroke years ago that has hindered him from playing, you fucking dumbass.
