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    • Dec 2003
    • 44120


    McALLEN, Texas – Observing what he could only describe as “chaos on the border” during a midnight tour of the Rio Grande on Friday, Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, concluded, “President Obama is begging to be impeached.”

    “For all I know, Obama is preparing to process five million illegal immigrant kids and teenagers into the United States,” Stockman said upon observing border operations near McAllen, Texas.

    “He wants us to impeach him now,” Stockman theorized, “before the midterm election because his senior advisors believe that is the only chance the Democratic Party has to avoid a major electoral defeat. Evidently Obama believes impeachment could motivate the Democratic Party base to come out and vote.”

    Sign the petition demanding Congress follow through on impeaching Obama.

    Accompanied by a WND film crew, Stockman began the evening by stopping at a massive Department of Homeland Security detention facility a mile or two north of the Mexican border, only to be encountered by seven or eight armed Border Patrol agents who approached Stockman and WND for questioning.

    Though polite, a Border Patrol supervisor speaking from behind the chain-link fence that surrounded the facility refused to allow Stockman to tour the facility.

    Through the chain-linked fence, the WND film crew took video of an active hanger-like open building cooled by two massive fans in which teenage illegal immigrants were being searched for concealed weapons as they were being processed into the detention facility.

    Within minutes, as Stockman began asking questions of the Border Patrol supervisor, the hanger-like intake facility was shut down and emptied of illegal immigrant teenagers being processed by more than a dozen Border Patrol agents.

    “We release all detainees under 14 years of age without taking any biometric identification, including no fingerprints,” the Border Patrol agent explained to Stockman. “We are prevented by law from taking fingerprints or other biometric information on these kids.”

    The Border Patrol supervisor could not identify for Stockman the law in question.

    “Then how do you know who these children under 14 years old are?” Stockman asked. “How do you know if you are releasing these kids to people who are truly family members in the United States or to pedophiles or other criminals posing as family members?”

    “We only know who these children are by what they tell us,” the Border Patrol supervisor admitted. “Truthfully, we don’t really have any idea who they might be or where they came from other than what we can observe from questioning them. You’re right. If they give us false information, we have no way to know it or to follow it up without biometrics.”

    Stockman asked what information the Border Patrol has on the people in the United States who claim to be relatives.

    “That’s not what our department handles,” the Border Patrol supervisor again admitted.

    Back in the vehicle, frustrated at seeing the facility going into rapid shutdown mode once he and the WND film crew set up to film, Stockman expanded on the impeachment theme.

    Stockman observed that rather than begin impeachment proceedings now, what the House of Representatives should do is to take away money from the Obama administration.

    “The only way we’re going to stop Obama from opening the border is to take away the money he needs to operate,” Stockman concluded. “What we should do is shut down the White House.”

    The definitive case for removing Barack Obama from office is presented in “Impeachable Offenses” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.

    In a four-hour tour of McAllen roads leading to the Rio Grande that began at midnight, WND observed dozens of Border Patrol lock-up vehicles, with one marked “LICE” in large hand-written letters, were transporting illegal immigrant detainees to destinations unknown to WND.

    Every time WND’s vehicle approached the Rio Grande, Border Patrol trailed behind to engage in questioning once WND and Rep. Stockman stopped.

    “Be careful, it’s a busy night out here,” one Border Patrol agent advised.

    In another stop about a mile north of the border, WND observed a Border Patrol vehicle with an agent manning what appeared to be a 10-foot antenna scanning the surrounding open territory.

    “It’s taking high-definition night-vision photographs,” the Border Patrol agent explained, as he dodged into the shadows to avoid being filmed in the bright lights of the WND film crew.

    In a night where Stockman described law enforcement presence on the McAllen border as “heavily active and in plain view,” Stockman and WND observed several Department of Public Safety state troopers patrolling the border in conjunction with the ever present white-and-green-marked Border Patrol vehicles.

    • Dec 2003
    • 44120

    White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama

    The Blaze

    The notion of impeaching President Barack Obama got substantial attention Friday from two White House officials, who both said senior Republicans wanted to see it happen. But they couldn’t name any senior Republicans when pressed.

