Fuck The EU

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  • Nitro Express
    • Aug 2004
    • 32864

    Fuck The EU

    The Russian government has finally realized that it has no Western “partners,” and is complaining bitterly about the propagandistic lies and disinformation issued without any evidence whatsoever against the Russian government by Washington, its European vassals, and presstitute media.

    Perhaps the Russian government thought that only Iraq, Libya, Syria, China, and Edward Snowden would be subjected to Washington’s lies and demonization.

    It was obvious enough that Russia would be next.

    The Russian government and Europe need to look beyond Washington’s propaganda, because the reality is much worst.

    NATO commander General Breedlove and Senate bill 2277 clearly indicate that Washington is organizing itself and Europe for war against Russia.

    Europe is reluctant to agree with Washington to put Ukraine in NATO. Europeans understand that if Washington or its stooges in Kiev cause a war with Russia Europe will be the first casualty. Washington finds its vassals’ noncompliance tiresome. Remember Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland’s “fuck the EU.” And that is just what Washington is about to do.

    The US Senate’s Russian Aggression Prevention Act, about which I reported in my previous column, does even more mischief than I reported. If the bill passes, which it likely will, Washington becomes empowered to bypass NATO and to grant the status of “allied nation” to Ukraine independently of NATO membership. By so doing, Washington can send troops to Ukraine and thereby commit NATO to a war with Russia.

    Notice how quickly Washington escalated the orchestrated Ukrainian “crisis” without any evidence into “Russian aggression.” Overnight we have the NATO commander and US senators taking actions against “Russian aggression” of which no one has seen any evidence.

    With Iraq, Libya, and Syria, Washington learned that Washington could act on the basis of baldfaced lies. No one, not Great Britain, not France, not Germany, not Italy, not the Netherlands, not Canada, not Australia, not Mexico, not New Zealand, not Israel, nor Japan, nor S. Korea, nor Taiwan, nor (substitute your selection) stepped forward to hold Washington accountable for its blatant lies and war crimes. The UN even accepted the package of blatant and obviously transparent lies that Colin Powell delivered to the UN. Everything Powell said had already been refuted by the UN’s own weapons inspectors. Yet the UN pussies gave the go-ahead for a devastating war.

    The only conclusion is that all the whores were paid off. The whores can always count on Washington paying them off. For money the whores are selling out civilization to Washington’s war, which likely will be nuclear and terminate life on earth. The whores’ money will incinerate with them.

    It is hardly surprising that Washington now targets Russia. The world has given Washington carte blanche to do as it pleases. We have now had three administrations of US war criminals welcomed and honored wherever the war criminals go. The other governments in the world continue to desire invitations to the White House as indications of their worth. To be received by war criminals has become the highest honor.

    Even the president of China comes to Washington to receive acceptance by the Evil Empire.

    The world did not notice Washington’s war crimes against Serbia and didn’t puke when Washington then put the Serbian president, who had tried to prevent his country from being torn apart by Washington, on trial as a war criminal.

    The world has made no effort to hold Washington responsible for its destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria and Gaza. The world has not demanded that Washington stop murdering people in Pakistan and Yemen, countries with which Washington is not at war. The world looks the other way as Washington creates the US Africa Command. The world looks the other way as Washington sends deadly weapons to Israel with which to murder women and children in the Gaza Ghetto. Washington passes Senate and House Resolutions cheering on the Israeli murder of Palestinians.

    Washington is accustomed to its free pass, granted by the world, to murder and to lie, and now is using it against Russia.

    Russian President Putin’s bet that by responding to Washington’s aggression in Ukraine in an unprovocative and reasonable manner would demonstrate to Europe that Russia was not the source of the problem has not payed off. European countries are captive nations. They are incapable of thinking and acting for themselves. They bend to Washington’s will. Essentially, Europe is a nonentity that follows Washington’s orders.

