View Full Version : Kirsten Gillibrand For Pressie in 2020

06-09-2017, 01:43 PM
After watching that fuck-awful of an excuse of an election in the UK AMERICANS know how to do it right. And since we are stuck with two major corporate-whore sell-out parties it's time to start making predictions for 2020.

Democrat: Kirsten Gillibrand


Why you might ask? Because she is straight on capitalist bitch with a "fucking" spine, that's why. Whereas, you know, slave FORD's senile old man and master Bernie is a god damn joke. Plus, Gillibrand here won't play the retarded pseudo-left identity politic woman card like clueless Hillary did.

Rethuglicons: It's anyone's guess at this stage. Trump will either be removed or resign and Pence will fuck up what civil rights America has left. I'm going for Barney the purple dinosaur myself. Rethuglicons seem to like color in their candidates.

06-09-2017, 01:53 PM
Gilibrand is literally Hillary 2.0. She was given her Senate seat entirely for that purpose. Fuck her. And fuck that Gold Mansacks shill Borey Crooker twice as hard.

06-09-2017, 01:56 PM
No, no, no. Fuck you.

Gilibrand is Ivy educated, defended Philip Morris, and drops the fuck bomb like you receive welfare checks. Your old man is senile, stupid and really needs to up and fucking retire.

06-09-2017, 02:07 PM
Defended Phillip Morris?? Yeah, now there's something for a "Democratic" candidate to brag about (but then the tobacco death merchants came in just behind the Koch Brothers & the Wall Street Whores in the list of DLC funders, if I remember correctly)

06-09-2017, 02:09 PM
So..? I did state she was a capitalist just like your master Bernie. Speaking of which, you Bernie brats need to go the fuck away in 2020. Before you fuck this election up, too.

06-09-2017, 02:18 PM
If you want 12 years of Race Bannon in the White House, keep pushing Goldwater Republicans as "Democratic" candidates.


06-09-2017, 02:19 PM
https://rlv.zcache.com/kirsten_gillibrand_for_president_classic_round_sti cker-r40b61b0a0e4846baab47ba51930c768e_v9wth_8byvr_324. jpg

Suck it, slave FORD you Bernie brats are a god damn disgrace to America.

06-09-2017, 02:22 PM

06-09-2017, 02:26 PM
"Talk to the hand, all your Bernie brat parasites. Fuck you and your bullshit philosophy of "good" while subscribing to some reincarnation of Hegelian school of thought. Time for you to all get lost."

06-09-2017, 02:31 PM
Translation: Fuck Democracy and everything that saved America from both foreign AND domestic fascists from 1932 - 1980. Let's just be "kinder, gentler" Republicans instead. Except the Republicans are now full on John Bircher fascists, so we don't even need to keep up that pretense anymore.

06-09-2017, 02:34 PM
Translation to the translation: "Give the Rethuglicons more power in 2020 with this senile fake-leftist, who populates the DNC echo chambers like Truthout. Listen to his long-winded speeches that lead the gullible Millennial shitheads to believe that he has something important to say as he herds the wayward Democrats back to the Clintons and their neoliberal agenda(s)."

06-09-2017, 02:57 PM
If you oppose the Clintons and their neo-liberal agenda, then why are you shilling for the Hillcuntclone?

06-09-2017, 03:06 PM
Nice try, Bernie brat. Gillibrand is a mere capitalist - just like your master Bernie. Diffy being the DNP can actually win with Gillibrand.

06-09-2017, 03:21 PM
Right... just like they could win with Her Royal Majesty of the Weathervanes :rolleyes:

06-09-2017, 03:38 PM
So this is why you're so impressed with Hillary Jr? Because she managed to say "FUCK" in public? Oh.. how "suburban" of you, slave Kristy....


06-09-2017, 03:51 PM
No. I told you, because she has a god damn spine. Unlike your senile master.

