Konichiwa! I'm just wondering who is the betta? Bo & Luke Duke or Ponch & John?

I think that Bo & Luke were better because they were cousins who were a teammates. They splits the action right downs the middle. Plus they have a Cousin Daisy.

Ponch and John was a whole diferrent stories. Ponch was the ethnic guy. John was bland, vanilla white. Ponch got the hot chickies while John got the less good-looking friend. Ponch took the dangerous risks. John would sit back and once in while gave him more slack on the rope. CHIPS was the Ponch Show with John as the non-existent sidekick. Just a personal note. I likes John better.

Remember when they got the "scab" Dukes? Also, remember when they somehow got a "scab" John.
Later on, they imported his dirtbike racing kid brother.

The Duke Boys plus Cousin Daisy have my vote over Ponch and John.