View Full Version : God Is In The Magic Mushrooms

08-05-2006, 11:33 AM
Psychedelic drugs could be very good
for your mind, heart, soul. Can you believe?

By Mark Morford
SF Gate Columnist

Hide the children. Pour some absinthe, fluff the pillows, take off your pants. It is time.

Because now we know: Getting nicely and wholly high on illegal but completely natural hallucinogenic drugs might, just might open some sort of profound psychological doorway or serve as some sort of giddy terrifying rocket ride to a higher state of consciousness, happiness, a sense of inner peace and love and perspective and a big, fat lick from the divine.

It's true. There's even a swell new study from Johns Hopkins University that officially suggests what shamans and gurus and botany Ph.D.s and alt-spirituality types have known since the dawn of time and Jimi Hendrix's consciousness: that psilocybin, the all-natural chemical found in certain strains of wild mushrooms, induces a surprisingly large percentage of users to experience a profound -- and in some cases, largely permanent -- revolution in their spiritual attitudes and perspectives.

Not only that, but the stuff reportedly made a majority of testers feel so much more compassionate, open-hearted, connected to and awestruck by the world and the universe and God that it ranks right up there with the most profound and unfathomable experiences of their lives. I know. Stop the presses.

But let us sidestep the face-slapping obviousness. Let us look past the fact that you are meant to react to this study's findings like it's some sort of revelation, like it doesn't merely reinforce roughly 10 thousand years of evidence and modern research and opinioneering and responsible advocacy by everyone from Timothy Leary to Terence McKenna to Huston Smith to the Tibetan Book of the Dead with yet another study to add to the pile in the Science of the No Duh.

You know the type -- studies that merely reinforce ageless common sense, that simply reiterate something that's been said and understood for eons. There have been, for example, recent studies that prove that meditation actually reduces blood pressure (no!) and that MDMA (Ecstasy) is amazing at releasing inhibition and tapping the deeper psyche (shocking!) and that marijuana is roughly a thousand times less harmful than Marlboros and nine vodka tonics and smacking your family around in an alcoholic rage. You know, duh.

Because one thing painfully redundant studies like this do provide is a nicely clinical framework, a structured context from which to view a long-standing phenomenon. But here's the fascinating part: In the case of something like psilocybin, it's not so much the astounding findings that can make you swoon, it's also, well, the illuminating shortcomings of science itself.

Put another way, they are trying, once again, to measure enlightenment. They are attempting to put a frame around consciousness, cosmic awe, God. And of course, they cannot do it. Or rather, they can only go so far before they hit that point where the sidewalk ends and the world spins off its logical axis and the study's participants cannot help but deliver the death blow every scientist dreads to hear: "You cannot possibly understand."

Witness, won't you, these revelations:

The psilocybin joyriders claimed the experience included such feelings as "a sense of pure awareness and a merging with ultimate reality, a transcendence of time and space, a feeling of sacredness or awe, and deeply felt positive mood like joy, peace and love." What's more, for a majority of users, the experience was "impossible to put into words."

It doesn't stop there. Two months later, 24 of the participants (out of a total of 36) filled out a questionnaire. Two-thirds called their reaction to psilocybin "one of the five top most meaningful experiences of their lives. On another measure, one-third called it the most spiritually significant experience of their lives, with another 40 percent ranking it in the top five. About 80 percent said that because of the psilocybin experience, they still had a sense of well-being or life satisfaction that was raised either 'moderately' or 'very much.'"

You gotta read that again. And then again. Because those statements are just a little astonishing, unlike anything you will read in some FDA report on Prozac from Eli Lily. The most profound experience of their lives? One of the most spiritually significant? Can we get some of this stuff into Dick Cheney's blood pudding? Into the Kool-Aid at the American Family Association? Into Israel and Lebanon?

But this is the amazing thing: Here, again, is hard science running smack into the hot cosmic goo of the mystical. Here, again, is science peering over the edge of understanding and jumping back and saying, "Holy crap." It is yet another reminder that our beautiful sciences have almost zero tools with which to quantify something like "transcendence of time and space" or "a feeling of sacredness and awe." And watching them try is either tremendously enjoyable or just depressing as hell. Or a little of both. It all depends, of course, on how you see it.