06-09-2017, 03:59 PM
Right... just like they could win with Her Royal Majesty of the Weathervanes :rolleyes:

Whereas your master Bernie co-opts words like "revolution" when he knows too well that what he offers is nothing but. master Bernie's bullshit altruistic political positions are a self-serving scaffold to support his lifelong membership into a corrupt and decadent class of political elites just like Hillary. There is zero difference between them.

Now shut up and self-ban for 20 years.

06-09-2017, 04:04 PM
No. I told you, because she has a god damn spine. Unlike your senile master.

yeah.... she's got as much "spine" as Borey Crooker and the rest of the "new improved" Turd Way made for the mediawhores candidates...


06-09-2017, 04:43 PM
Let the record state ladies and gentlemen this is what the Bernie brats do when confronted with reality. They sulk and cry like the children they are.

06-09-2017, 04:57 PM
Uh no, that would be the Hillbots.....


06-09-2017, 05:11 PM
Bottom-feeding in order to save your shitty argument, slave FORD?

06-09-2017, 05:16 PM
Smell the Bernie musk

Smells like a bunch of spoiled, clueless brats

06-09-2017, 08:08 PM
...looks like she sucked jewish dick to get the "capitalist spine"....ghey...

06-09-2017, 08:45 PM
Gilibrand is literally Hillary 2.0. She was given her Senate seat entirely for that purpose. Fuck her. And fuck that Gold Mansacks shill Borey Crooker twice as hard.

Neither of them are particularly impressive.

Booker comes across to me as more of a self-promoted media concoction than anything approaching a serious-minded, results-oriented person.

Newark was a shithole before he became Mayor, and has remained a shithole with virtually zero improvement. I guess to his credit Booker wasn't afraid to try different things to solve the rampant crime and unemployment that are staples of Newark, but by any measure Newark is just as bad as it was when he became Mayor. His Senate career has been equally unimpressive. All of which, to me, begs the question as to why his name is always brought up in lists of potential presidential candidates: unlike Trump in 2016, Booker DOES have a political record and career to run on...and it's not anything great to launch a campaign off of.

01-15-2019, 09:52 PM
It's official now so go fuck yourselves, Bernie brat(s).

01-15-2019, 10:01 PM
I will call her..... Mini-Me

Not a fucking chance in Hell.....

1) Shill for Phillip Morris tobacco
2) Blue Dog "democrat" (that's worse than a run of the mill DINO, it's the most right wing you can go and still get away with using the name "Democrat")
3) As pictured above, she's Queen Weathervane's designated replacement.

And MiniMe isn't even getting any love from the PUMA cult over at Hillary Underground.... because she jumped on the FAUX Noize bandwagon to fuck over Al Franken. Those DLC interns hate her for that even more than I do!

She'll be out by Iowa. If Biden is dumb enough to get in the race, it will be a competition between those two to see who comes in LAST.

01-15-2019, 10:08 PM
And furthermore, Kristy predicted....

Plus, Gillibrand here won't play the retarded pseudo-left identity politic woman card like clueless Hillary did.

...yet Mini-Me reportedly tells Stephen Colbert that GENDER ISSUES are her primary reason for getting in the race.


01-15-2019, 10:26 PM
Awwwww, is the Bernie brat gonna cry?

This is only the beginning, you Bernie slave artard. There are some three dozen Democrats stewing their millionaire brains over their own presidential campaigns, including as many as 10 senators, four governors, four members of the House, four mayors or former mayors. Then there is backpedal billionaire Bloomberg and his counter dick-sucker Steyer. Oh, and don't forget ol' bullshit Joe and that douchesnot is considered to be the front runner.

Yet, nothing but NOTHING is the vigor of the Democratic Party and its sclerotic character then master Bernie, is there, slaves? Yes, a 77 year old entering into the stages of senility is going to save democracy. "Yew bet'cha!" Oh, and let's not forget Warren herself will be 71 on Election Day co-winkie-dinke enough. Yet like all the rest of the millionaire Wall Street rats fuckers I too hear not a god damn word that master Bernie has any significant social reform. Nope. Not a bit.

