Well after just watching the DLR appearance on Conan and seeing spEd and shemp playing with Kenny Chesnsey.....Both of which I said I wouldn't check out because I want the real thing.... I have decided to ask why do I keep torturing myself by watching and or listening to this SHIT! I know why,because I haven't had a fix since the MTV music awards so so many years ago. Bluegrass Van Halen.....NOOOOOOOO!
What the fuck is next, a disco version or maybe reghae or a goddamned Sherpa mountain chant version? Dave leave it alone please. And Edward....YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR FUCKING SELF. All the fans ever did for you was to turn you into a god and look at what you did with it. After all the money that I spent over the years on merchandise and memoribilla,This is the thanks I get. First you go out and get the most useless "D" list "singer" you can find and shove that at us......plus you yourself used to fuck with the idiot by letting him bring a guitar on stage. Then along comes Gary....You didn't actually think that would fool anyone did you? Well you got another 15 bucks out of me asshole. Oh yeah and I bought BOBW vol1.also... but guess what? I bought it to hear you and DAVE again not the lovely and talented Fontana meth head.Please leave well enough alone and go fuck yourself.