    If the Russian government hopes to prevent war with Washington, which is likely to be the final war for life on earth, the Russian government needs to act now and end the problem in Ukraine by accepting the separatist provinces’ request to be reunited with Russia. Once S.2277 passes, Russia cannot retrieve the situation without confronting militarily the US, because Ukraine will have been declared an American ally.

    Putin’s bet was reasonable and responsible, but Europe has failed him. If Putin does not use Russian power to bring an end to the problem with which Washington has presented him in Ukraine while he still can, Washington’s next step will be to unleash its hundreds of NGOs inside Russia to denounce Putin as a traitor for abandoning the Russian populations in the former Russian provinces that Soviet leaders thoughtlessly attached to Ukraine.

    The problem with being a leader is that you inherit festering problems left by previous leaders. Putin has the problems bequeathed by Yeltsin. Yeltsin was a disaster for Russia. Yeltsin was Washington’s puppet. It is not certain that Russia will survive Yeltsin’s mistakes.

    If Washington has its way, Russia will survive only as an American puppet state.

    In a previous column I described the article in Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Washington foreign policy community, that makes a case that the US has such strategic advantage over Russia at this time that a “window of opportunity” exists for the US to remove Russia as a restraint on US hegemony with a preemptive nuclear attack.

    It is almost certain that Obama is being told that President John F. Kennedy had this window of opportunity and did not use it, and that Obama must not let the opportunity pass a second time.

    As Steven Starr explained in a guest column, there are no winners of nuclear war. Even if the US escapes retaliatory strikes, everyone will die regardless.

    The view in Washington of the neoconservatives, who control the Obama regime, is that nuclear war is winnable. No expert opinion supports their assumption, but the neocons, not the experts, are in power.

    The American people are out to lunch. They have no comprehension of their likely fate. Americans are an uninformed people distracted by their mounting personal and financial problems. If Europeans are aware, they have decided to live for the moment on Washington’s money.

    What life is faced with is a drive for hegemony on the part of Washington and ignorant unconcern on the part of the rest of the world.

    Americans, worked into a lather about Washington’s unfunded liabilities and the viability of their future Social Security pension, won’t be alive to collect it.
    No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!
  • Kristy
    • Aug 2004
    • 16449

    I onced fucked the police and the FCC* but never the EU

    *Not at the same time. What do you take me for?


    • SunisinuS
      Crazy Ass Mofo
      • May 2010
      • 3301

      That's like saying Fuck the US for tuning into Wally George.

      Broad Brush of an article that says thusly: The only conclusion is that all the whores were paid off. The whores can always count on Washington paying them off. For money the whores are selling out civilization to Washington’s war, which likely will be nuclear and terminate life on earth. The whores’ money will incinerate with them.

      You cannot be taking this seriously.
      Can't Control your Future. Can't Control your Friends. The women start to hike their skirts up. I didn't have a clue. That is when I kinda learned how to smile a lot. One Two Three Fouir fun ter thehr fuur.


      • Nitro Express
        • Aug 2004
        • 32864

        Originally posted by SunisinuS
        That's like saying Fuck the US for tuning into Wally George.

        Broad Brush of an article that says thusly: The only conclusion is that all the whores were paid off. The whores can always count on Washington paying them off. For money the whores are selling out civilization to Washington’s war, which likely will be nuclear and terminate life on earth. The whores’ money will incinerate with them.

        You cannot be taking this seriously.

        Pretty much shows what kind of nutcases have been running the US and are still running it. Please. Why was the US military complex built up so large? Simple. To take countries over with and if you play your chess game right you get the whole world in theory. It's not countries anymore, it's corporations owned by a few people. The politicians and everyone else is bought by the money they print from nothing.

