Check this out:

"By the end of this year, major Internet service providers including AT&T and Comcast will institute the Copyright Alert System, which is designed to mitigate Internet piracy by using a "six strikes" rule...Outright banning isn't prescribed in the plan, but it's still an available option to providers."

"The strikes range from a simple e-mail alert to possible "temporary reductions of internet speeds, redirection to a landing page until the subscriber contacts the ISP to discuss the matter or reviews and responds to some educational information about copyright, or other measures."

So in other words, this is not really a ban in the truest sense but more of we'll slow your "wang dang sweet pootang" watching speeds down if you do not obey your already corrupt internet provider. Oooh, bad news for all of you who pirate your porn.

Now I wonder if this transfers to sites such as this with YouTube embedded video posting(s) where the material may be "copyrighted."