Here then, are your choices. Here are the three ways to look at the effects of magic mushrooms on the consciousness of humankind. Which angle you choose depends a great deal on how nimble you allow your mind, your heart, your spirit to be. Or maybe it's just how much wine you've had.

The first way is to simply presume that the lives of the study's participants had obviously been, up to their psilocybin joys, tremendously mediocre. So bland and so limp that something like hallucinogenic mushrooms could not help but be, in contrast, as profound as being licked by angels.

This is a clinical interpretation. The gorgeous experience itself means nothing except to say that normal life is terribly drab and crazy drugs temporarily scramble your brain in occasionally positive and interesting ways, but never the twain shall meet, so oh well let's go back to work.

But you can also take it one step further. You may conclude that the study underscores the harsh fact that we as a species are so divorced from deeper meaning, so detached from the mystical and the divine and the universal in our everyday instant-gratification lives, that it takes something like a powerful hallucinogen to show us just how meek and limited and far from merging with God we still very much are. This is the pessimistic view. And it is, by every estimate, a very primitive and sour place to be.

Ah, but then there's the third way. This is to suggest that it's exactly the other way around, that perhaps at least some of us are, as Leary and his cosmic cohorts have suggested for decades, just inches from the celestial doorway, already on the precipice of realizing that we are, in fact, the divine we so desperately seek. Problem is, we can't see the edge through the tremendous fog of consumerism and conservatism and quasi-religious muck.

But even so, every now and then we manage to take a tiny, unconscious, clumsy step ever closer to the edge, stumbling toward ecstasy without really knowing or understanding that we're doing so. And ultimately, sly entheogens like psilocybin are merely nature's way of clearing the fog for a moment, of letting us know just how close we are by smacking us upside the scientific head and tying our cosmic shoelaces together. And doesn't that sound like a fascinating way to spend the weekend?


Mark Morford's Notes & Errata column appears every Wednesday and Friday on SF Gate and in the Datebook section of the SF Chronicle. To get on the e-mail list for this column, please click here and remove one article of clothing. Mark's column also has an RSS feed and an archive of past columns, which includes another tiny photo of Mark probably insufficient for you to recognize him in the street and give him gifts.

As if that weren't enough, Mark also contributes to the hot, spankin' SF Gate Culture Blog.


08-05-2006, 12:49 PM
Mushrooms are your friend. :D Studies I've read also suggest psilocybin promotes increased brain capacity...humans use an average of 10% of ours normally---that can't be a bad thing....

Little Texan
08-05-2006, 01:42 PM
The effects that shrooms give you are the result of FRYING YOUR BRAIN, not anything to do with increased brain capacity, enlightenment, or any of that other nonsense! It's not a good idea to be promoting these drugs on here, as I've heard of people that had a bad trip from the use of them and are now in the loony bin, permanently damaged. One of my cousins is a prime example.

08-05-2006, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Little Texan
The effects that shrooms give you are the result of FRYING YOUR BRAIN, not anything to do with increased brain capacity, enlightenment, or any of that other nonsense! It's not a good idea to be promoting these drugs on here, as I've heard of people that had a bad trip from the use of them and are now in the loony bin, permanently damaged. One of my cousins is a prime example.

...I've actually heard that's more likely to happen with synthetics, like acid. Nasty stuff.

08-05-2006, 05:33 PM
I haven't used any psychedelics in over 15 years, but if I were to ever touch the stuff again, I would easily choose the natural (shrooms) over the man made (acid).

As to the spiritual aspect of it, I'm not one to judge. Native Americans, particularly the Southwest tribes have used peyote for centuries in spiritual ceremonies. Rastafarians smoke pot as a religious sacrament.

Marijuana, peyote, and mushrooms are all plants which were created by God. Obviously that would mean He had a purpose for these plants, and if some people use them to connect with Him, then who am I to judge?

08-05-2006, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by jhale667
...humans use an average of 10% of ours normally---

That's a common myth. It's just not true.


Claim: We use only ten percent of our brains.

Status: False.

