Originally posted by Von Halen
Rammstein has had the same 6 members for what, 20 something years at least? Extremely rare not to have replaced at least one member.

Van Halen had 6 great albums. I'd like to think had Dave stayed, they'd have had at least 10. Some will argue the 4 with Clichegar are also great, so they do have 10 great albums under the Van Halen name. As a whole, I don't think the Van Hagar albums have stood the test of time nearly as well as the Van Halen albums. My girlfriend is a Dave era fan. But she's more of a fan of the more popular tunes. When we are cruising in the dune buggy and I have the playlist on the 6 pack, she will hear a song she's never heard or rarely heard and every time will go "Wow, that's another great song." Really, the only song I skip in the whole playlist, is "Jump". I didn't like it the first time I ever heard it, and I still don't like it. I can close my eyes and go back to the first time it was played on the radio. I was so disappointed. My buddies razzed the shit out of me too. But then, the rest of the album came out. Wow. To come out with an album like that, and then break up the band after the tour. A fucking travesty. It's just a shame the way it all played out. I have to believe they all have their regrets. I believe even Ed had regrets. They did so much between 78 and 84, and so little between 2007 and 2015 new music wise. I don't think Ed ever believed the sands of time were running out. Then boom. They did. Quickly.

Man, I'm still devastated over the break up after 1984. I'm still devastated Ed is gone.
Roth is a clever lyric writer. He doesn’t get enough credit for it. Roth made VH more interesting.