Gary, Indiana Is a Serial Killer’s Playground

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  • Blaze
    Full Member Status

    • Jan 2009
    • 4371

    Gary, Indiana Is a Serial Killer’s Playground

    “Supposedly there’s 14,” a concrete worker named Josh said Monday night.

    “There’s gotta be more,” a beer-sipper agrees.

    What there isn’t, the patrons at Bugsy’s are told as they gaze into TV screens glowing in the approaching dusk, is a motive.
    10,000 abandoned houses in Gary

    “They should just give ‘em away for free,” Josh at the bar says

    where a killer can dump bodies seemingly at random without much fear of being caught,

    Biggins_3 16 hours ago
    You can call it Gary, Indiana.
    What it is , is south Chicago, Illinois.

    Tiler 16 hours ago
    @Biggins_3 east of Chicago

    Biggins_3 15 hours ago

    We'll start at Chicago city center.
    You drive east, I'll drive south.
    We'll see who gets there first.
    Bring a flotation device.


    Jim Young/Reuters
    Justin Glawe
    Justin Glawe
    Gary, Indiana Is a Serial Killer’s Playground
    Darren Deon Vann's hometown has 10,000 abandoned houses, more than enough for him to hide six bodies. Even worse, it's a place where women disappear without being missed.
    GARY, Indiana—Over a din of smart-ass comments and after-work banter, Peg at Bugsy’s Tavern asks the obvious question: “You guys wanna watch the news?” The answer is yes, of course, and the crowd at the tiny bar off the main drag in this busted town of 80,000 settles in to hear the score of their newly famous resident.

    There’s a Jane Doe or two among the seven women allegedly killed by Darren Deon Vann who need to be identified; more charges are forthcoming for Vann, who is already pinned for the murder of Afrika Hardy, strangled and left in the bathtub of a Motel 6. Six bodies have been discovered thanks to his confession.

    “Supposedly there’s 14,” a concrete worker named Josh said Monday night.

    “There’s gotta be more,” a beer-sipper agrees.

    What there isn’t, the patrons at Bugsy’s are told as they gaze into TV screens glowing in the approaching dusk, is a motive. The whole episode is shocking, confusing, newsy and depressing—a black eye for a town already sporting a fat lip and a broken nose.

    There are 10,000 abandoned houses in Gary, the mayor said earlier in the day as details emerged about the crime that brought police to Vann’s doorstep. The homes sit in various stages of decay—some are torched to the point that blackened studs are the only thing left of a family’s long-gone home. Others are fixer-uppers, if you happen to be a construction expert and financial idiot. But most of the abandoned houses, with sagging roofs and drafty walls, are just there.

    “It makes me uncomfortable,” a woman says, standing in front of 413 E. 43rd Ave., where the body of Anith Jones was found. “My kids walk by here every day.”

    But most of the abandoned houses, with sagging roofs and drafty walls, are just there.
    They’re far from alone. Children hopping off school buses roamed the streets Monday afternoon as news crews gathered at the house, slightly obscured from the street by a yard of unkempt grass littered with fallen tree branches. Inside were all the signs of a flophouse. Empty cigarette packs, liquor bottles, containers sticky with food residue covered the floor. In a bedroom at the top of crumbling stairs, a bed was made up with a comforter. A baby carriage and a car seat sat nearby.

    “They should just give ‘em away for free,” Josh at the bar says of the houses as the mayor recounts for reporters the difficulties of dealing with Gary’s blight.

    Apparently “they” don’t have to, because whoever was living in the upstairs bedroom at 413 E. 43rd isn’t paying rent. Vann likely wasn’t either, if the looks of his home in the 1400 block of East 50th Court are any indication. That abode wasn’t as accessible to vagrants and the wind as 413 E. 43rd, but it is definitely on the wrong side of the fixer-upper scale.

