Julia Gillard to remain Prime Minister of Australia with support of two independents

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  • Grant
    • Feb 2005
    • 881

    Julia Gillard to remain Prime Minister of Australia with support of two independents

    JULIA Gillard has been handed back the reins of power after two of the three country independents decided to support a Labor Government.

    After 17 days of uncertainty, Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott backed Ms Gillard, giving her the magic number of 76 seats in the 150-seat House of Representatives - enough to form a minority government.

    Ms Gillard thanked the independents and the Greens who had joined Labor to give it the numbers to form government.

    The Prime Minister has arrived at Government House to present her case to the governor-general to form a minority government.

    Ms Gillard will formally advise Governor-General Quentin Bryce she can form a minority government with 76 seats.

    The Prime Minister revealed in order to secure the votes of Mr Windsor and Mr Oakeshott she had pledged $800 million to a regional infrastructure program, with $573 million of the fund spent with the guidance of regional development officers.

    "So will the next round of funding from the education investment fund."

    The government will ensure its national broadband network will have uniform wholesale prices across the country, with regional Australia given priority as the network rolls out.

    Ms Gillard said those commitments came on top of Labor's general commitment to the $6 billion regional infrastructure fund and the telly-health and building better cities programs outlined during the election campaign.

    "In total this means, for regional Australia, they can look forward to benefits in the order of $9.9 billion," she said.

    "But that's a fair share, it's been worked through with Mr Oakeshott and Mr Windsor and I thank them for working through that with me and (Treasurer) Wayne Swan."

    Ms Gillard also revealed she had offered Mr Oakeshott the job of driving reforms for regional Australia.

    She also paid tribute to north Queensland independent MP Bob Katter, even though he announced earlier today he would back the Coalition to form a minority government.

    "Labor is prepared to deliver stable, effective and secure government for the next three years," Ms Gillard said at her press conference, held just after 4.30pm.

    "In remarkable times, there’s opportunity.

    "Let our parliament be more open than it ever has before.”

    Ms Gillard said she would "always be working for this nation’s future".

    "We will govern in the best interests of the Australian people," she said.

    Mr Oakeshott said he wanted to go home to his family tonight to discuss the offer of a ministry before accepting.

    “My vote will be going to the Gillard government,” Mr Windsor said.

    He said he would not block supply, would not support frivolous no-confidence motions, but said he reserved the right to move a no-confidence motion in the government as he saw fit.

    He also said he would vote for each piece of government legislation on its merits.

    Mr Windsor welcomed the school students from his electorate of New England, who were watching his press conference live in Parliament House, alongside fellow independent Rob Oakeshott.

    “This probably will be a fairly historic day,” he said to them.

    He thanked Ms Gillard and Mr Abbott for the way they had negotiated with him.

    “Both sides of the debate have put regional packages together … and they’ve both done a great job,” he said.

    “They’ve recognised quite clearly that regional Australia has missed out in the past.”

    Mr Oakeshott said he would give confidence and supply to Ms Gillard.

    He said the three big issues for him were broadband, climate change and the "crisis in regional education”.

    But he said his decision was “an absolute line ball” and “on points”.

    "This is not a mandate for any party nor is it an endorsement of any philosophy, brand or campaign," he said.

    "We are all proud and strong independents."

    Bob Katter, meanwhile, backed the Coalition, giving Opposition Tony Abbott 74 seats - close, but not close enough, to put the conservatives back into power.

    "I am confirming that I am backing the Coalition," Mr Katter said.

    Mr Katter revealed just after 1.30pm in his Parliament House office he would support the Coalition because Mr Abbott gave him more undertakings on his 20-point wish list.

    “I will be backing the Coalition,” Mr Katter said this afternoon.

    Mr Katter said if Kevin Rudd had still been Prime Minister, he would have sided with his fellow Queenslander.

    Mr Katter said he had not told Prime Minister Julia Gillard or Opposition Leader Tony Abbott of his decision before calling the press conference.

    "I haven't told anybody at all,'' he said.

    And he said after 17 days of uncertainty, it was time for a decision to be made.

    “I can’t run a Dutch auction for another week,” he said.

    Mr Katter said Mr Abbott had agreed to meet eight of the 20 points on his policy wish list.
  • Grant
    • Feb 2005
    • 881

    Normally I keep my trap shut when it comes to politics, ahh but fuck it...

    I can't believe all the ill-educated dumb-fucks in this country who were stupid enough to bother to vote for this patronising, manipulative, self-serving, back-stabbing, plagiarising ("Yes we will!"), irritating-speaking, adulterer-homewrecking, ranga bogan for our Prime Minister.