        Russia is in the way. Time for regime change. Let's go for a first strike Mr. President. The US has the big stick. It does what it wants.
        No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


        • Nitro Express
          • Aug 2004
          • 32864

          Originally posted by Kristy
          I onced fucked the police and the FCC* but never the EU

          *Not at the same time. What do you take me for?
          Well at least you didn't fuck the police at KFC.
          No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


          • SunisinuS
            Crazy Ass Mofo
            • May 2010
            • 3301

            Originally posted by Nitro Express
            Well at least you didn't fuck the police at KFC.
            Greasy feathers in a fucket?
            Can't Control your Future. Can't Control your Friends. The women start to hike their skirts up. I didn't have a clue. That is when I kinda learned how to smile a lot. One Two Three Fouir fun ter thehr fuur.


            • Seshmeister

              • Oct 2003
              • 35366

              Press TV is a less reliable news source than Alex Jones.
              It is a little disturbing that the Iranian governments propaganda people are trying to get a European war with Russia going but it's not going to happen.


              • ELVIS
                • Dec 2003
                • 44120

                Yeah, just stick with the BBC...

                Right, dummy ??


                • ELVIS
                  • Dec 2003
                  • 44120

                  Oh, I'm sorry Peirs...

                  I take the dummy comment back...


                  • vandeleur
                    ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 9865

                    Don't know E the BBC are pretty decent at news usually .
                    Do a lot if stuff others don't , research mainly .
                    Plus they aren't tied to some rich guy and have to peddle his agenda like other news agency's.
                    fuck your fucking framing


                    • Kristy
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Aug 2004
                      • 16449

                      Originally posted by vandeleur
                      Do a lot if stuff others don't , research mainly.

                      Trollvis has zero interest in news that has any research, much less actual facts.


                      • ELVIS
                        • Dec 2003
                        • 44120

                        Originally posted by vandeleur
                        Don't know E the BBC are pretty decent at news usually .
                        Based on what, exactly ??


                        • Angel
                          ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 7481

                          Originally posted by vandeleur
                          Don't know E the BBC are pretty decent at news usually .
                          Do a lot if stuff others don't , research mainly .
                          Plus they aren't tied to some rich guy and have to peddle his agenda like other news agency's.
                          I prefer the CBC. Haven't been as fond of the BBC in recent years...one thing I love is that the CBC rarely uses the term "terrorism" anymore...
                          "Ya know what they say about angels... An angel is a supernatural being or spirit, usually humanoid in form, found in various religions and mythologies. Plus Roth fan boards..."- ZahZoo April 2013


                          • FORD
                            ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                            • Jan 2004
                            • 59059

                            I miss CBC. Ever since those fucking bastards at $cumcast killed my local TV channels, I don't get my Hoser TV anymore, and so far, I haven't been able to find a stream that will play outside of the Great White North.

                            Oddly enough, I DO get BBC streams very well. And Al Jazeera's "International" English channel comes in better than Al Jazeera America, but I try to watch both. RT too, though I know what their bias is going to be on the Ukranian story. There's also a new channel called I24 out there, but "I" stands for Israel, so I'm not even going to bother with them until NuttyYahoo's latest genocidal rampage ends. Hell, I even get the Australian ABC on a good day, and the english speaking NHK out of Japan. XBMC is the best way to get international news, without question.
                            Eat Us And Smile

                            Cenk For America 2024!!

                            Justice Democrats

                            "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                            • Seshmeister
                              ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                              • Oct 2003
                              • 35366

                              Originally posted by Angel
                              I prefer the CBC. Haven't been as fond of the BBC in recent years...one thing I love is that the CBC rarely uses the term "terrorism" anymore...
                              The BBC is such a vast organisation you do get most points of view covered and they have crazy strict rules about balance and fact checking.

                              I have a few problems with them in that in recent years managers have got too fearful about getting things wrong or offence and they have gone too cautious.

                              Overall the one blind spot is that they do sometimes seem to have a bit of a pro Israel bias but that may just be me being too far the other way and it's nothing compared to the US.

                              As long as I can remember whatever the current government, it is usually fighting with them and I view that as a good sign.

