View Full Version : Mandatory Sterilization for all men and women

05-23-2005, 05:53 PM
1. Mandatory Sterilization at age 10.
2. Sterilization Device (ignore the science of how it would work for the moment, just assume "magic") removed after parent or parents prove they have the proper setting to raise the child they wish to produce.

That's my 2 part plan for US families.

Mainly, I'm just tired of the religious zealots and the constant bickering over abortion as well as a growing population of idiots...as I am sure you all are.

My solution is a win for both sides of the abortion debate, and a win for folks who are tired of seeing po' uneducated fools (po', unfortunate folks in the country and po' unfortunate folks in the city - hell, in the burbs too) pop out baby after baby that just keeps them down.

If non-fertile folks have to prove they have the economic means to raise a child and their home is worthy, why not fertile folk as well?

Of course, I would be the judge as to who gets to procreate.
Or perhaps Arnold Schwartzenegar...or Tom Ridge. I am not sure yet.

Who's on board?

05-23-2005, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by steve
That's my 2 part plan to end all this stupid abortion talk in the US.

If non-fertile folks have to prove they have the economic means to raise a child and their home is worthy, why not fertile folk as well?

Of course, I would be the judge as to who gets to procreate ;).

Who's on board?

Can't do it, as it would be politically abused, especially in certain states. Hence only "christian" Republicans would be allowed to have children, setting the stage for a perpetual fascist state.

05-23-2005, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by FORD
Can't do it, as it would be politically abused, especially in certain states. Hence only "christian" Republicans would be allowed to have children, setting the stage for a perpetual fascist state.

Are all parents who adopt "christian" Republicans now?
There are standards for adoptive parents that we are, arguably, relatively non-biased. Certainly a similar system could be set up.

Or do you think the magnitude of the new system creates a magnet for corruption?

Or what if we chose a moderate...a legal expert...such as the Attorney General to choose who gets to have babies?

05-23-2005, 06:13 PM
Speedy Gonzales is a "moderate" now??

He would probably say that you could only adopt children if you agree to torture them.

academic punk
05-23-2005, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by FORD
Speedy Gonzales is a "moderate" now??

There's a borderline racist comment.

or at least reveals an affinity for cartoons from your youth...

05-23-2005, 06:20 PM
I was trying to get a John Ashcroft rise out of ya' FORD, I am disappointed.

Of course, if John Ashcroft did have a rise, he'd have to cover it with a sheet.

05-23-2005, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by steve
I was trying to get a John Ashcroft rise out of ya' FORD, I am disappointed.

Of course, if John Ashcroft did have a rise, he'd have to cover it with a sheet.

Or anoint it with Crisco.