He is a quote from some magazine about what Slow Perry said when Ed was first coming on to the scene

Joe Perry openly confesses that he, too, “felt the heat” when the hotshot from Pasadena hit the touring scene. “He was single- handedly moving guitar to a whole new level,” reflected the Aerosmith kingpin decades later. “We were the preeminent stadium headliners, and here were these young upstarts, ready to fill our shoes. What was amazing about Eddie’s playing was that it was full of stuff I’d heard before, yet it all sounded so new. For instance, that tape echo sound [at the end of “Eruption”] was such an old trick that I never would have done it. But Eddie was from the next generation, and everything was new to him. And he was playing to a whole new batch of kids that didn’t grow up with that stuff, so it was very smart for him to use tricks like that on top of his naturally brilliant playing. Suddenly there was this whole West Coast guitarslinger movement that he started.”

I also recall Ed saying he went up to him backstage once to say hello and Perry basically just walked away.....