    Further, White House press secretary Josh Earnest expressed doubt about whether House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was sincere when he said impeachment is not on the table.

    “I do believe that the speaker said on a number of occasions that there would not be steps taken by Republicans to shut down the government over health care,” Earnest said of Boehner, adding, “Maybe you need to ask him a little bit more about whether impeachment is on the table or not.”

    Some conservatives have called for impeaching Obama regarding executive overreach on issues such as Obamacare, immigration and guns without congressional authorization. The Democratic National Committee and Organizing for America have consistently used impeachment in fundraising emails to warn donors about what could happen if Republicans win more seats in the House and gain control of the Senate.

    The topic first made news Friday after Dan Pfeiffer, a counselor to the president, told a Christian Science Monitor breakfast: “I would not discount that possibility. I think Speaker Boehner, by going down the path of this lawsuit, has opened the door to Republicans possibly considering impeachment at some in the future.”

    Asked about the comment, Earnest said, “There are senior members of the Republican Party, or prominent voices in the Republican Party who are calling for exactly that.”

    “Who? Sarah Palin?” CNN reporter Jim Acosta asked, referring to the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate who called for Obama’s impeachment.

    “She mentioned it,” Earnest said.

    Acosta followed, “Is anyone in the Republican leadership talking about that?” He added: “There’s been a lot of fundraising emails with the word impeachment in them. This seems an awful lot like a fundraising ploy, not a real thing. You don’t really think the president will be impeached do you?”

    Earnest again stuck to the same point without being specific.

    “I think there are some Republicans, including some Republicans who are running for office hoping they can get into office so they can impeach the president,” Earnest said. “That is apparently a view they have to hold because it is a view that they express publicly.”

    Acosta asked, “Is the White House Counsel’s office looking at this? Have you been studying the possibility of him being impeached?”

    Earnest didn’t have a specific answer, and pivoted to how the important issues are reforming the Veterans Administration and addressing the border crisis.

    “Here we are, one week before Congress is about to leave town and there is not a discernible path that Congress is going to make progress on this,” Earnest said. “Instead, we see Republicans giddy about the prospect of passing legislation along a party line vote to pursue a taxpayer funded lawsuit agains the president of the United States merely for doing his job.”

    Earlier in the briefing, Earnest was critical of Boehner for saying there would not be a vote on immigration reform. Sirius XM radio reporter Jared Rizzi asked: “You quoted the speaker about immigration. The speaker has also said he is not interested in impeaching the president. So why do you believe what the speaker says about immigration but not when it comes to impeachment?”

    Earnest said there is reason to be skeptical of what Boehner says on topics.

    “I do believe that the speaker said on a number of occasions that there would not be steps taken by Republicans to shut down the government over health care,” Earnest said. “We did see that that happened. Maybe you need to ask him a little bit more about whether impeachment is on the table or not. Maybe he’ll give you a more detailed answer than he has thus far. There’s no doubt there are other prominent voices in the Republican party that have indicated impeachment. That’s party of their agenda. The president’s agenda is not focused on those political sideshows. It’s focused on an agenda to expand economic opportunity.”


    • Nitro Express
      • Aug 2004
      • 32798

      Yeah right. Congress is too busy doing nothing. By the time they get around to actually impeaching Barry his second term with be over.
      No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


      • Nitro Express
        • Aug 2004
        • 32798

        William Jefferson Clinton should have gone to prison for lying under oath. George W. Bush should be in prison for war crimes. Barrack Obama should have been impeached a long time ago. The IRS scandal alone makes Watergate look like nothing. These presidents get away with it because the congress lets them. Too many people in Washington with their hands in the cookie jar. It's the old "If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me."

        We always could turn Washington DC into an open air prison. Just leave them there and surround the place and let the states run things. LOL! Heck, Texas is having to do it's own border patrol now since the federal government isn't doing it's job.

        Also what does impeachment mean? Clinton was impeached and he finished his term. Maybe they should add in some hefty fines (supposedly the IRS can find offshore accounts now if their computer hard drives don't break down) and or prison time to go with the impeachment. You know all these presidents have a lot of money squirreled away off shore.
        Last edited by Nitro Express; 07-27-2014, 02:06 PM.
        No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


        • Nickdfresh

          • Oct 2004
          • 49219

          Originally posted by Nitro Express
          William Jefferson Clinton should have gone to prison for lying under oath.
          He didn't "lie," technically. And actually the partisan cocksuckers that fuck prostitutes all the time should have shut the fuck up and the dumb fucking mouth breathing moralists that support the phonies on Capital Hill should grow the fuck up...

