Originally posted by Blaze
I called the president of the local Astronomical Association, Mr. Bell. I did not ask if he was related.
He describes it like this;

The meteor shower path we are passing through is like passing through a river. Right now we are in the marsh. He stated SOME people are spotting meteors. He stated tomorrow we will “step into the river about 9pm” however; Perseids will not rise until about 11 pm. He stressed that this is navigation calculations; that the calculation could be off and if we cross the “river” later in the evening closer to when Perseids rises that more showers would be seen. He shared with me that Perseids rises in the NE and that I should point my camera in that direction.

I understood that very well. I was very excited to go shoot some shots. He also instructed me on how to “get” the shots like the one on this page that he directed me to.

Insert link

I assume you know how hardrock. If not, let me know and I will slip you notes.

Now for my adventure this evening; Oh my goodness!

I thought what I saw yesterday was disturbing and well it was, but it was nothing compared to this adventure. I research and looked up some of the best spots and I am glad I did. Had I gone on my uneducated thoughts I would have headed right into light pollution.

However, maybe, places are not populated for a reason.

So, I traveled about an hour to get to a dark zone. This was one of the spookiest things I have ever remember doing.

On the way over it is great. Super music and open freeway. I turn off the exit and follow my GPS until my coordinates. I arrive to Adrian GA. There is too much light pollution for my planned shot. And I thought that might be the case, so I start heading out I go north first heading to Kite. Kite is an unusual name, I reconded (sic) that this was a trail of messages at one point of time.

Mr. Bell told me to look for a horizon facing the northeast and to have good luck finding it in Southeast GA. He was correct. Finding an unpolluted area was tough. I found a few. But oh my goodness!
I might not have learned if my camera can take pictures of the night sky, but I did learn what the meaning of “hairs standing up on your neck” meant. There were certain areas that I had such that feeling without any other descriptive quality. Eventually, when I left this adventure, I had literally chills up my spine.

I had driven so far that I was determined to get a shot and the sky was so amazing, I wanted to do at the very least of what Mr. Bell had instructed take a photo of the night sky and see how I do.

So, on my trip back, I choose a place. I use my security light on my car to select a good spot. I truly have never felt this fear. I felt hunted. I had tried to reconcile this fear earlier to open up, to communicate with the grander. Holy holy, it did not get better when I stepped out of my car shear terror hit my heart. I left. I did not even stay to observe much less divert my attention to a camera. I had seen a place on the way in that might do OK. It had light pollution, but not a lot. No go. I thought let me try the bridge, there is enough roadway on either side if I park in the middle that I should have no fear and I could get a cool shot of the interstate. Nope, I spilled my whole work case trying to enter the car quickly enough to leave once I had walked just a few feet away. Terrifying is not the words I would use to describe the intensity.

Needless to say, I have nothing except the research prior to present.

I have never been so please to see Guido’s name and the blinking light of an airport.

Some useful links.
