Roth Army Gun Thread
Stay classy.Originally posted by conmee
If anyone even thinks about deleting the Muff Thread they are banned.... no questions asked.
That is all.
Icon.Originally posted by GO-SPURS-GO
I've seen prominent hypocrite liberal on this site Jhale667
Originally posted by Isaac R.
Then it's really true??
The Muff Thread is really just GONE ???
OMFG...who in their right mind...???
Originally posted by eddie78
I was wrong about you, brother. You're good.Comment
I thought violent crime in the US like here had gone down despite what the media would have you think?Comment
Ahh it has gone up a bit in MA but not trebled. I guess it doesn't help if all the surrounding states haven't changed their laws too.Comment
That is until you realize that when the tougher laws were introduced there were 1.3 million legal gun owners in MA. After the new laws that brought it down to 180K. From that time both the murder by firearm and gun violence (robberys, home invasion, ect) have tripled in numbers, It didn't work.Comment