Origins: Someone
has taken most of your brain away and you probably didn't even know it. Well, not taken your brain away, exactly, but decided that you don't use it. It's the old myth heard time and again about how people use only ten percent of their brains. While for the people who repeat that myth, it's probably true, the rest of us happily use all of our brains.

The Myth and the Media

That tired Ten-Percent claim pops up all the time. In 1998, national magazine ads for U.S. Satellite Broadcasting showed a drawing of a brain. Under it was the caption, "You only use 11 percent of its potential." Well, they're a little closer than the ten-percent figure, but still off by about 89 percent. In July 1998, ABC television ran promotional spots for The Secret Lives of Men, one of their offerings for the fall season's lineup. The spot featured a full-screen blurb that read, "Men only use ten percent of their brains."

One reason this myth has endured is that it has been adopted by psychics and other paranormal pushers to explain psychic powers. On more than one occasion I've heard psychics tell their audiences, "We only use ten percent of our minds. If scientists don't know what we do with the other ninety percent, it must be used for psychic powers!" In Reason To Believe: A Practical Guide to Psychic Phenomena, author Michael Clark mentions a man named Craig Karges. Karges charges a lot of money for his "Intuitive Edge" program, designed to develop natural psychic abilities. Clark quotes Karges as saying: "We normally use only 10 to 20 percent of our minds. Think how different your life would be if you could utilize that other 80 to 90 percent known as the subconscious mind."

This was also the reason that Caroline Myss gave for her alleged intuitive powers on a segment of Eye to Eye with Bryant Gumbel, which aired in July of 1998. Myss, who has written books on unleashing "intuitive powers," said that everyone has intuitive gifts, and lamented that we use so little of the mind's potential. To make matters worse, just the week before, on the very same program, correct information was presented about the myth. In a bumper spot between the program and commercials, a quick quiz flashed onscreen: What percentage of the brain is used? The multiple-choice answers ranged from 10 percent to 100 percent. The correct answer appeared, which I was glad to see. But if the producers knew that what one of their interviewees said is clearly and demonstrably inaccurate, why did they let it air? Does the right brain not know what the left brain is doing? Perhaps the Myss interview was a repeat, in which case the producers presumably checked her facts after it aired and felt some responsibility to correct the error in the following week's broadcast. Or possibly the broadcasts aired in sequence and the producers simply did not care and broadcast Myss and her misinformation anyway.

Even Uri Geller, who has made a career out of trying to convince people he can bend metal with his mind, trots out this little gem. This claim appears in his book Uri Geller's Mind-Power Book in the introduction: "Our minds are capable of remarkable, incredible feats, yet we don't use them to their full capacity. In fact, most of us only use about 10 per cent of our brains, if that. The other 90 per cent is full of untapped potential and undiscovered abilities, which means our minds are only operating in a very limited way instead of at full stretch. I believe that we once had full power over our minds. We had to, in order to survive, but as our world has become more sophisticated and complex we have forgotten many of the abilities we once had" (italicized phrases emphasized in original).

Evidence Against the Ten-Percent Myth

The argument that psychic powers come from the unused majority of the brain is based on the logical fallacy of the argument from ignorance. In this fallacy, lack of proof for a position (or simply lack of information) is used to try to support a particular claim. Even if it were true that the vast majority of the human mind is unused (which it clearly is not), that fact in no way implies that any extra capacity could somehow give people paranormal powers. This fallacy pops up all the time in paranormal claims, and is especially prevalent among UFO proponents. For example: Two people see a strange light in the sky. The first, a UFO believer, says, "See there! Can you explain that?" The skeptic replies that no, he can't. The UFO believer is gleeful. "Ha! You don't know what it is, so it must be aliens!" he says, arguing from ignorance.

What follows are two of the reasons that the Ten-Percent story is suspect. (For a much more thorough and detailed analysis of the subject, see Barry Beyerstein's chapter in the 1999 book Mind Myths: Exploring Everyday Mysteries of the Mind.)

1) Brain imaging research techniques such as PET scans (positron emission tomography) and fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) clearly show that the vast majority of the brain does not lie fallow. Indeed, although certain minor functions may use only a small part of the brain at one time, any sufficiently complex set of activities or thought patterns will indeed use many parts of the brain. Just as people don't use all of their muscle groups at one time, they also don't use all of their brain at once. For any given activity, such as eating, watching television, making love, or reading, you may use a few specific parts of your brain. Over the course of a whole day, however, just about all of the brain is used at one time or another.

