I've been meaning to make a thread on that shithead for a while and now I'm finally going to get around to it. This is going to be sort of a ranting style thread.

Mark Dice, you are a fucking huge piece of shit, I've honestly had enough of you. Over the years I've watched your videos on YouTube talking shit about celebrities and saying that they're all part of the illuminati, I've written you off as just another conspiaracy theorist/fear prostitute just like your buddy Alex Jones. I've also been watching your "Crazy Petition" videos that according to you, show off how brainwashed the American people are. "OBAMA ZOMBIES PETITION TO GET RID OF FIRST AMENDMENT!!" Give me a fucking break, after seeing a lot of your videos, I am really beginning to think that these petition videos are all fucking staged. If not, then has it ever occurred to you that these people are signing your bullshit petitions is just so you'll shut the fuck up, leave them alone, and stop fucking badgering them? Nonetheless, the petition videos show you how much of a scumbag you really are, you fucking piece of shit. All you're getting out of that is making your fucking fellow American look stupid, thus bringing you down as an American yourself.

You're also incredibly defensive and you can't stand it when people have a dissenting opinion. So many people said that you took your fucking crazy conspiracy nut beliefs to a fucking limit when you prayed for God to kill Lil Wayne, Lady Gaga, and Ke$ha (In addition to being a conspiracy nut, Mark Dice is also a Christian fundie, fucking LOVELY. Which I also find fucking hilarious because you said in one of your videos that you hated Fred Phelps and the Westboro Bastard Cult, way to fucking lower yourself to their standards, cuntface.) I mean, I hate fucking Lil Wayne and Ke$ha but I'm not going to pray to God that they die because they're part of your so called "illuminati". Your fucking response to people saying that you took it to the limit was calling us "pussies" and "sheeple". Basically confirms my point that you can't take any opposing opinions, you can dish it out but you can't take it. You fucking cocksucker.

Anyways, I said what I needed to say.