Quote Originally Posted by Nickdfresh View Post
They didn't "steal" it, Hillary always had the delegates. And I wanted Bernie...
Yes, but let's not kid ourselves that the - shall we say - 'centrist establishment' wing of the DNC, which had control of the apparatus, wanted what amounted to a smooth coronation of Hillary Clinton going back as far as the day after the 2012 election.

The (I think needlessly) overcomplicated allocation of delegates in the primaries and caucuses did mean in the end that Hillary Clinton won the majority of primary votes based on the rules of the road. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her cronies may well have honestly believed that Bernie getting the nomination rather than Hillary would have meant certain defeat for the party. They may have honestly believed this in spite of the way the math was stacking up during the primary season, where Hillary was winning her largest margins in southern states that NO democrat would have even hoped to have possibly carried in a general election. Yet you heard all these fantasies: "Oooh! Hillary is competitive in Georgia! She is catching up in Texas!!! She could win Arizona!!!!" - how did all of THAT work out come November? As opposed to asking, "What the hell is happening in Michigan and Wisconsin? Why is California so close? Why is it taking so long for Hillary to put Sanders away in a convincing way, considering virtually the entirety of the mainstream media is acting as shills for Hillary? Why IS Sanders able to raise such vast sums of money entirely via small donation sums, with no corporate assistance?"

Whatever rigging during primary season that occurred - and to be clear, it did occur - was a symptom of the DNC whistling past the graveyard in terms of the red flags/hairs raising on the back of the neck moments the Sanders candidacy should have raised. But nobody wanted to vocalize it. Everybody fell into the groupthink that if only Hillary got past the primaries, she was a shoo-in come November, because she couldn't possibly lose to Donald Trump (or Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush)!

Then in comes Lynch, Comey, the email server rears its ugly head again and again, Trump weaponizes her husbands bimbos against her in the 2nd debate, WikiLeaks releases her emails which show her and her cronies to be the money-grubbing corporate stooges everyone had suspected they always were...death by a thousand cuts, at least 900 of them self-inflicted.

Hillary Clinton's legacy will be that she lost to Donald Trump in an election that she should have easily won but for the fact that she was who she is, that she'll never accept personal responsibility for that loss in a proportion larger than outside/external sources (racism, sexism) which were out of her control, and that probably all she needed to do was have Sanders ON HER FUCKING TICKET instead of that perennial ineffectual weasel Kaine and she'd be in the White House today.