I don't see any viable path for Trump to turn electoral college votes to his favor and remain in office.

In the next couple weeks, the states will be certifying their vote counts, which officially sets their results. Then the Electoral College will cast their votes and then Congress will certify the election. At that point it all becomes official.

Until all that happens... the election results are just media projections and conceding is just some historic "nicety" that became expected but is not based on any legal requirement that exists. All the whining and crying over conceding is bullshit...

Certainly, there's a fair amount of "sore-loser" elements playing out by Trump and his election/legal team.

On the other hand... there's some really sloppy and questionable legal elements that have occurred in multiple states involving the handling of the election. Some of it involves questionable legal changes and other aspects involve really shitty management of the ballot handling and processes that are so poorly implemented they do not instill confidence in the process/systems. Add to that a few people, but not enough to change results just plain acting improperly and pulling some shady shit...

I would rather all of the questionable activities that occurred in the election be thoroughly challenged, addressed and fixed. It's important that our electoral system be fair, accurate and executed without question to it's validity. Be it sore-losers or just making sure the mess gets cleaned up... make it right...

Come January 20th, 2021... Mr & Mrs Trump will peacefully vacate the White House. Sleepy Joe will have his new Temperpedic ™ bed delivered and Mrs Biden will have a new basement to decorate for the Napper in Chief™...