View Full Version : Howard Stern 1998 - Ed Threatens Stern

07-27-2015, 07:43 AM
I saw this interview - It's the one where Mike the Intern wears a dress to meet Van Halen. Ed is acting very strange, wandering about the studio. He confronts Stuttering John, and tells him, " You don't really stutter." He then threatens Stern, walks over, puts a lighter next to his face, and threatens him to lay off his wife. It was very odd to say the least, but a cool clip to watch if you can find it.

Ed setup his amp, and even setup his guitar while Howard interviewed Alex, Mike and Gary. Howard kept asking Eddie – What are you doing? Howard had to keep reminding Ed that they were recording. Ed kept wandering around the studio. Just before Ed walked in, Howard and his guys played a song Howard had written. Ed walks in the door, and wanders around.

HS: What did you think of that song bro?
EVH: (Inaudible)
HS: You wanna jam with me man?
EVH: That was a great moment!
HS: Hey man, you’re just jealous cuz I got the new sound!
EVH: There ya go! (Off mic)
(Commercial break)
HS: How do you play the beginning to... Eddie, how do you play the beginning to
(Studio) Jump?
HS: Jump! Play that part. Because I was trying to figure it out and couldn’t do it.
(STUDIO) – He can’t either.
HS: And put up his organ cuz I can’t hear it!

Stuttering John: I was the hugest Eddie fan in..
HS: Let me hear the beginning to Jump!
EVH: Huh? (Biting his thumb while overlooking the keyboard in the studio)
EVH: Are you uh (Imitates Porky Pig) Buh-dee-Buh-dee ---- That’s All Folks?
SJ: Yeah (Studio) Yeah!
EVH: Oh man, I owe you an apology!
HS: Why?
SJ: Oh, for the MTV awards?
HS: Uh oh, he’s gonna slug ya! (Laughs)
STUDIO – What?
RQ: What’s happening here!?
EVH: I dunno!
RQ: We need microphones all over the studio to catch Eddie (laughs)
(STUDIO) We got them, they’re just not on! You know?
EVH: (points to the microphone nearest Stuttering John) It’s not on, you know?
HS: What did you say Eddie?
(Studio) It’s on.
EVH: Because I owe him an apology!
HS: Why?
EVH: Because I was watching Conan O’Brien one night and you were on the show, and you don’t really stutter……. Ok, Otherwise you’d be singing, “My Generation” all the time. But uh, ummm.
HS: (Laughs)
EVH: Ummm…….
HS: Eddie man what are you doin? (Laughs)
RQ: (Inaudible) And he needs to apologize?
VH: (Low audio – somewhat off mic) man I was a real prick!
SJ: No, I didn’t think you were - No Way! Yeah, you got mad (Stutters) when I asked a bad question!
EVH: No, it wasn’t that, it was just after 10 million people going, “Why did you name your kid Wolfgang?”
HS: Yeah why did you name your kid Wolfgang? (Studio laughs)
SJ: The question was, or would you name your daughter Coyote face? And then Eddie! GET OFF THE STAGE!
HS: Oh yeah right! Get off the stage!
SJ: Memba? Memba with the?
EVH: I semi??? But I apologize.
SJ: Nah, nah man, I apologize too, you’re a great guy! I’ve been a fan of yours for years!
HS: Look at John Kissing ass!
SJ: Nah, nah, you gotta understand Howard, when I was – you know, you know, learning how to play guitar, He was one of my inspirations.
HS: Shut up John!
SJ: Alright screw it!
HS: Alright!
SJ: And I still haven’t learned how to play!

HS: I should play Eddie some of your music.
STUDIO - What is Eddie doing?
HS: I dunno, he’s just wandering around!
HS: Eddie are you going to come in and do the show?
Baba Booey: Howard, I don’t think Eddie knows we’re on the air!
HS: Hey Eddie man, we’re on the air! What are you doing?
RQ: (Laughing) Now he’s leaving! (Studio laughing hysterically)
HS: Ok, here’s the deal! Gary, you go get the guys ready, cuz I thought they were coming in at 8:30AM.
BB: No, no, they’re here early. Things to setup, Eddie brought a special amp.
HS: Oh good.
BB: Setup all the things he likes to play.
HS: Hey Eddie, tell me your sexual fantasy, really babe!
(Ed approaches Howard’s desk carrying a sunglasses case. He has a cigarette in his mouth, and attempts to talk to Howard.)
HS: I can’t hear you what?
EVH: You never take those damn things off, so here, something to put em in.
HS: What are these, sunglasses?
EVH: Nah, a case for them!
RQ: A case for sunglasses!
HS: Thanks Man! Thank you! (Laughing)
HS: Hey listen, maybe we better take a break, and get Eddie in here.
EVH: (Off Mic) (Still talking to Howard) My wife!
HS: What did you say? (Point his mic at Edie)
EVH: Lay off my wife!
HS: I am laying off your wife! (Off mic)
EVH: (reaches across Howard’s desk, sticks something near his face.)
HS: What is that? What is that? A Hash pipe?
EVH: Anyone says anything bad about you, or me or my wife or my son, then – (Lights the cigarette lighter)
RQ: What happens?
EVH: Right to the face!
HS: (Nervous laugh) Ha h ha! Ok!
STUDIO – (Erupts with laughter)
RQ: Eddie, we’re still on the air!
HS: We’re on the air!
HS: Eddie, you’re not an easy guy to work with, you know that? (Studio laughs)
RQ: No wonder the band breaks up!
HS: No wonder the band breaks up all the time!
EVH: The band doesn’t!
HS: Really? It’s just the lead singers!
EVH: Yeah, they break up!
HS: Isn’t it true that most lead singers have lead singers disease? What is lead singers disease?
EVH: This is the planet (raises arm, turns hand over – makes circles around his own head) I’m the lead singer.
HS: Yeah. Right. The planet revolves around the lead singer (Studio laughs) Let me ask you something, seriously though. You always have problems with lead singers, right? Seriously?
EVH: No, not really.
HS: Not all lead singers, but David and Sammy! Listen to me! Don’t you think the lead singer has more problems because they have to rely on their vocal mechanism? You know what I mean, so they’re, they’re, probably going to be more neurotic than a guitar player.
RQ: Is it out on the road that they have the problems or is it in the studio?
HS: I’m being serious!
EVH: I really don’t know.. I’m not a psychiatrist – (huhmph)
HS: (Laughs) You’re not?
RQ: Is it in the studio or is it on the road where the problems start?
HS: Somebody told me you were a psychiatrist!
RQ: What are these pants that he’s got on?
HS: Let me see! Eddie dresses cool!
RQ: They’ve got pockets in the back!
HS: Yeah, I gotta get those pants!
RQ: They’re huge! They’re huge!
HS: Yeah, after five minutes with Eddie, I’m siding with the lead singers.

Ed kept walking over to his guitar, eventually unplugged it and brought it over to his chair while the band was being interviewed. The entire studio didn’t have a clue as to what Eddie was doing. At the end of the show, Ed presented Howard with a signed Wolfgang guitar.