2) The myth presupposes an extreme localization of functions in the brain. If the "used" or "necessary" parts of the brain were scattered all around the organ, that would imply that much of the brain is in fact necessary. But the myth implies that the "used" part of the brain is a discrete area, and the "unused" part is like an appendix or tonsil, taking up space but essentially unnecessary. But if all those parts of the brain are unused, removal or damage to the "unused" part of the brain should be minor or unnoticed. Yet people who have suffered head trauma, a stroke, or other brain injury are frequently severely impaired. Have you ever heard a doctor say, ". . . But luckily when that bullet entered his skull, it only damaged the 90 percent of his brain he didn't use"? Of course not.

Variants of the Ten-Percent Myth

The myth is not simply a static, misunderstood factoid. It has several forms, and this adaptability gives it a shelf life longer than lacquered Spam. In the basic form, the myth claims that years ago a scientist discovered that we indeed did use only ten percent of our brains. Another variant is that only ten percent of the brain had been mapped, and this in turn became misunderstood as ten percent used. A third variant was described earlier by Craig Karges. This view is that the brain is somehow divided neatly into two parts: the conscious mind which is used ten to twenty percent of the time (presumably at capacity); and the subconscious mind, where the remaining eighty to ninety percent of the brain is unused. This description betrays a profound misunderstanding of brain function research.

Part of the reason for the long life of the myth is that if one variant can be proven incorrect, the person who held the belief can simply shift the reason for his belief to another basis, while the belief itself stays intact. So, for example, if a person is shown that PET scans depict activity throughout the entire brain, he can still claim that, well, the ninety percent figure really referred to the subconscious mind, and therefore the Ten-Percent figure is still basically correct.

Regardless of the exact version heard, the myth is spread and repeated, by both the well-meaning and the deliberately deceptive. The belief that remains, then, is what Robert J. Samuelson termed a "psycho-fact, [a] belief that, though not supported by hard evidence, is taken as real because its constant repetition changes the way we experience life." People who don't know any better will repeat it over and over, until, like the admonition against swimming right after you eat, the claim is widely believed. ("Triumph of the Psycho-Fact," Newsweek, 9 May 1994.)

The origins of the myth are not at all clear. Beyerstein, of the Brain Behaviour Laboratory at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, has traced it back to at least the early part of the century. A 1998 column in New Scientist magazine also suggested various roots, including Albert Einstein and Dale Carnegie ("Brain Drain"). It likely has a number of sources, principally misunderstood or misinterpreted legitimate scientific findings as well as self-help gurus.

The most powerful lure of the myth is probably the idea that we might develop psychic abilities, or at least gain a leg up on the competition by improving our memory or concentration. All this is available for the asking, the ads say, if we just tapped into our most incredible of organs, the brain. It is past time to put this myth to rest, although if it has survived at least a century so far, it will surely live on into the new millennium. Perhaps the best way to combat this chestnut is to reply to the speaker, when the myth is mentioned, "Oh? What part don't you use?"


I am indebted to Dr. Barry Beyerstein for providing research help and suggestions.


Benjamin Radford is Managing Editor of the Skeptical Inquirer and holds a degree in psychology

08-05-2006, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Little Texan
The effects that shrooms give you are the result of FRYING YOUR BRAIN, not anything to do with increased brain capacity, enlightenment, or any of that other nonsense! It's not a good idea to be promoting these drugs on here, as I've heard of people that had a bad trip from the use of them and are now in the loony bin, permanently damaged. One of my cousins is a prime example.

One of my best friends, who is now an upstanding conservative family man, has had a storied past with drugs and booze. He and one of his friends decided they were going to do acid one night. So they got some, AND EACH CONSUMED SEVEN HITS!!:eek:

He saw spiders climbing on his wall and the world looked like it was made of water. He was scared shitless for hours until he came down.

08-05-2006, 06:50 PM
But actually, I agree with some of the tenets of this study ironically.

