Quote Originally Posted by Kristy View Post
Pointless. Playing any sport in a pandemic as devastating as this goes to show there are no lows that a franchise owner won't sink to to make a profit. What was more ridiculous was all the faux-political pregame horseshit of "unity" where somehow owners on yachts fucking big titty mistresses is going to save America from itself. Then there was the usual military fetishization, then faux patriotism, the "we're for the little guy" horseshit and now the NFL is exploiting front line healthcare workers by claiming they are supporting them by making god damn team uniforms are made before any PPE is. Hey, here's a fun tidbit. Did you know the city and county of Los Angeles has eased their environmental air/health restrictions because they cannot cremate all those who have died from COVID fast enough? But I guess when tax break corporations like Pepsi, Ford and all these stupid start up internet hacks paid their millions to advertise their useless shit well, that's more important, America.

The NFL should be ashamed of itself. Yet, it was praised for having its fucking Superspreader Bowl event to keep the masses stupid. Sit back and watch COVID spike in Ft. Fuckerdale maybe taking out a player or two. If so, at least they died for a good cause: American greed.