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  • twonabomber
    formerly F A T

    • Jan 2004
    • 11214


    Just watched Oppenheimer. It's good. I don't know if Cillian Murphy was remarkable enough to get an Oscar, but Christopher Nolan might.

    I don't know what the big deal about seeing it in IMAX was, it's kind of a "talky" movie and there isn't any point watching people bicker in IMAX.
    Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.
  • Seshmeister

    • Oct 2003
    • 35293

    I disagree I saw it on IMAX as well and ok it's not a big spectacular thing but it was more about using IMAX as a way of bringing you in, immersive but not with the 3D crap.

    Plus you usually get a better sound system which I think was pretty awesome at the bomb going off (SPOILER).

    Murphy was excellent I thought but yeah maybe Robert Downey JR stole it a bit good to see him doing non superhero shit again.

    I've enjoyed most Nolan movies I've seen apart from Tenet which I just found too much hard work.

    I preferred it to the latest Mission Impossible which was good fun. I never bothered with the Indiana Jones after the last shitshow I was only going to go if the reviewers I trust said it was good and they didn't. I went to Barbie as well and didn't find it was a funny as some people said it was but I support the message.


    • Kristy
      • Aug 2004
      • 16404

      Originally posted by twonabomber
      Just watched Oppenheimer. It's good. I don't know if Cillian Murphy was remarkable enough to get an Oscar, but Christopher Nolan might.
      What are you trying to say here? That Irish men cannot build bombs? Can you say, "Belfast"???


      • Seshmeister

        • Oct 2003
        • 35293

        Oh and TIL even on IMAX apparently I somehow missed the girlfriend was murdered and didn't actually commit suicide.


        • twonabomber
          formerly F A T

          • Jan 2004
          • 11214

          I didn't see it in IMAX, but on a 70mm screen.

          I noticed the gloves in the death scene.

          Downey was pretty good too. Maybe best supporting actor good.
          Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


          • Terry
            • Jan 2004
            • 11994

            I dunno...between the other Oppenheimer bio flicks I've seen over the years (Fat Man And Little Boy, a PBS docudrama called - if memory serves - The Trials Of Robert Oppenheimer along with another PBS dramatic series about Oppenheimer) and various documentaries on the making of the atomic bomb, I'm pretty much inclined to give this Nolan thing a miss.
            Scramby eggs and bacon.


            • FORD

              • Jan 2004
              • 58948

              I don't really need to see the Hiroshima mushroom cloud in IMAX, but I'll probably watch it when it gets to streaming. Legally or otherwise... depending on where it ends up. Universal released it, so it should end up on Peacock, right?
              Eat Us And Smile

              Cenk For America 2024!!

              Justice Democrats

              "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


              • Seshmeister
                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                • Oct 2003
                • 35293

                Originally posted by FORD
                I don't really need to see the Hiroshima mushroom cloud in IMAX,
                Spoiler but that's not in the movie...


                • FORD
                  ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                  • Jan 2004
                  • 58948

                  Originally posted by Seshmeister
                  Spoiler but that's not in the movie...
                  Really? I would think that would be a big part of the film? Does Oppenheimer at least quote the line from Hindu scriptures that he said when he saw the results of his creation I have become Death, destroyer of worlds
                  Eat Us And Smile

                  Cenk For America 2024!!

                  Justice Democrats

                  "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                  • Seshmeister
                    ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                    • Oct 2003
                    • 35293

                    I've also seen a few other versions at this point but Nolan's take is very clever and original and as far as I can make out very historically accurate. As far as that famous quote goes, Oppenheimer said he thought that at a later date he didn't say it at the time so he doesn't in the movie although I think it was referenced at one point.

                    I really recommend seeing it in a cinema.


                    • Seshmeister
                      ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                      • Oct 2003
                      • 35293

                      In a way it reminded me a little bit of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood in that when it was first announced that Tarantino was making a movie about the Sharon Tate murder given his previous work you immediately got worried that there was going to be some fucking hellish scene of a very pregnant woman being stabbed repeatedly and strangled. In the same way that was never shown, Nolan I think correctly didn't use his great skills on a mass killing porn scene of Hiroshima and instead finds a different way to put across how it affected Oppenheimer.


                      • Nickdfresh
                        SUPER MODERATOR

                        • Oct 2004
                        • 49271

                        Originally posted by Kristy
                        What are you trying to say here? That Irish men cannot build bombs? Can you say, "Belfast"???
                        He's from Cork, not fucking Belfast! But he was great as an IRA (Anti-Treaty) splinter in The Wind that Shakes the Barley...


                        • Terry
                          TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 11994

                          Originally posted by Seshmeister
                          In a way it reminded me a little bit of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood in that when it was first announced that Tarantino was making a movie about the Sharon Tate murder given his previous work you immediately got worried that there was going to be some fucking hellish scene of a very pregnant woman being stabbed repeatedly and strangled. In the same way that was never shown, Nolan I think correctly didn't use his great skills on a mass killing porn scene of Hiroshima and instead finds a different way to put across how it affected Oppenheimer.
                          Yeah, but for me whatever after-effects participating in the advent of the bomb had on Oppenheimer emotionally...I mean, who gives a shit about that vs. the devastating physical effects - both actual re: Hiroshima/Nagasaki and potential) the atomic bomb might have for humanity.

                          I do agree that when hearing Tarantino was making Once Upon A Time In Hollywood and the Manson angle I was less than enthused for the reasons you gave but ended up enjoying the movie. The Nolan Oppenheimer is a bit different for me in that from what I've heard of the plot it is all covering overly-familiar ground for me, though I do enjoy Nolan as a filmmaker.
                          Scramby eggs and bacon.


                          • Seshmeister
                            ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                            • Oct 2003
                            • 35293

                            After Nolan going to great lengths to not use CGI...

                            Florence Pugh’s nude scene in Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer has been censored in some countries with the use of the “best ever CGI”.

                            In the film, there is a scene in which Pugh, who played Jean Tatlock, is seated naked on a chair having a conversation with Oppenheimer, played by Cillian Murphy, after having sex.

                            In some countries, the scene was censored by the use of CGI to cover Pugh with a dress. The edited version of the film has been shown in territories such as India, Pakistan and the Middle East.

                            Film viewers took to social media to share their thoughts on the newly added dress. One user joked: “The best ever CGI work in India award goes to the Indian censor board for Florence Pugh’s black dress in Oppenheimer.”

                            Another user shared: “In Malaysia, they deleted both 1st and second sex scenes because they didn’t add anything to the plot (it was an R rated movie, I paid to see that). But they couldn’t delete this scene because it’s important to the plot so they choose to cover her.”