08-05-2006, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Little Texan
The effects that shrooms give you are the result of FRYING YOUR BRAIN, not anything to do with increased brain capacity, enlightenment, or any of that other nonsense! It's not a good idea to be promoting these drugs on here, as I've heard of people that had a bad trip from the use of them and are now in the loony bin, permanently damaged. One of my cousins is a prime example.

Exactly. Who cares if MDMA reduces your inhibitions. Enough of it kills off the parts of your brain that deal with emotions and you go into deep depression that nothing but more X will cure.

And what's with this tobacco vs Marijuana debate? They're both bad for you because inhaling smoke from anything harms your lungs. Nicotine is physically addictive, Marijuana is psychologically addictive, and the smoke from both kills off bronchioles.

Better living thru chemistry can seriously fuck you up.

08-05-2006, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by Ally_Kat
Exactly. Who cares if MDMA reduces your inhibitions. Enough of it kills off the parts of your brain that deal with emotions and you go into deep depression that nothing but more X will cure.

And what's with this tobacco vs Marijuana debate? They're both bad for you because inhaling smoke from anything harms your lungs. Nicotine is physically addictive, Marijuana is psychologically addictive, and the smoke from both kills off bronchioles.

Better living thru chemistry can seriously fuck you up.

Comes down to frequency of use. Never tried MDMA, and at this point in life, have no interest in doing so, but I know several people who have done it a few times and they aren't any worse off for it. But if someone used ANY drug too much, including anything available over the counter or prescription, chances are that it' s going to be harmful.

As far as marijuana vs tobacco, quantity is probably the issue there. Not too many people are going to smoke 20 joints a day, for example. And those who do are obviously overdoing it, and it's definitely NOT a spiritual thing in that case.

08-06-2006, 12:00 AM
Heck, if ya wanna avoid the lung-related problems from smoking, just eat a marijuana-brownie.

Smoking you get only about 10% of the THC in it max.

Eating it you get 90-100% without any lung damage.


I have had some nice experiences wif shrooms....but have never actually seen things that were not there.

Even wif acid.....I have had some very intense trips, but the only thing odd I ever saw about the physical world was sitting in a room watching the walls and ceiling breathe...

I once watched a bizarre cloud formation with a friend one night in 20 degree temps.

We thought we were hallucinating what the cloud was doing, but then on the 6 o'clock news the next day, the weatherman was going on about how there was this completely unique cloud formation over the city the night before.

He did not appear to be the kinda guy who would take LSD and then appear on the news looking like Uber-Geek, but ya never know....

I do agree that not everyone can handle such things.

Some people cannot even handle smoking pot.

So I just say I am fortunate that I have an ultra-strong constitution, and have suffered no ill-effects from my partying days.

As with many folks, the older I get, the less I party.

I still smoke reefer, but not to excess, and I almost never drink. As a matter of fact, my dad bought me a pint of Crown Royal for my birthday in April. I think I will fix a drink right now. I still have almost half the bottle left.

Oh, and unlike some drunks, I have never had a "blackout". Even when I was so drunk I was face down in my front yard holding onto the world, I never woke up the next day without being able to remember everything I did the night before.

Matt White
08-06-2006, 08:30 PM
Psychedelics....have been good to me!!!:p

08-06-2006, 09:10 PM

08-06-2006, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by FORD
Comes down to frequency of use. Never tried MDMA, and at this point in life, have no interest in doing so, but I know several people who have done it a few times and they aren't any worse off for it. But if someone used ANY drug too much, including anything available over the counter or prescription, chances are that it' s going to be harmful.

I've dabbled but never had MDMA either, I just missed that fashion by a couple of years basically.

It's a pointless statement to say 'if you use ANY drug too much it's going too be harmful'.


The problem is always what is too much. You get people that get away with it like famously Churchill on dozens of cigars, a bottle of brandy a day plus other booze and then you get the odd person who dies from their first MDMA pill.

There has been some research that MDMA taken in your student days lowers your IQ in later years. I see that as a positive thing since maybe I can stay smarter in the workplace than the younger people coming up...:)

Everyone interesting needs their crutch whether it be booze, drugs, religious superstitions or endorphines from exercise.