    RELATED: The Path of a Serial Killer (PHOTOS)
    John Gress/Getty
    After the news, Bugsy’s empties a bit. Political ads demonizing some politicians and praising others play on as an older man sips his Colt 45. Smiling politicians seem a long way from here. Gary has been broken for a while, and it looks like much of it has been left to rot. What can a politician do for a town that’s so fucked up that 10,000 abandoned houses are simply part of the scenery, where a killer can dump bodies seemingly at random without much fear of being caught, where only one of the three women so far identified as Vann’s victims had a missing-persons report out on her?

    At 7 o’clock, the bartender at Bugsy’s clocks out and gives a bit of direction to her second-shift replacement. The news is over, but I start to notice other stories on the walls of the bar. Newspaper clippings, many of them with pictures of the owner, a former Gary firefighter, are everywhere. Often, the newsprint reads, the fires were battled at abandoned houses.

    The bartender switches the channel and the lone patron doesn’t bat an eye. He just keeps sipping his Colt 45 and staring at the TV, where hockey-masked Jason is roaming the woods and two teenagers are running in fear. There are plenty of wooded areas like the one being taken in by the stone-faced drinker sitting next to me, and two of Vann’s victims were found among the trees. But this killer didn’t have to do much hiking. Instead he took advantage of what, for him, is Gary’s greatest asset: abandoned houses left behind when people fled for greener pastures.

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    millli 7 hours ago
    Democrats, Republicans, whomever...deliberately shipped jobs overseas for their agenda.

    By making us poor and indebt, they will be able to control us even more. It's all part of the plan. Didn't Obama say he wanted to level the playing field? Hmmm...

    IgnacioYou 10 hours ago
    Sad but not surprising. The Region, Gary-Hammond-East Chicago, has been an economic wasteland since the fifties; largely forgotten by the politicians in Indianapolis.

    Stratman 13 hours ago
    More decaying evidence of the magical thinking that went into Republican trickle-down economics, massive off-shoring of manufacturing jobs and financial sector criminal activities.

    philtraum 13 hours ago
    Motive? Who cares? He's remorseful now and confessing and Jesus forgives so charges can be dropped. He should start his own church.

    FlagShareLikeReply 5 hours ago
    @philtraum Or go into politics.

    hippyhay73 14 hours ago
    This is what America has turned into when we ship millions of jobs overseas so we can all enjoy low prices on underwear, shoes and most importantly, manufacturing. We did it to our selves !!!

    Coot 14 hours ago

    as long as the oligarchs and plutocrats are calling the shots..this is the road this country will continue to go down for some time to come....we are too busy being entertained by reality TV and Fashion Show News Idols, cue in Fox and Friends, to realize we are slowly being dismantled and sold as scrap.

    Mikey862 16 hours ago
    Absent a motive? Serial killers have motives?

    Indestructicon 15 hours ago
    @Mikey862 Um, yes, they normally do.

    ladyliberty62 15 hours ago
    @Indestructicon @Mikey862 Um, no the don't, that's why they are so hard to find - they have no connection to the people they kill. They kill because they like it.

    Biggins_3 16 hours ago
    You can call it Gary, Indiana.
    What it is , is south Chicago, Illinois.

    Tiler 16 hours ago
    @Biggins_3 east of Chicago

    Biggins_3 15 hours ago

    We'll start at Chicago city center.
    You drive east, I'll drive south.
    We'll see who gets there first.
    Bring a flotation device.

    TonyHines 17 hours ago
    Give credit to Detroit. At least that have sense enough to bulldoze those areas blighted the most.

    rickinindiana 16 hours ago

    if only we could sweep away the neo-confederacy into the dustbin of history.

    TonyHines 16 hours ago
    @rickinindiana @TonyHines Our economy is growing and our cities are not blighted. That is a blue state predicament.

    rickinindiana 16 hours ago
    @TonyHines @rickinindiana you think Indiana is a blue state?

