View Full Version : Speech by Ron Silver

Sgt Schultz
08-31-2004, 09:17 AM
Ron Silver

I want to thank the President and the Republican Party for holding this event in my hometown, my father's hometown, my grandfather's and great grandfather's birthplace.

Just over 1,000 days ago, 2,605 of my neighbors were murdered at the World Trade Center -- men, women and children -- as they began their day on a brilliantly clear New York autumn morning, less than four miles from where I am now standing.

We will never forgive. Never forget. Never excuse!

At the end of World War II, General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander of the South Pacific, said:

"It is my earnest hope - indeed the hope of all mankind - that from this solemn occasion a better world shall emerge out of the blood and carnage of the past, a world found upon faith and understanding, a world dedicated to the dignity of man and the fulfillment of his most cherished wish for freedom, tolerance and justice."

The hope he expressed then remains relevant today.

We are again engaged in a war that will define the future of humankind. Responding to attacks on our soil, America has led a coalition of countries against extremists who want to destroy our way of life and our values.

This is a war we did not seek.

This is a war waged against us.

This is a war to which we had to respond.

History shows that we are not imperialists . . .

but we are fighters for freedom and democracy.

Even though I am a well-recognized liberal on many issues confronting our society today, I find it ironic that many human rights advocates and outspoken members of my own entertainment community are often on the front lines to protest repression, for which I applaud them

but they are usually the first ones to oppose any use of force to take care of these horrors that they catalogue repeatedly.

Under the unwavering leadership of President Bush, the cause of freedom and democracy is being advanced by the courageous men and women serving in our Armed Services.

The President is doing exactly the right thing.

That is why we need this President at this time!

I am grateful for the chance to speak tonight to express my support for our Commander-in-Chief, for our brave troops, and for the vital cause which they have undertaken.

General Dwight Eisenhower's statement of 60 years ago is true today . . .

"United in this determination and with unshakable faith in the cause for which we fight, we will, with God's help, go forward to our greatest victory."

Thank you.

Wayne L.
08-31-2004, 09:26 AM
I think actor Ron Silver understands the importance of defeating terrorism in the 21st century or their won't be any freedom to do anything unlike MOST in liberal Hollywood like Barbra Streisand & Martin Sheen who would rather see President Bush lose in November than Osama Bin Laden being caught or killed.

08-31-2004, 09:31 AM
Ron you got balls and sadly you probably fucked your career by speaking your mind.

08-31-2004, 09:35 AM
Ron's already said a few weeks ago he's paying a price for his viewpoint.

08-31-2004, 09:41 AM
Now who does this picture remind you of.......

Ron Silver..... what a good little fascist. SIEG OIL!!

08-31-2004, 09:43 AM
Cmon Ford you can do better than that

08-31-2004, 09:56 AM
And yes, Ike Eisenhower's words ring more true today than ever. But not the ones this neocon shitbag quoted....

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
- General Dwight D. Eisenhower

"I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity."
- General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

In most communities it is illegal to cry "fire" in a crowded assembly. Should it not be considered serious international misconduct to manufacture a general war scare in an effort to achieve local political aims?
Dwight D. Eisenhower

And the most important thing Ike ever told us.....

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Eisenhower saw what was coming. The BCE's hold over the Republican party began with his administration, and once Ike saw their true agenda, he wanted no part of it. Damn shame that his warnings were not taken seriously :(

08-31-2004, 10:10 AM
I'd like to point out a good article for those who like to cling to conspiracy theories:

Setting The World Right (http://www.settingtheworldtorights.com/node.php?id=202)