          George W. Bush should be in prison for war crimes. Barrack Obama should have been impeached a long time ago. The IRS scandal alone makes Watergate look like nothing. These presidents get away with it because the congress lets them. Too many people in Washington with their hands in the cookie jar. It's the old "If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me."
          I agree that Bush was a cocksucker, mainly Cheney actually - LBJ, Nixon, Kissenger too. But the standard of proof is very high and all nations do bad things. We could have brought "war crimes" charges against FDR for terror bombing Germany and Japan. But that might have hindered the Nazis, and only Elvis supports them...

          And while there are certainly cunts in the IRS, Obama doesn't work directly for the IRS and the scandal is exggerrated populist fodder for partisan Republicans and their mindless tax-hating ilk. Why not impeach every politician for everything that ever goes wrong in their district? That's what you are basically saying here...
          Last edited by Nickdfresh; 07-27-2014, 03:04 PM.


          • ELVIS
            • Dec 2003
            • 44120

            Originally posted by Nickdfresh
            He didn't "lie," technically.
            That's a lie also...


            • Nickdfresh
              SUPER MODERATOR

              • Oct 2004
              • 49219

              Originally posted by ELVIS
              That's a lie also...
              No, actually it isn't. But feel free to qualify your monosyllabic one'liners with actual facts or evidence. In spirit? Yes, he lied. In the legal definition that Ken Douche-Starr was operating under? No, he didn't...


              • Nitro Express
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Aug 2004
                • 32798

                Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                He didn't "lie," technically. And actually the partisan cocksuckers that fuck prostitutes all the time should have shut the fuck up and the dumb fucking mouth breathing moralists that support the phonies on Capital Hill should grow the fuck up...

                I agree that Bush was a cocksucker, mainly Cheney actually - LBJ, Nixon, Kissenger too. But the standard of proof is very high and all nations do bad things. We could have brought "war crimes" charges against FDR for terror bombing Germany and Japan. But that might have hindered the Nazis, and only Elvis supports them...

                And while there are certainly cunts in the IRS, Obama doesn't work directly for the IRS and the scandal is exggerrated populist fodder for partisan Republicans and their mindless tax-hating ilk. Why not impeach every politician for everything that ever goes wrong in their district? That's what you are basically saying here...
                You are basically saying Republicans are guilty and Democrats aren't.
                No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                • Nitro Express
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 32798

                  Lying under oath is lying under oath. Period. Try it yourself. You will get sent to the lockup for it. I guess presidents are above the law.
                  No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                  • Warham
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Mar 2004
                    • 14589

                    The IRS director met with Obama about 120 times over a two year period during the Tea Party scandal timeframe and supposedly not once did it ever come up. All they talked about was the Washington Nationals and the White House Easter Egg Hunt.


                    • Kristy
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Aug 2004
                      • 16346

                      Another pointless Trollvis post about a disgruntled and racist Texas politician.


                      • Nickdfresh
                        SUPER MODERATOR

                        • Oct 2004
                        • 49219

                        Originally posted by Nitro Express
                        You are basically saying Republicans are guilty and Democrats aren't.
                        No, that would be a huge leap of strawman'isms on your part. I'm saying the Republicans are whipping up into a frenzy rather than actually examining pertinent issues. If they want to go after to IRS for having hypocritical cocksuckers that don't pay their taxes yet get bonuses for going after others' unpaid taxes, fine. But making it into some grandiose conspiracy theory to take down Obama is just horseshit...


                        • Nickdfresh
                          SUPER MODERATOR

                          • Oct 2004
                          • 49219

                          Originally posted by Warham
                          The IRS director met with Obama about 120 times over a two year period during the Tea Party scandal timeframe and supposedly not once did it ever come up. All they talked about was the Washington Nationals and the White House Easter Egg Hunt.
                          According to whom?