    You moron

    ruled by the GOP for decades

    TonyHines 16 hours ago
    @rickinindiana @TonyHines Gary is dark Blue:

    rickinindiana 16 hours ago
    @TonyHines @rickinindiana

    bet you love that "DARK" designation

    thanks for revealing your true message

    TonyHines 16 hours ago
    @rickinindiana @TonyHines what message is that? I have the advantage od being neither dark nor light so bait your racist victim status crap somewhere else.

    Jukesgrrl 9 hours ago
    @TonyHines @rickinindiana However, the state it is in is governed by Republicans and has been for decades. They allowed the manufacturing jobs that were the life's blood of Gary to go overseas and are now compounding the problems with a governor who is anti-union.

    rickinindiana 16 hours ago
    @TonyHines @rickinindiana

    most recent unemployment figures:

    Indiana 5.7

    Alabama 6.1

    But congratulations Alabama has risen to number 3 in the number of murders per capita trailing only Mississippi and Louisiana.

    In race to the bottom Alabama ( along with Mississippi) defines the neo-Confederacy madness

    TonyHines 16 hours ago
    @rickinindiana @TonyHines I rest my case:

    take a look at income especially

    Tiler 16 hours ago
    @rickinindiana @TonyHines and most of the murderers are black, but blame the whiteman

    hfb1053_1 12 hours ago
    @Tiler @rickinindiana @TonyHines

    Gary is predominantly black (84%) and was once an industrial city but that changed when so many jobs were outsourced to China.

    If one were to assess blame, it would be political more than anything else.

    And while Gary is predominantly blue, the state is governed red. Facts cannot hurt.

    hippyhay73 14 hours ago
    @TonyHines @rickinindiana the southern states are all welfare states. While states like Michigan get back only seventy cents on the dollar sent to Washington, nine out of ten southern states enjoy a increase. Most states down south enjoy a return of $1.30 for every dollar sent to Washington.

    Tiler 16 hours ago
    @rickinindiana @TonyHines what a mindless liar. Typical lib-verm, they never takes responsibility for the messes they create, Gary is a Democratic black run city and Indiana was a Union state, so you are blatantly lying your butt off

    rickinindiana 14 hours ago
    @Tiler @rickinindiana @TonyHines

    ah another RW moron who thinks that because a state is north of the mason Dixon Line, that they are a traditional blue state

    Let me guess home schooled in neo-Confederacy.

    Try doing a bit of research before you open your ignorant pie hole

    marriea 17 hours ago
    I'm not a proponent of the death penalty. I hate the thought of us as a government killing somebody. However in this case, as I looked at the eyes Mr Vann, I truly saw no life. His eyes seemed so cold, I couldn't help wondering what was it in his life that turned him into a monster. Be that as it may, I also couldn't help but think that maybe him being so sloppy with his latest kill that perhaps he wanted to be stopped. Put him out of his misery. I also heard that he was once a Marine. I understand what our military is supposed to represent, but when we train folks to become killers, we shouldn't be surprised when some of them don't know when or how to turn off the spigot. Put him out his misery. If he found a way to beat this and got out, he'll sure kill again. How sad.

    Kanook 17 hours ago
    U.S. cities lead the world in homelessness AND abandoned houses! Something doesn't add up here!

    thelastprophet 18 hours ago

    TonyHines 16 hours ago
    @thelastprophet Labor Unions

    hfb1053_1 12 hours ago
    @TonyHines @thelastprophet

    Labor union officials have greedy sticky fingers but nothing compares to the outsourcing of jobs by those who profit on the backs of our workers. Labor unions are the last resource many of our workers have to protect them from the scavengers on Wall St.

    suprabuddha 18 hours ago
    Keep voting republican dimwits. This will be the future for the 98%.

    Granite Sentry 18 hours ago
    @suprabuddha Except that the Democrats have been running Gary (into the ground) for decades. With other smoking ruins like Detroit and D.C. it's a perfect example of what happens when the professional social welfare bureaucracy (the real Welfare Kings and Queens) uses a metro area as a cash cow to be milked for their own private profit.

