Roth Army Vocab 101

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  • DLR Bridge

    • Mar 2011
    • 5471

    Roth Army Vocab 101

    What words or phrases have leaked into your every day vocabulary thanks to hanging out at the ol' Roth Army?

    I've got a hand full so far:

    • butt hurt ( )
    • weak sauce
    • Rethuglican (good one Ford)
    • ghey (h pronounced ever so slightly)

    Anyone else got any?
  • Sensible Shoes
    Full Member Status

    • Oct 2009
    • 4648

    cunt. As part of other words - as "cuntsidered."

    Oh dear.


    • Seshmeister

      • Oct 2003
      • 35294

      I got banned from my football team's website for repeatedly using cuntsidered.


      • VAiN
        Use my hand, I won't look

        • Nov 2006
        • 5056

        I use grate a lot... it's grate.
        Originally posted by wiseguy
        That shit will welcome you in the morning and pour the milk in your count chocula for ya.


        • Seshmeister

          • Oct 2003
          • 35294

          FORD is the master of creating these memes.

          So BCE = Bush Criminal Empire(I think)

          I'm pretty sure he infamously coined 'sheep' for people who would take any old shit from the band(Hagar/Cherone) rather than Roth way back maybe 15 years ago now?

          I don't want to score points here but it did open my eyes to something I hadn't really thought about before which is the strange use of language in the bible and preachers where followers are very often called sheep or a flock. To me that's an extraordinary and telling use of language. Even if you are happy that Jesus might call you mindless, should a guy who has maybe done a theology degree(usually one of the easiest at a college) really refer to people that attend his church as his sheep?
          Last edited by Seshmeister; 07-29-2013, 09:42 PM.


          • DLR Bridge

            • Mar 2011
            • 5471

            Wow, I was never 100% on the BCE thing. Thought it was Bush Cheney Era.


            • hambon4lif
              Crazy Ass Mofo
              • Jun 2004
              • 2810

              The word 'pron'. I say it loud alot of times....ALOT!


              • FORD
                ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                • Jan 2004
                • 58950

                Originally posted by DLR Bridge

                • Rethuglican (good one Ford)
                Thanks, but I don't think I came up with that one.

                Now "Repuke", on the other hand.... that might have been one of mine. Or at least I think I was the first one to use it here.
                Eat Us And Smile

                Cenk For America 2024!!

                Justice Democrats

                "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                • DLR Bridge

                  • Mar 2011
                  • 5471

                  Both good ones that I associate with you from when I first started here. Haven't used repuke in public yet, though. But the other one gets a chuckle.


                  • clarathecarrot
                    Full Member Status

                    • May 2010
                    • 3588


                    Hey, I got one how about, fuck off assholes...that's new huh?

                    Smart guys with your words and smarts and books and all you learning a nad the raeding of book and the "I'm Smart" I got words and things to make with the comments..whattever..pussies.

                    Pffffft..I'm so smart cause I can make words...shhhitt.

                    Hey, let's read..I got book went to big sckool up the way of the learned scholars of ancient lineage of making, matriculation at university..pffft... "WE WEAR SHOES"...all you and your smartness.

                    "Attitard"...yeah I got that..."Attitard".... Used as, "Hey what the fuck is with the; "Attitard":adverb ,adjecy=tive. dirived: from vegetable carrot.

                    2015 once smoke 2 smoke ...poke
                    clara the tiny giraffe make fur curve


                    • DLR Bridge

                      • Mar 2011
                      • 5471

                      And there went the air out of the room.


                      • LoungeMachine
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Jul 2004
                        • 32576


                        Originally posted by Kristy
                        Dude, what in the fuck is wrong with you? I'm full of hate and I do drugs.
                        Originally posted by cadaverdog
                        I posted under aliases and I jerk off with a sock. Anything else to add?


                        • DLR Bridge

                          • Mar 2011
                          • 5471

                          Originally posted by LoungeMachine

                          Ahh, forgot about that one!


                          • vandeleur
                            ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 9865

                            So that's what BCE stands for, I wanted to ask but didnt want to show my ignorance . Well any more than normal .
                            Tard , in the front line any insult thrown usually ends with the word tard.
                            fuck your fucking framing


                            • DLR Bridge

                              • Mar 2011
                              • 5471

                              I'm right there with ya on the BCE, tard.