08-06-2006, 10:27 PM
It's is like the question to a president -Have you ever smoked Pot-.
Since the age group and the election of Clinton,before that i can
see a denial of it ,Bush Sr. being a WWII vet and all.

But anyone after Clinton and forward should just say -Yes and i didn't care for it-...bla bla (whatever they feel is nessesary for thier stance).... anything else and i know they are 90% a liar.

If your under 60 odds are you've done any # of Illegals.

Or at least in the same room with it........

08-06-2006, 10:59 PM
It's a joke.

A few years back 50% of Blairs cabinet admitted they had smoked dope so I guess that's 90% in the real world. The hypocrisy of then still saying if you get caught with it then the government is going to give you a criminal record is just unreal.

I was never a huge dope smoker and haven't smoked a joint in years but I hate that attitude. It's getting better slowly here as I understand it you will just get a caution now rather than being prosecuted. I would legalize it immediately for adults.

Even here you immediately get the 'but what about the children' brigade so it's not possible. I guess in the US it's even further away.

08-06-2006, 11:19 PM
I saw a NORML movie about 10 years ago ( pro pot) and this Dude
gets busted with a couple Kilos in 1962 or some time like that.

He got 30 freekin years this was at the beginning of the pot explosion and within 5 years it was a(posession) 3 year sentence and the dude still had to do thirty.I think he finally got out early but I just could
never figure out the people who believed the lies told by our Government about POT!

I asked this old guy about Pot, when i was a kid, he said this..

-Blacks smoked it and Indians, Horses get into it and go crazy for about and hr White folks just didn't do it.(when he grew up)

-Well White folks started doing it and then the Sh!t hit the fan. I never
saw much use for it ,It's nothin- .

-Won't hurt ya-.

Why our Govt doesn't see thing like this old dude i will never know.

He wasn't predjudiced or biggoted that's the way, It Was.

08-06-2006, 11:30 PM
I'll say this much: Some acid is stronger than others. Hydrochloric works well on dirty cuntcrete, but burns the fuck outta your hands!

Bad...I know.

Anyway, I never had a problem with LSD, shrooms, or MDMA. I took some acid twice..once on a fishing trip (literally), another just sitting around on a saturday night. The fishing trip was funny as hell...ended up blowing up fresh water jigs with firecrackers. The saturday night deal was a little more fucked up, as I threw this Hardees cheeseburger at this bitch. She was leaning in the door of the car, and wouldn't shut up. Just "yadda-yadda-squeak-blargh-bulp". Then I thought the cheeseburger was bleeding, and hit her in the face with it. Alot of people thought that was an asshole move, so I ended up walking home. THAT was a long fucking walk.

Shrooms? I hated puking...still do. The few times I drank the shroom brew, I puked and ended up drinking liquor.

Fuck all that weak shit. You wanna experience real questions?

Try some Gypsum weed, or the old ROBOTUSSIN.

That fucking Robo would take you to pluto. Chug a bottle, and wait for doom.

This one time, a friend and I were really fucked up on robo, and decided to steal his dad's weed. We didn't even smoke any of it...after like thirty minutes of shooting rooster tail dirt (CR 125 Elsinore) into the dogs pen, his dad yelled at us right in our faces (during the rooster tail shenanigan).

It was like a time standstill...I was like..."oh shit...did you put the weed back?"

My friend dropped the piece of shit Honda, and started running! I naturally followed his lead, and we ended up hiding in this big stand of azaleas' at the very back of the backyard.

After what seemed like 10 seconds, but was probably ten minutes, we hear this

My friend goes, "WE DON'T HAVE YOUR WEED!!!"

I'm fucking flipping the fuck out...."you shouldn't have said that."

Then we hear "THE DOG 'ELL FIND YA!!....SICK 'EM!!"

The dog ran directly to us...just covered in dirt from the Elsinore shenanigan. I started LOL at how dirty the dog was, and eventually took my chances wandering down this tidal creek behind their property.

Lucky me!

08-14-2006, 09:43 AM
My latest trip... to Amstersdam...
Praise the magic mushroom!


