1999 Roth Tour announced 10 years ago today...

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  • Bad Muthafucker
    Foot Soldier
    • Jan 2004
    • 527

    1999 Roth Tour announced 10 years ago today...

    Ten years ago today, the Diamond One announced to the world that he was going to be kicking off his first tour since his stint in Las Vegas in 1995. It was a tour that DLR fans had waited (in my opinion) way too long for being that it was Dave finally returning to big rock. Like many others on this site, in 1998 I was still reeling about the VH fiasco from two years earlier, and I was just dying for some kind of answer/retaliation from the Roth camp besides one new song on a Best Of compilation and an autobiographical book. Don’t get me wrong, “Don’t Piss Me Off” was cool in its own little way, and I still pick up my hardcover copy of CFTH from my bookshelf and read a chapter here and there. But I’m sorry, I wanted the real deal. I wanted a new, kick-ass album. A full-length album of newly-written, newly-recorded studio songs that would just blow VH away. I say “newly-written” because I didn’t want newly-recorded OLD music (sorry, but I’m now reminded of 2003’s Diamond Dave CD). I just didn’t want that. What’s so wrong about wanting a new album from a musician that you like? Then, when news of two new hard-rocking songs from Roth came (which were rumored, at the time, to be included on a new upcoming full-length album), I jumped (no pun intended) at hearing the samples of them that made their way onto the Internet. It was like my wish came true. I bought the Slam Dunk/King of the Hill CD single as soon as my local record store could order it in, and I salivated from then until the day of the DLR Band album’s release. Bought it in June (the 9th if I remember correctly) when it came out, listened, and wanted more! But then after that, the wait continued and I remember thinking, “Where’s the tour?” I also remember scratching my head and thinking at the time that releasing an album without touring on it was kind of like putting a new engine in a car and then not running the car or cooking food and then not eating it. You get the idea. I waited.

    Enter 1999. Long story short, Dave announced on this day in April, when I was finishing up my Junior year in college, that he would be starting a tour in June with his new band: Bart Walsh (Atomic Punks) – Guitar, Todd Jensen – Bass, and Ray Luzier – Drums. I remember thinking: who better to fill EVH’s shoes than an EVH impersonator. Say what you like, but I saw Dave twice on that tour, and those were damn good times (again, no pun intended). I wish they would have played more DLR solo stuff, but I’m certainly not complaining. I got my money’s worth. My only real problem worthy of mention was that I didn’t get chance to see them a third time. Or a tenth time!

    Dave played 62 shows (4 shows were cancelled). I don’t know how much money the tour grossed or any figures like that, but if the other 60 shows were anything like the 2 shows I saw, it really didn’t matter if Dave made a single penny. What he earned was something more than any amount of money could get him. He showed the VH camp that he still was “the guy”, regardless of how much the VH camp wanted the world to believe otherwise. Dave kicked ass on that tour…plain & simple. And he did so for one reason: He was a man on a mission. He had something to prove again. And fuckin’ A, he did!

    Man, to be able to go back 10 years, especially when that would mean going back to being 21 years old, still in college, and still living the worry-free, care-free, maturity-free, routine-free, responsibility-free, party-hearty college lifestyle (Loooooooong sigh). So, to quote Ric Flair, “I say with a tear in my eye”, this sucks getting fucking older!!!!!

    Your thoughts, people?
  • yah
    Head Fluffer
    • Jan 2006
    • 253

    Well 10 yrs ago I was already 32 but the Roth tour news was really cool.
    I remember checking out the VH Newsdesk at the time and seeing photos of various gigs, (remember the yellow overalls?)....and I was thinking, Damn.....Dave's turned into a long-haired rocker again.(Good job-whoever "helped" with the hair).
    The gigs were great and the band and Roth definitely delivered some kick-ass R&R!


    • dlrevh00
      Full On Cocktard
      • Jun 2004
      • 29

      I saw Dave live for the very first time in 1999 when he opened up for Bad Company in Winston-Salem, NC. My gf and I got there seven hours early so we would not miss the show. We even had Bart's family right in front of us. It was a great show. We then went down to Myrtle Beach later in the year to see Dave again at the House of Blues. Dave's hair extensions looked the best on that tour. They were blonde, but not that washed out whitish-blonde he sported on the Dave-Sam tour.


      • if6was9
        Head Fluffer
        • Mar 2007
        • 369

        Originally posted by dlrevh00
        Dave's hair extensions looked the best on that tour. They were blonde, but not that washed out whitish-blonde he sported on the Dave-Sam tour.

        Hair Extensions 1999 Tour!

        Hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla boobuhla hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla bop


        • Bad Muthafucker
          Foot Soldier
          • Jan 2004
          • 527

          Dave's hair was definitely memorable on that tour! I saw him at Montage Mountain, PA when he opened for Bad Company and again on the second leg of the tour at the The Silo Bar in Reading, PA. The Silo was so cool cuz I was only about 6 feet from him.

          It was a smaller crowd, but to me that was so damn cool because it seemed more personable and everybody was having such a great time. I'll never forget...in between songs the crowd starts chanting "Eddie sucks, Eddie sucks!". Dave: No, Eddie doesn't suck....Eddie just stands there, it's Gary that sucks!!

          Totally unforgettable.


          • yah
            Head Fluffer
            • Jan 2006
            • 253

            Looking back through some clips, Dave's hair looks better from the front on the 2002 tour....in '99 he is kind of bald in the front.
            Looks like Mike Anthony is not the only Chia head out there....lol


            • Polk High
              • Jan 2004
              • 875

              I saw him in 99 for the first time. Awesome show. Diamond Dave was the absolute best.
              We're gonna leave you smokin like the slow guy in Chernobyl


              • ZahZoo
                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                • Jan 2004
                • 8973

                99 marked the beginning of Dave's campaign to reunite with VH. Shame it took 8 years to come to fruition...
                "If you want to be a monk... you gotta cook a lot of rice...”


                • sadaist
                  TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                  • Jul 2004
                  • 11625

                  Originally posted by ZahZoo
                  99 marked the beginning of Dave's campaign to reunite with VH. Shame it took 8 years to come to fruition...
                  Yep. Where he really concentrated on Van Halen songs without the Vegas Mambo or Sinatra type stuff. I saw him Jan 7, 2000 at the House of Blues inside the Mandalay Bay in Vegas. Open floor type place, probably got to where 4th row would be (mostly cause I kept working my way back out to grab 2 more beers at a time.). Very cool to watch Dave from up close. I took to very crappy pics, but here they are anyways. Sorry, I just scanned the photo album page cause I'm lazy today.

                  “Great losses often bring only a numb shock. To truly plunge a victim into misery, you must overwhelm him with many small sufferings.”


                  • yah
                    Head Fluffer
                    • Jan 2006
                    • 253

                    2002 Dave was in great form vocally,physically and presence-wise.
                    That would have been an awesome year for a real VH tour, not like I'm complaining about the 2007/08 one!


                    • sadaist
                      TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                      • Jul 2004
                      • 11625

                      Originally posted by yah
                      2002 Dave was in great form vocally,physically and presence-wise.
                      That would have been an awesome year for a real VH tour, not like I'm complaining about the 2007/08 one!
                      Heck, any year is good for a Van Halen tour. But in 1996 they had the whole world by the balls and everyone was interested because they had been starved of real rock and roll for so long.
                      “Great losses often bring only a numb shock. To truly plunge a victim into misery, you must overwhelm him with many small sufferings.”


                      • yah
                        Head Fluffer
                        • Jan 2006
                        • 253

                        Originally posted by sadaist
                        Heck, any year is good for a Van Halen tour. But in 1996 they had the whole world by the balls and everyone was interested because they had been starved of real rock and roll for so long.
                        Yep, no real VH/Dave fan will ever forget the '96 Debacle.....they were all younger back then and it probably would have been magic.
                        I think you could measure the disapointment on a richter scale back then when they started bitchin at each other and split, yet again.


                        • jero
                          Crazy Ass Mofo
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 2927

                          That was a great tour with a tight band


                          • Bad Muthafucker
                            Foot Soldier
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 527

                            Originally posted by jero
                            That was a great tour with a tight band
                            Oh, hell yeah! Not to stir up shit here, cuz I know for some EVH fans it's a touchy subject, but Bart's rendition of Eruption was so damn hot you could feel the heat coming off of it...especially when we saw them at The Silo where we were only a few feet away from him.

                            And I gotta tell you, if you closed your eyes, there were times when you couldn't tell if it was Todd Jensen or Michael Anthony doing those background vocals. Tight, man, tight!


                            • Baby's On Fire
                              • May 2004
                              • 1747

                              Originally posted by yah
                              Well 10 yrs ago I was already 32 but the Roth tour news was really cool.
                              I remember checking out the VH Newsdesk at the time and seeing photos of various gigs, (remember the yellow overalls?)....and I was thinking, Damn.....Dave's turned into a long-haired rocker again.(Good job-whoever "helped" with the hair).
                              The gigs were great and the band and Roth definitely delivered some kick-ass R&R!

                              The yellow overalls were 2001.

                              Dave looked like an idiot in 1999.......with the fucking polka dot outfits.