    Kanook 17 hours ago
    @Granite Sentry @suprabuddha

    Canadian cities are far more left wing than any of your U.S. examples. Why are they not cesspools of crime, decay and abandoned houses? On the contrary they're booming and on the move!!

    TonyHines 17 hours ago
    @suprabuddha Sorry bro but everyone of these cities that are blighted like this are in Blue States with Blue mayors

    rickinindiana 16 hours ago
    @TonyHines @suprabuddha

    Is that what passes for intelligence in the state of Alabama?

    Please consider your rankings at the bottom of this country in all categories for education health and quality of life.

    However Alabama has the unique experience of having it's speaker of the house under indictment for corruption.
    Discuss. . .

    As a person, this offends me. Hording is not OK. Even by blight. I agree with Josh. Establish an Urban Land Grant., give away the land in acreage, reclaiming the urban for large land grants.
    "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. - Some come from ahead and some come from behind. - But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. - Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" ~ Dr. Seuss
  • Von Halen

    • Dec 2003
    • 7500

    Have you ever been to Gary, Indiana? The first time I had to go there for work, I was concerned. It is every bit as bad and nasty as anywhere in Detroit and Chicago. Like the rest of the ghetto's in America, you'd have to displace all those people that have become accustomed to living like that, to do any good there. Where are you going to send them? What are you going to get them to do to help themselves? They haven't had to help themselves in so long, they wouldn't do it, even if you offered them the world.


    • ZahZoo

      • Jan 2004
      • 8973

      I've driven through Gary several times when I had an account near there... Nastiest shit-hole I've ever seen in America!!

      Even the worst slum areas of Atlanta or Oakland, Ca are like a paradise compared to that dump...
      "If you want to be a monk... you gotta cook a lot of rice...”


      • High Life Man
        • Jan 2004
        • 1286

        It is a shithole. But, hey, it gave the world the Jacksons.

        East St. Louis is no delight, either.


        • Nitro Express
          • Aug 2004
          • 32798

          Originally posted by Von Halen
          Have you ever been to Gary, Indiana? The first time I had to go there for work, I was concerned. It is every bit as bad and nasty as anywhere in Detroit and Chicago. Like the rest of the ghetto's in America, you'd have to displace all those people that have become accustomed to living like that, to do any good there. Where are you going to send them? What are you going to get them to do to help themselves? They haven't had to help themselves in so long, they wouldn't do it, even if you offered them the world.
          Create a medical crisis and kill them with the vaccine. Oh! The ideas you get from Alex Jones.
          No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


          • Nitro Express
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Aug 2004
            • 32798


            Tell me nobody has been running an economic war on the US after watching this and then seeing what Gary is now. I checked the place out on Google Earth. Man. It looks like Chernobyl. Parts of the city literally are going back to nature. Asphalt streets are crumbling and grass and weeds are encroaching. Mature trees are growing up through decaying houses. Non functioning stop lights have been replaced by stop signs. Makes you wonder if the city water is even safe to drink.

            Reminds me of that show, Life Without People.

            Last edited by Nitro Express; 10-24-2014, 03:24 PM.
            No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


            • Nitro Express
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Aug 2004
              • 32798

              Originally posted by High Life Man
              It is a shithole. But, hey, it gave the world the Jacksons.

              East St. Louis is no delight, either.
              Someone built a nice fence around the Jackson house and it's kept up with a monument to Michael in the front yard. The whole neighborhood around it is falling apart. Just level the whole city. Keep the Jackson home and call the area Michael Jackson wildlife refuge and botanical park.

              Redevelop the Lake Michigan shoreline. Put in an amusement park with great roller coasters (Made from Chinese steel instead of Gary US Steel). Have a wildlife refuge where the city used to be and a botanical park around the Jackson home. Finance the whole thing with Chinese money.
              Last edited by Nitro Express; 10-24-2014, 03:43 PM.
              No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


              • Blaze
                Full Member Status

                • Jan 2009
                • 4371

                Good News!