So why not vote for the young corporate Wall Street whore? At least with the Gilly Girl you know what you're getting unlike master Bernie who is nothing more than a retarded rewashed and repackaged version of Jimmy Carter. Yessssirrre! master Bernie is going to cleanse America of its (Republican) impurities with FREE Starbucks gift cards for every millennial still stupid enough to vote for him. No question Gilly Girl is a fraud, a right-winger in blue suit like master Bernie is. So do stick with your faux outrage Bernie brat. Look where that got you in 2016.

01-15-2019, 10:34 PM
The more establishment Turd Way corporatist phonies climbing into SHAFTA Tommy's clown car, the better. Because all that is going to happen when that clown car rolls into Iowa, is that they will split their votes among the dozen or so of them, and that leaves the Progressive lane wide open for Bernie. Elizabeth Warren is his only real competition.

Tulsi Gabbard? Yeah, she's got her good points, but some really bad ones too, like her love of Hindu Nationalism, and her past as a extreme homophobe (though she has apparently gotten over that) so I don't think she will even get as far as Iowa.

01-15-2019, 10:46 PM
Yeah, riiiiight. Shame we can dig up the rotting corpse of Bush Sr. and have master Bernie lick his asshole one last time like his did at the first funeral. master Bernie is going nowhere in 2020 except maybe the commute bus with all the other seniors to the grocery store.

01-16-2019, 09:57 PM
Just saw her interview on Colbert and wow! She is terrible. Clueless as shit grown on a used condom but big on pumping out the usual Democratic garbage or "integrity" and how she is going to fight against the big-corporate powers while wearing out her tights at the knees for Wall Street. That's cool she lies - she's a politician after all. She certainly has my vote/support. I'd rather have a clueless candidate then be a clueless voter Bernie brat.

01-18-2019, 07:06 AM
I thought she was dating Philip Morris?

01-18-2019, 09:10 AM
Just saw her interview on Colbert and wow! She is terrible. Clueless as shit grown on a used condom but big on pumping out the usual Democratic garbage or "integrity" and how she is going to fight against the big-corporate powers while wearing out her tights at the knees for Wall Street. That's cool she lies - she's a politician after all. She certainly has my vote/support. I'd rather have a clueless candidate then be a clueless voter Bernie brat.

Plus she has the advantage of being married to British guy from a rich family.

The first First Gentleman would be a limey - taking back control!

01-22-2019, 11:20 AM
Total corporate whore. "Pro Second Amendment" my F A T ass. Bitch, you took NRA money.


She's gets my vote.

Nitro Express
01-22-2019, 03:14 PM
Total corporate whore. "Pro Second Amendment" my F A T ass. Bitch, you took NRA money.


She's gets my vote.

Haha! She's a total fake but she does understand reality. The American voter is stupid and she's betting on that.

Nitro Express
01-22-2019, 03:18 PM
Yeah, riiiiight. Shame we can dig up the rotting corpse of Bush Sr. and have master Bernie lick his asshole one last time like his did at the first funeral. master Bernie is going nowhere in 2020 except maybe the commute bus with all the other seniors to the grocery store.

Haha! Bernie took a buyout. He didn't even put up a fight when the Democrat Party screwed him. I'm sure he's enjoying whatever money he got from the Clinton Foundation.

01-22-2019, 10:51 PM
Haha! She's a total fake but she does understand reality. The American voter is stupid and she's betting on that.

Well, you did vote for Trump...

01-26-2019, 12:37 AM

01-26-2019, 12:41 AM

01-26-2019, 08:41 AM
Gillibrand is a pretender, just like Booker.

Far more support for their candidacies amongst the politically-oriented media outlets than anywhere outside the Northeast amongst actual voters.