08-14-2006, 11:10 AM
I must admit, eating shrooms tastes horrible, so here is what ya do:

Get a sauce pan on the stove, and fill it with an appropriate amount of water.

Dump the shrooms into it.

Boil for awhile (at least 10-15 minutes I believe).

Take the pan off the burner, and pour the water through a strainer into another pan.

Let it cool.

Oh and you can throw out the mushrooms left in the strainer.

Once the strained water is cool, dump in some Kool-Aid per instructions on the package.

Dump it into a pitcher and put in the fridge for awhile.

Serve wif ice qubes.


I followed the above recipe with a friend on Halloween in the early 80s and then dressed up in a Sherriff's uniform and walked down the street to a costume party we had been invited to.

It blew everyone's mind when I walked in the door and spent the rest of the evening smoking pot to PROVE I was not really a sherriff.

See, boiling ths shrooms distills the psilocybin into
the water.

Serve as Electric Kool-Aid, and there is no BLEAGH taste to deal with.

You could probably find similar instructions on how to brew 'shroom tea or something like that.

I only drank about 3/4 of a tall cup of the Kool-Aide and I was gone, man!!

08-14-2006, 11:17 AM
I wish I could find a strain of mush. I could grow myself... :D
They just don't sell those kinds at the grocery stores here! :(

08-14-2006, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Hardrock69
[B]... BLEAGH taste to deal with...

Now that is all worth it! :D
I'd go "bleagh" anytime...

Once, I was alone on a 4 hour train trip (MTL/T.O.)...

In the middle of the trip, I decided to eat some mush...
So I started laughing to myself until the train stalled (gas spilled), stoped and then they has us all evacuate in the middle of a big corn field.

So all I can remember is standing there, in the middle of nowhere, in my heels with my luggage, the arsh sun hitting on my head and while everybody was mad, bitchin' children crying etc...
I was dead laughing hysterically!

Why where "they" all looking at me funny?

Jimmy Jingles
08-14-2006, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by rustoffa
...as I threw this Hardees cheeseburger at this bitch.

...then I thought the cheeseburger was bleeding, and hit her in the face with it.


08-14-2006, 08:10 PM
Only did those things once, and it was just too fucking much.

Too intense. Far more so than any mescaline or blotter acid I ever did.

Tripped my balls off for about a half a day, then spent the next half day winding down from it. The only psychedelic I took where I the hallucinations were just out of control.

Never - NEVER - again.

08-14-2006, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by blonddgirl777
I'd go "bleagh" anytime...

Here's a neat trick: Get a chocolate Zinger or some shit. Slice it horizontally...put the mushies between the two halves...mushy sandwich! All you taste is the Zinger....:D

08-14-2006, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Terry
Only did those things once, and it was just too fucking much.

Too intense. Far more so than any mescaline or blotter acid I ever did.

Tripped my balls off for about a half a day, then spent the next half day winding down from it. The only psychedelic I took where I the hallucinations were just out of control.

Never - NEVER - again.

Yeah absolutely.

The whole point to me is that you took the stuff even when it was illegal. Like most other people would have/do.

The default position on everything to me is it should be legal unless there is a fucking crazily good idea for it not to be.

I dabbled and after extensive hands on research chose booze as my drug of choice since it worked best for me.

Having a coke head drunk driver saying that smoking a joint is the most terrible thing in the world and should incur a jail sentence to me is unacceptable.

08-14-2006, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Seshmeister

Having a coke head drunk driver saying that smoking a joint is the most terrible thing in the world and should incur a jail sentence to me is unacceptable.


08-14-2006, 10:59 PM
Have you noticed?

The drunks will say: "Those damn drugees...", the pot smokers will say: "At least, I don't go totally chemicals",
the coke heads will say: "I ain't no pot smoking looser" and so on...

People chose their substances and sometimes defend it like it's the best thing to do.

08-14-2006, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by Seshmeister
... Having a coke head drunk driver saying that smoking a joint is the most terrible thing in the world...

Are they for real?
I guess I've been lucky enough not to know such hypocrits!

08-14-2006, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by blonddgirl777
Have you noticed?

The drunks will say: "Those damn drugees...", the pot smokers will say: "At least, I don't go totally chemicals",
the coke heads will say: "I ain't no pot smoking looser" and so on...