                A random example appeared

                Anonymous Bidder Puts Up $3.1 Million for Distressed Homes in Detroit
                A Mystery Bidder Offers $3 Million for 6,000 of Detroit's Worst Homes

                Though the ethics behind the sale sounds a bit crusty.

                “The idea was that no one would buy it,”
                Szymanski explains,
                so they would pass on to the city to handle.

                Yet someone actually wants to buy the whole blight bundle.
                “It could be—and this is all speculation—that the people who are bidding on it are altruistic in nature,” Szymanski hints. He believes he has already met representatives of the group behind the $3.2 million offer, but he can’t say for sure.
                "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. - Some come from ahead and some come from behind. - But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. - Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" ~ Dr. Seuss


                • Blaze
                  Full Member Status

                  • Jan 2009
                  • 4371

                  Originally posted by Nitro Express
                  Someone built a nice fence around the Jackson house and it's kept up with a monument to Michael in the front yard. The whole neighborhood around it is falling apart. Just level the whole city. Keep the Jackson home and call the area Michael Jackson wildlife refuge and botanical park.

                  Redevelop the Lake Michigan shoreline. Put in an amusement park with great roller coasters (Made from Chinese steel instead of Gary US Steel). Have a wildlife refuge where the city used to be and a botanical park around the Jackson home. Finance the whole thing with Chinese money.

                  I see what you did there. Make a monkey park round the The Jacko's home and throw in an amusement park as a symbolic gesture to Mikey. Very dark humor there, you shared
                  "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. - Some come from ahead and some come from behind. - But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. - Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" ~ Dr. Seuss


                  • twonabomber
                    formerly F A T
                    ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                    • Jan 2004
                    • 11196

                    They oughta throw you into the monkey park.
                    Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


                    • Nickdfresh
                      SUPER MODERATOR

                      • Oct 2004
                      • 49219

                      That would be cruel - for the monkeys


                      • Blaze
                        Full Member Status

                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4371

                        Originally posted by twonabomber
                        They oughta throw you into the monkey park.
                        • Can't Stop The Blaze

                        "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. - Some come from ahead and some come from behind. - But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. - Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" ~ Dr. Seuss


                        • Nitro Express
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Aug 2004
                          • 32798

                          Originally posted by Blaze

                          I see what you did there. Make a monkey park round the The Jacko's home and throw in an amusement park as a symbolic gesture to Mikey. Very dark humor there, you shared
                          Who said anything about monkeys.
                          No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                          • Blaze
                            Full Member Status

                            • Jan 2009
                            • 4371

                            Originally posted by Nitro Express
                            Who said anything about monkeys.
                            True Nitro Express,
                            We imagine that monkeys aren't wildlife for we indeed are merely civilized monkeys
                            I was going to comment on the highbrow humor from Twonabomber. Nevertheless, I did not
                            Because it was humor and highbrow, such a select thing from civilized monkeys.
                            Please do forgive my transgression of implying monkeys are wildlife.
                            And thank you for clarification of your post. Your words are in your hands, Nitro.
                            Now we move on to the New Era.

                            "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. - Some come from ahead and some come from behind. - But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. - Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" ~ Dr. Seuss


                            • Nitro Express
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Aug 2004
                              • 32798

                              Gary is on the south shore of Lake Michigan. Actually there is some nice lake shore near there. Since they aren't making steel anymore and the town dried up like a ghost town, why not make something of the location? That's what I was getting at. Why go to Ohio to ride roller coasters on the lake shore? Build it in Gary and then since the town is already going back to nature well let's go all the way and make it a wild life preserve. Since the only structure maintained and landscaped is the Jackson home let's expand on that and make a botanical garden.

                              Since they make no steel in Gary the roller coasters will have to be made of Chinese steel and since there is no money in Gary, it will have to be financed by Chinese money. Right now the Chinese are on a real estate buying spree. They can buy Gary.
                              No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!

