View Full Version : Why is the spel cheker so slow?

08-25-2004, 01:27 AM
I mean somtimes rock the cocklicker Van Halen 66 might

want to spell a hard word like I dunno........cat....but the

darn thing is sooo slow.:confused:

08-25-2004, 01:50 AM
Cuz if u spel rilly gud lik me, u don ned no frapin spel chckr.

If spell checker worked really fast, more people would use it and heres what would happen.

1. The grammatical errors would stand out like a sore thumb and everyone would have to read their posts before submitting them.

2. That would mean people would have to edit out the idiotic things they say.

3. After that they would probably rewrite the post in a manner in which might make them resemble people of average, or above average, or hell, with at least a little bit of intelligence anywho.

4. Finally, after putting such thought into a post, they might check their sources and examine their facts and discover that it was all a load of crap to begin with.

5. Then they would have to delete that post and start over again.

Hey, why does spell checker run so slow?

08-25-2004, 05:14 AM
Becawse its run at a difrent sirver !

Do you all have Microsoft word or similar ??

Just cut and paste your post into that, and run
the spell checker..

Then cut and paste it back here...

Works a lot faster !!

08-25-2004, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Panamark
Becawse its run at a difrent sirver !

Do you all have Microsoft word or similar ??

Just cut and paste your post into that, and run
the spell checker..

Then cut and paste it back here...

Works a lot faster !!
