Yeah, well, In Touch magazine may not have had any motivations in breaking the story beyond rummaging through the private lives of public figures to make a few bucks, and the people who initially reported the allegations to the production team of Oprah Winfrey's show may have also had motives that weren't altruistic.
None of that excuses what the family has done. That remains true regardless of their political, vocational and religious lifestyles. In terms of wanting to destroy the Duggars, I would argue that once the family decided to cover up what happened then went on to take money by representing themselves on national tv as something they weren't by not including the whole picture, this outcome was inevitable. After the close call they had with this situation being made known nationally in 2006 via their experience with Oprah Winfrey's show, you'd think they would have left well enough alone and literally counted their blessings that it wasn't found out then. But nope, they kept reaching for more fame and money despite the near brush 9 years ago with exactly what is happening now.
Chalk another one up to hubris. Doesn't the bible mention pride and greed as 2 of the 7 deadly sins? I guess Jim Bob was too busy shuttling Josh away to work on houses for 4 months as part of his "therapy" to have read that chapter of the Good Book.