People chose their substances and sometimes defend it like it's the best thing to do.

You've got to take level of impairment into that equation, too. Some things mess with your motor coordination more than others...not saying I advocate anything here, but hypothetically : Stoner, Cokehead, and Drunk driver..who's more dangerous behind the wheel?

Oh there's a joke in there somewhere..."Well, the cokehead will get there first, the pothead's gonna get there, he'll just drive SLOW, and the drunk guy slid into a family of four on the way out of the parking lot...."

And I sure as hell wouldn't advocate driving while hallucinating... :D

08-14-2006, 11:35 PM
Reminds me of that Family Guy episode..."The one time I did drugs things gor waaaaay too real."

"HOLY CRAP!!!!!!" :D


08-14-2006, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by jhale667
You've got to take level of impairment into that equation, too.

That particular level varies alot, based on whatever individuals level of gootspah. Some folks 'ell fall asleep in the back of a truck, while others die behind the wheel. Then you have the dipshits that sleep on the roof of the garage above the truck for a couple of hours, and wake up with blue jays eating corn nuts outta' their hair!!


08-15-2006, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by blonddgirl777
Are they for real?
I guess I've been lucky enough not to know such hypocrits!

I'm sure you must have seen him on TV?

He's usually torturing the English language or people in the Middle East.

Often both at the same time...:)

08-15-2006, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Seshmeister
I'm sure you must have seen him on TV?

He's usually torturing the English language or people in the Middle East.

Often both at the same time...:)

Sorry... I don't get this :confused:

08-15-2006, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by blonddgirl777
Sorry... I don't get this :confused:

Never mind... I just visited "The Front Line"...

What I see on T.V. is a lot scarier than that old French/English Medieval battle.:rolleyes:

As for the Middle Easterns, I see the same torture as YOU get to see... on T.V.

08-15-2006, 04:21 PM
Now if I want to talk about the Irish/Scottish never-ending battles, should I do it in the "Mushroom" thread?

08-15-2006, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by blonddgirl777
Sorry... I don't get this :confused:

Umm Bush...?


08-15-2006, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by blonddgirl777
Now if I want to talk about the Irish battles, should I do it in the "Mushroom" thread?

Maybe those fuckers @ Maize drank some bad shroom juice before the DIRTY PROTEST!!!

08-16-2006, 10:07 AM
I'm sick of politics... trying TRYING to stay away from it!
This should be the perfect thread?

08-20-2006, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Seshmeister
Yeah absolutely.

The whole point to me is that you took the stuff even when it was illegal. Like most other people would have/do.

The default position on everything to me is it should be legal unless there is a fucking crazily good idea for it not to be.

I dabbled and after extensive hands on research chose booze as my drug of choice since it worked best for me.

Having a coke head drunk driver saying that smoking a joint is the most terrible thing in the world and should incur a jail sentence to me is unacceptable.

Seems fundamentally ridiculous to have alcohol, tobacco and any number of mood-altering pharmaceuticals legal and NOT have pot, coke and even smack legalized and taxed. No such thing as being a little bit pregnant.

I never really worried about the legality of what I was doing back in the hazy days, although obviously I wasn't out in front of the local cop shop waving around a half-ounce and a pack of Zig-Zags, either. I basically stopped because after a decade of doing various 'illicit narcotics', it wasn't much fun anymore. Seeing people od'ing, going to funerals and visiting several friends in jail (not to mention losing a lot of money and part of my sanity towards the end because I went way overboard - no moderation) all led towards my stopping, but I stopped because I wanted to.

And I never became one of those insufferable former drug-users who dedicated the rest of their lives to trying to prohibit others from using them. I had some good times while using drugs, and some bad ones, but the same applies for "straight" times in my life, too...

But "fuckin' SHROOMS!" took me on a pretty vivid, and kinda terrifying, trip. I wasn't in control of my mind in way that even the heaviest coke binges hadn't brought on, and the one thing I never liked about hard-core psychedelics is that once I started tripping, there was no way to stop it: just had to ride it out. Had some interesting times on 'em, though...

No regrets about any of it, but I have no desire to do any of that stuff again.