Originally posted by Blaze
By DAVID N. DUNKLE, The Patriot-News
Published: Thursday, February 17, 2011, 12:00 AM

Band manager Terry Selders is using a “viral marketing consultant” to help his Wilkes-Barre-based rock group, Pan.a.ce.a.

That might sound like someone selling a flu vaccine, but it’s an expert who can provide strategies to exploit the whirlwind arena of electronic music and online social networks.

“It’s a job title that not long ago didn’t even exist,” Selders said. “The guy I’m using is a former Warner Bros. Records employee, and he likes to quote something that David Lee Roth once said: ‘Here today, gone later today.’ ”

That pretty much sums up today’s hyper-evolving music scene, where fortunes can rise or fall based on how well Google and Facebook treat you from one moment to the next. That is one reason Pan.a.ce.a and 299 other musical groups will descend on the Harrisburg area this weekend for the 15th annual Millennium Music Conference.