    It was bad enough when Howard got the boot 3 years ago over that tacky Kevin07 campaign just because people thought it 'was time for a change' when our economy had never been better...and if Howard won we would've had Peter Costello set up to be, IMO, a fine PM. It was clear as daylight that Rudd was gonna fuck up. Never though did I think he would go down as having the worst government in Australia's history, even outdoing Whitlam's legacy! And now we have this woman who knifes Rudd at the insistence of those runting Labor powerbrokers, attempts to secure a government re-election whilst in a short-termed honeymoon phase only to have civil war erupt within the Labor Party (which made for a hilarious soap opera) - and in addition with so many past failed policies (is it any surprise that we didn't see Peter Garrett in this campaign?) - yet so many people still gave her a vote to her, or to Bob "The Watermelon Man" Brown. Absolutely bloody mind-boggling!!!

    And, btw, which Julia Gillard do we exactly have right now? First it was Fake Julia, then Real Julia, then Real-Real Julia, then Air-brushed Julia, then Desperate Julia, then Grovelling Julia...well I suppose now it's Relieved Julia?

    At least 'Mad' Katter has got some brains (as well as a cool hat!). Oh yeah, and how about listening to bloody Rob "Get On With It!" Oakeshott rambling on with nauseating gibberish over how he came to his (stupid) decision to go with Gillard, which probably went as long as Abe Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

    Hey, where's Panamark been? Wanna get his opinions. Hope all is well with you mate and the family, and hope the business is good.

    Dan, despite all the sheep lumbering around New Zealand looks pretty tempting to vacate. Or do you wanna trade PM's? - that John Key looks like he's got a brain in his head.

    Sad to say but there's bad times ahead for Australia...

    I need a drink now!


    • Grant
      • Feb 2005
      • 881

      And God save the Queen...because nothing will save the Members of New England and Eden-Monaro.


      • ashstralia
        • Feb 2004
        • 6566

        at least we've got a state election to look forward to, ay?


        • Seshmeister

          • Oct 2003
          • 35366

          Having a woman prime minister is madness.


          • Nickdfresh

            • Oct 2004
            • 49324

            Since when did Björk become a PM in Australia?


            • Seshmeister

              • Oct 2003
              • 35366

              With photos like that we can only be greatful she keeps her nose clean.


              • Grant
                • Feb 2005
                • 881

                Originally posted by ashstralia
                at least we've got a state election to look forward to, ay?
                Keneally won't stand a chance. By the time when that comes half her cabinet would've gone due to the never-ending list of scandals of some kind. And it was a MASSIVE BIG mistake for Gillard to even allow herself to be shown on the campaign trail with her, and seeing the sisterhood lap up to the cameras together would've made some of us smash some tellies.

                Bligh looks set to lose in Queensland too. Also you know that turkey Wayne Swan only just won his seat on Greens preferences. Should watch him get hammered by Michael Kroger and Barnaby Joyce on election night, made for great live viewing.

                https://<object width="480" height="...mbed></object>


                • Grant
                  • Feb 2005
                  • 881

                  Originally posted by Seshmeister
                  Having a woman prime minister is madness.
                  Even more maddening she's Welsh too.


                  • Grant
                    • Feb 2005
                    • 881

                    Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                    Since when did Björk become a PM in Australia?
                    Since 24th June.


                    • GAR
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 10881

                      Originally posted by Grant
                      just because people thought it 'was time for a change' when our economy had never been better...
                      The US Dollar is down 14 percent to the Jap Yen but it's over 20percent down to the Aussie!

                      Welcome to Change.. as in "change it back ASAP."


                      • Grant
                        • Feb 2005
                        • 881



                        • Dan
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 12194

                          Grant,You Are Welcome Down Here In New Zealand.:D

                          Grab A Sheep And A Beer.:D
                          First Roth Army Kiwi To See Van Halen Live 6/16/2012 Phoenix Arizona.


                          • ashstralia
                            ROTH ARMY ELITE
                            • Feb 2004
                            • 6566

                            yes, 21/8 was an amusing and entertaining night, grant.
                            at one point i thought sen. steve smith was going to burst into tears!!!

                            kerry o'brien was fucking on his game that night.....


                            • Grant
                              • Feb 2005
                              • 881

                              Originally posted by ashstralia
                              yes, 21/8 was an amusing and entertaining night, grant.
                              at one point i thought sen. steve smith was going to burst into tears!!!

                              kerry o'brien was fucking on his game that night.....
                              Yeah I saw Stephen Smith in sombre mood, you can tell Minchin was 'going on easy on him'...

                              I normally watch any political/election coverage with Kerry O'Brien, but I had my channel set on 9 much of the night because of it's range on the panel. Mark Arbib was whinging mid-way through over how they kept showing all the seats (a dozen or so) being lost by Labor and arguing for "balance" - and so they agreed by showing only 2 Coalition seats lost lol. Sadly said, it wasn't enough.

                              Funny thing also, the day after the election the ABC aired 'Australian Story' on their subject union thug Paul Howes (which obviously had gone into production before Labor's campaign went into damage control). It starts off him boasting about Abbott "shitting himself" having to go up against Gillard (but before the leaks started). Then finishes off on election night footage...and his pathetic look of "Mmmmm, things not quite going to plan..."

                              I dunno mate, a day later and I'm still pissed off. A black day for Australia.

